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Lessons for Tisha B’Av in the 21st Century Rabbi Andrew Shaw
The Gemara in Yoma, famously tells us that Bayit Rishon (the First Beit HaMikdash ) was destroyed due to bloodshed, immorality and idol worship. However, for Bayit Sheni (the Second Beit HaMikdash ), it simply gives the cause as ‘sinat chinam’ – baseless hatred.
What is interesting is that we seem to quote this Gemara as the sole reason for the destruction. However, the Gemara in several other places gives further reasons for the destruction.
What is painful to me, is that so many of these issues are still so prevalent in the Jewish world.
In Bava Metzia 30b it states: Rav Yochanan said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because the judges ruled in accordance with the strict letter of the law, as opposed to ruling beyond the letter of the law.” One of the many things I learnt from the Torah giants that have taught me, is that halacha is sensitive, dependent on multiple factors. Our piskei halacha must have heart as well as mind, being maikil (lenient) is not something to be ashamed about. We have to judge each case individually.
In Shabbat 119b it states: Abaye said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because the Sabbath was desecrated.”… Rav Abbahu said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because the reading of the Shema, morning and evening, was neglected.” These are our personal relationships with Hashem, the core mitzvot that make up the daily and weekly life of a Jew. How tragic that today the vast majority of Jews globally do not keep Shabbat or engage in regular tefillah. The reason is not rebellion or anger but simply a lack of knowledge or inspiration. The lack of knowledge or inspiration can lead to a complete warping of what Torah and Judaism are, and that is a tragedy in itself.
Rav Hamnuna said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because they neglected the [education of] school children.” We know children are our future, but we must make sure the education they are getting is relevant to their lives and authentic to our traditions. This is a challenging combination, but one we must strive to get right if we want Jewish grandchildren.
Ulla said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because people had no shame before each other.” This is the curse of the 21st century, social media and a permissive society have lessened the moral fortitude of a generation. Torah stresses the ideas of modesty, privacy and dignity. These are values no longer prioritized by a society obsessed with reality TV and the like. The mainstream Jewish world is very much exposed to this weltanschauung.
Rav Isaac said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because the small and the great were made equal….” We don’t expect an average person to be able to answer a question relating to neuroscience or complex tax calculations. Yet in the realm of Jewish law and Jewish thought we seem to give credibility to people who have very little training, knowledge or grasp of the huge corpus of Jewish texts, laws and philosophy. We would not accept it in any other field, but it is tragic that anyone can declare themselves an expert on Judaism.
Rabbi Hanina said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because people did not rebuke each other.” This goes to the heart of our problems today. We are not allowed to rebuke anyone, tell them they are wrong. At the same time, we must remember that the concept of rebuke in Torah comes from a position of love and distress that a fellow Jew could be acting in such a way. There is no room for violence and hatred.
Rabbi Yehuda said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because they disparaged
Torah scholars.” We may not agree with some of our rabbis, and questioning and inquiring are all part of the communal discourse. However once healthy inquiry moves into belittling and denigrating our leaders, then a line has been crossed. Rava said: “Jerusalem was destroyed only because there were no more people of integrity.” The final statement of the Gemara speaks volumes about what we need to achieve. Without integrity, without people who we can look up to and admire, we have no chance to build our people and build Bayit Shelishi (the Third Beit HaMikdash).
So, the solution according to the Gemara is that we must: Keep Shabbat, Say Shema, Inspire our kids, Value our leaders, Rebuke with love, Live lives of modesty, dignity and privacy, And be people of integrity.