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CCMH/558 Crisis Intervention and Trauma The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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CCMH 558 Wk 1 - Theories to Support Crisis Paper Theories are used to inform counselors of ethical and evidence-based practices. To ensure optimal support for clients, counselors should know when and how to apply theories that have been proven to be effective with intervention. Counselors improve in their practice when they understand their clients and the theories that they can use to interpret clients’ situations and guide them toward treatment. For this assignment, choose 1 of these theories from the textbook that you might use to counsel individuals in crisis:    

CBT Existential Psychoanalytic Humanistic Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:

Explain how you would use this theory in your counseling practice to support individuals in crisis.

Support your ethical use of the theory with academic research to justify your explanation. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

CCMH 558 Wk 1 - Concept Check

1. Question 1 The development of crisis intervention was significantly informed by which of the following theoretical modalities? 1. psychoanalytic approach 2. cognitive approach 3. humanistic approach 4. all of the above 5. none of the above 2. Question 2 Which ethical principle addresses the client’s independence and freedom of choice? 1. beneficence 2. autonomy 3. justice 4. fidelity 5. none of the above 3. Question 3 What is the ethical mandate that was established by Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California? 1. duty to warn 2. duty to intercede 3. duty to protect 4. duty to intervene 5. none of the above 4. Question 4

A safety plan in counseling is which of the following: 1. A contract for safety in which the client agrees to not engage in any act to hurt, harm, or kill self for a specified time period. 2. A set of pre-planned instructions or steps for the client to follow when the client is in crisis. 3. An outline of the client’s short-term and long-term goals and steps on how to achieve them. 4. A list of numbers and contacts for the client to call when the counselor is not available. 5. All of the above 5. Question 5 Which of the following individuals is often referred to as the father of modern crisis intervention? 1. Erik Erikson 2. Victor Yalom 3. Gerald Caplan 4. Aaron Beck 5. none of the above

CCMH 558 Wk 2 - Elements of Crisis Intervention Paper There are many elements to consider when creating crisis intervention strategies. Understanding the foundational aspects of crisis intervention helps you develop the skills to observe, understand, and act on a plan to address a client’s needs.

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Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that includes the following: Explain the development of crisis intervention. Compare 2 theories related to crisis intervention. Explain how the ABC Model can be applied in 2 different crisis situations.

Explain the ethical considerations of crisis intervention. Support your explanation with legal aspects to be considered. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

CCMH 558 Wk 2 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is most effectively applied within how many weeks of the precipitating stressor? 1. 6 to 12 weeks 2. 4 to 6 weeks 3. 1 to 3 weeks 4. duration of time is irrelevant 5. none of the above 2. Question 2 When a client is crying, the best technique to use would be: 1. close-ended questions 2. reflection of feelings 3. paraphrasing the content 4. summarization 5. none of the above 3. Question 3 Which of the following does not have ethical implications? 1. The client expresses being filled with rage toward their parents for past abuse. 2. The client reports her 16-year-old brother was slapped by their father. 3.

The client presents with symptoms that may be related schizophrenia. 4. The client reports moving five times in one year. 5. Not applicable; all of these examples have ethical implications. 4. Question 4 Suicidal individuals do not always tell a crisis worker about their intent directly. Which of the following are typical signs of possible suicide risk in clients? 1. giving things away and withdrawing from usual activities 2. being preoccupied with death and increasing drug and alcohol use 3. feeling hopeless, helpless, and worthless 4. sleeping too little or too much 5. all of the above 5. Question 5 You can differentiate suicidal behavior from non-suicidal self-injury behavior due to the absence of what? 1. need for medical care 2. suicidal intent 3. discovery by a concerned person 4. severe injury 5. all of the above

CCMH 558 Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Crisis Resource Support Packet As a counselor, you may be familiar with recommending resources to clients, but you may not be prepared with the knowledge of similar resources for colleagues, other crisis response members, or for your own use. When faced

with a crisis, it is important for counselors to be ready to recommend these kinds of resources on short notice while adhering to their ethical obligations as practitioners. Consider the demographics of the population in your local area (community, city, county, or state) that you intend to serve in your counseling practice.

