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LDR 300 Course Link https://www.onlinehelp123.com/LDR­300 ********************************************** LDR 300 Wk 1 - Practice: Knowledge Check Which of the following statements is true of women in leadership positions? Multiple Choice • Women were less likely than men to be willing to take career risks. • Women were less analytical and forceful than men. • Women's commitment to their organizations was less guarded than that of their male counterparts. • Women had significantly lower well-being scores than men.

According to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership, which of the following statements is true about pragmatist followers? Multiple Choice • They are the "yes people" of organizations. • They usually point out all the negative aspects of their organization to others. • They often present a distinct image, with either positive or negative characteristics. • They are rarely committed to their group's work goals.

Craig, a marketing manager at HeliZone Inc., rarely takes initiative or suggests new ideas during

project meetings. He does his work halfheartedly and needs to be guided by his manager on a regular basis. According to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership, Craig most likely is a(n) Multiple Choice • passive follower • pragmatist follower • alienated follower • conformist follower

Which of the following terms describes a kind of learning between an individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions? Multiple Choice • action learning • deutero-learning • double-loop learning • single-loop learning

Which of the following involves a willingness to confront your own views and an invitation to others to do so, too? Multiple Choice • double-loop learning • single-loop learning • the self-fulfilling prophecy • the fundamental attribution error

Which of the following fundamental archetypes of leadership is most likely to take risks and action in a crisis? Multiple Choice • The Revolutionary–Crusader archetype • The Teacher–Mentor archetype • The Visionary–Alchemist archetype • The Warrior–Knight archetype

Which of the following is the first step while conducting a GAPS analysis? Multiple Choice • to obtain information about one's strengths and development needs by asking others for feedback • to clearly identify what one wants to do or where one wants to go with one's career over the next year or so • to write a journal that includes specialized knowledge or a number of skills that have helped

one succeed in one's previous jobs • to identify the standards one's boss or one's organization has for one's career objectives

Which of the following statements is true of a gaps-of-the-GAPS analysis? Multiple Choice • It helps leadership practitioners identify high-priority development needs. • It clearly spells out what leaders need to do to meet their development needs. • It builds in reflection time so that people can periodically review progress. • It states career objectives indicating where one wants to be in one's career a year or so in the future.

Which of the following statements is true about building effective relationships with superiors? Multiple Choice • Followers should play politics and distort information to make superiors look good, if required. • Followers should take the blame solely on themselves for their teams' failures. • Followers should think of their own and their superior's success as interdependent. • Followers should be evaluated on the basis of their own success rather than on their team's success.

In the context of the new leader onboarding road map, which of the following statements is true of new leaders in the first two weeks? Multiple Choice • They should avoid meeting their team's stars to stay ahead of potential biases or conflicts. • They should avoid meeting individuals who were once part of the team but have taken positions in other parts of the organization. • They should schedule one-on-one meetings with all their peers in peers' offices. • They should try to maximize their personal interactions with direct reports.

LDR 300 Wk 1 - Apply: Quiz Identify a true statement about passive followers according to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership. Multiple Choice • They are often seen as cynical, negative, and adversarial by leaders. • They require constant direction because they lack initiative and a sense of responsibility. • They are the "yes people" of organizations. • They are highly likely to become experts in mastering the bureaucratic rules that can be used to protect them.

According to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership, which of the following statements is true about pragmatist followers? Multiple Choice • They are the "yes people" of organizations. • They often present a distinct image, with either positive or negative characteristics. • They are rarely committed to their group's work goals. • They usually point out all the negative aspects of their organization to others.

Which of the following definitions of leadership is fairly comprehensive and helpful? Multiple Choice • the process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner • the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals • directing and coordinating the work of group members • actions that focus resources to create desirable opportunities A key reason behind using the phrase "desirable opportunities" in a definition of leadership was precisely to distinguish between leadership and Multiple Choice • situation. • tyranny. • followership. • management. Leadership is most associated with words like Multiple Choice • consistency. • planning. • vision. • control. What is Hollander's approach to leadership called? Multiple Choice • transformational • participative • transactional • charismatic The interactional framework for analyzing leadership includes Multiple Choice • individual followers, groups, and leaders. • first-level supervisors, mid-level managers, and top-level leaders. • individuals, groups, and organizations.

followers, leaders, and situations.

According to leadership researchers, leadership Multiple Choice • postulates that leaders administer rather than innovate. • is an interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to. • requires that leaders accept the status quo. • is the study of leaders independent of the people they interact with.

