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HCS/472 Marketing In The Health Care Industry The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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HCS 472 Wk 1 Individual Assignment: Evolution of Health Care Marketing Health care marketing requires a different approach than other industries. In this assignment you will review current health care marketing and how it has evolved in the past 50 years, as well as how health care marketing compares to other industries. This will give you the necessary background knowledge to understand what impact competitive, regulatory, technological, and environmental changes have on health care marketing.

Research the following: Identify different events or shifts in our health care system within the past 50 years that have led to a change in health care marketing. Identify marketing ads for one health care-based company and one non-health care-based company, such as from the automotive or cellular phone industries, from the past 50 years. Select 1 marketing ad for a health care-based company and 1 marketing ad for a non-health care-based company from the past 50 years. Write a 350- to 700-word reflection that details the changes in health care marketing that have occurred in the past 50 years and why these changes occurred. Your reflection will include a discussion around the similarities and differences of health care and non-health

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care marketing based on the ads you selected. Your reflection should: Describe how health care marketing has changed since the 1970s. Describe current health care marketing. Identify advantages of health care marketing for an organization and its consumers. Discuss whether you consider marketing an appropriate practice in health care. Identify similarities and differences between health care marketing and marketing in other industries. Review the ads you selected (health care and non-health care ad) and identify 2 similarities and 2 differences between the marketing in a health care company versus a non-health care company. Consider readings related to the 4Ps of marketing. Identify how you think health care marketing will change in the next decade. Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

HCS 472 Wk 2 Individual Assignment: Conducting Market Research, Part 1 Your local hospital would like to provide a new program for the community based on different products, service divisions, or segments offered by the hospital. You have been hired to manage the marketing for the new program that will be used within your community. Your supervisor has reminded you that it is important to know your consumers to effectively market to them. You have been tasked with creating a proposal for the new program based on research conducted in your area. Research and identify a hospital in your community. You will create a marketing project plan for a new program and will use this hospital throughout the course. This week will help you understand the importance of market segmentation.

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Research the following products, services, or segments your hospital is considering promoting as a new program: An outpatient physical therapy center A new emergency department triage center A mobile mammogram vehicle A new community hotline call center specializing in mental health needs Create a 350- to 700-word proposal outlining information about your hospital, market research, and proposal/conclusion. Your proposal can be created using a Microsoft® Word document. Use the following headings and prompts to create your proposal: Introduction Identify the hospital you selected within your community. Describe the products, services, and segments provided by the hospital. Describe your community. Market research Identify key factors you would use to measure the demand in your community for each of the products, services, and segments listed above. Discuss the major health needs of your community. Identify which market attributes you would rely on to support each of your assessments. Proposal/conclusion Identify one product, service, or segment based on your market research to use in your marketing project plan for the new program. Note: You will use this selection in future assignments. Explain why you selected the product, service, or segment for your hospital and community. Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Remember to use University Library tools to ensure your paper contains proper grammar and syntax and is not plagiarized. Include a title and references page for your proposal. Submit your assignment.

HCS 472 Wk 3 Individual Assignment: Selecting a Market Strategy, Part 2 This week you will continue to formulate a marketing strategy to use for a marketing project plan based on the proposal you completed in Week 2 and will continue to complete in future assignments. Complete the Marketing Strategy worksheet. Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, go to the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence. Format your references according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

HCS 472 Wk 4 Team Assignment: Health Marketing Influences The intent of this Learning Team assignment is to facilitate a collaborative discussion centered on the research each team member will complete. In the health care industry, work is not divided among a team; instead, a team works together to complete the task at hand. In your discussion, you will read the following scenarios and compose responses to each of the prompts. You will be responsible for facilitating a discussion around each scenario and developing a response to each prompt provided at the end of each scenario.

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Read the following scenarios: Scenario 1: External influences play a significant role in the success of any industry. In 2008, a plastic surgery center opened in a large city and the center expected a high volume of patients. The economy took a downturn, and consumers no longer spent money on non-essentials, such as elective surgery. When the economy recovered, the plastic surgery business grew by leaps and bounds. The success and failure of plastic surgery centers was directly reflected by the external factor of the economy. Prompt 1: Describe how another health care product or service may be influenced by a different external factor. Provide an example of a health care product or service that failed because of an external factor. Note: Your example can include a product that completely failed or initially failed but was later a success. Scenario 2: Insurance companies today have consumers paying a percentage of the total cost of health care through coinsurance. Thus, the consumer must be more

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conscious of costs. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides “report cards” for many health care areas, including pricing and quality of care for providers and various health care facility types. This data transparency shown to the consumer has allowed the consumer to make better choices by comparing products and services. Facilities have had to consider the external factor of competition more than ever before. Prompt 2: Research the CMS website and compare at least 2 dominant differences seen within at least 2 facilities. Navigate to the left side of the CMS page to review various facilities (hospitals, hospice centers, etc.) and the “report cards.” As a team, host a substantial discussion on each scenario in the Learning Team area. For the discussion to be considered substantial, the following must be included: All team members will provide details or a summary of their research. All team members will provide at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference from their research. References should be cited according to APA guidelines. As a team, create a response to Prompt 1 and Prompt 2 from the scenarios above. Select a team leader to submit the response to Prompt 1 and Prompt 2 in a Microsoft® Word document. Submit your assignment.

HCS 472 Wk 4 Individual Assignment: Developing an Integrated Marketing Campaign, Part 3 This week you will continue working on your marketing project plan for your chosen campaign developed in Weeks 2 and 3. You will start to outline details that will be included in your marketing project plan due in Week 5. Complete the Developing an Integrated Marketing Campaign template to identify details of the integrated marketing campaign that will be included in your final marketing project plan. Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, go to the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence. Format your reference section and references used for each prompt according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

HCS 472 Wk 5 Individual Assignment: Presenting a Marketing Project Plan, Part 4 As the marketing project manager, you are ready to present your marketing project plan and marketing campaign to your supervisor. Use your work from the assignments in Weeks 2 through 4 to create a 10- to 15-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites like Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi.

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The presentation should showcase your proposed marketing project plan and the integrated advertising campaign and should: Summarize the need for your new hospital program in your community. Identify key data points you collected that support the need of the new program. Identify the chosen marketing strategy for your new program. Define your targeted audience based on your market segmentation in previous assignments. Include your specific message(s) you will use in your integrated advertising campaign. Identify the tasks and their order of importance needed to implement your marketing project plan. Explain when and how you will evaluate your marketing project plan. Identify a projected timeline of evaluation. Identify tools you will use to evaluate your plan. Identify resources and data that will be used to determine success in your marketing project plan and new program. Based on anticipated changes in the future, discuss how health care marketing strategies can change. Consider external influences that may guide strategy changes. Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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