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BSHS/437 SOCIAL SYSTEMS AND AGING The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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BSHS 437 Week 1 National Policies on Aging Programs Resource: Grading Criteria: National Policies on Aging Programs Select a national policy on aging from Exhibit 2.1, "A National Policy on Aging: Selected Historical Highlights," in Ch. 2 of Community Resources for Older Adults. After selecting a policy, identify one local community- based program that provides support services related to this policy. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing the relevance of the community program and the services it provides in relation to national policies on aging.

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Answer the following questions in your paper: What are the demographic characteristics of the older adults using the services? How do these demographic characteristics influence the services? What is the historic relevance of this program in regards to how older adults benefit from it? How do psychosocial theories relate to the selected services?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 2 Educational Program Summary Identify a need for an educational program for older adults, and research this identified gap in services.

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Write a 350- to 500-word summary of your research that answers the following questions: What programs are currently offered? What ways do they fail to meet the needs of the population they serve? What funding options are available? Consider examples such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Supplemental Security Income. What resources are available to the stakeholder who manages the program? For example, identify potential partners such as hospitals, senior centers, and the state health department. How could existing local, state, and federal programs assist with the identified gap in services? Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 2 Team - Work-Related Policy Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Work-Related Policy Worksheet. Submit your assignment.

Work-Related Policy Worksheet Read the following scenario and complete the questions.

Scenario Albert Santos is 58 years old. He worked for 19 years as a part-time claims adjustor before being laid off by his employer. Albert’s employer said that it eliminated his job for economic reasons. The employer, in an effort to support its strategic goals, hired new employees instead of training Albert to take on additional responsibilities. The employer also chose not to retain another employee, a 59-year-old female who was the only full-time claims adjustor. Two new employees, ages 38 and 42, were hired to divide their time between claims adjusting and additional responsibilities. Questions 1.

What legislation is available to protect Albert? Is the legislation applicable to this scenario, and can it effectively protect him? Explain your answer.


What programs are available to Albert in your community?


What are the benefits of these community programs, and how will they help Albert?


Can you identify any needs or gaps that the programs in your community do not meet? Explain how these unfulfilled needs or gaps could affect Albert. How might changes to the existing program, or creating a new program altogether, better meet Albert’s needs?

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 3 Health Promotion Program Paper Resource: Grading Criteria: Health Promotion Program Paper Research health promotion programs that assist older adults who have disabilities, diseases, or disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, depression, HIV/AIDS, or Alzheimer's disease. Choose one disability, disease, or disorder--and associated health promotion programs--to focus on. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing health promotion programs for older adults who have the disability, disease, or disorder.

Include the following in your paper: Identify available wellness programs.

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Provide a summary of how the selected disability, disease, or disorder affects older adults. Include demographic information of the population affected by the disability, disease, or disorder. Address nutritional needs for this population. Discuss how physical activity may benefit this population. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 3 Team - Mental Health Matrix Complete the University of Phoenix: Mental Health Matrix. Submit your assignment. Mental Health Matrix Complete the following matrix by selecting three mental health problems that affect older adults. Define the mental health issue, list a program available to assist with the issue, discuss how the programs help address or solve the issue, and identify potential gaps or improvements that could be made to the programs. The first row of the table provides an example.


Mental health issue

Programs available to assist with the issue

How the programs help address or solve the issue

Potential gaps or improvements that could be made to the programs


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy Aging Program

Links public health

Public health

departments with

departments may not


be aware of all aging-

networks that assist

services networks

with mental health

that address mental


health issues.

Collects data to


monitor the effects of

networks may not be

depression on older

aware of the public

adults, helps states

health departments

assess their state and

that address mental

local data, gathers

health issues for older

evidence for effective


community-based programs, and promotes evidencebased interventions that can help adults maintain healthy outlook

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 4 Care Management Plan Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Care Management Plan Assessment Tool. Submit your assignment.

Care Management Plan Assessment Tool Read the case study and complete the following assessment tool.

Case Study

Mrs. S is receiving medical treatment for arthritis and diabetes and is overweight. She has problems with her breathing and has difficulty walking, getting into and out of bed, and bathing. You are a care manager for ABC Elderly Care Management. You must review this information, in addition to her existing medical records, so you can make an immediate referral to a new primary care physician. ABC Elderly Care Management also was alerted that Mrs. S may need long-term care. The new primary care physician met with Mrs. S a few days after receiving her records and performed a comprehensive physical. The physician found that the patient has severe emphysema (for which he orders respiratory therapy) and osteoarthritis. In addition, Mrs. S is taking multiple medications, several of which are unnecessary and will be discontinued. Mrs. S also shows early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

About a week later, you visited Mrs. S at her home to complete a comprehensive assessment form (CAF). Mrs. S is severely dependent in three activities of daily living and unable to shop or cook for herself. You also are concerned about her eating habits and the fact that she is prone to falling. Assessment Tool Research area agencies on aging in your state by using the Internet. Complete the following assessment tool by identifying a problem and by determining what resources and services you would refer Mrs. S to based on your research. Next, describe how your recommended referral can help her manage or overcome the stated problem. Include a total of 8 problems with related referrals and explanations.

references to websites and other sources in the “References� section following the table. Format your assessment tool consistent with APA guidelines. Include

Identified problem


Overweight, eating habits


Referral resource or service

How referral can help

Food preparation and delivery program.

Regular delivery of nutritious meals to Mrs. S’s home will ensure that limitations to physical activity do not prevent her from eating a balanced diet.

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 4 Team - Educational Program Collateral Review each team member's Educational Program Summary, which was completed for the individual Week 2 assignment. Of the topics covered in the assignment, select one identified need for an educational program to use for this assignment. Create an online poster or brochure promoting your chosen program; it must meet one identified need of older adults. You may use a website, such as Glogster, or a website of your choice. You may also use the Brochure Builder.

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Include the following in your brochure or poster: Choose a name and design a very simple logo for the program. Outline the benefits of the program. Emphasize the community's need for the program. Explain the funding sources for the program and what the outof-pocket costs are for program recipients. Outline the accessibility of the program to recipients, such as the location, transportation, and online access. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit BSHS 437 Week 5 Team - Service Delivery Program Presentation Resource: Grading Criteria: Service Delivery Program Presentation Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing the proposed program selected by your Learning Team for the Educational Program Collateral assignment from Week 4. Provide a brief introduction to current and future approaches to services, as well as how they meet the needs of older adults. Explain how your proposed program meets one identified need of older adults.

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Describe how the following topics influence your program: Policies (including OAA) Programs currently available Funding Resources Target audience Public and private stakeholders Social and political influences Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

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