AbOuT uS We at MJ Physio have a team of highly trained Registered Physiotherapist, Kinesiologist, Massage therapist and Acupuncturist. We believe in a holistic approach to assessment and treatment and get into the root cause of the issue. We provide a thorough assessment, customized treatment, personalized quality care keeping up to the satisfaction of our clients. We utilize the latest healing technology to keep you in pace to restore mobility and active lifestyle
MOST ExPErIEnCEd PHYIO In SurrEY Looking for the most experienced physio in Surrey? Then, you are at right place. At Mjphysio, whether you need to improve your injury pain or need to stay fit or and require rehabilitation, we are here to help you.
Find the best physio in surrey. At Mjphysio, we know that each individual is different and so is their injury, hence we customize treatment for each individual with their specific needs.
FrIEndLY & QuALIFIEd PHYSIOTHErAPY CLInICS In SurrEY Suffering from pain? MJphysio is one of the best physiotherapy clinics in Surrey . Our friendly and qualified staff is available for your help to eliminate your body pain and improve the functioning for better
COnTACT uS Email Address: care@mjphysio.ca Phone Number Fax Number
: + 604.563.5684 : + 604.563.5685
Address : MJ Physio - Fraser Street Physio 5684 Fraser Street Vancouver BC V5W 2Z4