Probability Analysis of a Complex System Working in a Sugar Mill with Repair Equipment Failure and C

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DOI: 10.15415/mjis.2012.11005

Probability Analysis of a Complex System Working in a Sugar Mill with Repair Equipment Failure and Correlated Life Time Mohit Kakkar Department of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, India Ashok K Chitkara Chancellor, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India Jasdev Bhatti Department of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, India Abstract The aim of this paper is to present a reliability analysis of a complex (SJP) system in a sugar mill with the assumption that repair equipment may also fail during the repair. This paper considers the analysis of a three-unit system with one big unit and two small identical units of a SJP System in a sugar mill. Failure and Repair times of each unit are assumed to be correlated. Using regenerative point technique various reliability characteristics are obtained which are useful to system designers and industrial managers. Graphical behaviors of MTSF and profit function have also been studied. Keywords: Transition Probabilities, MTSF, Availability, Busy Period, Profit Function.



omplex systems have widely studied in literature of reliability theory as a large number of researchers are making lot of contribution in the field by incorporating some new ideas/concepts. Two/Three-unit standby systems with working or failed stages have been discussed under various assumptions/situations by numerous researchers including [1-4], repair maintenance is one of the most important measures for increasing the reliability of the system, and they have assumed that repair equipment can never be failed, But in real situation repair equipment may also fail when repairman is busy in the repair of any one of the failed unit. They have also assumed that the failure and repair of units are independent of each other but in real life this is not so. To have an extensive study on such a practical situation including the above-mentioned important aspects, the sugar mills situated at Muzaffar Nagar in Uttar Pradesh were visited and the information was collected on the Sulphated Juice Pump(SJP) System Working therein, this system contains one big unit(B) and two small identical units(A)(one of them is in standby). Then, on the basis of the situation observed in this mill, we put a step towards this direction by analyzing the reliability and the profit of a 3-unit cold standby

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2012 pp. 57–66

©2012 by Chitkara University. All Rights Reserved.

Kakkar, M. Chitkara, A. K Bhatti, J.

SJP System, evaluating various measures of system effectiveness Taking these facts into consideration in this paper we investigate a complex system model assuming the possibility of repair equipment failure and correlated life time. 2.  SYSTEM DESCRIPTION


Complex System consists of two small identical units of A and one big unit B both are connected in series, but A has two Sub unit connected in Parallel one of them is in standby mode, so both units A and B are initially operating but the operation of only one sub unit of A is sufficient for operating the system. There is single repair facility. When the repairman is called on to do the job, it takes a negligible time to reach at the system. When repair equipment fails during the repair of any failed unit, repairman starts the repair of repair-equipment first. The joint distribution of failure and repair times for each unit is taken to be bivariate exponential having density function. Each repaired unit works as good as new. X1

S3 AO,AS BW, Mfr




S4 AW, AO X2 BO, Mfr

AW, AO BW, Mfr






Bfr Y2



S8 AW, AW BO,,Mfr

ω ω θ S5 S1 X AO, Afr X2 AO, AW Bfr BO Y1 Y2 X1 Y1 S7 ω Afr, AW θ


Figure1: Transition Diagram 3.  NOTATIONS For defining the states of the system we assume the following symbols: A0

Unit A is in operative mode


Unit B is in operative mode

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012


Unit A is in failure mode


Unit B is in failure mode


Constant rate of failure of repair- equipment


Constant rate of repair-equipment’s repair


unit A in failure mode but in waiting for repairman


unit B in failure mode but in waiting for repairman


unit A in failure mode but in waiting for repairman


unit B in failure mode but in waiting for repairman


random variables representing the failure times of A and B unit respectively for i=1,2


random variables representing the repair times of A and B unit respectively for i=1,2


joint pdf of (xi,yi);i=1,2

= αi βi (1 − ri )e−αi x−βi y I 0 (2 (αi βi ri xy ); X , Y , αi , βi > 0; 0 ≤ ri < 1, (αi βi ri xy) j ( j !)2 j =0 ∞

wheree I 0 (2 αi βi ri xy ) = ∑ ki(Y/X)

conditional pdf of Yi given Xi=x is given by = βi e−αi ri x−βi y I 0 (2 (αi βi ri xy )


marginal pdf of Xi= αi (1 − ri )e


marginal pdf of Yi= βi (1 − ri )e

qij (.), Qij (.) :

pdf &cdf of transition time from regenerative states pdf &cdf of transition time from regenerative state Si to Sj.

µi :

Mean sojourn time in state Si.

−αi (1−ri ) x

−βi (1−ri ) y

Symbol of ordinary Convolution t

A(t ) ⊕ B(t ) = ∫ A(t − u)B(u)du 0

symbol of stieltjes convolution t

A(t )  B(t ) = ∫ A(t − u)dB(u) 0

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012

Probability Analysis of a Complex System Working in a Sugar Mill


Kakkar, M. Chitkara, A. K Bhatti, J.