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Create a resource packet to provide to clients and colleagues in your area who are experiencing a developmental crisis, cultural crisis, or loss. Your resource packet should include a variety of the following at the local and national level: A list of 3–4 web resources A list of 3–4 books A list of 3–4 support groups A list of 3–4 exercises or activities they can do on their own Accessibility supports for individuals with disabilities Culturally appropriate and supportive resources for your area At least 2 resources for colleagues on supporting self-care and preventing vicarious trauma Any other pertinent resources for clients or colleagues Reflect on your reasons for choosing these resources to support individuals in your area. Summarize the cultural considerations that you made when choosing these resources, including commentary on the defining factors of your target population, such as their socioeconomic status, spirituality, gender identity, race, etc. Identify a counselor’s ethical obligations when choosing and sharing resources for crisis and trauma support. Format the citations in your packet and a reference page according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

CCMH 558 Wk 3 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 Olivia is a 73-year-old female who has found herself questioning whether she has led a meaningful, satisfying life. According to Erikson, the developmental crisis Oliva is experiencing is the following:

1. intimacy versus isolation 2. identity versus role confusion 3. ego integrity versus despair 4. generativity versus stagnation 5. none of the above 2. Question 2 The difference between a developmental crisis and a situational crisis is that: 1. A developmental crisis is a result of predictable change while a situational crisis can be predictable or unpredictable. 2. A developmental crisis is not predictable while a situational crisis can be predicted. 3. Developmental crises only happen during childhood while situational crises can happen at any stage of life. 4. Neither type of crisis is predictable. 5. none of the above 3. Question 3 Hans just lost his girlfriend after a tragic accident. He expressed “if only I had called her that night, she wouldn’t have been driving and would still be here”. Which stage of Kübler-Ross's model is the client experiencing? 1. bargaining 2. anger 3. denial and isolation 4. depression 4. Question 4 When a crisis worker can maintain a willingness to suspend what they know (or think they know) about an individual based on generalizations about their culture, the crisis worker is practicing which of the following?

1. cultural humility 2. cultural competency 3. cultural sensitivity 4. cultural relativism 5. cultural appropriation 5. Question 5 Miriam and James recently married. Miriam has one child, Liam, while James has no children. Liam and James get along well and have developed a strong bond with one another. Liam feels guilty for feeling this way and doesn’t want his “real dad” to find out. Liam is experiencing _________. 1. trust issues 2. guilt and loss 3. loyalty issues 4. bonding issues 5. all of the above

CCMH 558 Wk 4 - Risk Assessment Form When someone seeks treatment after trauma, counselors must complete a risk assessment, even when clients may not be demonstrating behaviors that seem high risk. Assess risk for the client in the following case study using the Suicide Risk Assessment Form, which is based on the Suicide Assessment Five-step Evaluation and Triage from SAMHSA in this week’s learning activities. Use full sentences and appropriate grammar.

Katina is a 37-year-old heterosexual female of Serbian and Italian descent. She met Jonathan when she was in college, and they have had an on-and-off-again relationship over the past 15 years. During that time, they have had four children together, ages 4 to 13. She and Jonathan are currently working on their relationship and live together in the family home. Katina states that she has experienced mental health problems since adolescence, and recently receiving a diagnosis of anxiety and depression. She reports having been abused during her childhood by a family friend, who was imprisoned briefly as a result, but never received counseling for it. When younger, Katina took party drugs to cope with her anxiety and depression but feels now that she has grown out of the habit. Katina describes her long relationship with Jonathan as turbulent and dysfunctional. The abuse started as name calling; he would call her “fat,” “ugly,” and a “loser” if he felt he wasn’t getting his way or if he objected to her spending money. They had a joint bank account where Katina deposited her salary. If she didn’t pay bills and get household necessities immediately, Jonathan would clean out the account. As time went by, Jonathan’s abuse became physical. He frequently spat on Katina, pulled her hair, dragged her through the house, smashed her head into the wall, and threw drinks over her, on many occasions in front of the children. Throughout the relationship, she has experienced negative, controlling interference from Jonathan’s family, including verbal and physical abuse in the presence of the children as well. Yesterday, Katina was attempting to pay bills and noticed that there was not enough money to cover the household expenses. When she brought it up to her husband, he told her she was just trying to get extra money out of him and called her a “mooch” and “too dumb to add 2+2.” As Jonathan approached her, their eldest child stepped in to shield her. The husband then struck the eldest child and they continued in a physical altercation. Per Katina’s report, the child has bruises and a black eye, but the police were not called, and she has not told anyone else about this occurrence. Katina describes feeling guilty that she got her children involved in this situation. She explains that she wants everything to just go away. She describes feeling that, if she were not here any longer, everyone in her life would be much happier. Katina explains that she has these feelings often but never thought about acting on them

