Performa& pl atforma
maribor, 29. 8.-2. 9. 2018 naveza / Connection
urnik / schedule:
29. 8. Sreda / Wednesday 9:30 NAVEZE / CONNECTIONS moderiran pogovor / moderated discussion (RTV Slovenija – Radio Maribor)
18:00 otvoritev festivala / festival opening: Enya Belak Gupta: Video:Performa: med PROSTOR/SPACE between performans, razstava / performance, exhibition (Galerija Media Nox / Media Nox Gallery)
23. festival sodobnih performativnih praks Performa 2018 23rd Festival of Contemporary Performative Practices Performa 2018 12. Platforma sodobnega plesa 2018 12th Platform of Contemporary Dance 2018
Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz: BREZ SEDANJOSTI / OUT OF ANY PRESENT plesna predstava / dance performance (LGM)
30. 8. Četrtek / Thursday
31. 8. Petek / Friday
1. 9. Sobota / Saturday
2. 9. nedelja / Sunday
10:00 - 14:00
10:00 - 14:00
10:00 - 14:00
10:00 - 14:00
Anja Bornšek: NAVEZE / CONNECTIONS umetniški
Anja Bornšek: NAVEZE / CONNECTIONS umetniški
Anja Bornšek: NAVEZE / CONNECTIONS umetniški
Anja Bornšek: NAVEZE / CONNECTIONS umetniški
laboratorij / artist lab (Vetrinjski dvor)
laboratorij / artist lab (Vetrinjski dvor)
laboratorij / artist lab (Vetrinjski dvor)
laboratorij / artist lab (Vetrinjski dvor)
11:00 & 18:00
De Stilte: LETEČA KRAVA / FLYING COW plesno gledališče
De Stilte: KAR JE PREVEČ, JE PREVEČ / AIN’T MISBEHAVING plesna predstava / dance performance (LGM)
Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman: HODI.TI / 2.Walk
za otroke / dance theatre for children (LGM)
večmedijski performans / multimedia performance (pred Minoritsko cerkvijo / In front of the Minorite Church)
19:00 Mednarodni Abonma Mariborskih Organizacij - MAMO / Presentation of the combined season ticket... WE HAVE (LGM) 20:00
Aphra Tesla: PRIMER CLAUDEL / THE CLAUDEL CASE premiera performansa /
Magdalena Reiter, Milan Tomášik, Anja Golob: SOLO ZA DVA GLASOVA / SOLO FOR TWO VOICES plesna predstava /
Jasmina Križaj, Simon Wehrli, Daniel Gisler: POEZIJA NARAVE / NATURE POETRY slovenska premiera plesne
dance performance (LGM)
predstave / slovenian premiere of the dance performance (LGM)
premiere of the performance (GT22)
predavanje in predstavitev knjige / lecture and book presentation (GT22)
TV Omizje / TV Roundtable: NAVEZE / CONNECTIONS moderiran pogovor / moderated discussion (RTV Slovenija / TV Maribor)
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa. / We reserve the right to make programme changes if necessary.
UVODNIK Festivalska tema v letu 2018 poudarja navezo / povezovanja in sodelovanja. Če smo lani izpostavili domeno ženske, njeno polje delovanja v umetnosti, tokrat osvetljujemo in v ospredje postavljamo odnos. Vzpostavljanje odnosa se dotika tematike o sobivanju, sodelovanju in povezavi med različnimi domenami. Tema naveza izhaja iz naju samih. Dolgoletno sodelovanje se izraža že peto leto zaporedoma v skupnem festivalskem formatu. Skupaj odkrivamo, kako se različne uprizoritvene prakse medsebojno oplajajo, dopolnjujejo, komunicirajo in morebiti nakazujejo na inovativne oblike scenskih umetnosti. Ob tem pa naju je zanimalo, kako življenje vstopa v umetnost in obratno. Naveza odpira vpogled v vzpostavitve, poglobitve, različna delovanja in predvsem ohranitve medsebojnih odnosov. Letos bomo odkrivali raznovrstne načine sodelovanj med posamezniki, skupinami in institucijami. Proučevali bomo tako oblike, vsebine kot tudi različne razmere, iz katerih ustvarjalci črpajo svoje ideje. Letošnji festival bo postregel s kar osmimi vrhunskimi domačimi in mednarodnimi predstavami ter z zanimivim spremljevalnim programom. Festival odpiramo z VideoPerformo, razstavo Enye Belak Gupta med P R O S T O R, ki bo omogočila izkustveno doživetje srečanja (ne)znancev. Sledila bo gostujoča plesna predstava BREZ SEDANJOSTI portugalskega tandema Sofie Dias in Vítorja Roriza. V sodelovanju s Poletnim lutkovnim pristanom nadaljujemo s plesno-gledališko predstavo za otroke nizozemskega plesnega gledališča De Stilte LETEČA KRAVA. Omenjeni kolektiv se bo predstavil tudi z večmedijsko uprizoritvijo KAR JE PREVEČ, JE PREVEČ, ki prikazuje navezo starši-otroci. Ob tem se ne bomo mogli izogniti vprašanju, kdo je pravzaprav tisti, ki se nespodobno obnaša. Po predstavi sledi predstavitev novega abonmaja MAMO – Mednarodnega Abonmaja Mariborskih Organizacij, v katerem so združili moči različni nosilci uprizoritvene umetnosti v mestu.
