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CCMH/551 Individual Counseling The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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CCMH 551 Wk 1 - Intake Interview Analysis Transcribing behaviors from a video can provide a counselor with practice identifying key skills in action, taking observational field notes, and reflecting on their skill level from a different perspective. Watch the video of the simulated intake interview session: Mock Counseling Video 1 View the transcript for “Mock Counseling Video 1.” Complete the Video Transcription Analysis Worksheet for the Intake Interview. Submit your completed worksheet.

CCMH 551 Wk 1 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 Rosario indicates in session that she has been struggling with her perception of self after losing her job. She doesn’t want to see nor contact her friends because she does not have the means to go out socially with them. A counselor could use this accurate reflection in response to Rosario to describe how she feels: 1. You feel ashamed about your current employment status. 2. You feel unloved by your friends.

3. You feel irritated that your friends have money to go out, but you don’t. 4. You feel shy about discussing your situation with your friends. 5. None of the above 2. Question 2 Diagnosis models that focus on the client’s motivation for their actions, client actions toward goals, and conceptualize the client beyond a DSM diagnosis would be considered: 1. Medical 2. Behavioral Systemic 3. Phenomenological 4. None of the above 3. Question 3 During your informed consent and professional disclosure in an individual counseling session, Client A, a 24-year-old cisgender, heterosexual male has specific questions related to confidentiality. Specifically, he is concerned about whether you will tell his new wife about your sessions. When you reassure him that your sessions are confidential, he reveals that he is considering suicide because he fears his wife finding out about his long-term relationship with a male colleague at work. You have not finished your professional disclosure statement and have not received consent to provide counseling. Given your legal and ethical responsibilities, your next best move is: 1. Stop the intake interview, informing the client that you have a no secrets policy, and you cannot keep this information confidential. 2. Reiterate your confidentiality statement and continue with the professional disclosures. 3. Advise the client that this may be a reason to break confidentiality, but first, you would like to receive permission to proceed with questions related to their thoughts of suicide. 4. Stop the session, telling the client that you do not see clients who are having affairs, as this is against your values and religion. 5. None of the above

4. Question 4 Counselor behaviors that encourage communication and convey active listening are: 1. Empathy Attending skills 2. Encouragers 3. Session starters 4. Narrative therapy skills 5. Question 5 Which of the following are applicable to common errors in session (process errors) that can interfere with the counseling relationship? Select all that apply. 1. Judging or evaluating the client 2. Offering advice 3. Talking too much 4. Expressions of empathy 5. Suicide assessment

CCMH 551 Wk 2 - Professional Disclosure Statement Every counselor must adhere to their state’s requirements for professional disclosure. It is legally and ethically responsible to inform your clients of what they can expect from the counseling experience, what evidence-based treatment is, the background of their provider, and the policies and procedures of the clinic or agency where they plan to receive services. Counselors should provide clients with a legal statement that discloses this information to help them understand their consent to the treatment process. Agencies have different approaches to documentation, so professional disclosure statements can shift throughout a counselor’s career. It is helpful to be prepared with your own professional disclosure statement that you can use with agencies and clients in your future counseling practice.

Research your state counseling licensure board’s website for the professional disclosure requirements for your specific state. The University of Phoenix has developed a website to help you find your state’s licensure requirements.

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Develop a 350- to 525-word personalized professional disclosure statement that includes: The requirements specified by your state Legally appropriate verbiage about informed consent Your theoretical approach Consider cultural factors in your target population that might affect your clients’ understanding of your disclosure statement. Write your statement with clear terms legally appropriate for all your audiences —clients, clinics, and counselors alike. Include a list of the resources used to compile your professional disclosure statement in APA format. Submit your assignment.

CCMH 551 Wk 2 - Intake Interview In previous courses, you used case studies to complete intake assessments, conceptualizations, and treatment plans. In this course, you will work with classmates to practice counseling skills for intake assessments,then use therapeutic interventions and strategies as if your classmate was your client. Complete the Week 2 portion of Counseling Role-Play Sessions. Plan your session using the Wk 2 – Group: Role-Play 1 – Client Intake Assessment assignment discussion. In this week’s session: 

Conduct an intake assessment session in a role-play session with your team, including a Mental Status Exam with your mock client.