3.1  Transition Probability and Sojourn Times The steady state transition probability can be as follows P32=1


α1 (1 − r1 ) φ


α2 (1 − r2 ) φ



β (1 − r1 ) β (1 − r ) + ω + φ


α1 (1 − r1 ) θ +φ


ω β (1− r ) + ω + φ

P48= P47.8=

α2 (1 − r2 ) θ +φ


α2 (1 − r2 ) β (1 − r ) + ω + φ


β2 (1 − r2 ) ω + β2 (1 − r2 )


α1 (1 − r1 ) β (1 − r ) + ω + φ


ω ω + β2 (1 − r2 )


β2 (1 − r2 ) β2 (1 − r2 ) + ω


β1 (1 − r1 ) ω + β1 (1 − r1 )


ω β2 (1 − r2 ) + ω


ω ω + β1 (1 − r1 )


θ φ


P41+ P47.8+P45.6=1

P10+ P14+P15+P17=1


P41+P46 +P48=1


P32=1, P87=1 , P65=1



Mean sojourn times:

µ0 =

1 φ

µ4 =

1 θ +φ

µ1 =

1 β (1 − r ) + ω + φ

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012


4.  ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERISTICS 4.1  MTSF (Mean Time to System Failure) To determine the MTSF of the system, we regard the failed state of the system as absorbing state, by probabilistic arguments, we get

φ0 (t ) = Q01 ⊗ φ1 (t ) + Q02

φ1 (t ) = Q10 ⊗ φ0 (t ) + Q14 ⊗ φ4 (t ) + Q15 + Q17

φ4 (t ) = Q41 ⊗ φ1 (t ) + Q48 + Q46


** Taking Laplace Stieltjes transforms of these relations and solving for φ0 (s ) ,

φ0** (s ) =

N (s) D( s )



N = µ0 (1 − P14 P41 ) + µ1 ( P01 + P02 P41 ) + µ2 ( P01 P14 + P02 )

D = (1 − P14 P41 ) − P01 P10 + P02 P41 P10


4.2 Availability Analysis Let Ai (t ) be the probability that the system is in up-state at instant t given that the system entered regenerative state i at t=0.using the arguments of the theory of a regenerative process the point wise availability Ai (t ) is seen to satisfy the following recursive relations A0 (t ) = M 0 (t ) + q01 ⊕ A1 (t ) + q02 ⊕ A2 (t ) A1 (t ) = M1 + q10 ⊕ A0 (t ) + q14 ⊕ A4 (t ) + q15 ⊕ A5 (t ) + q17.7 ⊕ A1 (t ) + q18.7 ⊕ A8 (t )

A2 (t ) = q20 ⊕ A0 (t ) + q23 ⊕ A3 (t ) A3 (t ) = q32 ⊕ A2 (t ) A4 (t ) = M 4 + q41 ⊕ A1 (t ) + q45.6 ⊕ A5 (t ) + q47.8 ⊕ A7 (t ) A5 (t ) = q51 ⊕ A1 (t ) + q56 ⊕ A6 (t ) A6 (t ) = q65 ⊕ A5 (t ) A7 (t ) = q71 ⊕ A1 (t ) + q78 ⊕ A8 (t ) A8 (t ) = q87 ⊕ A7 (t )


Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012

Probability Analysis of a Complex System Working in a Sugar Mill


Kakkar, M. Chitkara, A. K Bhatti, J.

Now taking Laplace transform of these equations and solving them for A0* (s ), we get N (s) (45) A0* (s ) = 1 D1 (s ) The steady state availability is


A0 = lim (sA0* (s )) = s→0


N1 D1


N1 = µ0 (1 − P23 )[ P71 P18.7 (1 − P56 P65 ) + P78 P51 ( P45.6 P14 + P15 ) −P78 (1 − P11.7 − P14 P41 ) + P78 P65 P56 (1 − P11.7 − P14 P41 )] +(1 − P23 )P78 P01[(µ µ1 + µ4 P14 ) + P56 P65 (µ1 + µ4 P14 )]

D1 = µ0 P78 P10 P20 P51 − µ1 P78 P01 P20 P51 + µ2 ( P78 P51 (1 − P14 P47.8 − P02 P10 ) −P18.7 P51 − P78 P11.7 ) + µ3 P51 (1 − P11.7 − P14 P41 − P01 P10 −P71 P14 P47.8 )µ4 ( P01 P51 P14 P20 P78 P51 ) + (µ6 + µ5 )[( P20 P01 P78 ( P15 P45.6 + P51 )] +µ7 P01[ P20 (1 − P11.7 ) − P51 P20 ( P14 + P18.7 ) − P51 P14 (1 − P47.8 )] +µ8 P02 P20 P51[ P78 ( P10 − P14 P47.8 ) + P18.7 ] 4.3 Busy Period Analysis Of The Repairman