until now. She explains that her child stepping in “pushed me to the edge.” Katina explains that, when she was driving yesterday, she thought about how free it would feel if she were to just keep driving off the bridge. She said that she has had the thought several times since. She expresses being unsure if she is trying to end her life but admits that “it might just be for the best.” Submit the completed form for your assignment.

CCMH 558 Wk 4 - Concept Check 1.

Question 1

Mandy came to the emergency room after experiencing a sexual assault 2 days ago. When the crisis counselor asked how she was feeling, Mandy noted that she felt as if she was "checked out." This feeling of not being present is best described as which of the following? 1. physical effects 2. posttraumatic stress disorder 3. dissociation 4. depression 5. hallucinations 2. Question 2 Post-abortion trauma in males may be indicated by which symptoms? Select all that apply: 1. disrupted sleep 2. subjugation 3. addiction issues 4. sexual dysfunction 5.

struggles to relate to and bond with others, especially women 3. Question 3 An allegation of child abuse has been ______ when it has been proven to be abuse according to state law. 1. convicted 2. arbitrated 3. substantiated 4. adjudicated 5. none of the above 4. Question 4 According to the Battering Cycle, the man feels a combination of jealousy, overpossessiveness, love, and dependency during which stage of the cycle? 1. honeymoon phase 2. honeymoon stage again 3. tension-building phase 4. explosive phase 5. all stages 5. Question 5 A person who has experienced themselves socially, emotionally, and psychologically as male if the individual was born female, or female if the individual was born male is described by the following term: 1. gay or lesbian 2. asexual 3. gender variant or gender fluid 4. transgender

5. agender

CCMH 558 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Biopsychosocial Assessment with Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan A counselor conducts a biopsychosocial assessment during intake to try to fully understand the client’s presenting issues and their subjective viewpoint. It assesses clients on 3 dimensions: biological, social, and psychological. As a result, biopsychosocial assessments provide vital information to aid counselors in the treatment and diagnosis of clients. From the information gathered, the counselor can begin to formulate a case conceptualization. A case conceptualization is a cognitive map used to understand and explain a client’s presenting issues and to guide the counseling process. Case conceptualizations provide counselors with a clear plan for focusing treatment interventions to increase the likelihood of the client achieving their treatment goals. Imagine that you are the counselor in the following scenario—this is your initial session with the client. Following the session, you will complete a biopsychosocial assessment, case conceptualization, diagnosis and treatment plan based on the information presented. This assignment directly parallels what a counselor would do in real life at an agency following the initial session. Watch "Intake Assessment" and conduct a biopsychosocial assessment of the client presented. If there is no Mini-Mental Status Exam completed, indicate that in the cognitive section of the Mental Status part of the assessment.

Note: A transcript of the video is available. Although the case study may not provide in-depth information for all sections of the biopsychosocial assessment, please use the information as provided, and note if there is no information given for a specific area. Do not leave blanks—to document accurately and responsibly, you must note when information is missing. Complete a Biopsychosocial Assessment form with case conceptualization for the case, using full sentences and appropriate grammar.

Diagnose the individual in the video based on the symptoms and the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Support your diagnosis in the summary section of the Biopsychosocial Assessment form. Your assessment should be a minimum of 500 words. Include a minimum 100-word case conceptualization that explains the issues, symptoms, and diagnosis framed in a theoretical lens.

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Research common treatment goals for the chosen diagnosis before completing your Treatment Plan form. Complete a Treatment Plan form for this client based on best practice or evidence-based therapy. Justify your treatment plan with peer-reviewed research. Your treatment plan should be a minimum of 200 words and include: A minimum of 2 target problems Specific, short-term goals for each target problem Objectives for each target problem Intervention strategies to achieve goals for each target problem A minimum of 2 academic, peer-reviewed sources to support the goals, objectives, and interventions for each target problem Use the forms located on the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Resources site for the College of Social Sciences Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling & Mental Health Counseling program. Include a reference page in APA format for the case study you selected and any supporting resources used in your treatment plan. Submit both completed forms and the reference page for your assignment.