INTRODUCTION This year’s festival draws attention to the idea of connecting, collaborating, and relating. Having singled out the domain of woman as last year’s topic, more specifically, the position of women artists in the art sphere, this time we aim to shift the focus onto reflecting the notion of relation/ship. Establishing a relation touches upon the topics of coexistence, cooperation, and connections among different domains. The theme of collaboration has emerged from our years-long cooperation in producing the joint edition of the festival. This year, already for the fifth time. Together, we have explored how different performing practices communicate, how they add to and benefit one another or even result in innovative forms of performing arts, while at the same time, we have always pursued our interest in the idea of how life enters art and vice versa. Connection as such is opening up an insight into how relationships, interpersonal or other, begin, develop, are deepened and maintained. This year, we will address the different mode(l)s of cooperation between individuals, groups, and institutions. We will explore the forms, contents, as well as the circumstances that can be a source of artistic ideas. This year’s festival offers as much as eight excellent performances of home and international artists and an appealing side programme. The festival opens with VideoPerforma, an exhibition by Enya Belak Gupta entitled S P A C E between, which brings an experiential dimension to the idea of meeting with the (un)known, followed by a dance performance OUT OF ANY PRESENT by the Portuguese choreographers Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz. Next on our programme is a dance performance for children FLYING COW by the Dutch dance theatre company De Stilte, hosted in cooperation with the Summer Puppet Pier. The collective will also show their multimedia performance AIN’T MISBEHAVING, which addresses connections and relations between parents and children and has parents reconsider
UVODNIK Rok Vevar bo s predavanjem ANTOLOGIJA SODOBNOPLESNE PUBLICISTIKE 1918–1960 razkrival manj poznano plat sodobne plesne umetnosti, njeno povezanost z baletom in navdušenostjo javnosti nad kinestetičnimi manifestacijami. Aphra Tesla in Dmitry Globa-Mikhailenko bosta premierno uprizorila ritualno večmedijski nekontemporalni performans PRIMER CLAUDEL. Irena Pivka in Brane Zorman sta ustvarila aplikacijo, ki vas popelje na zvočni sprehod HODI.TI, Jasmina Križaj, Simon Wehrli in Daniel Gisler pa vas skozi plesno predstavo POEZIJA NARAVE povabijo na dva kontrastna elementa: naravo in kulturo. SOLO ZA DVA GLASOVA predstavlja interpretacijo pesnitve, ki je nastala v odprtem dialogu med Magdaleno Reiter, Milanom Tomášikom in Anjo Golob. Letošnji umetniški laboratorij z Anjo Bornšek omogoča dodaten poglobljen prostor raziskovanja pojava srečanja in sobivanja znotraj festivalskega časa. Skozi javne razprave v Radijski tribuni in na TV omizju pa se bomo preizpraševali, kako vzpostavljati dolgoročnejša sodelovanja in tovrstne relacije prenašati na različna področja. Želiva, da izkusite letošnji festival kot zgoščen niz srečanj in uprizarjanje individualnega pretočite skozi kolektivnost. Mojca Kasjak in Jasmina Založnik
INTRODUCTION who is actually misbehaving. After the performance, we are organizing a presentation of the combined season ticket for independent cultural organisations in Maribor MAMO (WE HAVE). The lecture ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE CRITICISM 1918 – 1960 by Rok Vevar will reveal a little-known side of contemporary dance, its connections with ballet, and address the then audiences’ interest in kinaesthetic manifestations. Aphra Tesla and Dmitry Globa-Mikhailenko will show their ritual multimedia noncontemporary performance THE CLAUDEL CASE for the first time precisely at our festival. Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman have come up with an application that will take you for a sound walk 2.WALK. The dance performance NATURE POETRY by Jasmina Križaj, Simon Wehrli, and Daniel Gisler will invite you to take a look at two contrasting elements: nature and culture, while SOLO FOR TWO VOICES presents an interpretation of a poem, the rendition of which has emerged out of an open dialogue between Magdalena Raiter, Milan Tomášik, and Anja Golob. The festival’s artist lab with Anja Bornšek is aimed at facilitating a space for an in-depth exploration of the phenomena of encounter and coexistence. In our public discussions, prepared in cooperation with Radio and Television Maribor, we will focus on how to establish and develop long-term cooperation and how to channel this kind of relations to other areas. We sincerely hope that you will experience this year’s festival as a condensed series of encounters and that the performing of what’s individual and particular will flow back to collectivity. Mojca Kasjak and Jasmina Založnik
29. 8.