Let Bi(t) be the probability that the repairman is busy at instant t, given that the system entered regenerative state I at t=0.By probabilistic arguments we have the following recursive relations for Bi(t) B0 (t ) = q01 ⊕ B1 (t ) + q02 ⊕ B2 (t ) B1 (t ) = W1 + q10 ⊕ B0 (t ) + q14 ⊕ B4 (t ) + q15 ⊕ B5 (t ) + q17.7 ⊕ B1 (t ) + q18.7 ⊕ B8 (t )

B2 (t ) = W2 + q20 ⊕ B0 (t ) + q23 ⊕ B3 (t ) B3 (t ) = W3 + q32 ⊕ B2 (t ) B4 (t ) = W4 + q41 ⊕ B1 (t ) + q45.6 ⊕ B5 (t ) + q47.8 ⊕ B7 (t ) B5 (t ) = W5 + q51 ⊕ B1 (t ) + q56 ⊕ B6 (t ) B6 (t ) = W6 + q65 ⊕ B5 (t ) B7 (t ) = q71 ⊕ B1 (t ) + q78 ⊕ B8 (t ) B8 (t ) = W8 + q87 ⊕ B7 (t ) Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012


Taking Laplace transform of the equations of busy period analysis and solving Probability Analysis * of a Complex them for B0 (s ) ,we get N (s) B (s) = 2 D1 (s ) * 0

In the steady state B0 = lim(sB0* (s )) =



N2 D1

(59) 63


N 2 = µ0 (1 − P23 )[ P71 P18.7 (1 − P56 P65 ) + P78 P51 ( P45.6 P14 + P15 )

−P78 (1 − P11.7 − P14 P41 ) + P78 P65 P56 (1 − P11.7 − P14 P41 )]


D1 is already specified. 4.4 Expected Number of Visits by the Repairman We defined as the expected number of visits by the repairman in (0,t],given that the system initially starts from regenerative state Si By probabilistic arguments we have the following recursive relations for Vi (t ) V0 (t ) = q01 ⊕ (1 + V1 (t )) + q02 ⊕ (1 + V2 (t )) V1 (t ) = q10 ⊕ V0 (t ) + q14 ⊕ V4 (t ) + q15 ⊕ V5 (t ) + q11.7 ⊕ V1 (t ) + q18.7 ⊕ V8 (t ) V2 (t ) = q20 ⊕ V0 (t ) + q23 ⊕ V3 (t ) V3 (t ) = q32 ⊕ V2 (t ) V4 (t ) = q41 ⊕ V1 (t ) + q45.6 ⊕ V5 (t ) + q47.8 ⊕ V7 (t ) V5 (t ) = q51 ⊕ V1 (t ) + q56 ⊕ V6 (t ) V6 (t ) = q65 ⊕ V5 (t ) V7 (t ) = q71 ⊕ V1 (t ) + q78 ⊕ V8 (t ) V8 (t ) = q87 ⊕ V7 (t )

System Working in a Sugar Mill


Taking Laplace stieltjes transform of the equations of expected number of visits

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012

Kakkar, M. Chitkara, A. K Bhatti, J.

And solving them for, V0** (s ) we get

V0** (s ) =

N 3 (s) D1 (s )


In steady state

V0 = lim(sV0* (s )) = s→0

N3 D1




N 3 = µ0 (1 − P23 )P47.8 + µ2 ( P02 + P51 P18.7 + P02 P41 P48 )


+(µ4 )P02 P48 P78 + µ8 (1 + P47.8 P02 ) D1 is already specified 5. PROFIT ANALYSIS The expected total profit incurred to the system in steady state is given by

P = C0 A0 − C1 B0 − C2V0



C0 =Revenue/unit up time of the system

C1 =Cost/unit time for which repairman is busy

C2 =Cost/visit for the repairman

6. CONCLUSION For a more clear view of the system characteristics w.r.t. the various parameters involved, we plot curves for MTSF and profit function in figure-2 and figure-3 w.r.t the failure parameter (α) of unit A for three different values of correlation coefficient, between X and Y , while the other parameters are kept fixed as α2 = .005, β1 = .02, β2 = 0.01, θ = 0.001, C0 = 400, C1 = 200, C2 = 40, ω = .004 From the fig.-2 it is observed that MTSF decreases as failure rate increases irrespective of other parameters. the curves also indicates that for the same value of failure rate,MTSF is higher for higher values of correlation coefficient(r),so

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012

here we conclude that the high value of r tends to increase the expected life Probability Analysis of a Complex time of the system. From the fig.-3 it is clear that profit decreases linearly as System Working in a Sugar Mill









r13=0.75 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 FAILURE RATE OF UNIT A

Figure 2: MTSF vs Failure Rate PROFIT VS FAILURE RATE 1000 800 600 400




0 -200 -400

r13=0.75 0.01 01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09



Figure 3: Profit vs Failure Rate

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Kakkar, M. Chitkara, A. K Bhatti, J.

failure rate increases. Also for the fixed value of failure rate, the profit is higher for high correlation (r). REFERENCES


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Mohit Kakkar, is Professor and HOD of Mathematics, Department of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, India Ashok K Chitkara, Chancellor, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India Jasdev Bhatti, is Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, India

Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, July 2012

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