Complete a SOAP Notes Form to document the session. Remember to record your session in a way that can be shared with your instructor.

Submit these completed forms for your assignment:  

Soap Notes Form, with link to video recording of your session as Counselor Mental Status Exam form

CCMH 551 Wk 2 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 What is the reason for discussions of race, ethnicity, and culture during the intake session? Select all that apply. 1. To create barriers to establishing the therapeutic alliance 2. To emphasize similarities between the counselor and client 3. To investigate value differences between the counselor and the client to inform the counselor regarding possible referrals 4. To help the counselor understand how the client’s identity and presenting concerns have been impacted 5. To acknowledge differences in the counseling relationship and improves understanding and decision-making 2. Question 2 Which of these statements would not be part of the informed consent for counselors? 1. There are limitations to confidentiality. When you are a threat to yourself, a threat to someone else, disclose abuse of a child, elderly person, or someone with a disability, or I receive a court order for your records, what you share will no longer be confidential. 2. Your confidentiality is essential to me; therefore, I will not disclose any information shared with me unless it falls within one of the limits of confidentiality. 3. Once I receive a release of information, I can disclose anything from our sessions to anyone. Confidentiality in session is important. I will not disclose what you say in session unless you disclose you are a danger to yourself, you plan to hurt someone else, or if the person paying for your sessions requests information. 3. Case Study: Janae enters her initial session with you with tightly clasped hands. She appears neatly dressed, physically healthy, and seems to comprehend your questions. Her head is turned down to look at the floor for the first half of your intake interview. She answers questions with short responses, rarely providing much detail even when prompted. You notice she is wringing her hands during the session. She states that she experiences physical discomfort when going to work. Her boss holds high expectations and criticizes her work. Her colleagues often blame her when mistakes are made even if they are not her fault. 4. Question 3 Based on the case study, Janae’s Mental Status Exam may indicate:

1. Janae is not oriented to time and place. She does not understand where she is. 2. Janae’s behavior indicates she is anxious and possible depressed mood. 3. Janae’s speech indicates English is not her first language. 4. Janae’s family is a source of her stress. 5. Question 4 Based on the case study, additional information you may want to gather from Janae include: 1. Medical history 2. Family background 3. Duration of presenting concern 4. None of the above 5. All of the above 6. Question 5 Based on the case study, which of the follow would a clinician not be able to make observations on about Janae? 1. Appearance 2. Mood 3. Orientation 4. Abstract reasoning 5. General behavior

CCMH 551 Wk 3 - Conceptualization of Treatment Plan Counseling theory is the framework used to conceptualize client experiences. Based on your theory, you will develop a strategy to use in helping your client reach the goals for change. Your role-play this week will build from where you left off in Week 2 with your client. This week, you will begin integrating theory into your session to explore client goals.

Complete the Week 3 portion of Counseling Role-Play Sessions. Plan your session using the Wk3 – Group: Role-Play 2 – Goal Setting assignment discussion. In this week’s session: 

Conduct a goal-setting session with your mock client in a role-play session with your team, including a Treatment Plan.

Complete a SOAP Notes Form to document the session. Remember to record your session in a way that can be shared with your instructor.

Submit these completed forms for your assignment: 

SOAP Notes Form, with link to a video recording of your session as Counselor Treatment Plan form, from the CSS program site

CCMH 551 Wk 3 - Concept Check 1.

Question 1

In Person-Centered Theory, empathy, respect, caring, and unconditional positive regard are one of the following: 1. Core conditions for the therapeutic relationship 2. Goals for clients 3. Hopes for relationships 4. Outcomes of therapy 2. Question 2 How is the use of theory helpful to counselors? 1. Provides structure and direction for sessions 2. Tells counselors when to terminate 3. Helps convey to clients that counselors know what they are doing 4. Signals to supervisors that a counselor’s work will be successful


Question 3

Identifying and challenging cognitive distortions is a technique used in one of the following: 1. Psychoanalytic theory 2. All counseling sessions 3. Cognitive therapy 4. Recentering client expectations about reality 4. Question 4 An example of an open-ended question is: 1. Have you thought about talking to him? 2. Do you want to tell me more about that? 3. Can you tell me more? 4. How have you responded to your boss’s request? 5. Question 5 Select all that are an example of reflection of feeling: 1. You are annoyed that he hasn’t done what you asked. 2. You asked him to take care of it and he didn’t so you think he doesn’t hear you. 3. You sound worried about the implications of this. 4. Your think you are not good enough so you push people away.