In the context of perception, which of the following terms is best described as the explanations people develop for the characteristics, behaviors, or actions to which they attend? Multiple Choice • fundamental attribution error • attribution • self-fulfilling prophecy • single-loop learning

Which of the following terms describes a kind of learning between an individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions? Multiple Choice • single-loop learning • action learning • deutero-learning • double-loop learning

Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, phone messages, and letters from a fictitious manager's inbasket? Multiple Choice • in-basket exercises • case studies • role playing • virtual simulations

Leadership development is enhanced when an experience involves three processes, which are Multiple Choice • action, observation, and reflection. • perception, attribution, and learning.

• •

causation, vision, and listening.

According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following web is the foundation for leaders to function in complex, uncertain, and changing environments where leadership solutions to challenges depend on mutual trust and respect among parties? Multiple Choice • flaneur • authenticity • learning • reverence

According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following webs of belief is associated with respecting and caring for all creation, and honoring the needs and identities of everyone in every culture? Multiple Choice • purpose • authenticity • flaneur • reverence

Simone, a senior sales manager at ReadMe Inc., cares about developing the skills of her teammates and works beside them as a role model. In the context of the five fundamental archetypes of leadership, she most likely belongs to the Multiple Choice • Father–Judge archetype. • Teacher–Mentor archetype. • Visionary–Alchemist archetype. • Warrior–Knight archetype.

According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following webs of belief undergirds how one balances active participation in the events of one's life with alternating periods of observation, reflection, detachment, and rest? Multiple Choice • flaneur • reverence • authenticity • learning

Task forces that are formed to work on key change initiatives should be staffed by stars because Multiple Choice • this will establish an effective and reasonable time schedule. • this will minimize the need to outsource tasks. • this will ensure that key players earn promotions. • this will improve the odds of good recommendations being made.

Which of the following statements is true of a gaps-of-the-GAPS analysis? Multiple Choice • It states career objectives indicating where one wants to be in one's career a year or so in the future. • It clearly spells out what leaders need to do to meet their development needs. • It builds in reflection time so that people can periodically review progress. • It helps leadership practitioners identify high-priority development needs.

Which of the following statements is true about building effective relationships with superiors? Multiple Choice • Followers should think of their own and their superior's success as interdependent. • Followers should be evaluated on the basis of their own success rather than on their team's success. • Followers should take the blame solely on themselves for their teams' failures. • Followers should play politics and distort information to make superiors look good, if required.

In the context of the first day on the job, identify a true statement about the first meeting of the new leaders with their new bosses. Multiple Choice • The meeting should avoid discussing the boss's view of team strengths and weaknesses. • The meeting should end by arranging a follow-up meeting to review progress. • The meeting should happen in a small conference room. • The meeting should usually last for two to three hours.

When a team has fewer than 15 people, what should new leaders do during the first two weeks? Multiple Choice • identify major areas of improvement and restructure the whole group • organize gatherings to learn personal information about team members • meet individually with everyone on the team • schedule half-day one-on-one sessions with every team member

Which of the following is one of the best ways to establish and maintain good peer relationships? Multiple Choice • acknowledge common interests and goals • practice a theory z attitude to gain perspective • adopt the norms of the group • take control of problems that peers are unable to solve

Why do followers most likely need to have a high level of technical competence? Multiple Choice • Technical expertise enables a follower to implement a relevant development plan. • Technical competence increases a follower's channel power and situational control. • Technical competence decreases the pressure to belong to a leader's in-group. • Technical expertise plays a key role in supervisors' performance appraisal ratings of subordinates.

Which of the following statements is true of individuals with high levels of technical competence? Multiple Choice • They are highly likely to be delegated tasks. • They are highly unlikely to be asked to participate in decisions. • They are highly likely to be members of their leaders' out-groups. • They are highly unlikely to wield more influence in their groups than their leaders.

Which of the following is most likely a benefit of keeping a journal? Multiple Choice • considering actions in a subjective way • documenting ideas for future speeches • providing information for key followers • quantifying important strategic decisions

LDR 300 Wk 2 - Practice: Knowledge Check Followers are highly likely to use _____ power to change their leader's behavior if they have a relatively high amount of referent power with their fellow coworkers. Multiple Choice • expert • coercive • reward • legitimate

A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses his or her _____ power to influence them. Multiple Choice • reward • coercive • legitimate • referent

Unlike consultation, coalition tactics are most likely used when agents Multiple Choice • seek the aid or support of others to influence their targets. • use threats or persistent reminders to influence targets. • attempt to get targets in a good mood before making requests. • make proposals that are designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in targets.

