Mathematics Tutoring
We provide professional tutoring for students from primary school through to university undergraduate studies. Our core focus is on Mathematics and Science. Our tutors are highly qualified and highly skilled individuals who take great care in ensuring that each student receives adequate attention at all times.
Mathematics Tutoring
We are focused on providing advanced teaching regimes that incorporate current technology and Elearning (Electronic Learning) strategies. Thereby ensuring each student gets the maximum support provided. Our systems allow for continuous access to relevant material from anywhere in the world. Our online tutoring services ensures students have access to assistance 24/7.
Contact us Pro Equity Court (F8) 1250 Pretorius Street Hatfield, Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 645 1008 / +27 87 510 0624 Cell: +27 82 656 9430 / + 27 72 120 2263