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BSA/425 BSIT CAPSTONE The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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BSA 425 Wk 1 - Apply: Select a Business Scenario  

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All projects begin by answering one of two questions: How can I make business scenario ABC better or more efficient? What business scenario can I automate to benefit organization XYZ? For this assignment, select a business scenario you would like to develop into a project over the next five weeks. You have two options: You may select one of the two business scenarios described in Select a Business Scenario. You may select a business scenario of your choosing. This can be a scenario from your workplace; for example, a frustrating process you have been eager to rework or a potential process you have been thinking of that does not exist yet but that you think would be valuable to your organization if it were developed into an IT project. Note: If you decide to select a business scenario of your choosing, you must obtain approval from your instructor for your scenario before beginning the project proposal assignment, which is also due this week.

Download Select a Business Scenario and read through the options. Type your selection (Scenario A, Scenario B, or Scenario C) directly into the Select a Business Scenario document (on the space provided next to each scenario). If you select Scenario C, you must include a scenario description as outlined in the document. Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 1 - Apply: Create a Project Proposal Important note: You must complete the Select a Business Plan assignment and get approval from your instructor for a business scenario before you begin this assignment. The purpose of the project proposal is to describe a project (i.e., to describe how to automate or improve the automation of a specific business process) and then to explain how completing the project will positively affect the business. Once a project proposal is accepted, project work can begin; therefore, a successful project proposal must include all of the information necessary for stakeholders to make a go/no-go decision, including a statement of scope, a list of the benefits you expect the proposed project to provide, and a rough estimate of how long it will take and how much it will cost to complete the project.

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For this assignment, you will create a 3- to 4-page project proposal for the business scenario you selected earlier this week and that was approved by your instructor. For your project proposal, be sure to: Complete the Project Proposal Template based on the business scenario you selected (and that was approved by your instructor) earlier this week. If you prefer, you may re-create the template using another software application of your choice, such as Microsoft Excel®. Develop a project definition and scope that defines the project and articulates the business context for the project. Identify problems that the proposed system is expected to solve (or opportunities the proposed project is expected to produce). Create project objectives. Create the project methodology or game plan. Compile a high-level schedule for completing the project scope.

Refer to this week's learning activities for help creating your project proposal. Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 2 - Practice: Recommending Network Technology Research networks in the context of your project. Write a 150-word response about which resource(s) you found to be most useful in terms of not only researching the different types of networks that exist, but which might be best for a given scenario. What criteria are you using, or thinking of using, to determine which type of network is most appropriate for your project? Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 2 - Apply: Signature Assignment: Create a Project Plan Draft A project plan outlines recommended approaches to the use of the network, database management system, software, and cloud service technologies. Because industry best practices dictate transparency in terms of selection criteria and their importance to a specific project, a project plan draft should also include the criteria by which the recommended approaches were selected, along with the benefits to the project that each is expected to deliver. For this assignment, you will draft a project plan for the project proposal you outlined in Week 1 (and that you updated earlier this week based on instructor feedback). Download the Project Plan Draft. Create a 3- to 4-page project plan draft for the business scenario that was approved by your instructor last week. You may fill out the document using Microsoft Word or use other software (such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Project) to create your project plan draft. Your draft must include the following items:

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Network technology recommendation(s) Database management system recommendation(s) Appropriate software application recommendation(s) Cloud service recommendation(s) Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 3 - Practice: Unbiased Recommendations Constructing a rationale requires research, and research requires identifying unbiased sources of information. Clearly, you cannot rely on a company’s own marketing materials to be unbiased in its evaluation of its own products. Write a 150-word response about how you approached locating and vetting high-quality, unbiased sources of information when researching trends, vendors, and other easily hyped topics. How satisfied are you with your ability to identify unbiased recommendations for a specific project type? Why? Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 3 - Apply: Signature Assignment: Conduct and Present Project-Supporting Research (Rationale)

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Conducting research and creating a supporting research report serves two important purposes with respect to your project: It explains your technological choices in terms of business benefits and risks. This explanation is critical for executive approval. It either reinforces or improves your plan—but only if you apply the results of your research to a new draft of your plan. In the industry, project managers develop their plans iteratively by changing them as they conduct more research and identify better or cheaper alternatives. This iterative approach is especially relevant to IT projects because new technologies are being developed and retired at a very quick pace. For this assignment, you will compile research and create a supporting research report. Then, based on your research, you will identify and explain the rationale for three improvements to the project plan you submitted last week. Compile additional research on your project’s industry, recommended technology vendors, and the categories presented in the supporting research

report. You may want to include the Gartner Group and Forrester Research in your list of organizations to research. Complete the Supporting Research Report template. Create a second draft of your project plan. Highlight in yellow at least three changes you made to the network, database, and/or cloud solutions within the second draft based on the in-depth research you conducted this week and explain why you made the changes. Use APA guidelines for citations and references. Submit your Supporting Research Report and second draft.

