Things to Consider When Choosing Your Website’s Domain Name
• Choosing the right domain name for your website can become a difficult decision, as it is one of the most important decisions you will make when you are designing your website. • The right domain name could to increase traffic to your website and generate interest, while the wrong one could leave your website with a lack of visitors.
• To start with, consider picking a keyword relating to the purpose you intended for your website. This isn’t necessary, but it can help attract potential visitors to your site. For example, if you have a website about fashion, having the keyword ‘fashion’ or ‘style’ in your domain name will attract visitors to your website without the need of a strong, established brand (Wikipedia, for example). • Absence of a keyword will require you to put double the effort into selling the domain name and attracting visitors. The moment a potential visitor sees the name of your website, it helps that they can probably guess what they will find on your website. Potential visitors will be more likely to click your website on a search engine.
• Absence of a keyword will require you to put double the effort into selling the domain name and attracting visitors. The moment a potential visitor sees the name of your website, it helps that they can probably guess what they will find on your website. Potential visitors will be more likely to click your website on a search engine.
• Furthermore, make the domain name easy to type. Nothing can be gained from creating a domain name that is complicated to spell or unnecessarily long. It creates frustrations and will discourage potential visitors from visiting your website. Look up the rules if you are buying a country specific domain, although most domains ask for domain use only.
Once you have chosen a domain name, be absolutely sure that you are happy with it. Once you are, it’s time to register it. A popular choice is to select a hosting company that registers the name for you, once you’ve made a hosting account.