Enya Belak Gupta:
Sreda / Wednesday
■ Performans z razstavo fotografskih in video del, odprtje festivala / Performance and a photography and video exhibition, opening of the festival Slovenija, Anglija / Slovenia, England
Koncept in umetniška dela / Concept and art works: Enya Belak Gupta; Izvedba / Performed by: Enya Belak Gupta & Jerca Rožnik Novak; Video projekcija / Video projection: Aadhar Gupta
med P R O S T O R / S P A C E between
@Enya Belak Gupta
V projektu med P R O S T O R Enya raziskuje, kako vzpostaviti intimen stik z neznancem, brez besed in z zaprtimi očmi. Inspiracijo črpa iz fotografske serije Chance Encounter avtorja Duana Michalsa. Projekt med P R O S T O R je Enya začela razvijati med študijem na Univerzi Goldsmiths v Londonu. Zanimanje za energijo, ki nas obdaja, detajl in odnose med bitji jo je spodbudilo, da svoja opazovanja deli tudi s širšim občinstvom. Otvoritvena razstava s 26 fotografskimi deli se je zgodila marca 2018 v Leman Locke v Londonu. / In S P A C E between, Enya explores the idea of meeting a stranger through an intimate space without words, without seeing each other. Inspired by the photographic sequence ‘Chance Encounter’ by Duane Michals. S P A C E between is a project Enya started developing during her studies at the Goldsmiths University of London. Her interest in the surrounding energy, details and relationships between beings encouraged her to present her intimate observations to the public. The opening exhibition of twenty-six photographic works took place in March 2018 in Leman Locke, London.
* Odprto do: 1. 9. 2018 / Open until: 1. 9. 2018 Galerija je odprta med delovniki od 10. do 14. ure ter od 15. do 18. ure, v soboto od 10. do 13. ure. / The gallery is open on weekdays from 10 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm.
(Galerija Media Nox / Media Nox Gallery)
29. 8.
Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz: :
■ Plesna predstava / Dance performance Portugalska / Portugal
Koreografija in izvedba / Created and performed by: Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz; V sodelovanju s / Artistic collaborator: Catarina Dias; Scenografija / Set design: Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz; Zvok / Sound: Sofia Dias; Gostujoči izvajalec / Guest performer: Filipe Pereira; Tehnični vodja in vodja luči / Technical director and lights: Nuno Borda de Água; Soproducent / Coproduced by: Alkantara (Lisbon, PT), Box Nova/Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon, PT), Jardin d’Europe (EU), O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo, PT), 4 Culture Association (Bucharest, RO) Podpora / Supported by: DEPARTS (s podporo Evropske komisije, Program Kultura / financed by the European Commission, Culture Program), Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Portugalske / Portuguese Ministry of Culture, Direção-Geral das Artes; Distribucija / Distribution: Something Great (Berlin, DE); Rezidence / Artistic residencies: Bains Connective (Brussels, BE), ACCCA (Lisbon, PT), Eira (Lisbon, PT), Negócio / ZBD (Lisbon, PT), Cine-Teatro São Pedro (Abrantes, PT); Zahvala / Acknowledgements: Maria Ramos, Oficinas do Convento, João Sofio, Tiago Fróis, Hélder Azinheirinha, Pedro Videira.
@Paulo Pacheco
Sreda / Wednesday
Sofia Dias in Vítor Roriz v predstavi Brez sedanjosti s sistematičnim ponavljanjem in transformacijo, ki jo ponovitev prinaša, raziskujeta potencial besed, glasu in giba ter razpletata njihove kompleksne povezave. Avtorja pri tem izpostavljata idejo hiperteksta, skozi katerega se predstava odvija kot neprekinjena spirala dejanj in situacij, ki razpirajo drugačen pogled na idejo narativne koherence, ki omejuje naše razumevanje dejanskosti. / In Out of Any Present, Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz explore the potential of words, voice, and movement and their complex and tangled relations, through systematic repetition and subsequent transformation. In this creation the idea of hypertext leads the performance as an uninterrupted spiral of actions and situations offering an alternative to the idea of narrative coherence that limits our understanding of reality. 20:00
(Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre)
30. 8.
De Stilte:
Četrtek / Thursday
■ V sodelovanju s Poletnim lutkovnim pristanom / In
cooperation with the Summer Puppet Pier festival Plesno gledališče za otroke / Dance theatre for children 5+ Nizozemska / Netherlands
@Hans Gerritsen
Koreografija / Choreographed by: Jack Timmermans; Izvedba / Performed by: Orlando Mardenborough, Tessa Wouters, Wiktoria Czakon; Scenografija / Set design: Bert Vogels; Avtor glasbe / Music: Timothy van der Holst; Kostumograf / Costume design: Joost van Wijmen; Oblikovanje svetlobe / Light design: Pink Steenvoorden – Einstein Design; Gostovanje predstave v Mariboru je podprla tudi nizozemska organizacija The Performing Arts Fund NL / The hosting of the performance in Maribor is supported by The Performing Arts Fund NL Igra je lahko zabavna, pa tudi precej resna stvar. Toda ko se poglobiš v neko stvar, je vse mogoče. Dve deklici in fant se, leteči na krilih domišljije, znajdejo v pat položaju. Trije prijatelji, a kdo se bo igral s kom? Sredi kotalečih se jajc, zmešane stare gospe in leteče krave vznikne igra prijateljstva, osamljenosti in solidarnosti. Predstava je umeščena v skupni program treh festivalov: Poletnega lutkovnega pristana (LGM), Platforme sodobnega plesa (Plesna izba Maribor) in Performe, festivala performativnih praks (MKC Maribor). / Playtime is fun yet serious at the same time. Once you are totally immersed, anything can happen. Flying on the wings of their imagination, two girls and a boy embark on a standoff: because when there are three of you, who plays with whom? From among the rolling eggs, the shuffling old woman and the flying cow, a game of friendship, loneliness, and solidarity emerges. The performance is part of the joint programme of three festivals: Summer Puppet Pier festival (Maribor Puppet theatre), Platform of Contemporary Dance (Plesna izba Maribor), and Performa, Festival of Contemporary Performative Pratices (Youth Cultural Centre Maribor).
(Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre)
30. 8.
Rok Vevar:
Četrtek / Thursday
■ Predavanje in predstavitev knjige / Lecture and book presentation
Ime publikacije / Book title: DAN, NOČ + ČLOVEK = RITEM / DAY, NIGHT + HUMAN = RHYTHM Antologija sodobnoplesne publicistike 1918–1960 / DAY, NIGHT + HUMAN = RHYTHM, Anthology of contemporary dance criticism 1918–1960 Urednik / Editor: Rok Vevar; Izdajatelj / Publisher: MASKA, zavod za založniško, kulturno in producentsko dejavnost; zbirka TRANSformacije 2018 / Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education 2018; book series TRANSformacije
@Nada Žgank
Antologija domači javnosti prvič predstavlja izjemno bogato in obsežno sodobnoplesno publicistiko v obdobju med obema vojnama in v prvih dveh desetletjih po drugi svetovni vojni. Gre za pionirsko in hkrati izjemno eklektično obdobje domačega umetniškega plesa, ko se je slovenska kulturna javnost navduševala nad vsakršno manifestacijo estetizirane kinetike, za obdobje razcveta splošne telesne in plesne kulture ter za izjemen intelektualen apetit, da bi javnost razumela, interpretirala in mislila fenomene sodobnega plesa v njegovi zgodnji modernistični fazi. / The anthology presents for the first time ever the range and wealth of dance criticism in the period between the wars and in the two decades following World War II. This was a pioneering and at the same time also extremely eclectic period for the art of dance in Slovenia, as the cultural audiences took considerable and keen interest in all sorts of aestheticized kinetics; it was a period of the sudden expansion of corporeal and dance cultures and a time of great appetite for the public to understand, interpret, and reflect on the phenomena of contemporary dance in its early modernist phase.
31. 8.
De Stilte:
Petek / Friday
■ Plesno gledališče / Dance theatre Nizozemska / Netherlands
@Hans Gerritsen
Koreografija / Choreography: Jack Timmermans; Izvedba / Performed by: Wiktoria Czakon, Chris Havner, Gleen Orlando Mardenborough and Femke Somerwil; Glasba / Music: Mete Erker, Jeroen van Vliet; Kostumi / Costumes: Joost van Wijmen Animacija / Animation: Afterlight; Oblikovanje luči / Light design: Pink Steenvoorden; Gostovanje predstave v Mariboru je podprla tudi nizozemska organizacija The Performing Arts Fund NL / The hosting of the performance in Maribor is also supported by The Performing Arts Fund NL Pri večerji je resnično lahko kot v grozljivki. Ves čas ena sama zmešnjava, vik in krik, skratka, živa nadloga. Pojej do konca, ne igraj se s hrano, ne odhajaj od mize vsaki dve minuti! Ampak potem, počakaj! Kaj? Otroci so izginili. Brez sledu so izpuhteli v zrak! Skrivalnice v hiši ... Odlična zabava in veliko vznemirjenje za otroke, ampak prava nočna mora za mamo in očeta, ki se podata na lov za otroki, a se na koncu sama izgubita. Obupana se odločita, da se bosta podala v neznano. Tam pa naletita na nekaj precej nepričakovanega. Kot se od plesne skupine De Stilte tudi pričakuje. Skupina se je v tokratni predstavi povezala z glasbenikoma Jeroenom van Vlietom in Metejem Erkerjem ter ustvarila predstavo, po ogledu katere se starši ne bodo mogli izogniti vprašanju, kdo je pravzaprav tisti, ki se nespodobno obnaša. / All in all, dinner can be a true drag. Such a nuisance, such a mess, such a racket. Finish your plate, stop playing with your food, leaving the table every other minute and then, wait! What? The children have altogether disappeared. Away, vanished! Hiding somewhere in the house… Good fun and excitement for the kids, but a nightmare for mom and dad. And as they try to track down their children, the two parents find themselves lost. In desperation, they take a leap of faith. The outcome is quite surprising. As can be expected from De Stilte. For this occasion, company teamed up with composers Jeroen van Vliet and Mete Erker to create a dance performance that have parentsreconsider who is misbehaving. 20:00
(Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre)
31. 8.
