July 2010 Asset Landscaping Newsletter

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July 2010 Newsletter Professional Landscape Management Commercial  HOA  Industrial Healthcare Hospitality

www.AssetLandscaping.com Sustainable Maintenance

This Month in Landscaping

When someone says, “Sustainable Maintenance” do you On our web site at www.AssetLandscaping.com, you will find a link to automatically yawn? I wouldn't blame you if you did. our landscape planner outlining areas that are common to focus on each month. Now available are published articles located at the top of To make it simple and to the point, sustainable mainte- the page. Also check out the archived newsletters for additional nance is taking well established horticultural facts and timely information. applying them to maintaining landscape. For example, the practice of shearing shrubs to create Disneyland The second fertilization has been applied and most of the turf in full shapes shortens the life of the shrub and must use a sun should not have any more Rye left over. If you have some significantly higher amount of water use to stay green. shaded areas, the transition will be slower due to the Rye grass lastAllowing an irrigation system to operate out of balance ing longer. We will continue to keep the will create wet and dry areas throughout your turf causcut at 2” which varies depending on how ing stress in the dry areas and inviting disease and inflat and smooth the turf areas are. sects to the wet areas. Improperly pruning a tree can cause it to go into shock or allow disease or insects to July is when most Palm trees should be enter into wounds causing it to die. trimmed. Date Palms can create a significant mess if the fruit is not removed beThese are just a few examples of what can happen when fore it falls. This also attracts insects. Too poorly trained workers are allowed to maintain your landearly and more fruit will emerge! scape. This is even looking past the fact that even with proper insurance, hiring a company without properly Due to the high temperatures and extended hours of sunlight, not trained employees can put your property at risk for law- only are the shrubs growing more, but the trees are too. Elevating suits when on the job injuries occur. trees takes a lot of time to do properly. In our company wide weekly training session we reinforced the importance of proper trimming Asset Landscaping as well as several other industry methods when elevating trees. leading companies are working with the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association to put in writing some Toward the end of the month, we will take an even closer look at the standards that Landscape Contractors need to follow. small trees to make sure they are properly staked and wired. A sumThere are many books touching on these topics however mer of winds can loosen or even break tree stakes or wire. We take we know that the desert southwest, specifically the Ari- this time to prepare them for the high wind and rain of the monsoon zona desert has a specific and appropriate method for season. maintaining our desert landscape. That is why we are contributing many, many hours of time to make sure July also marks another month that pre-emergent can be applied. there is a document defining the standards that many While not a guarantee that there will be no weeds, this significantly companies such as Asset have followed for years. reduces the amount of germination that occurs. Post emergent can be applied to turf areas if weeds are coming in. Chemical selection is Together with ALCA, we strive to promote professional- important in high temperatures so professional application is needed. ism and safety within the industry.

Asset Landscaping AZ ROC 213373 A-21 213372 C-21


For more information or proposals, contact us at Sales@AssetLandscaping.com or 602 353-8877

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