Peace one Day HSFC

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Marching Bands Filled with kids

Kids could Create items out Of recyclables to Promote peace.

Big Celebra+ons

Badges with logo



Recycling Items made by kids



Interac+ve ac+vi+es

Football Compe++ve sports



Team Sports

Ac+vity/Physical games


Marathon Social Media

Individual Sports

TwiKer Facebook Other Media Apps


#Peaceoneday Fan Pages Yahoo

YouTube Google

Web adver+sement



Golf Twee+ng about The peace one day

Sending wishes To people you’ve Never met before

Famous YouTube Channels Different Google Designs

Links to the Main video

Shout outs Peace one day Google

Peace One Day Research

What is peace one day? Peace one day is Peace One Day is a day of world peace, specifically on the 21st of September. It is supported by many global campaigns. Over the years, millions of people have been ac+ve on peace in all countries around the world, and life saving ac+vi+es have been carried out in areas of conflict. The day is dedicated to peace, specifically aimed at the absence of war and violence, such as a temporary ceasefire in a war zone. Peace One Day is celebrated all over the world and appreciated by everyone, also known as the interna+onal day of peace.

Mission of Peace One Day Reducing Violence

Peace One Day’s objec+ve is to ins+tu+onalize Peace Day 21 September, making it a day that is self-­‐ sustaining, an annual day of global unity, a day of intercultural coopera+on on a scale that humanity has never known. Inspired by a 70% recorded reduc+on in violent incidents on Peace Day in Afghanistan, Jeremy launched the Global Truce campaign: a global effort to mobilize the largest gathering of individuals in the name of peace and create the largest reduc+on of violence ever recorded on one day – Peace Day 21 September. His vision for this campaign is to build a series of coali+ons and networks, enabling organiza+ons around the world to share ideas and become inspired by one another’s Peace Day ac+vi+es.

Global Truce 2012: Peace Day Results

Through detailed analysis conducted with the support of McKinsey & Company, the Peace One Day 2012 report found that, across the world, 280 million people in 198 countries were aware of Peace Day 2012 – 4% of the world’s popula+on. This benchmark year has created a solid founda+on that will support us in informing 3 billion people about Peace Day by 2016. The above analysis has led to an es+mate that between 1-­‐2% of those aware of Peace Day 2012 behaved more peacefully in their own lives as a result, in turn having a posi+ve impact on the lives of thousands of others. The achievements of Peace One Day’s work in 2012 have not only set an important marker for Peace Day 2013 and future Peace Days, but have also reinforced the value of this unique annual day as a founda+on for long-­‐term sustainable peace.

The Missions for Peace One Day

Exis+ng Peace One Day Adverts

These are the exis+ng adverts of Peace One Day.

Background of Peace One Day

Peace One Day, founded by filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, led the ini+a+ve that resulted in the unanimous adop+on by UN member states of the first annual day of global ceasefire and non-­‐violence on 21 September – Peace Day. Through a mix of events and social promo+on via Meet up Everywhere, Facebook and TwiKer, Social Media Week has partnered with Peace One Day to help promote their mission for a Global Truce in 2012, a worldwide day of peace and non-­‐violence slated for September 21, 2012.

Peace Day ac+vi+es have not only been successful in Afghanistan. In 2010, Peace One Day ins+gated a total of 88 life-­‐saving and humanitarian ac+vi+es by 28 organiza+ons in 31 countries. Humanitarian and life-­‐saving Peace Day ac+vi+es take place all over the world. They contribute towards peace-­‐building, development and aid, including the delivery of supplies like mosquito nets, food, and vaccines.

Peace Day is an opportunity for UN agencies and NGOs to focus their ongoing life-­‐saving ac+vi+es within a global context. The impact of a day of global ceasefire and non-­‐ v i o l e n c e c a n n o t b e underes+mated. Throughout the years, millions of people have been ac+ve on Peace Day in every country of the world, and hundreds of organiza+ons have carried out life-­‐saving ac+vi+es in areas of conflict.

Background of Peace One Day

Peace starts with individual ac+on, and your ac+ons inspire others to do the same. Peace Day 21 September 2013 is a Saturday; it really is an opportunity for all of us to become engaged in the peace process with our families, friends and communi+es. By working together and making peace with each other we can improve the quality of our lives. Peace Day is not just about a reduc+on of violence in areas of conflict, it’s also about reducing violence in our homes, communi+es and schools.