Petek / Friday
■ Strokovni razgovor in predstavitev / Presentation of the combined season ticket
Mednarodni Abonma Mariborskih Organizacij – MAMO / Combined season ticket for independent cultural organisations in Maribor WE HAVE. Naslov prve sezone / Season 1: Srečelov / Raffle
MAMO Srečelov / WE HAVE a Raffle
MAMO abonma. MAMO mednarodni abonma mariborskih organizacij. MAMO Srečelov: prvo sezono 2018/2019. MAMO prvi dogodek spremljevalnega programa 31. 8. 2018 ob 19.00. MAMO pozitivno gesto sodelovanja javnih institucij in nevladnih organizacij. MAMO različen in raznoroden program, ki se estetsko spogleduje s sodobnim plesnim, lutkovnim, dramskim, postdramskim in eksperimentalnim izrazom. MAMO malo mešano na žaru, kjer – po principu srečelova – lahko naletiš na različne in raznorodne dobitke, predstave in doživetja. MAMO partnerje: Moment, Nagib, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, SNG Drama Maribor, Platforma sodobnega plesa, GT22. / WE HAVE a season ticket WE HAVE a combined season ticket for independent cultural organisations in Maribor offering a diverse international programme WE HAVE a Raffle: season 1 2018/2019 WE HAVE the first event of the side programme on 31 August 2018 at 7 pm WE HAVE a varied programme reflecting the aesthetic diversity of contemporary dance, puppet, dramatic, postdramatic, and experimental theatre WE HAVE a mixed grill where you can draw a raffle and choose from an array of prizes, performances, and experiences WE HAVE partners: Moment Association, Nagib Association, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Maribor, Platform of Contemporary Dance, GT22 19:00
(Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre)
31. 8.
Aphra Tesla:
Petek / Friday
■ Premiera ritualno multimedijskega nekontemporalnega
performansa / Premiere of ritual multimedia noncontemporary performance Slovenija, Rusija / Slovenia, Russia
@Aphra Tesla
Iniciacija in režija / Initiated and directed by: Aphra Tesla; Dramaturško svetovanje / Dramaturgical assistance: Jasmina Založnik; Izvajalci / Performed by: Aphra Tesla, Dmitry GlobaMikhailenko; Oblikovanje prostora in svetlobe / Space and light design: Aphra Tesla, Sonda 21; Glasba / Sound design: Dmitry Globa-Mikhailenko, Aphra Tesla, Infundibulum / Neven M. Agalma; Produkcija / Produced by: Aphra Tesla; Koprodukcija / Coproduced by: GT22, MKC Maribor, Ustanova Fundacija Sonda Podpora / Supported by: Mestna občina Maribor / Municipality of Maribor Ritualno multimedijski nekontemporalni performans, ki v šaržerju gibalno-jezikovno-glasbenih idiolektov vrača gledališču libidinalnost. Odrska postavitev je raziskovanje odvisnosti od vznemirjenja in lociranja zvočnih vdorov, akuzmatike glasu in gramatike giba. S tem prek odrske regresije Claudelova izstopi iz položaja »neslišane blaznice« ter postane zasledovalka ontoloških odprtin, ozaveščanje zgodovine umetnosti in umetnic, ki porajajo novega, razspolnega človeka. / Ritual multimedia noncontemporary performance, blending movement, language and sound idiolects to bring libido back to theatre. The performance explores the addiction to excitement and to locating sound intrusions, the acousmatic of the voice and the grammar of movement. Through a stage regression, Claudel steps out of the position of the “unheard madwoman” to become the stalker of ontological openings and lay out the history of art and women artists who bring forth the new, asexual human.
1. 9.
Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman:
■ Večmedijski performans / Multimedia performance Besedilo in prostor / Text and space design: Irena Pivka; Zvočna kreacija / Sound design: Brane Zorman; Interpreti / Interpreted by: Irena Pivka, Petra Tanko, Igor Velše; Dramaturško svetovanje / Dramaturgical assistance: Saška Rakef; Pregled besedila / Text reviewed by: Suzana Koncut; Prevod / Translated by: Urban Belina; Aplikacija / Application: Vasja Progar; Produkcija / Production: CONA; Koprodukcija / Coproduction: Mesto žensk / City of Women, 2017; V sodelovanju s preddogodki MFRU 2018 / In collaborartion with pre-events MFRU 2018.
@Brane Zorman
Sobota / Saturday
Performans Hodi.ti je zvočni sprehod, ki ga gledalec obhodi po vnaprej začrtani poti in mu sledi z aplikacijo na telefonu. Z zvočnimi slikami, vtisnjenimi v lokacijo začrtane poti, prehaja med fiktivnimi in realnimi situacijami. Performans prepleta naracijo in zvok s prostorom, s potjo. Hoja kot politična akcija, kot možen način upora, toliko bolj, ko si čas in prostor za hojo prilasti ženska. Tista ženska, ki ima družbeno in posledično samoreguliran dostop do časa za hojo. Zvočna slika, ki je nastala na bregovih reke Drave, je posneta z binauralnimi in studijskimi mikrofoni. Hoditi, pešačiti, stopati, korakati, marširati … premakniti se. / 2.Walk is a locational multimedia performance, taking place on city streets. It is designed as a sound walk that the spectator takes on a pre-delineated path and follows it using a mobile phone app and headphones. With the help of sound images, imprinted into the locations on the delineated path, she or he traverses fictitious and real situations. The performance intertwines narration and sound with space and path, inviting the spectator to immerse in the totality of the experience. The sound image was made along the edges of the Drava River, taped by binaural and studio microphones. To walk, to stride, to hike, to step, to march … to move. *Če bo deževalo, bo predstava na sporedu 2. 9. 2018 ob 11.00, 18.00 / In case of rain, the sound walk will take place on 2. 9. 2018 at 11 am, 18 pm.