A police officer giving a speeding ticket to a driver is most likely using his or her Multiple Choice • coercive power. • expert power. • referent power. • reward power.

Which of the following statements is true of coercive power? Multiple Choice • It refers to the ability of an individual to influence others through his or her relative expertise in particular areas. • It has the possibility to be used by followers to influence their leader's behavior. • It is directly proportional to the strength of the relationship between leaders and followers. • It refers to the potential to influence others due to one's control over desired resources.

Dr. Jonathon realizes that his patient is suffering from a highly contagious disease that is likely to pose a threat to the entire city. However, he is uncertain about sharing this information with city officials to protect his patient's privacy. In this scenario, which of the following ethical dilemmas does the doctor most likely face? Multiple Choice • justice versus mercy • short-term versus long-term • truth versus loyalty • individual versus community

Which of the following generation of workers tends to be technologically savvy, independent, and skeptical of institutions and hierarchy? Multiple Choice • the Gen Xers • the Baby Boomers • the Veterans • the Millennials

According to Zemke's four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of the Veterans? Multiple Choice • They are most likely latchkey kids. • They tend to be more committed to their vocation than to any specific organization. • They represent a wealth of lore and wisdom. • They are entrepreneurial, and they embrace change.

Which of the following is an approach, developed and popularized by Covey, which postulates a fundamental interdependence between the personal, the interpersonal, the managerial, and the organizational levels of leadership? Multiple Choice • the constructionist approach • principle-centered leadership • upward ethical leadership • the role approach

Hall and Donnell reported findings of five separate studies involving over 12,000 managers that explored the relationship between managerial achievement and attitudes toward subordinates. Overall, they found that managers who strongly subscribed to Theory X beliefs Multiple Choice • were highly likely to be in their lower-achieving group. • were unlikely to have a pessimistic view of others. • were highly likely to believe that workers were naturally motivated to work. • were unlikely to rely on coercive, external control methods to motivate workers.

LDR 300 Wk 2 - Apply: Test Which type of power can Lee use in his role as the CEO in an organization? Multiple Choice • Referent power • Expert power

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Coercive power Legitimate power

In the past and in early leadership studies, effective leadership was thought to be based on the heroic theory and included which of the following leadership traits? Multiple Choice • Intelligence quotient • Expertise or experience • Education level • Height or gender

Tovah has been told that he needs to develop his skills as a leader. Which of these tools might best help Tovah? Multiple Choice • A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis • A GAPS (goals, abilities, perceptions, standards) analysis • The GROW (goal, reality, opportunity, way forward) model • A SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goal

Dr. Hamilton has researched and studied artificial intelligence for over 30 years. Which type of power does he have in that field? Multiple Choice • Coercive power • Reward power • Expert power • Referent power

When evaluating a leader, you should not immediately conclude if the leader is good or bad because you must consider Multiple Choice • The leader, the followers, and multiple situations. • Whether the followers like the leader and disagreed with the decisions. • How long the leader and the followers have been working together. • The overall performance of the team first.

What is the considered the most important, yet neglected, step of the A-O-R Model? Multiple Choice • Action • Observation

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Refusal Reflection

How can the second and third phases of development planning be used to improve as a leader? Multiple Choice • They can be used to evaluate what areas a leader needs to work on and what resources are available. • Those phases can lead to improved comradery on the team. • They make it apparent what team a leader should work with. • They allow a leader to focus on their followers.

Emmitt uses his leadership and position to produce effects on others and influence his followers. What term is used to describe this ability of leadership? Multiple Choice • Coercion • Authority • Power • Force

Why is the Action-observation-reflection (AOR) model used in the fourth phase of the development planning process? Multiple Choice • Because it is when a development plan can be created. • Because it is when an individual seeks feedback from others. • Because it is the phase in which a leader can identify what areas to focus on to improve as a leader. • Because in that phase a leader can identify the gaps in their own leadership skills.

What is the first phase of development planning for a leader? Multiple Choice • Identify available career opportunities. • Identify strengths and weaknesses. • Identify your career goals and assess your abilities. • Identify your development resources.

