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ENG/200 RHETORIC AND RESEARCH The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


ENG 200 Entire Course Link https://uopcourse.com/category/eng-200/ ********************************************** ENG 200 Week 1 Research Question and Thesis Worksheet In this assignment, you will review potential essay topics and select one for your Final Paper, which is due in Week 5. Review the possible topics for your Final Paper assignment listed below. You can also view the topics and questions in the University Library, where each of the topics is associated with an article. Keep in mind that the goal of this paper is to create an argument that will persuade someone else to adopt your perspective or point of view about the issue you choose.

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Choose one of the following topics for your Final Paper, consider the research questions listed along with the topic, and review the source provided for this assignment. You are not required to use the provided source in your paper, but you will need to use 3 pieces of material from the University Library in your Final Paper, one of which will be peer-reviewed. Animal Rights: Do animals deserve rights? What are 3 reasons you support or oppose this position? Artificial Intelligence: Is artificial intelligence helpful or hurtful to our economy? What are 3 reasons you hold this viewpoint? Climate Change: What argument might you make about climate change? What are 3 ways to support this argument? Fake News: What are ways to protect ourselves from fake news? What are 3 ways to solve the problem?

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Technology: Does technology advance or threaten our democracy? What are 3 reasons you take that stance? Parenting: Is corporal punishment an appropriate discipline for children? What are 3 reasons that you agree or disagree with corporal punishment? If none of the topics above appeal to you, you may select a different topic for your argument. If you choose an alternative topic, you will also have to create a research question (like those listed after the topics above) and identify one research source from the library as part of this assignment. Follow these guidelines if you choose a different topic from those listed above: Check the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database to start, as that database shares statistics, alternative viewpoints, articles, and videos with various points of view. You are encouraged to select a topic you are interested in but no hardened beliefs about. Following these guidelines reduces the chance of bias and increases the likelihood that you may learn more objectively about how to get resources and respond in writing. You might consider your career field and search the database for keywords or ideas related to your career interest (for example, searching “workplace diversity” if you have an interest in business, or “K-12 education” if you are interested in a career in teaching). Note: If you choose your own topic, you will need to obtain your faculty member’s approval. Remember to message your faculty member early in the week so you can begin working on this assignment as soon as possible. Complete the Research Question and Thesis Worksheet related to your selected topic. Submit your completed Research Question and Thesis Worksheet.

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https://uopcourse.com/ ENG 200 Week 2 Library Research Worksheet Last week you identified a topic and research question for your Final Paper. This week you will spend some time locating research sources that will support your argument in that paper. This assignment will guide you through how to research and locate your sources. Review the Develop a Search Strategy page. Be sure to click on each tab across the top of the page. Create a list of keywords for your research question using the guidelines on the Identify Main Concepts & Keywords tab. Using the keywords you identified, conduct a keyword search by following these steps:

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Go to the Databases page in the University Library. Set results for the last 5 years (review the Choose a Database tab for guidance). Use the strategies from the “Improve Your Results” tab to narrow your results. Select at least 3 articles to read. At least 1 of your articles should be peerreviewed. Complete the Library Research Worksheet. Submit your completed Library Research Worksheet.

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https://uopcourse.com/ ENG 200 Week 3 Rough Draft

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Review the research you gathered in Week 2 and the thesis statement you created in Week 1 before beginning your rough draft. Be sure to note any feedback from your instructor about changes you might want to consider. You may also create an outline to use for yourself as you compose the draft. Review the model outline from the Center for Writing Excellence. Take advantage of the opportunity to record notes to yourself on where to flesh out ideas as a reference for later revisions. Keep in mind that only the draft will be required for submission in this assignment. You do not have to submit your outline or notes. Feel free to explore different approaches to preparing your draft, such as: Writing it from start to finish. Writing just the body or one section at a time. Writing what intrigues you most with this topic. These strategies are meant to help you get started on your paper but remember to go back and revise so that you have a complete draft to submit. Use the APA template from the Center for Writing Excellence to create a draft of your Final Paper in a minimum of 525 words. Complete the appropriate title page information with your details and original title. This assignment requires that you include direct quotes or paraphrased information from the research you gathered in Week 2 (3 pieces of cited evidence, 1 of which is peer reviewed). F

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ENG 200 Week 4 Self-Assessment Read your draft in-progress. Complete the Self-Assessment worksheet with full-sentence responses. As you complete the worksheet, keep your draft handy. You may find it helpful to make notes on your draft as you complete this so you capture the changes you want to make as you revise. Use your completed worksheet and any notes you make as you revise your draft for the Final Paper (due at the end of Week 5). Submit your worksheet.

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https://uopcourse.com/ ENG 200 Week 5 Final Paper Review your draft from Week 3, the Self-Assessment worksheet and notes you completed in Week 4, and any feedback from your instructor. All of these documents will guide the changes you make to create your final paper. Review the sample student paper “The Power of Wardrobe,” pp. 335-346, from Research Matters as an example of the expectations. You may also review the Sample Paper as another example. Complete the final edits for your paper using the Final Paper Checklist to ensure you’ve addressed all the requirements of the assignment. Use the APA template to format your Final Paper. Prior to submitting your final paper, use the SafeAssign Originality Report to review your work for errors or concerns about incorporating evidence. Make corrections as needed. Ensure the paper reflects your best effort at a clean copy in terms of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Submit your Final Paper.

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