CCMH 558 Wk 5 - Concept Check 1.

Question 1

What is the term for a strengths-based framework that is grounded in an understanding of the impact of trauma; that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both providers and survivors; and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment? 1. trauma-sensitive treatment 2. trauma-informed care

3. strengths-based intervention 4. effective supportive therapy 5. none of the above 2. Question 2 When a crisis worker makes tasks clear and consistent by maintaining boundaries that are appropriate to the agency, they are demonstrating which of the following qualities? 1. choice 2. trustworthiness 3. safety 4. empowerment 5. none of the above 3. Question 3 Acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder are characterized by exposure to severe trauma, impairment in functioning, and the presence of a variety of anxiety and depressive symptoms. What differentiates these two disorders? 1. the nature of the trauma 2. the duration of the symptoms from when the trauma occurred 3. the duration of the experience of going through the trauma 4. the duration since the trauma experience 5. the severity of the trauma 4. Question 4 Veterans frequently deal with issues related to their role in killing enemy combatants and/or civilians. The "stages of killing" model can be helpful in validating a veteran's emotional experience and educating the veteran. Which of the following is NOT a stage of the model?

1. exhilaration 2. rationalization 3. killing 4. denial 5. none of these are stages of this model 5. Question 5 There are numerous treatment options for PTSD, and the crisis worker should consider access to services, availability, safety, and client preference when selecting an intervention. The treatment option that helps the veteran understand and change how thoughts and beliefs about the traumas and about the world cause stress and maintain current symptoms is the following: 1. cognitive-behavioral therapy 2. prolonged exposure therapy 3. stress inoculation therapy 4. secondary traumatization therapy 5. none of the above

CCMH 558 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Plan Most counselors will encounter a client expressing suicidal ideations at some point in their career. A counselor’s ability to recognize and address suicidality can be a life-saving skill. When the risk of suicide is identified, counselors should work to develop a therapeutic relationship with the client and their family as appropriate and work to develop safety plans in collaboration with the client. The safety plan indicates the actions that clients can take to respond and monitor their suicidal urges by outlining their coping and problem-solving skills and abilities.

Download the Client Safety Plan form to use for this assignment: Watch "Suicide Risk Intake Assessment," which portrays the initial crisis intervention where the counselor conducts a suicide risk assessment of a client.

Note: A transcript of the video is available. Use the relevant information given in the video to complete a suicide risk assessment for the example client using Part 1 of the Patient Safety Plan form. In this form, be sure to document the rationale for the risk level, ways to reduce the current risk, and if relevant, a proposed plan for follow-up. Develop an ongoing safety plan for this client to follow once the initial intervention is complete. Use Part 2 of the form to document the parts of your plan using clear language that the client can understand if in crisis. Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines. Submit the completed form for your assignment.

CCMH 558 Wk 6 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 Addicts may be most receptive to crisis intervention once their substance use has caused so many adverse consequences in their lives that they can barely function. What is the term that describes this condition? 1. incapacitation 2. bottoming out 3. withdrawal 4. compensation 5. none of the above 2. Question 2 FRAMES is an acronym for a brief intervention used with clients who abuse alcohol. The FRAMES intervention includes which of the following steps? Select all that apply:

1. offer feedback of personal risk 2. give advice to change 3. encourage patients to believe in their own self-efficacy to make changes 4. engage the family for support 5. none of the above 3. Question 3 Which of the following are core strategies for achieving long-term recovery from chronic disorders? 1. stabilization of active episodes 2. sustained professional monitoring 3. development of a peer-based support network 4. All of these are correct. 4. Question 4 The U.S. Census Bureau classifies disabilities according to six limitations. All of the following are limitations that constitute a disability, except: 1. independent living limitation 2. hearing limitation 3. intellectual limitation 4. ambulatory limitation 5. all of these would classify someone as having a disability 5. Question 5 What is the term for the consumer-centered intervention that embraces the elements of screening, assessment, specific goals, interdisciplinary and interagency cooperation, and measurable outcomes and is subject to monitoring and evaluation?

1. brief treatment 2. case management 3. self-help 4. psychoeducation 5. none of the above

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