Sherry is working on being a better leader. She has created a development plan and is now seeking to implement her plan. In this scenario, which model is best for addressing her leadership abilities? Multiple Choice

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ABS - Access your feelings, Be apologetic, and Slap it (a high five) SOAR - Seek success, overcome challenges, achieve goals, reach high AOR - Action, Observation, and Reflection STAR - Show thankfulness, appreciation, and respect

Jim is a manager in a retail business. To be an effective manager and active leader, Jim should try to have how many people as direct reports? Multiple Choice • 3 to 10 • 1 or 2 • 20 to 30 • 10 to 20

Leaders, as opposed to strictly managers, are involved in which one of the following activities? Multiple Choice • Planning • Paperwork • Vision • Regulations

Power is not only related to the leader. What are three aspects that impact power? Multiple Choice • The leader, the salary level, and the position title. • The supervisor, the customers, and the location. • The leader, the company, and how many co-workers • The leader, the followers, and the situation.

Leaders use which of the following aspects to develop their experience and abilities: Multiple Choice • Rational and emotional experiences • Emotional intelligence • Development opportunities • Intellectual experiences • What are the three important parts of leadership that determine how effective a leader is? Multiple Choice • The rules, the discipline, and the rewards • The pay, benefits, and satisfaction • The leader, the followers, and the situation. • Friendliness, forgiveness, and expectations

Devin just completed a GAPS analysis. What should he do now to further his development plan? Multiple Choice • He should identify what are the “gaps” in his GAPS analysis. • He should speak with his co-workers about their development plans. • He should start his plan over. • He should discuss his findings with his supervisor.

As the HR manager of her corporation, Maria is responsible for documenting formal warnings and sanctions due to misbehavior and poor performance. Which type of power does Maria wield? Multiple Choice • Referent power • Coercive power • Reward power • Expert power

Nancy is a seeking to be an effective leader in her new role as regional sales manager. Which of the following leadership principles should Nancy focus on developing with her followers? Multiple Choice • Trust • Discipline • Patience • Give feedback

Michael has a strong relationship of trust with one of his direct reports, Jenny. Which type of power can Michael use due to this relationship? Multiple Choice • Referent Power • Legitimate power • Expert power • Coercive power

LDR 300 Wk 3 - Practice: Knowledge Check In the role-taking stage of development of the leader–member exchange theory, a role is created based on a process of trust building. True or False

The path–goal theory considers three situational factors that moderate the effects of leader

behavior on follower behavior. True or False

According to Fiedler's contingency model, the content of leadership training should emphasize behavioral flexibility in leaders rather than situational engineering. True or False

Both leader behaviors and follower characteristics are important in determining outcomes in the path–goal theory. True or False

Situational Leadership is a useful way of getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates. True or False

In the context of the leader–member exchange (LMX) theory, which of the following statements is true of the role-taking stage of development? Multiple Choice • Similarities (for the in-group) and differences (often accentuated for the out-group) become cemented. • It is a fragile stage that occurs late in a follower's work experience. • A leader offers opportunities and evaluates a follower's performance and potential. • A role is created based on a process of trust building.

The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when Multiple Choice • leader–member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high. • there are high levels of leader–member conflict, the task is structured, and the leader uses coercive power. • leader–member relations are good, the task is unstructured, and position power is low. • there are high levels of leader–member conflict, the task is unstructured, and the leader uses reward power. In the context of the levels of participation in the normative decision model, which of the following is most likely true of consultative processes? Multiple Choice • A leader obtains any necessary information from followers and then decides on a solution to a problem himself or herself.

• A leader solves a problem or makes a decision by himself or herself using the information available at the time. • A leader shares a problem with his or her followers in a group meeting and obtains their ideas and suggestions. • A leader accepts and implements any solution that has the support of the entire group. In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following best defines follower readiness? Multiple Choice • a follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task • the extent to which followers spell out responsibilities of an individual or group • a follower's reaction to certain leadership styles • the extent to which followers engage in two-way communication The normative decision model is limited only to Multiple Choice • decision making. • task behaviors. • goal accomplishment. • goal expectancy.

LDR 300 Wk 3 - Apply: Quiz If a decision has a rational or objectively determinable "better or worse" alternative, a leader should select the better alternative. This most likely refers to Multiple Choice • decision acceptance. • problem solving. • decision quality. • strategic agility.

The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when Multiple Choice • there are high levels of leader–member conflict, the task is unstructured, and the leader uses reward power. • leader–member relations are good, the task is unstructured, and position power is low. • there are high levels of leader–member conflict, the task is structured, and the leader uses coercive power. • leader–member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high.

In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path–goal theory, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of achievement-oriented leadership? Multiple Choice

• Leaders tell followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others. • Leaders have courteous and friendly interactions, express genuine concern for followers' wellbeing and individual needs, and remain open and approachable to followers. • Leaders tend to share work problems with followers and solicit their suggestions, concerns, and recommendations. • Leaders support follower behaviors by exhibiting a high degree of confidence so that subordinates can put forth the necessary effort.