(zbirališče pred Minoritsko cerkvijo / gathering point at the Minorite Church*)
1. 9.
Magdalena Reiter, Milan Tomášik, Anja Golob:
■ Plesna predstava / Dance performance
Slovenija, Poljska, Slovaška / Slovenia, Poland, Slovakia Avtorji predstave / Created by: Magdalena Reiter, Milan Tomášik, Anja Golob; Koreografija in izvedba / Choreographed and performed by: Magdalena Reiter, Milan Tomášik; Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Anja Golob, Glasba / Music: Alen Sinkauz, Nenad Sinkauz; Kostumografija / Costume design: Alan Hranitelj; Tehnično vodenje / Technical support: Aljaž Zaletel; Produkcija / Produced by: Zavod Mirabelka; Koprodukcija / Coproduced by: Cankarjev Dom, Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Dance Theatre Ljubljana; Partnerji / Partners: Mediteranski plesni center Svetvinčenat / Mediterranean Dance Centre San Vincenti, Staragara; Podpora / Supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana / Municipality of Ljubljana
@Uroš Abram
Sobota / Saturday
Odrski prevod pesmi mehiškega nobelovca Octavia Paza Carta de Creencia [Pismo dognanja] iz pesniške v plesno govorico, poimenovan Solo za dva glasova, predstavlja interpretacijo mojstrove pesnitve, ki je zavestno vpeta v sedanjosti. Odrski jezik in sopostavitev dveh plesnih poetik vztrajata v odprtem dialogu z besedilom, ki prostoru in času že uvodoma spodmakne tla, ter nato partikularni intimni odnos, v katerega vstopimo, skozi številne premene razpira proti ontologiji ljubezni, ki se izmika dojemanju skozi (zgolj) bližino dvojine. / The staged translation of the poem by the Mexican Nobel laureate Octavio Paz, Letter of Testimony [Carta de Creencia], into the dance language, entitled Solo for Two Voices, is an interpretation of the masterpiece, entrenched in the here-andnow. The language of the performance and the forms of coexistence of the two dance poetics insist on holding an open dialog with the text which, from the very beginning, shatters the coordinates of space and time, and then goes on to open up the particular intimate relationship, on which we embark, towards the ontology of love which is impossible to grasp by (mere) comprehension of togetherness of two.
(Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre)
2. 9.
Jasmina Križaj, Simon Wehrli, Daniel Gisler:
■ Slovenska premiera plesne predstave / Slovenian premiere of the dance performance Slovenija, Švica / Slovenia, Switzerland
Avtorji predstave in izvedba / Created and performed by: Jasmina Križaj, Simon Wehrli, Daniel Gisler; Koncept & koreografija / Concept and choreography: Jasmina Križaj, Simon Wehrli; Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Robert Steijn; Oblikovanje luči in scene / Light design and set: Sonda 5 v sodelovanju s / in collaboration with Križaj / Wehrli / Gisler; Kostumi / Costumes: Daniel Gisler, Simon Wehrli, Jasmina Križaj; Produkcija / Production: lil (life is life); Koprodukcija / Coproduction: Theater am Gleis Winterthur, TanzPlan Ost, Plesna izba Maribor – Platforma sodobnega plesa / Platform of Contemporary Dance, Tanzhaus Zurich, Grand Studio Bruselj, TanzRaum Herisau; Podpora / Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS / Ministry for Culture RS, Mestna občina Maribor / Municipality of Maribor, TanzPlan Ost, Ernst Göhner Foundation
@Saša Huzjak
Nedelja / Sunday
Predstava Poezija narave povabi dva kontrastna elementa na ples: naravo in kulturo. Ali kar: naravo in poezijo. Opremljena z neizčrpno vnemo sta koreografa Jasmina Križaj in Simon Wehrli skočila v grmovje in za seboj potegnila tudi glasbenika Daniela Gislerja. Skupaj ustvarjajo gibalne rime, ob začaranih zvokih sintetizatorja prepevajo melodije, ki gredo hitro v uho, in recitirajo svojo poezijo. Poezija narave slavi trenutek združitve odra z občinstvom ter ustvarja svet, ki samo je in v kateram ni treba ničesar storiti. / Nature Poetry invites the opposites to dance: nature and culture. Or just: nature and poetry. Equipped with inexhaustible zeal, choreographers Jasmina Križaj and Simon Wehrli jumped into the bushes and pulled in also musician Daniel Gisler. They make up movement rhymes, sing catchy tunes to bewitching synthesizer sounds and recite their own poems. Nature Poetry celebrates the coming together of stage and audience in creating a world that just is and has nothing to do. 20:00
(Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre)
30. 8.