CCMH 551 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Theory-Based Intervention Strategies

The counseling theory used to conceptualize and develop the treatment plan guides the choice of evidence-based strategies and interventions. Using therapeutic interventions in the counseling session takes practice. Your role-play sessions this week will build from where you left off in Week 3 with your client. This week, you will begin integrating theory-based interventions in session based on your client’s goals. Complete the Week 4 portion of Counseling Role-Play Sessions. Plan your session using the Wk 4 – Group: Role-Play 3 – Intervention Strategy assignment discussion. In this week’s session: 

Conduct an evidence-based strategy, intervention, or technique with your mock client in a role-play session with your team.

Complete a SOAP Notes Form to document the session. Complete the Intervention Strategy Analysis Worksheet to reflect on your performance.

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Remember to record your session in a way that can be shared with your instructor. Submit these completed forms for your assignment:

SOAP Notes Form, with link to a video recording of your session as Counselor Intervention Strategy Analysis Worksheet

CCMH 551 Wk 4 - Concept Check 1.

Question 1

Based on the case study, how might a counselor utilizing feminist theory conceptualize her presenting concern? 1. Gloria is experiencing anxiety in each environment based on perceived gender roles associated with being a women, mother, and worker. 2. Gloria’s cognitive distortion that she must be perfect at all times is causing her anxious feelings in social situations. 3. Gloria’s reflection on her family of origin distresses her and exploring her perceptions of her mother and her childhood will help Gloria work toward the family she wants. 4. Gloria’s anxiety is rooted in her perceptions of self-developed as a child and reinforced in her birth

order. 2. Question 2 Based on the case study, a cognitive behavioral intervention with Gloria could be: 1. exploring her family constellation 2. family genogram 3. exploring the ABC model when Gloria feels anxious 4. asking Gloria to role-play a confrontation with her coworkers 3. Question 3 Based on the case study, which theory could be used as an intervention to challenge Gloria’s cognitive distortion that she must always be perfect? 1. Gestalt Therapy 2. Reality Therapy/Choice Theory 3. Solution Focused Brief Therapy 4. Cognitive Therapy 4. Question 4 Based on the case study, an example of a Solution Focused Brief Therapy intervention with Gloria would be: 1. asking Gloria to picture a time in her past when she was happy 2. asking Gloria to describe what her day would be like if her problems were instantly solved when she woke up 3. challenging Gloria’s irrational belief that everyone must be happy all of the time 4. exploring Gloria’s defense mechanisms 5. Question 5 Based on the case study, appropriate self-disclosure with Gloria could include:

1. sharing that you have also found being a parent and full-time employee to be hard to balance 2. sharing that you feel distracted by the movement happening outside your window behind her 3. sharing that you had a friend in a similar situation who confronted her coworkers and divorced her husband 4. stating that you feel close to Gloria and want her to be your friend

CCMH 551 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Integrating TheoryBased Interventions Counselors must continually refine their ability to integrate the theory they use to conceptualize and develop a treatment plan with their strategic use of evidence-based interventions to support their client’s progress. Your role-play sessions this week will build from where you left off in Week 4 with your client. This week, you will continue integrating theory-based interventions in session based on your client’s goals. Your interventions will be based on your research from Week 3 and the discussion with your Client from Week 4. This week’s session will inform your practice for next week’s final session. Complete the Week 5 portion of Counseling Role-Play Sessions. Plan your session using the Wk 5 – Group: Role-Play 4 – Practicing Theory-Based Interventions assignment discussion. In this week’s session: 

Conduct an evidence-based strategy, intervention, or technique with your mock client in a role-play session with your team.

Complete a SOAP Notes Form to document the session. Complete the Intervention Strategy Analysis Worksheet to reflect on your performance.

