Tuff Enuff Dog Toy Sell Sheet

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Pet Products

T h e Ul t i m a t e Sof t , D u r ab l e, I n t e r ac t iv e Do g Toys

playtuff havefun!

•D esigned to last with industrial grade multi-stitched, layered construction • Innovative designs in a variety of shapes and sizes • Attractive poly fleece exterior won’t harm dog’s teeth or gums • Machine washable


eaturing =

• Great water toys. They float!

Pet Products

arming Floppy Me h C nage A rie fo r R u f f a n d Tu m b l e P l a y

Bunny Small 10”.....Pale Blue..... #01091


Large 14”......Pale Blue..... #01086

Elephant Small 10”...... Green........ #01090

Large 14”....... Green........ #01085

Small 10”........ Red.......... #01088

Large 14”......... Red.......... #01083

Lion Small 10”...Yellow..........#01101

Puppy Small 10”......Purple........ #01092

Large 14”.......Purple........ #01087

Large 14”....Yellow..........#01103

Pig Small 10”........Pink.......... #01089

Large 14”.........Pink.......... #01084

Tiger Small 10”.... Orange........ #01102 ......

Large 14”..... Orange........ #01104

Tuff Enuff Pet Products LLC Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Phone 888.582.2111

Fax 888.582.2133 www.tuffenuffpet.com

Pet Products

Sided Safari Playm t f o ates S

for a Romp on the Wild Side

Rhino Small 5”.......... Red.......... #01107

Lion Small 5”.......... Orange.... #01106

Large 8”........... Red.......... #01113

Rhino Small 5”.......... Purple...... #01110

Large 8”........... Purple...... #01116

Large 8”........... Orange.... #01112

Giraffe Small 5”.......... Yellow..... #01108

Hippo Small 5”.......... Pink......... #01109

Large 8”........... Yellow..... #01114

Large 8”........... Pink......... #01115

Elephant Small 5”.......... Blue......... #01111

Large 8”........... Blue......... #01117

Tuff Enuff Pet Products LLC Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Phone 888.582.2111

Fax 888.582.2133 www.tuffenuffpet.com

Pet Products

Un i v

e r s a l , T i m e -H o n o r

ed D esign s– ­ I d e a l f o r T u g a n d To s s

Tuff Bone Small 10”

Tuff Disc

Red.......... #01000 Blue......... #01001 Green...... #01002

Small 9”

Medium 14” Red.......... #01003 Blue......... #01004 Green...... #01005 Large 16”

Red............ #01009 Blue........... #01010 Green......... #01011

Large 12” Red............ #01012 Blue........... #01013 Green......... #01014

Red.......... #01006 Blue......... #01007 Green...... #01008

Tuff Boomerang

Tuff Tug

Large 17” Red............ #01021 Blue........... #01022 Green......... #01023

Small 15” Red............ #01015 Blue........... #01016 Green......... #01017 Large 18” Red............ #01018 Blue........... #01019 Green......... #01020




Extra Small 8” Pink............#01051

Extra Small 7” Pink.............#01054

Extra Small 10” Pink........#01057

Pale Blue.....#01052

Pale Blue.....#01055

Pale Blue.#01058




Tuff Enuff Pet Products LLC Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Phone 888.582.2111

Fax 888.582.2133 www.tuffenuffpet.com

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