In the context of the contingency model, which of the following is the most powerful element of situational favorability? Multiple Choice • leader–member relation • position power • task structure • effort-to-performance expectancy

Which of the following statements about high-LPC leaders is most likely true? Multiple Choice • They primarily gain satisfaction from task accomplishment. • If tasks are being accomplished in an acceptable manner, they will move to their secondary level of motivation, which is forming and maintaining relationships with followers. • They focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished. • They are primarily satisfied by establishing and maintaining close interpersonal relationships.

In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following best defines follower readiness? Multiple Choice • the extent to which followers engage in two-way communication • a follower's reaction to certain leadership styles • a follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task • the extent to which followers spell out responsibilities of an individual or group

In the context of the levels of participation in the normative decision model, which of the following is most likely true of consultative processes? Multiple Choice

• A leader shares a problem with his or her followers in a group meeting and obtains their ideas and suggestions. • A leader obtains any necessary information from followers and then decides on a solution to a problem himself or herself. • A leader solves a problem or makes a decision by himself or herself using the information available at the time. • A leader accepts and implements any solution that has the support of the entire group.

The normative decision model is limited only to Multiple Choice • goal expectancy. • decision making. • goal accomplishment. • task behaviors.

Which of the following instruments does Fiedler's contingency theory use to determine the relevant characteristics of a leader? Multiple Choice • the Five-Factor Personality Inventory • the least preferred co-worker scale • the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator • the California Psychological Inventory

In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path–goal theory, which leadership behavior is most likely characterized by telling followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others? Multiple Choice • directive leadership • participative leadership • achievement-oriented leadership • supportive leadership

Which of the following statements is true of the Situational Leadership model? Multiple Choice • It believes that leader effectiveness depends on selecting the right kind of leader for a certain situation. • It maintains that leaders who ly base their behaviors on follower maturity will be highly effective. • It states that leader effectiveness depends on changing a situation to fit a particular leader's style.

• It considers situational favorability, which is the amount of control a leader has over his or her followers, an important variable.

What should leaders first assess in order to apply the Situational Leadership model? Multiple Choice • the level of task and relationship behavior that will likely produce successful outcomes • a leader's behavior that best suits the current situation and task • the readiness level of a follower relative to the task to be accomplished • the historical behavior patterns of a leader and follower

Which of the following statements about the normative decision model is true? Multiple Choice • The model focuses on the effects of formal authority systems. • It is about personal opinions rather than theory. • The model shifts focus away from the leader and followers to the situation. • Decision tree questions focus on the problem and situational factors.

Situational Leadership is a useful way of getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates. True or False

In the role-taking stage of development of the leader–member exchange theory, a role is created based on a process of trust building. True or False

The path–goal theory assumes that leaders use the same styles with different subordinates. True or False

The path–goal theory considers three situational factors that moderate the effects of leader behavior on follower behavior. True or False

The contingency model of leadership maintains that leaders are extremely flexible in their behavior. True or False

According to Hershey, leaders should implement a series of developmental interventions in order to increase follower readiness levels for particular tasks by first assessing a follower's current level of readiness and then determining the leader behavior that best suits that follower in that task. True or False

According to Fiedler's contingency model, the content of leadership training should emphasize behavioral flexibility in leaders rather than situational engineering True or False

The normative decision model shifts focus away from the situation and the followers to the leader. True or False

Position power is not a characteristic of leaders but of the situations that leaders find themselves in. True or False

Low-LPC leaders will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished. True or False

In the routinization stage of development of the leader–member exchange theory, similarities (for the in-group) and differences (often accentuated for the out-group) become cemented. True or False

According to the path–goal theory, follower satisfaction is directly related to the degree of participative behaviors manifested by a leader. True or False

LDR 300 Wk 4 - Practice: Knowledge Check Which of the following is the sequence of events that take place in stress management according to the A-B-C model? Multiple Choice • triggering event, feelings and behaviors, your thinking • triggering event, feelings and behaviors • triggering event, your self-talk, feelings and behaviors • triggering event, self-talk, group brainstorming for a solution

A way to maximize the benefits of a meeting is to Multiple Choice • provide pertinent reports and support materials to all participants. • encourage participation. • stick to the agenda. • pick a time and place as convenient as possible for all participants.

