MKT 443 All Discussions

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MKT 443 Wk 1 Discussion - Social Media and Marketing Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students which must be made during the academic week. Due Thursday - 20 Points Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

What percentage of the communication seen by the average social media user do you think is marketing communication (vs. personal communication)? Given that anonymity is possible on virtually all social media platforms, how can users tell who originated any given communication (i.e., how can users tell whether a given communication is personal or marketing-based)? How do marketing organizations and functions exploit this anonymity? Due Monday - 2 peer replies x 10 points each = 20 points possible. Reply to at least 2 of your classmates or me. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Peer replies must be at least 100 words and be substantive. To be substantive they must stay on topic, develop the concepts, and provide examples (real or made up) to illustrate your points.

MKT 443 Wk 2 Discussion - Social Media and Consumers Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial DQ post and 2 replies to other students or me. Participation must be completed in its assigned week. Due Thursday DQ - 20 points Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Building on the concepts that were discussed in Week 1, we will begin to examine consumer behavior and how it is different online and in social media. In addition, you will be exploring the top five social media platforms and how the companies running them use them and target consumers. Use the internet and our library to research social media marketing careers. Answer all elements of the question in a minimum of 175 words. 

What are two jobs in the career field of social media marketing that appeal to you?

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What types of responsibilities do they have? What responsibilities do you find most appealing and why? What responsibilities do you feel would be most challenging and why? What is the compensation (salary)? Explain your answers and provide specific examples to support your responses. Due Monday 2 peer replies x 10 points each = 20 points possible Reply to at least 2 of your classmates or me. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Responses must be at least 100 words and substantive. Substantive posts include examples, reasoning, develop the concepts deeper, and stay on topic.

MKT 443 Wk 3 Discussion - Social Media Strategy Last week, you had an opportunity to investigate the affect of social media on consumer behavior and the career opportunities available in social media. Now, let's take a closer look at where social media fits in the strategic planning process and the best use of social media tactics. Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students or me.

Due Thursday - DQ 20 Points Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Be sure to respond to each element of the question. 

How is "personas" used in social media to better understand and relate to target consumers?

What is the relationship between personas and the value proposition for a product or service?

Select a website of your choice. Explain how personas are incorporated in it. Share examples.

Explain your answers and provide specific examples to support your responses. Due Monday 2 peer replies x 10 points each = 20 points possible Reply to at least 2 of your classmates or me. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Responses must be at least 100 words and substantive. Substantive posts include examples, reasoning, develop the concepts deeper, and stay on topic.

MKT 443 Wk 4 Discussion - Social Media Tactics In Week 3, we explored strategies for understanding target audiences and the platforms that appeal to them. This week, we shift the focus to evaluating social media communications. Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students or me. Due Thursday - DQ 20 Points. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Please be sure to address each element of the DQ.     

What are the characteristics of a successful social media post? How should photos, videos, or links be used? What are the benefits of using photos, videos, or links? What are the possible challenges of using photos, videos, or links? Explain your answers and provide specific examples to support your responses.

Due Monday 2 peer replies x 10 points each = 20 points possible Reply to at least 2 of your classmates or me. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Responses must be at least 100 words and substantive. Substantive posts include examples, reasoning, develop the concepts deeper, and stay on topic.

MKT 443 Wk 5 Discussion - Social Media's Role The focus of this week's learning is to synthesize all the information presented regarding social media and marketing and create an effective plan for how to use social media. Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students or me. Participation and DQ's must be posted in the week they are assigned. Due Thursday - DQ 20 Points Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Please be sure to address each element of the DQ. Use the internet and our library to conduct research. 

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What are examples of some of the criteria for measuring a digital marketing plan's success and how well it fits with the existing marketing efforts of an organization? In what ways should the digital marketing plan's use further the organization's overall marketing objectives? Do you feel the digital marketing plan should be integrated into the overall marketing plan of an organization or kept separate? What reasoning led to your conclusion? Explain your answers and provide specific examples to support your responses. Due Monday 2 peer replies x 10 points each = 20 points possible Reply to at least 2 of your classmates or me. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Responses must be at least 100 words and substantive. Substantive posts include examples, reasoning, develop the concepts deeper, and stay on topic.

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