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Remember to record your session in a way that can be shared with your instructor. Submit these completed forms for your assignment:

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SOAP Notes Form, with link to a video recording of your session as Counselor Intervention Strategy Analysis Worksheet

CCMH 551 Wk 5 - Concept Check 1.

Question 1

When experiencing a values conflict with your client, termination is your first option to protect the client. Is this true or false? 1. T True 2. F 2. Question 2 Which of the following can give the clinician a good indication that the client is ready for termination? 1. The office is changing location. 2. The client states their insurance only covers five sessions and you are in your fifth session. 3. The client has met their goals or is nearing the completion of their goals. 4. The counselor has grown impatient with the client. 3. Question 3 Skills that can help prevent relapse include all of the following except: 1. Rehearsing responses to familiar situations 2. Developing coping skills to use when challenges arise 3. Identifying support systems 4. Safety contracts 4. Question 4 Which of the following is true regarding our ethical obligations related to termination? 1. Counselors only discuss termination at the last session. 2. The counselor can terminate with a client at any time for any reason. 3. Counselors do not abandon or neglect clients and find appropriate arrangements if the counselor

cannot continue seeing clients. 4. Counselors who choose to terminate counseling relationships are not obligated to provide appropriate referrals. 5. Question 5 When should the evaluation of a client’s readiness for termination happen? 1. In consultation with family members and all involved parties 2. In consultation with the client while reviewing their goals and progress towards goals 3. When the counselor feels the client isn’t invested anymore 4. Always after five sessions

CCMH 551 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Client Progress Assessment Assessing progress is an important part of treating your client. Clients need to see that they are moving in the right direction to stay motivated and hopeful in their recovery. It is important for the counselor to assess whether the strategies, techniques, and interventions are leading the client toward the goal. If not, then the counselor should review the treatment plan and consider a different strategy. Your role-play sessions this week will build from where you left off in Week 5 with your client. This week, you will integrate an informal assessment of your client’s progress towards their goals. Complete the Week 6 portion of Counseling Role-Play Sessions. Plan your session using the Wk 6 – Group: Role Play 5 – Treatment Assessment assignment discussion.

In this week’s session: Conduct a session with your mock client focused on evaluating progress toward goals in a role-play session with your team.

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Complete a SOAP Notes Form to document the session. Write a 525- to 700-word reflection on your performance. (Review the instructions in the Counseling Role-Play Sessions document for more details.) Remember to record your session in a way that can be shared with your instructor. This week’s recording should be longer than prior weeks, around 15 to 20 minutes. Submit these items for your assignment: SOAP Notes Form, with link to a video recording of your session as Counselor Reflection Paper

CCMH 551 Wk 6 - Concept Check 1.

Question 1

Counseling behaviors that build the therapeutic relationship include: 1. active listening skills 2. attending skills 3. reflections of content and feeling 4. all of the above 5. none of the above 2. Question 2 SMART goals include: 1. specific, measurable actions the client can take 2. records of times when the client did not meet their goal 3. evaluations of the client’s identity 4. responses to common questions the client has 3. Question 3 What are goals used for in counseling? 1.

To demonstrate to supervisors that counselors know what they are doing 2. To provide exceptions to confidentiality 3. To evaluate the client’s progress in counseling 4. To communicate to insurance companies that the counselor is competent 4. Question 4 Confidentiality in telemental health counseling can be breached when one of the following happens: 1. The client indicates that they have plans to end the session early 2. The client unexpectedly hangs up Another individual enters the room with the client and demands to know what is being discussed 3. The counselor learns that the client has been physically abusing their child after sessions 5. Question 5 Antony is a counselor at ABC Counseling Clinic. Over the past few months his case load has increased by 50%, and he has begun seeing clients who have witnessed traumatic deaths of loved ones. His coworkers report that he is easily startled, irritable, and often late for work. They have started scheduling his first session an hour after he is scheduled to work due to his frequent tardiness. Antony told his supervisor that he dreads meeting with some of his clients. Antony is most likely experiencing: 1. vicarious trauma or burnout 2. lack of sleep 3. a change in his living situation 4. conflict with a coworker

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