Which of the following is a key developmental objective of leaders in the second quadrant of the credibility matrix? Multiple Choice • building expertise and technical competence • building relationships with co-workers • developing leadership knowledge and skills • sharing personal mission statements

_____ use a graphic approach to depict systematically the root causes of a problem, the relationships between different causes, and potentially a prioritization of which causes are most important. Multiple Choice • Force field analyses • Cause analysis approaches • Cause-and-effect diagrams • Root-cause diagrams

The degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said is called Multiple Choice • expression effectiveness. • the intention component. • active communication. • communication effectiveness.

Transformational leadership Multiple Choice • occurs when leaders and followers are in some type of exchange relationship in order to get needs met. • occurs when a person possesses authority not because of tradition but because of the laws that govern the position occupied.

• occurs when the traditions of society dictate who has authority and how this authority can be used. • serves to change the status quo by appealing to followers' values and their sense of higher purpose.

The "S" in the SARA model refers to Multiple Choice • systems. • situation. • shock. • stress.

The formula for the rational approach to change is Multiple Choice • C = D × O × L × T. • C = D × M × P > R. • C = D × O × T > R. • C = M × R × D > P.

According to Burns, _____ occurs when leaders and followers are in some type of exchange relationship to get needs met. Multiple Choice • laissez-faire leadership • transactional leadership • facilitative leadership • transformational leadership

Which of the following is an approach that asks leaders to think about their organization as a set of interlocking systems and explains how changes in one system can have intended and unintended consequences for other parts of the organization? Multiple Choice • leadership-versatility approach • viable systems approach • systems thinking approach • critical thinking approach

LDR 300 Wk 4 - Apply: Test Leaders who have high levels of credibility are seen by their followers as which of the following? Multiple Choice • Intelligent

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Trustworthy Reliable Promotable

Julia would like to increase her assertiveness as a leader. What is one of the easiest ways to be an assertive leader and to take responsibility for your actions? Multiple Choice • Speak faster to others • Talk louder when you speak • Use third-person pronouns when you speak. • Use first-person pronouns when you speak.

What should leaders do to exercise effective stress management? Multiple Choice • They should write the stress down and then think about how to solve it. • They should talk about the stress with someone else. • They need to identify what is causing the stress. • They should ignore the stress and focus on something else.

How does assertiveness compare to both acquiescence and aggression? Multiple Choice • It is more acquiescence than aggression. • It is neither acquiescence nor aggression. • It is not a compromise between the two. • It is more aggression than acquiescence.

Stephanie is trying to employ the normative decision model to assist in making leadership decisions. Based on the model, which quality helps her select the better alternative between a

better or worse alternative? Multiple Choice • Decision quality • Effectiveness quality • Communication quality • Relationship quality

Caroline’s work team has identified a problem with the planned release of the company’s new product. What is the first step Caroline should take to lead her team to solve this problem? Multiple Choice • Communicate with a mentor about the problem and develop a solution with him or her. • State the problem so everyone developing a solution is informed has a common understanding of the task. • Identify the problem and solve it herself so that no one else has to worry about it. • Ignore the problem and work on completing the task; fix the problem after the release.

The Leader-Member Exchange theory explains how leaders do not treat all followers as if they were a uniform group of equals. According to the theory, if you have a low-quality exchange relationship with one of your followers, this follower would be in the following category: Multiple Choice • Out-group • Left-group • In-group • Right-group

Which model is directed solely at determining how much input subordinates should have in the decision-making process? Multiple Choice •

The leader-member exchange model • The normative decision model • The action-observation-reflection model • The GROW model

What is a good definition of assertiveness and an important leadership quality? Multiple Choice • The ability to stand up for their own rights without restricting others’ rights • The ability to speak abruptly and cut others off • The ability to fight for injustices and to make sure that everyone is kept equal • The ability to make yourself heard

Everyone that works with June says that she is a good listener. This is because June is an active listener, not a passive listener. Active listeners pay attention to what is spoken and which of the following? Multiple Choice • The nonverbal signals • The type of clothes someone is wearing • The volume of the message • How much money someone makes

What two components make up credibility? Multiple Choice • Expertise and trust • Smart and capable • Experience and education • Truth and justice

What are things that Myrna should do to communicate more effectively with her followers?

Multiple Choice • She should make sure that each of her followers have a chance to speak before she does. • She should be clear about what she intends to communicate and know the purpose. • She should communicate her own thoughts and not ask questions. • She should relate her findings with others and use more non-verbal cues.

