GEN 201 All Discussions

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GEN 201 Wk 1 Discussion – Overcoming Challenges Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days to meet your complete discussion requirement. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Discover: Have you ever lost your job unexpectedly? Perhaps you’ve had your bank account frozen the day before rent was due. Regardless of the specific situation, everyone experiences challenges in their lives; some of which are more complicated than others. Now that you’ve started your degree program, you may encounter new challenges, especially as you orient yourself to life as a student. It’s common to feel overwhelmed or confused or to even doubt your abilities. What’s important is to learn how to work through those feelings. A critical component to your success as a student lies in your ability to overcome challenges and persist toward achieving your educational goals. Reflect: Think about the challenges you’ve experienced in your life. Consider how you originally felt about those challenges and the actions you took to overcome them. Reflect on what you learned from those experiences and how that knowledge can be used to overcome challenges you may experience as a student. Act (due Thursday): Before you draft your response to this discussion, be sure to read through the Week 1 materials. DUE THURSDAY 04/29/21

Respond to the 6 questions below in separate paragraphs with at least 50 words for each paragraph: NOTE: Personalize each response using the words I, me, mine, or myself where needed. 1. What challenges do you think you may experience as a student? Why? 2. How might your past experiences, your motivation, and your current mindset help or hinder your ability to overcome those challenges? 3. What are some specific actions you can take to support the achievement of your educational goals? 4. For whom are you setting a good example by completing your college degree? 5. Are there children, family members, friends, or co-workers who can be inspired by your hard work and motivation? 6. Are there any positive role models in your life that have inspired you to start your college journey? REPLY DUE no later than MONDAY 05/03/21 : Post at least 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Each reply must be at least 50 words. Be constructive and professional.

GEN 201 Wk 2 Discussion – Habits for Success Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days to meet your complete discussion requirement. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Discover: In last week’s discussion, you reflected on your past experiences, considered your present thinking, and envisioned your potential future to help you discover ways to overcome challenges and persist toward achieving your educational goals. Preparing for

success also involves developing habits like prioritizing or goal setting, to support your journey. Reflect: Think about the events that take place in your day-to-day life. Some examples might include working, picking up your kids from school, preparing dinner, attending church, spending quality time with your spouse, and so forth. Next, think about some of your daily habits. For example: Do you take long showers? Do you spend a lot of time looking at social media, watching tv, or playing video games? Consider the amount of time you spend with these events and habits and how you prioritize them. Act (due Thursday): Before you draft your response to this discussion, be sure to read through the Week 2 materials. DUE THURSDAY 05/06/21 Respond to the 6 questions below in separate paragraphs with at least 25 words for each paragraph: NOTE: Personalize each response using the words I, me, mine, or myself where needed. Consider some of your habits that might pose a challenge. 1. What challenges have affected your ability to complete your daily tasks on a regular basis? 2. What strategies have you tried to help manage your daily responsibilities? 3. Which of those strategies might help you achieve your educational goals and why? 4. What new strategies might help you achieve your educational goals and why? 5. What new habits can you develop to help you achieve your educational goals and how might they help? 6. There is a list of considerations for limiting stress listed in Section 3.4 of your myBook. Which of these strategies do you already use? Are there any new strategies that you * NOTE: having have completed the 6 items above REMOVE

the original questions and number each of your responses before posting. REPLY DUE no later than MONDAY 05/10/21 : Post at least 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Each reply must be at least 50 words. Be constructive and professional.

GEN 201 Wk 3 Discussion – Written Communication Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days to meet your complete discussion requirement. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Discover: One of the primary goals of this course is to help prepare you for success. The previous weeks introduced different topics to assist you with this, including motivation, grit, growth mindset, time management, and goal setting. This week focuses on another important topic: written communication. The ability to communicate effectively and with integrity is essential in the workplace, school, and daily life. Reflect: Think about how your written communication changes based on context. For example, in what ways are your work emails different from the messages you post on social media? Consider what you believe are your strengths and weaknesses with written communication and recall some specific examples of each. Are you good at making your point clear? Do you have a hard time preparing writing assignments, or do you regularly question your abilities? Act (due Thursday): Before you draft your response to this discussion, be sure to read through the Week 3 materials. * DUE THURSDAY 05/13/21

