Rotary Club of Aruba Upcoming events Rotary Donations Meeting 25th of June Rotary Turnover Meeting 29nd of June Alhambra Ballroom
Welcome - Introduction The evening commenced with an introduction from our Rotary Club President Francis with a warm welcome to the guests of the evening.
Guest Speakers Mr. Bert Kamsteeg
Years of Distinguished Service
Wedding Fellow Rotarian During the evening we congratulated Mrs. America Barrios whom got married during the weekend.
Birthday Fellow Rotarian
During the evening we congratulated Fellow Rotarian Leon Hamers with his birthday.
Rotary Club – District 4370
Next year we celebrate our 75th Anniversary and would be a nice occasion to celebrate the jubilee of the Rotary Club of Aruba, but also of the years if Service of the members itself.
Arrow Rotary Club Bulletin 18th of June 2012
Guest speaker of the Evening During the evening we had the pleasure to welcome Mr .Bert Kamsteeg Membership in Rotary is based on a member’s vocation, with each club striving to create a microcosm of its community’s business and professional world. This unique feature provides the source for Rotary’s historic commitment to vocational service, the second of Rotary’s four Avenues of Service. Through vocational service, Rotarians are expected to adhere to and promote high ethical standards in all their business dealings, recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations, and contribute their professional expertise and skills to addressing societal problems and needs. The club and its members share responsibility for promoting vocational service.
Rotary Club of Aruba
Members are expected to contribute to these projects and to conduct their own business dealings in accordance with Rotary principles. Two tools developed by Rotarians — The Four-Way Test and the Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions — provide a road map for practicing ethical behavior in the workplace and other areas of life. The classification principle-ensures that each club’s membership represents a cross-section of its community’s business and professional population. •Classification talks. •Organizing tours of members’ workplaces. •Meeting in a member’s place of employment.
Each club should develop projects that allow members to use their business and professional skills.
Rotary Membership Development
Rotary Fellowships bring together Rotarians
Fellow Rotarian Edsel and Alex celebrating their birthday
Rotary Club – District 4370
Arrow Rotary Club Bulletin 18th of June 2012
A special message from our Rotary Club of Aruba
Contact us Please direct any comments or remarks to the Arrow editorial offices Represented by Mr. Maurice J.W. Janssen Mr. Ravee Boolchands Mr. Harold Hagens Mr. Percy Ho-Kang-You Mr. Gerardo de Veer JR Mr. Geert Rep
Fellow Rotarian Ted Koetsier
The Rotary four way test Is it the TRUTH Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Arrow is an independent publication under responsibility of the Club Bulletin Commission of the Aruba Rotary Club. E-Mail: Internet Facebook Rotary Club of Aruba
Attendance this week
58 %
Rotary Club – District 4370
Arrow Rotary Club Bulletin 18th of June 2012