ECH 302 A+ Study Guide

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ECH 302 Exceptionalities Of The Young Child The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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ECH 302 Wk 2 - Signature Assignment: Learner Rights and Teacher Responsibilities Presentation Imagine this scenario: Your school’s principal has asked you to prepare a presentation for your school’s new special education parents about learner rights and teacher responsibilities related to special education.

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Research the following topics: Characteristics of exceptional learners Critical Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provisions Learner rights Teacher responsibilities in relation to special education Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation using an instructor-approved presentation tool of your choice that summarizes your research.

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Include the following in your presentation: Summarize an introduction to early childhood special education, and include characteristics of exceptional learners and gifted learners in your summary. Explain major IDEA provisions, and include the Child Find mandate. Explain at least 3 laws and policies at the state level and 3 laws and policies at the federal level and how they pertain to learner rights.

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Discuss the teacher responsibilities in relation to the following professional standards of practice: Practices for advocating for meeting all learners’ needs Practices for encouraging learners to meet their full potential Practices for demonstrating respect for learners as individuals with differing personal and family backgrounds and various skills, abilities, and interests Practices for demonstrating collaboration with learners, families/caregivers, and colleagues Include speaker notes on the slides. Cite sources to support your assignment. Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

ECH 302 Wk 2 Team - Learning Exceptionalities Presentation Each team will create a comprehensive learning exceptionalities presentation using a format of your choice (Powerpoint, Google Slides, Prezi, etc.) to use as a future resource. Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. Part 1: Learning Exceptionality Research As a team, choose 6 exceptionalities to research. Using course readings, University Library resources, and/or other online resources, research the learning exceptionalities you have chosen.

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Part 2: Presentation Work as a team to contribute the following information to your presentation for each learning exceptionality assigned to your team: SLIDE 1: Title Page - Including Date and Team Members SLIDES 2-7 Bolded and underlined learning exceptionality label (top of page) Primary characteristics Causes Identification process Prevalence Classroom accommodations and modifications for the learner SLIDE 8 Sample list of Assistive technology (AT) resources that may enhance learning

SLIDE 9 Reference Page (3–5 references to support your assignment) Submit the team assignment.

ECH 302 Wk 3 - Signature Assignment: Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Simulation and Report As an educator, you will likely need to attend and participate in an individualized education plan (IEP) meeting for your students. This assignment gives you an opportunity to preview an IEP meeting to better understand this part of the special education process. Part 1: IEP Simulation Follow these instructions to access the interactive IEP Simulator: 1. Access the Special Education page on the COE Central website. 2. Scroll down to the middle of the page, and select IEP Simulator. 3. As you complete the IEP Simulator, you will be prompted to download an IEP Draft Form and an Observations and Assessment Results document. Complete the IEP Draft Form.

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Part 2: Report Based on the IEP Simulator, write a 350- to 700-word report for Steven’s parent or guardian in which you: Explain which required and optional stakeholders may attend an initial IEP meeting and what their roles are. Explain why Steven is being considered for services. Identify the category of special education services Steven is eligible for, and explain how the category of special education services was determined. Identify Steven’s measurable annual goals for reading, writing, and math. Provide an example of how you would accommodate or modify each of Steven’s goals. Discuss any statewide or district test accommodations Steven is eligible for. Submit your completed IEP Draft Form and report.

ECH 302 Wk 4 - Observations Comparison  

Source and schedule 2 separate observations in which you: Conduct the following observations: 1 observation must be in an early childhood setting that serves children from birth through preschool.

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1 observation must be in an early childhood setting that serves children from kindergarten through Grade 3. Conduct each observation for at least 1 hour. If needed, this hour can include follow-up interview time with the teacher to address items that weren’t visible during the observation. Choose an appropriate early childhood setting, such as a: Special education classroom General education inclusive classroom Gifted and talented classroom Speech and language classroom Head Start program Early learning center Private intervention agency Use the Observation Guide to guide and document your observations.