Respond to the 5 questions below in separate paragraphs with at least 35 words for each paragraph: NOTE: Personalize each response using the words I, me, mine, or myself where needed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Identify your greatest strength and your greatest weakness in regard to professional or academic written communication. Provide an example for each. What actions can you take to improve upon your writing weaknesses? Why do you believe these actions will help? In your own words, explain the importance of academic integrity and explain what actions you can take as a student to demonstrate your academic integrity. It is easy for us to become so accustomed to casual communication that we forget to change modes in academia, and sometimes the workplace too. Section 4.6 in myBook addresses the importance of strong communication skills. Answer the following: Why is it important to understand who the audience is, the purpose of communicating, and tone when communicating with others? NOTE: having have completed the 5 items above REMOVE the original questions and number each of your responses before posting. REPLY DUE no later than MONDAY 05/17/21 : Post at least 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Each reply must be at least 50 words. Be constructive and professional.

GEN 201 Wk 4 Discussion – Finding Good Information ost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days to meet your complete discussion requirement. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.


Have you ever thought about how much you rely on information in your life? Whether you’re preparing a report for your boss, listening to your child’s version of a story, or reading an article in the newspaper, you rely on information from a variety of sources to get through your day. Because information plays such a critical role in our lives, it’s especially important to understand the difference between good, bad, and questionable information, as well as how to find, evaluate, and use information to serve your purposes. Reflect: Think about the sources of information you rely on the most and what makes those sources so appealing to you. For each source, ask yourself:      

Does this source always provide accurate information? Does this source provide original information, or does it share information obtained elsewhere? Is this source trustworthy? Why or why not? Can I use the information from this source at my job? Would I recommend the information from this source to others? How might others view the credibility of this source? Act (due Thursday): Before you draft your response to this discussion, be sure to read through the Week 4 materials. DUE THURSDAY 05/20/21 Respond to the 5 questions below in separate paragraphs with at least 35 words for each paragraph: NOTE: Personalize each response using the words I, me, mine, or myself where needed. 1. In what ways can developing your information literacy help you in your personal and professional life? Provide at least one specific example.

2. What types or sources of information that you have used in the past might not be appropriate for academic writing? Why?

3. What tips did you learn from Brad in the University Library Search Strategies video in Section 5.2 of your myBook?

4. How can we narrow down our results when searching for articles in the University Library?

5. Take a few minutes to learn more about the CRAAP method by reading “Evaluate Sources” from Section 5.3 of your myBook. Answer the following questions:   

What does the acronym CRAAP stand for? How is this test used? What is a credible academic research source? NOTE: having have completed the 5 items above REMOVE the original questions and number each of your responses before posting. REPLY DUE no later than MONDAY 05/24/21 : Post at least 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Each reply must be at least 50 words. Be constructive and professional.

GEN 201 Wk 5 Discussion – Growth and Change Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days to meet your complete discussion requirement. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Discover: As you continue to explore different tools to help you succeed, think about this question: How do you define success? Answering this question may be easy for some of you and more difficult for others.

Success is a very broad term, so it’s important to add some context. Think about the question again, but this time ask yourself:   

How do I define success in my personal life? How do I define success in my professional life? How do I define success in my academic life?

Reflect: Think about the topics you explored in this course. Consider the ways in which your understanding may have changed, how your perspectives may have shifted, and how you may have grown since beginning this course. Use this as an opportunity to dig deep and challenge your thinking. Act (due Thursday): Before you draft your response to this discussion, be sure to read through the Week 5 materials. DUE THURSDAY 05/27/21 Respond to the 5 questions below in separate paragraphs with at least 35 words for each paragraph: NOTE: Personalize each response using the words I, me, mine, or myself where needed. 1. Briefly explain how you have changed and/or grown since beginning this course. 2. In what ways would you like to continue this growth? 3. In your own words, define success in your personal, professional, and academic life. 4. What are the 3 most important things you learned during this course? 5. What advice would you give to a new student who is just starting the class? Do you have any remaining questions as you look forward to starting your next class?

NOTE: having have completed the 5 items above REMOVE the original questions and number each of your responses before posting. REPLY DUE no later than MONDAY 05/31/21 : Post at least 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Each reply must be at least 50 words. Be constructive and professional.

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