Aiden is a leader who gets along with every one of his followers and does not have any conflicts with any of them. According to the least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale in Fiedler’s Contingency Mode, Aiden would be what type of leader? Multiple Choice • A high-LPC leader • An adequate-LPC leadership • A low-LPC leader • A moderate-LPC leader

What is one popular technique to increase creativity as a leader? Multiple Choice • Resting • Improvisation • Brainstorming • Exercising

Luke is the type of leader that concentrates on relationships as he leads and not just tasks. According to Fiedler’s Contingency Model, Luke is what type of leader? Multiple Choice • A moderate-LPC leader • A high-LPC leader • A low-LPC leader • An adequate-LPC leader

The phrase “leaders should praise followers in public and punish them in private” is really a statement concerning what two important parts of communication? Multiple Choice • Conclusive context and medium for communication • Appropriate context and medium for communication • Appropriate context and type of communication • Conclusive context and type of communication

According to Leader-Member Exchange, you must work to develop special relationships with your followers. If you do this, it results in which of the following? Multiple Choice • An entire work group becoming an out-group • More effective team meetings • An entire work group becoming an in-group • Increased job satisfaction

In Situational Leadership, what is follower readiness? Multiple Choice • A follower’s availability to accomplish a task • A follower’s skills to accomplish a task • A follower’s willingness to accomplish a task • A follower’s enthusiasm to accomplish a task

Situational leadership guides how which of the following behaviors should be adjusted? Multiple Choice • Communication behaviors • Decision behaviors

• Leadership behaviors • Task and relationship behaviors

Daniel would like to hold more effective team meetings with his team. What are two important factors he should consider? Multiple Choice • Communicate with his supervisors about the meeting. • Schedule a location and time to meet. • Use an agenda and provide pertinent materials in advance. • Meet with his followers in advance.

LDR 300 Wk 5 - Practice: Knowledge Check In the context of organizational justice, perceptions of _____ involve the process by which rewards or punishments are administered. Multiple Choice • interactional justice • work facilitation • procedural justice • interaction facilitation

In the context of organizational justice, which of the following is concerned with followers' perceptions of whether the level of reward or punishment is commensurate with an individual's performance or infraction? Multiple Choice • role ambiguity • interactional justice • role conflict • distributive justice

According to the 9-box matrices used to evaluate the performance and potential of followers, which of the following is true of "Key Players"? Multiple Choice • They are high performers with high potential. • They are moderate performers with moderate potential. • They are low performers with high potential.

They are low performers with moderate potential.

In the context of group size, which of the following is a phenomenon in which working in the presence of others increases effort or productivity? Multiple Choice • process loss • social facilitation • role conflict • subsystem nonoptimization

Which term refers to interactions among team members, such as how they communicate with each other, express feelings toward each other, and deal with conflict with each other? Multiple Choice • group dynamics • group polarization • punctuated equilibrium • organizational shells

In comparing teams and group members, which statement is most likely true? Multiple Choice • Group members have common goals; teams may not have the same degree of consensus about goals. • Team members can readily identify who is and who is not on the team; identifying members of a group may be more difficult. • Task interdependence typically is greater with groups than with teams. • Group members often have more differentiated and specialized roles than do team members.

Identify a true statement about providing constructive feedback. Multiple Choice • Constructive feedback should focus more on inferences and less on facts. • Leaders should avoid being assertive and critical when providing constructive feedback. • An issue related to impressions and evaluative feedback concerns the distinction between job-related feedback and more discretionary feedback. • A common mistake in giving feedback is addressing it to specific individuals rather than to large groups.

Which of the following statements about feedback is most likely false? Multiple Choice • Followers will most likely perform at a higher level if they are given accurate, frequent

feedback. • Research shows that subordinates believe their leaders give more feedback than their leaders think they do. • Sometimes supervisors hesitate to use positive feedback because they believe subordinates will view it as insincere. • Leaders may give positive feedback infrequently if they believe good performance is expected.

Which of the following would least likely improve a leader's feedback skills? Multiple Choice • being descriptive • being specific • being flexible • being critical

What should a coach most likely do to help a follower stick to a development plan? Multiple Choice • conduct a GAPS analysis • delegate simple and challenging tasks • establish long-term objectives • schedule regular reflection sessions

LDR 300 Wk 5 - Apply: Test What is an important detail related to effective Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)? Multiple Choice • ERGs are organization sanctioned and have senior management support. • ERG leadership is selected by senior management. • ERGs are only employee led and employee supported. • ERGs must be completely independent of the organization.

