Make your exercise More Effective with this Foam Yoga Massage Roller If you are someone that goes through constant muscle pains, aches and other body problems and have tried many solutions for it, but nothing seems to work? Well, then this foam yoga massage roller is the perfect product for you. Built to provide high-intensity massage to your tissues, this yoga massage roller easily penetrates the soft tissue layer and provide comfort to your damaged or tired muscles, thus making you feel much better. This product is made to be soft; thus, it is also comfortable enough for people suffering from problems like lower back injury or sciatica. The softness of the yoga massage roller allows for it to be used by professionals as well as people just starting out exercising, making this a must-have for everyone looking to solve their back pain problem. The design on this yoga massage roller is unique and is made to mimic a therapist's hands. It has multiple shapes to correctly reach and relieve the damaged areas of your body. People recovering from an injury or muscle pain should use this in between their exercises. Rolling this around areas such as the legs, back and arms will increase blood flow and relax injured muscles. The roller having a weight of just 31 ounces and a small size can be easily carried and kept anywhere you want, thus making it easier for you to carry it to your gym. This roller is recommended by almost every person that has bought it once, making this a must-buy for you.