National Centre of Heritage and Preservation of France
C h e uk Lum Charlie Wong Newca s t l e U n i v e r s i t y | A rc h i t e c t u re St ag e 3 | B u i l d i n g Up o n B u i l d i n g Email: c h a rl i ewon g x @ g m a i l . c o m 2019/2 0 2 0
Summary This is a National Centre for visitors and researchers and workers of the Notre-Dame. It redefines the empty space at the front of the Cathedral and also reminds people of the timber roof burnt during the fire in 2019. The whole structure is separated into two buildings including public space and private space which are mainly for the visitors and the workers respectively. It is a structure with whole timber strip facade and timber and comcrete columns inside. The gap of the timber strips are slightly increased due to the visual mergence with the flying buttresses of the Cathedral while the sloping roof is aimed for maximising the perspective view of the Cathedral.
Description a. Basement Floor Plan
c. First Floor Plan
1. Exhibition Space
1. Library Space
2. Gift Shop
2. Study Area
3. Cafeteria
3. Archive
4. Staffroom & Store Room
4. Reception
5. Ticket & Cloakroom
5. Access to other building
6. Auditorium
6. Studio Space for Design Lab
7. Store Room
7. Washroom
b. Ground Floor Plan
d. Second Floor Plan
1. Information Hall
1. Office
2. Lobby
2. Meeting Space
3. Auditorium
3. Wood Studio
4. Workshop
4. Heritage & Preservation Studio
5. Material Storage 6. Washroom