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Six Reasons Reasons Why You Should be Using CBD Oil in your Skincare Routine
1 / Moisture — hydration, hydration, hydration: the dermatologist’s mantra. Thanks to omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, cannabinoid oil is nature’s most effective moisturizer.
2 / What if you could trick your cells into thinking they were 10 years younger? According to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology cannabinoid receptors in the brain, that form part of the endocannabinoid system (yup, our own bodies produce cannabinoids!), interact with CBD to increase our body’s natural ability to grow new skin cells. What does this all mean? With CBD you can boost your body’s regenerative process and actually have younger skin.
3 / We all know it’s hard to consume foods rich in all the nutrients our bodies need to be healthy. By adding CBD infused products to your skincare regime, you have one less thing to worry about knowing that your skin is getting all the Vitamin E and C it needs to protect it from any sun damage and make sure it stays firm and tight for longer. It also has Vitamin A and D, which thanks to their regenerative qualities can undo years of dry and flaky skin.
4 / You can stop itching now — CBD has been linked to help with conditions as severe as eczema. Instead of using cortisone for your next rash, consider the natural alternative of CBD which can battle dermatitis while hydrating your skin and eliminating dryness… Anyone who has experienced a New England winter knows how persistent and itchy dry skin can be!
5 / No more breakouts — Regularly applying hemp CBD oil to your skin provides it with healthy fatty acids, which are often found to be lacking in people with acne. Plus, it has antibacterial properties which treat infection (a major contributor to acne). But that’s not all! Fatty acids also protect and strengthen your skin’s outer layer resulting in fresher younger looking skin.
6 / If you have other skin conditions — although this is still pretty groundbreaking research, CBD oil has been used to help treat or help relieve symptoms from psoriasis, eczema, allergies, and even skin cancer, with successful results.
ABOUT ADVOCANNA AdvoCanna was founded through a partnership between two Tampa women — Alex and Kim. With Alex’s biomedical background from the University of South Florida and Kim’s knowledge of the skincare industry they formed a dynamic team ready to meet the needs they saw themselves. Kim has spent almost a decade working for brands such as 7th Heaven Face Masks and Earthkiss, while Alex discovered the miracles of CBD oil on her own skin and improved mood and sleep, while researching natural remedies. Above all, they are two beauty fans that care about their skin and sharing their findings. Visit AdvoCANNA.com