Members of another manager’s team have reported unprofessional and harassing treatment by one of their team members multiple times over the last year without any observable change in the situation, and they believe this is due to the team member being a favorite of the department director. This issue of fairness in treatment is related to which of the following? Multiple Choice • Interactional justice

• Procedural justice • Organizational justice • Normative justice

Out of the following list, what is one reason why people leave organizations? Multiple Choice • Fair Pay • Exciting work • Supportive management • Limited recognition and praise

The most senior manager on your team has just been promoted and your manager wants you to hire an outside candidate to fill the vacant position. Which of these is the best rationale for filling the position? Multiple Choice • Filling leadership positions from inside the company is problematic because staff have to report to a former peer. • Filling leadership positions from inside the company is problematic because internal talent lack the skills to lead. • Filling leadership positions from outside can be demoralizing for employees and limits their opportunities for advancement. • Filling leadership positions from outside the company motivates employees by bringing in new talent.

Your employees have expressed satisfaction in their work, but you are concerned about the factors that lead to dissatisfaction. Which of these is most likely to lead to dissatisfaction according to Herzberg’s two-factor theory? Multiple Choice • More challenging work • Better benefits

• Increased salary • Flexible work schedules

What are some important actions managers can take to build diversity, trust and engagement? Multiple Choice • Ignore religious and cultural holidays not observed by the company to be fair • Ensure fairness in promoting and hiring individuals based on merit • Hire individuals from different races, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds • Support diversity and inclusion hiring from outside the company

When Luís provides feedback during coaching sessions with employees, he focuses on their emotions. Employee performance has not really improved from the coaching sessions. What could Luís do in coaching sessions that may be more helpful for improving the employee’s performance? Multiple Choice • Likely, Jimi followers trust her to give them direct feedback even if it’s negative. • Not likely, Jimi needs to give followers both positive and negative feedback. • Likely, Jimi was promoted for a reason and must help fix followers weaknesses. • Not likely, Jimi should give positive feedback to show she’s both a leader and a friend.

According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, is focusing on motivators enough to reduce job dissatisfaction? Multiple Choice • No, satisfaction from motivators is independent of dissatisfaction from hygiene factors. • Yes, because motivators are more important to employees than hygiene factors. • Yes, increased intrinsic job satisfaction decreases dissatisfaction from hygiene factors. • No, because hygiene factors are more important to employees than motivators.

If you want to lead according to the Team Leadership Model, which is the critical function that creates a foundation for team leadership? Multiple Choice • Skills and knowledge • Dream or vision • Interdependence • Individual goals

How do Communities of Practice (CoP) differ from teams? Multiple Choice • Members cannot be removed from CoPs. • Members are voted to a CoP by other members. • Members pay dues to belong to a CoP. • Members volunteer for CoPs.

Francine does not feel treated fairly and believes she is not provided information about changes at her corporation. Also, she is not being rewarded for her work. These aspects would fall under which type of justice? Multiple Choice • Ethical justice • Procedural justice • Interactional justice • Distributive justice

What term describes how a team communicates with one another, deals with conflict, and expresses feelings? Multiple Choice

• Group cohesion • Group dynamics • Formal hierarchy • Interdependence

Vedrana asked coworker Prabhakar to give feedback on a report to executive management. He stated, “Good start but needs work in several areas.” How can Prabhakar improve the feedback? Multiple Choice • Only give positive feedback. • Be specific when giving feedback. • Avoid giving feedback to coworkers. • Only give constructive feedback.

Harrison is generally satisfied with his current work, but he is not satisfied with how much he is being paid and the benefits he is receiving. Which type of job satisfaction is low for Harrison? Multiple Choice • Growth satisfaction • Facet satisfaction • General satisfaction • Internal satisfaction

Jack and Monica contributed together to finish an impressive marketing campaign for their company’s largest client. Jack received a promotion and a bonus, but Monica received no public recognition. What type of justice will followers and Monica feel was not met? Multiple Choice • Procedural justice • Interactional justice

• Ethical justice • Distributive justice

What are some roles that can be included in a Communities of Practice? Multiple Choice • Facilitators, Subject-Matter Experts, and Core Members • Directors, managers, and followers • Expert member, experienced member, novice member • Community leaders, community members, community sponsors

Choose the best example of employee engagement. Multiple Choice • Ciril believes in the organization’s goals but misses a lot of work because of family obligations. • Dwight enjoys his job and has promoted the organization’s goals. • Courtney meets all the individual and company goals set by management. • Branimir participates in team activities but frequently misses short-term goals.

Stan is an employee that was recruited from the local university. He is a strong performer but has decided to leave the organization due to being dissatisfied. What type of turnover is this? Multiple Choice • Involuntary turnover • Functional turnover • Reduction in force • Dysfunctional turnover

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