1 minute read
Understand how to handle information in social care settings
Assignment procedure
• You will be given a timetable for completing your assignments.
• Each assignment will have a date on stating when it is due to be handed in.
• NO assignments will be accepted after the due date without prior arrangement with your tutor before the hand in date.
• Assignments handed in after the submission date may not be marked and returned immediately.
• DO NOT COPY work from books, the internet or each other. If you are found to have copied work you will undergo a disciplinary.
• Always identify where you obtained you information by providing a bibliography.
Be good to yourselves and plan your work so that you do not leave assignment work till the last minute – you may find you get left behind!!
How will I be assessed?
All units for this program are internally assessed by the tutor delivering the unit.
Submission of Coursework
All assignments will be submitted online on Turnit in. Your assignments need to be uploaded on Ilearn. Coursework will be marked and returned to students within 2 to 3 weeks, with developmental feedback included. Students can make amendments and resubmit work within a further 2 week period (This is a new deadline date and is shown on the feedback sheet and must be met). Coursework deadlines must be met (Dates shown on assignment). All deadlines have to be agreed with the Curriculum Manager and Unit Tutor.
The qualification will be “Pass” or “Refer” and all the assessment criteria for the chosen units must be achieved in order to obtain a pass