Characters So Smart They Think for Themselves DI-Guy AI is software that automates the behavior of DI-Guy characters. DI-Guy AI lets you quickly generate crowds of autonomous, terrain-aware human characters, who behave realistically and react to other characters, entities, and events in their environment. Each character is an independent-thinking agent and can also be part of a larger crowd.
A convoy trainer runs a simulation of civilians rioting on an Iraqi street. DI-Guy AI allows users to quickly author and control entire crowds of intelligent characters reacting to events in their world.
• Automate urban populations • Quickly add thousands of characters with compelling behavior and realistic performances
Custom Crowds in a Single Stroke... 1. Select the characters and choose base behavior for crowd.
2. Paint in the region the characters will occupy and travel.
How DI-Guy AI Works DI-Guy AI characters determine their travel and behavior based on activities such as “wander,” ”travel,” “flee,” etc... Each character is aware of buildings, obstacles, and other people in its environment, so that it can make decisions about how to move through the scene in a logical and realistic manner. Because each character is intelligent, it can be combined with other characters into crowds and handled as a group, providing exceptionally fast authoring and run-time control, while still permitting each character to make individual decisions.
Ideal for simulation training in: 3. Run the exercise.
• Peacekeeping Operations • Crowd Control • UAV Exercises
• Urban Combat • Infantry & Convoy Deployment
Quickly Create and Control Crowds
Typical Architecture for Using DI-Guy AI in a DIS or HLA Networked Exercise
As a Lifeform Server... DI-Guy AI is designed to integrate into distributed simulation environments using DIS or HLA. Just attach DI-Guy AI to your exercise using built-in DIS or HLA networking, and DI-Guy AI will populate battlefields and cities with thousands of human characters. The DI-Guy characters will interact with incoming entities from other SAFs or from live trainees.
OneSAF,™ or another SAF, provide simulation of air and ground vehicles. DI-Guy AI simulates human entities. Trainees work at DI-Guy enabled training stations and IGs.
Realistic Characters Using Artificial Intelligence
DI-Guy AI can be used by itself or in conjunction with other SAFs such as OneSAF, Export CGF,™ or VR-Forces.™ SAFs simulate tanks, aircraft, and other vehicles, while DI-Guy AI does what it does best; simulating realistic humans on a wide scale.
Ideal for Use as a Lifeform Server
DI-Guy Services AI & API DI-Guy AI is built on top of DI-Guy – meaning that all the classic DI-Guy Scenario and DI-Guy SDK techniques for controlling characters are still available to the user. Users can take advantage of DI-Guy AI to quickly generate crowds of intelligent characters while still being able to command them directly through the DI-Guy SDK programming API. Users can modify, customize, and extend the behavior of DI-Guy AI characters to do just what they want and create compelling and unique scenarios by matching the best AI and control methods to each characters.
As creators of the DI-Guy product line, Boston Dynamics is uniquely skilled to provide customized services in support of a broad range of Human Simulation and Scenario Generation needs. • Customized modeling and behavior development • Specific and detailed scenario generation • System integration support • User Training for the entire DI-Guy product line
DI-Guy is the only fully-integrated human simulation product suite featuring hundreds of characters and thousands of motions for creating remarkable training simulations.
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