In 2013, through our own ini+a+ves and collabora+ons with various par+es, Peace Day 2013 will set out to help organiza+ons and individuals take specific ac+ons to reduce violence around the theme: Who Will You Make Peace With?

The Peace One Day 2012 summary report found that: • Across the world, 280 million people in 198 countries were aware of Peace Day 2012 – 4% of the world’s popula+on. • An es+mated 1–2% of those aware of Peace Day 2012 behaved more peacefully in their own lives as a result, in turn having a posi+ve impact on the lives of thousands of others.

Sta+s+cs of Peace One Day

•  Ac+vi+es that took place on Peace Day ranged from concerts to football match es to d o mes+c vi o l en ce workshops. •  On track to make 3 billion people worldwide aware of Peace Day by 2016

NighFme SilhoueHes. •

•  •

First, locate a tall wall in a part of town that has lots of traffic at night, especially foot traffic. Then arrange with the owner of that building – and the building across the street – to let you install a logo projector. They’re effec+ve and cheap. Instantly no+ceable. Will aKract any audience.

Spray-­‐painted signs. •  •  •

Mainly targets a younger audience. A more fun way of adver+sing. Will have to be short and straight to the point (A phrase or just a logo).

ArJsJc Signs. •  •  •

The sign is a lot more interac+ve and no+ceable. Will be more aKrac+ve to look at. All audiences.

TV Advert/YouTube video •  •

Serious/funny so it aKracts aKen+on and keeps the aKen+on. It will aKracted to everyone.

Companies to display the logo.

Guerilla AdverJsing Guerrilla Marke+ng is an adver+sing strategy that focuses on low-­‐cost unconven+onal marke+ng tac+cs that yield maximum results. This alterna+ve adver+sing style relies heavily on unconven+onal marke+ng strategy, high energy and imagina+on. Guerrilla Marke+ng is about taking the consumer by surprise, make an indelible impression and create copious amounts of social buzz.

Guerrilla marke+ng is said to make a far more valuable impression with consumers in comparison to more tradi+onal forms of adver+sing and marke+ng. This is due to the fact that most guerrilla marke+ng campaigns aim to strike the consumer at a more personal and memorable level.

Guerrilla marke+ng is ooen ideal for small businesses that need to reach a large audience without breaking the bank. It also is used by big companies in grassroots campaigns to compliment on-­‐going mass media campaigns. Individuals have also adopted this marke+ng style as a way to find a job or more work.

Guerilla AdverJsing

Unusual Adver+sing

These are some of the examples of Guerilla Adver+sing.

#1 Idea – Google Design

#2 Idea -­‐ Public Influence -­‐  In main ci+es around the globe e.g. London, Paris, Beijing, Cape Town…etc. Scouts will go ahead to schools and convince teachers to put on ac+vi+es to promote peace, an+-­‐bullying for example. -­‐  Students that show the most change or effort will be allowed to par+cipate in our outdoor promo+on where they will gather in main city areas to wear our designed shirt and take part in a number of fun task that will raise aKen+on from passers. -­‐  Students that don’t come on the outdoor excursion will make paper lanterns on the day and during the prac+ce the other students will be apart of prior to the event. -­‐  The paper lanterns will then be -­‐  Released at the schools and main city areas

Reasoning Behind ideas

-­‐  It is important that children are implanted with the mind set that peace is very important -­‐ Ul+mately people walking down the street will not stop to see what an adult in a sponsorship shirt is doing for charity but kids are far more likely to spark the public’s aKen+on. -­‐ Lanterns will be used to symbolize illumina+on, the opening of peoples eyes to the fact that Peace One Day does exist; in Chinese tradi+ons lanterns are used to symbolize good fortune and longevity which is exactly the type of message we want to get out there. -­‐  The workshop will ul+mately help to strength the children’s interest in peace.

#2 Idea -­‐ Public Influence

A whole new “Let your voice be heard” campaign will be launched to pro vide the public a chance to voice their opinion on what peace is and what their country should be doing to improve peace (of course in countries where there is severe censorship in force we’ll have to bend the condi+ons of the Plinth.) Each of the plinth’s will be in the areas that the children will be, to promote peace. Par+cipants may perform in anyway they wish a simple speech, a song or even piece of artwork. Plinth will be in this design To show the transi+on of war to peace, which is what we are striving for (flowers symbolizing peace ).

The People’s Plinth

#2 Idea -­‐ Public Influence

By Jordan Abankwah, Samuel Wilkins, Martynas Kasiulevicius, Vienca Chan, Charlie Row.

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