BIO 350 Wk 4 Discussion - Life Off Earth

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BIO 350 Wk 4 Discussion - Life Off Earth Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Read Ch. 6-8 of Biology. Due Thursday These days access to space is becoming increasingly easier than it was even 20 years ago. We have robotic explorers on Mars with plans to land more explorers on moons of other planets. This increases the chance that we will find life outside the confines of our pale blue dot. Scientists are working to identify life off-planet, and we are using models from the early stages of life on earth. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Reflect on the course readings and current trends in scientific research. What intrigues you about the search for other life forms? Consider life at the cellular level. What similarities and differences in chemical processes would you expect to find? Provide details and refer to step-by-step metabolic processes in the textbook. What impact would the surrounding environment likely have on cellular activities, which metabolic steps might be different in order to create cellular energy and organic molecules? For example are different electron acceptors needed for the electron transport chain? If so, what might be useful or available? Are there examples of organisms on earth using this type of electron acceptor?

Write in full sentences and in your own words. Direct quotes will not count towards the word requirement or your grade. If you use outside sources provide references in APA format. Course-level sources will be reliable and scholarly. Add a reference in APA format. Rely on scholarly resources in this class. Due Monday Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional. Substantive replies will earn credit. All substantive replies will contain factual information about the subject. If you use outside sources provide references in APA format. Course-level sources will be reliable and scholarly.

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