Četrtek / Thursday
2. 9.
nedelja / sunday
Festival kot uprizoritveni format je zgoščen niz srečanj in prepletov, kjer se uprizarjanje individualnega pretoči skozi kolektivnost in spet nazaj v individualno. Letošnji umetniški laboratorij omogoča dodaten poglobljen prostor raziskovanja pojava srečanja in sobivanja znotraj festivalskega časa. Zastavljen je kot štiridnevna dopoldanska praksa druženja, ki je namenjena raziskovanju dela drug z/ob drugim/em. Razgrnili bomo individualne pristope in interese ter skozi sobivanje z drugimi poiskali presečišča, odmike in možnosti navezav. Opazovali bomo, kako se naše lastne ideje razvijajo in definirajo v kontekstu skupnega delovnega prostora. Zanimala nas bo pot razvoja sobivanja idej in grajenje vsakodnevne skupne fizične prakse, ki vznika iz naših pogovorov, naših lastnih interesov, skupinskega odzivnega prostora ter iz odmeva in vtisov festivalskih dogodkov, ki se jih bomo v tem času udeleževali. Kako lahko štiri dni prepletamo osebno in kolektivno, izkustveno in miselno, nekaj, kar prinašamo s sabo, in nekaj, kar vznika zdaj, v tem trenutku? Kaj se dogaja na presečiščih srečanj? Kako lahko ujamemo številnost možnosti in hkrati z namero navezovanja in s pozornostjo do načina »sobivanja« ustvarjamo prostor relacij, ki so specifične za skupino, v kateri smo?
As a performance format, this year’s festival can be seen as a condensed series of encounters and intertwinements where performing the particular flows through the collective to return enriched back again to particularity. This year’s artist lab is aimed at facilitating a space for an in-depth exploration of the phenomena of encounter and coexistence. As a space for researching the idea of working with/along one another, this four-day morning practice presents an opportunity to examine individual approaches and interests and by working/coexisting with others also explore and reflect on the intersections, variances, and possible connections, as we observe how our ideas are informed, developed, and defined by the context of our common working space. We will focus on the modulation and development of coexisting ideas and try to build a common physical practice that will be informed by our discussions, our own interests, our shared space and its responsiveness, and will also resonate the volume of impressions from the festival’s events we will see during this time. Over the four days of our shared practice, we will explore the intertwining of the personal and the collective, the experiential and the reflective, of what we have brought along with us and what is unfolding in the present moment? What happens in the cross-sections of these encounters? How to seize the magnitude of possibilities and at the same time, trying to connect and be attentive to the ways of “coexistence”, create a space of intertwined relations that are specific for the group we belong to?
Laboratorij je namenjen koreografinjam/om, ustvarjalkam/cem na področju giba in plesalkam/cem in bo potekal od 30. avgusta do 2. septembra v Vetrinjskem dvorcu. Vsak dan začnemo ob 10. uri s skupnim zajtrkom in pogovorom ter nato nadaljujemo delo do 14. ure. Popoldnevi in večeri so namenjeni udeležitvi festivalskih dogodkov.
The laboratory is intended to choreographers, contemporary dance makers, and dancers and will be held across the four days of the festival from 30 August to 2 September 2018 in Vetrinjski dvor. We will start the day at 10 am with a breakfast and a brief sharing and then continue working until 2 pm. In the evenings, we will go and see the festival’s performances and other events.
■ Umetniški laboratorij / Artist lab Produkcija / Production: Plesna Izba Maribor v sodelovanju z / in collaboration with Vetrinjski dvor, Narodni dom Maribor
(Vetrinjski dvor)
29. 8.
sreda / Wednesday
30. 8.
