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Informal Produce Market

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Community Garden

Community Garden



The Informal Produce Market aims to sell the by-product that come from the New Community Garden and Apiary such as honey, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Community members will be able to engage directly with their buyers and be conscious about the advantages of local produce.


An informal Produce Market held every month which serves as an opportunity for members of the Community Garden and the Apiary to sell their produce.

Sensitive to Nature

The Informal Produce Market sells all-natural «Àœ`ÕVÌÃÃÕV…>ÃœÀ}>˜ˆV…œ˜iÞ]Ûi}iÌ>LiÃ]yœÜiÀà from community garden. The garden will utilise all organic and natural methods of growing, not using pesticides and inorganic fertiliser. Workshops and information will be shared with the community to use at other gardens.The market itself also uses all recycled material for its shelves and sells some of the small items made by recycled materials. This market can directly connect the students, staff and the community to the end product of nature which can share the gift of nature to all the people.

Who is involved?

Social clubs - design/build/maintain Students - design/build/maintain Agriculture experts - Guide/collaboration Marketing Students - Sales/Marketing Local Aboriginal Leaders/Representatives - advisory/collaboration

Corona Virus Response

The Produce Market will require all members to wear personal protective equipment including face masks and gloves to ensure safety of everyone. Good hygiene practices will be followed for the handling of money and produce to prevent spread through handling of cash. Throughout the market there will be indicators of 1.5m spacings on the ground to keep safe social distancing.

How is it happening?

/…i1˜ˆÛiÀÈÌÞœviLœÕÀ˜i܈ëi˜`>ÀœÕ˜` $1000 per month to support the market which sells organic and green products. This informal produce market will require less supporting funds due to the product it sell is from other university programs. Despite the initial starting funds, this market can make enough revenue to support itself. It is also able to provide the positive impact to the Vœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞ܅ˆV…܈…i«ˆÌÃw˜>˜Vˆ>ÈÌÕ>̈œ˜°


Customer Numbers - the increasing number of the customers will indicate the success of the market Social media tags of the Informal Produce Market.

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