BSA 425 Wk 4 - Practice: Cybersecurity A cybersecurity plan is a plan designed to protect an IT system. Research some common cybersecurity threats to consider incorporating into the cybersecurity plan you will create for your project.

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Write a 150-word response that addresses the following questions: Are cybersecurity threats similar from system to system? Where can you locate best practices for preventing or mitigating cybersecurity threats? Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 4 - Apply: Project Documentation Project implementation is arguably the most exciting stage of the project management process. It is during project implementation that project plans begin to come to life and assumptions are able to be tested and measured in real-life scenarios. One of the outcomes of project implementation is a set of deliverables that typically includes a system diagram; a network diagram; a database design document, including an entity-relationship diagram, a data dictionary, and table definitions; a clearly articulated cybersecurity plan; and source code.

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To complete this assignment, you will create: A system diagram that shows, in graphic form, the components of your project. Your system diagram should follow the system description you submitted in your Week 2 project plan (but may differ based on the research you have conducted since Week 2). You may create your system diagram in Microsoft PowerPoint or a graphics program of your choice. A network diagram that shows, in graphic form, the flow of data within your project. Your network diagram should follow the network description you defined in the Week 2 project plan (but may differ based on the research you have conducted since Week 2). You may create your network diagram in Microsoft PowerPoint or a graphics program of your choice. A database design document, including an entity-relationship diagram, a data dictionary, and table definitions, representing all of the data that must be stored and maintained within the context of your project and how that data is organized. A clearly articulated cybersecurity plan that explains how you plan to secure project data and processes. Source code (may be partial) for at least one software application. Your source code may be implemented in HTML/JavaScript, Java, C++, or another programming language. Download and unzip the HTML/JavaScript/CSS sample code files for an example of a partial software application implementation. A quality assurance and software test plan. Download the Software Test Plan for an example of what information is typically included and how it is typically organized in a software test plan. Note: All deliverables must be portfolio ready, which means as complete and error-free as possible. Submit your assignment.

BSA 425 Wk 5 - Practice: Post-Mortems Write a 150-word response about the potential benefits of conducting a project post-mortem. What behaviors or conditions do you think would lead to a company realizing those benefits? What behaviors or conditions might prevent the benefits from being achieved?

BSA 425 Wk 5 - Apply: Signature Assignment: Project Rollout, Post-Mortem, and Wrap-Up Project rollout begins after a project has been implemented, tested, and judged stable and functional enough to be moved into production. The project rollout process comprises specific steps that must be scheduled carefully to enable the project to hit production deadlines and meet business expectations. For this assignment, you will create an implementation project plan, which outlines the steps involved in implementing your project. This document is sometimes called a work-back schedule because you begin with the date that your project needs to go live, and then work back from there to determine what needs to be done when. You will also conduct a post-mortem on the work you have submitted to date. Post-mortem (from the Latin for “after death,” but referring to it in the context of business) is the analysis of a project’s process and results conducted by key project stakeholders after the project has been moved into production, which means it’s functionally complete. The goal of a post-mortem is to identify what went right and what went wrong post-implementation so that project managers can apply these lessons learned to future projects.

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For this three-part assignment, you will: Construct a work-back schedule that presents the steps involved in implementing your project. Construct a post-mortem using the template on the work you have submitted to date in this course. Create updated project documents based on the results of your post-mortem. Review the Project Implementation Plan Example. Create a project implementation plan for your project based on the example document. You may use Microsoft Word or other software to create your project implementation plan. Complete the Post-Mortem template based on your experiences with completing the course project over the last five weeks.

Update the project documents you have submitted thus far in the course based on your completed post-mortem. Submit your project implementation plan, post-mortem, and updated project documents.

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