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Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you: Compare each of the early childhood settings you observed. Identify and describe the client or student population and the special needs present. Describe the types of services available for clients. Describe the staffing circumstances (i.e., number of staff, types of positions, and student-to-teacher ratios). Identify and describe steps taken to help the general education teacher meet the needs of their diverse classroom. Describe any instructional or behavioral modifications or accommodations observed in the classroom. Describe types of technology and how they contribute to the learning environment. Describe evidence of students’ acceptance of each other. Describe the interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom. Identify and describe any other relevant observations related to your class readings and discussions. Cite references to support your summary. Format your citations and summary according to APA guidelines. Record your field experience observations in My Time Log in TK20. Submit your observation chart and summary.

ECH 302 Wk 4 - Inclusion and Scheduling Scenario Imagine this scenario: You’re a teacher in a school that practices inclusion. Your class has 15 students and a teaching assistant. Within your class, there is 1 student who has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 1 student who has ADHD without hyperactivity (previously known as ADD), and another student who has limited mobility and is not yet walking. Choose whether your classroom from the scenario is either a preschool or kindergarten classroom. Consider what the daily schedule might look like after factoring in the age group and all of the students’ needs. Outline a daily schedule and include a rationale explaining each activity’s designated time. Submit your assignment.

ECH 302 Wk 5 - Signature Assignment: Lesson Plan With Accommodations and Modifications Good lesson planning is an essential component of the teaching and learning process. A prepared teacher sets themself up for a successful instructional experience, and they also set their students up for a successful learning experience. Preparing lesson plans that promote learning for all students is critical, and it is a skill you will continue to work on throughout your career. This assignment provides an opportunity to practice lesson planning based on a typical classroom scenario.

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Imagine this scenario: You’re a teacher in a regular education early childhood classroom that has 15 students. Of those students: 1 student has a learning disability. 1 student has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder( ADHD). 1 student has ADHD without hyperactivity. 1 student is an English learner. 1 student is a gifted learner. Choose 1 content area to focus on for this assignment, such as math, science, social studies, or reading/language arts. Using the scenario and your chosen focus area, develop a lesson plan for an early childhood age/grade level (preschool–Grade 3) that includes the following components:

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Standards and learning objective(s): Select state standard(s) relevant to your identified grade level and content area, and use them to develop learning objective(s) for the lesson. Provide lesson objectives that are specific, measurable, and observable, and align to the standards. Provides suggestions for modifying the lesson objective(s) to meet the needs of the diverse learners in the scenario. Lesson’s central focus: Based on the standard(s) and lesson objective(s), describe the: Lesson’s purpose How the skills developed apply to the students’ experiences Materials: Identify the materials and instructional resources, such as technology, handouts, guest speakers, etc., needed for the teacher and students. Describe how the materials support and enhance the lesson. Classroom arrangement and grouping: Describe the classroom arrangement and grouping strategies you will use during this lesson. Include how this design creates a positive learning environment and how it supports the diverse learners identified in the scenario. Instructional approach: Provide a detailed lesson outline that includes: Methods for setting the stage for learning: How will you gain the students’ interest and activate prior knowledge? How will you introduce the lesson standards and objectives in a student-friendly manner? What vocabulary is essential to this lesson? Lesson delivery and guided practice: What innovative teaching strategies will you implement to model the lesson’s skills and concepts? How will you check for student understanding during the lesson? How will you integrate technology, where appropriate, to make the lesson more engaging? Accommodations and modifications: How will you modify the content, process, and product to meet their needs? What accommodations will you have in place to ensure that each diverse learner can learn the material? Closure: How will you finish the lesson in a way that actively involves students in summarizing and reviewing the major concepts and learning experiences? Independent practice: What types of practice activities will you provide for students, including the diverse learners described in the scenario, to complete outside of class time? Assessment: Create a summative assessment that aligns to the standard(s) and lesson objective(s).

Include suggestions for assessment modifications that meet the needs of the scenario’s diverse learners. Cite references to support your assignment. Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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