Četrtek / Thursday
■ Moderiran pogovor na radiu / Moderated radio discussion
■ Moderirana razprava / Moderated discussion
Radio Maribor (Pohorje 93,1 MHz, Boč 90,4 MHz, Ožbalt 87,7 MHz, Trbonje 93,8 MHz) Moderira / Moderated by: Simona Kopinšek Gostje / Guests: Katarina Klančnik Koncutar, Nika Bezeljak, Rok Vevar Produkcija / Produced by: MKC Maribor in Plesna izba Maribor v sodelovanju z Radiem Maribor / Youth Culture Centre Maribor and Plesna izba Maribor in collaboration with Radio Maribor
(RTV Slovenija – Regionalni RTV center Maribor / RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor) Moderira / Moderated by: Zoran Medved Gostje / Guests: Andreja Budar, Uroš Kaurin, dr. Peter Simonič Produkcija / Produced by: MKC Maribor, Plesna izba Maribor v sodelovanju s Televizijo Maribor / Youth Culture Centre Maribor, Plesna izba Maribor in collaboration with Television Maribor
Raznovrstne oblike sodelovanj med producenti so stalnica delovanja, saj pogosto obogatijo umetniške produkcije in tudi programe. Združevanja, sodelovanja in navezovanja omogočajo, da se resursi združujejo, kot tudi da se vsebine, položaji pa tudi estetske drže medsebojno reflektirajo, oplajajo, nadgrajujejo in tako rastejo. Z gosti razprave bomo osvetlili njihove lastne izkušnje povezovanj, sodelovanj in navezovanj. Odkrivali bomo možne načine, oblike, vsebine, kot tudi pogoje, iz katerih enkratni dogodki vodijo v vzpostavitev dolgoročnejših sodelovanj ali se celo manifestirajo v trajnostne oblike navez(av). / Different forms of cooperation are a permanent feature of art production, as they often significantly add to artistic productions as well as to programmes. Different forms of association, cooperation, and collaboration present an opportunity for a merging of resources as well as make possible that the contents, perspectives, and aesthetic orientations undergo a mutual process of reflection, expansion, and upgrading. Our guests will talk about their own experiences with different forms of association and collaboration. We will try to identify the possible mode(l)s, forms, contents, as well as the conditions required to constitute long term collaboration or to even establish permanent forms of cooperation. 9:30
(Radio Maribor)
Naveza odpira vpogled o zapleteni naravi srečanja, kot tudi vzpostavljanju pogojev vzpostavitve, poglobitve in predvsem ohranitve medosebnih odnosov. Tovrstne relacije je mogoče prenesti na različna področja in opazovati moč naveze, ki iz njih vznika. Kaj je tisto, kar nas žene v različna področja sodelovanja? Kako realizirati skupne ideje in ob tem vzpostavljati navezo sodelovanja? Ali je lažje presegati meje z istomislečimi in enako delujočimi ljudmi? Ali je bolje upoštevati raznovrstnost in tako delati preboje in prehode v neznano? / Connection as such is opening up an insight into the complicated nature of encounter, into which conditions have to be met for collaboration and reciprocity to take place and, last but not least, be maintained. Such relations can be channelled to different areas, where we can observe the potency of connecting, arising from these relationships. What is the driving force behind our willingness to enter different forms of collaboration? How to bring common ideas to reality and truly cooperate – with all the implications collaboration entails? Is it easier to cross boundaries with the people who work and think the same way as we do? Or is it better to venture into the unknown and aim for breakthroughs by appreciating and fostering diversity?
(na sporedu na TV Maribor / broadcasted on TV Maribor)
kolofon / CREDITS AND TEAM 23. festival sodobnih performativnih praks Performa 2018 / 23rd Festival of Contemporary Performative Practices Performa 2018 12. Platforma sodobnega plesa 2018 / 12th Platform of Contemporary Dance 2018 Produkcija in realizacija / Production and realization: Mladinski kulturni center Maribor / Youth Culture Centre Maribor (Maja Malus Azhdari, direktorica / director) in / and Plesna izba Maribor (Ines Uroševič, predsednica / president) Koprodukcija / Coproduction: Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre, GT22, Vetrinjski dvor – Narodni dom Maribor, Zavod MOJA KREACIJA Maribor, MFRU (v sodelovanju s preddogodki MFRU 2018) / (in colllaboration with pre-events MFRU 2018) Umetniško in programsko vodstvo / Artistic and program direction: Jasmina Založnik, Mojca Kasjak Izvršna produkcija in organizacija / Executive production and organisation: Jasmina Založnik, Mojca Kasjak, Petra Kolmančič, Jasmina Polovič Odnosi z javnostmi / Public relations: Žan Lebe Družbena omrežja / Social media: Žan Lebe, Anja Bornšek Celostna grafična podoba / Graphic design: Katarina Popović Foto dokumentacija / Photo documentation: Jaka Mihelič Video: Dejan Dolšak MKC Maribor: Plesna izba Maribor: FB: Festival Performa, Platforma - Festival Sodobnega Plesa Maribor
Urejanje kataloga / Catalogue editor: Jasmina Založnik, Mojca Kasjak Prevodi / Translations: Katja Kosi Lektura / Proofreading: Nina Skube, LPI Grafična podoba in prelom / Design and layout: Katarina Popović Tisk / Print: Dravski tisk Maribor Naklada / Copies: 1000 Izdajatelj / Published by: MKC Maribor, Plesna Izba Maribor, 2018
Nakup vstopnic Cena predstav v Lutkovnem gledališču Maribor in GT22: 7 EUR, 5 EUR (otroci, dijaki, študenti in samozaposleni v kulturi) in 3 EUR (za člane plesnih šol). Brezposelni imajo s potrdilom pravico do brezplačnega vstopa. Za predstavo Leteča krava znaša vstopnina 1 EUR. Vstopnice so na voljo uro pred začetkom predstave na lokaciji dogodka. Ticket sales Price for performances at Maribor Puppet Theatre and GT22: EUR 7, EUR 5 (children, students, and self-employee people in culture) and EUR 3 (for dance schools members). Free admission to the unemployed with the certificate of the unemployment status. For the performance Flying Cow the entrance fee is 1 EUR. Tickets are available at the location of the show one hour prior to the scheduled event.
produkcija in realizacija
/ production
and realization
/ coproduction
s podporo
/ supported
/ partners
medijski pokrovitelj
/ media sponsor