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MKT/443 Social Media Marketing The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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MKT 443 Wk 1 Social Media Presence Presentation Review the final Social Media Marketing Plan assignment that is due in Week 5. Your individual assignments each week will incorporate into this plan. Create an 8-12 slide Powerpoint presentation, using visuals on the slides and speaker's notes for your analyses, that describes the social media presence of an organization (profit or nonprofit) of your choice. (Note: It is suggested that you choose one organization or a competitor of an organization, which will be used as the focus for remaining assignments in this course.) Include the following:  

Introduction Identify several social media sites where the organization has a presence, including specific URLs. Which sites do you feel they are most successful on and why? Provide your reasoning.

State the number of followers or other relevant data related to each social media platform for which the data is available.

Analyze the probable marketing goals of the organization based upon their social media presence. Who is their target and what reasoning led you to that conclusion? What are the organization's goals with their social media presence? Are they achieving them? What reasoning led you to your conclusion?

Evaluate the effectiveness of this program. Please provide the reasoning behind your assertions.

Conclude Use: Visuals, speaker's notes, at least two research sources, in-text citations, and a reference slide. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment in a Powerpoint file and NOT a PDF.

MKT 443 Wk 2 Top Five Social Media Platforms Worksheet Complete the Social Media Platforms Worksheet.doc Submit your assignment.

MKT 443 Wk 2 Team - Social Media Posts Each Team Member Selects one social media post that caught your attention. Each Team Member States the company that posted it, where you found it (social media site), and how you came across it. Each Team Member Provides a screenshot of the post. Each Team Member Explains the effectiveness of the post. Also explain what you would or would not do differently. As a team: Compare each other's social media posts. As a team Write a 350- to 525-word summary the covers the following: 

What trends did you notice in the combined samples? Can you share examples to explain?

What element(s) made the combined samples effective in engaging the audience? Provide examples.

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What was similar among the posts? Explain. What was different among the posts? Explain. Was the target market evident through the messages? How did you come to your conclusion? Share examples. Compile the individual post examples and write ups and add the summary at the end. Submit your assignment.

MKT 443 Wk 3 Social Media Marketing Plan Presentation Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes using Microsoft® PowerPoint®. This presentation should specify the "Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How" for your chosen company's social media marketing and public relations strategy plan. This plan should also focus on the company that you chose in Week 1. Using the same company or organization that you used in week one, you are going to create the start of a digital marketing plan for them. Include an introduction to the company or organization and the goals the presentation will cover Determine the consumers that you will target based upon the company's products or services. Who are they? (Consider demographics, trends, generational cohorts etc.)

Describe the personas that will help you better understand and relate to your target consumer. Research your target consumer demographics and psychographics. Include behaviors, lifestyles, and attitudes that will help you to answer the following questions:   

What problem can you solve for the customer? What actions would you like the customer to take? Why is this organization the best one to solve the problem for the customer, and how can you prove it?

Which social media platforms do you believe will be most appropriate for your company based upon the usage patterns of the target customers?

What type of content do you believe will best reach your consumer (using the areas noted in the table)? Why do you believe this type of content will influence your consumer? Provide three or four key messages or words that will be included in your Social Media Marketing Plan. Why did you select these? Create two examples of social media posts, including imagery, messaging, and time of day for the post. If there is a link to choose, explain where the link would take the consumer. If there isn't a link, explain why you chose not to use a link. Include a conclusion to bring the presentation to a close Include a reference slide Include visuals in your presentation that illustrate your main ideas, two research sources, in-text citations, and references. Format the presentation according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment in a Powerpoint file NOT a PDF.

MKT 443 Wk 3 Team - Social Media Marketing in the News Analysis Resource: Social Media Marketing in the News Grading Guide Research news media stories and articles on social media. Identify two news stories or articles that illustrate how consumers behave on social media and how marketers have responded to that behavior. Cite both articles at the beginning of your paper according to APA formatting guidelines. Summarize the stories or articles in a 350- to 525-word paper, and include the following:      

Identify the target audience. Analyze the behavior, event, or opportunity that triggered the plan. Assess whether the marketer's solution met the needs of the target audience. Identify the desired outcome. Determine what social media strategies and tactics were used, and assess whether or not these strategies and tactics were successful. Compare the two stories. What are the commonalities? How do they differ? Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

MKT 443 Wk 4 Signature Assignment: Social Media Evaluation About Your Signature Assignment Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements. Pick a company of your choice and evaluate its social marketing posts. Select two different platforms, and analyze a total of 50 posts (25 from each platform). Before starting, be sure that the selected company has posts on two different platforms (i.e. Facebook and Instagram.) Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper. Analyze which posts are the most engaging by measuring its likes, shares, and comments. Answer the following questions:     

Are the posts promotional, sales oriented, or educational? Do they link to another site or to more content? Do you see trends in which posts generate the most conversation? Are there images or links? What time of day are the posts? Create a spreadsheet to tally the data that you found in the posts. Evaluate the trends, and make recommendations based upon what seems to work best. Include at least two references. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Submit your analysis, which should include your data (Microsoft ® Excel spreadsheet) and recommendations in a Microsoft® Word document.

MKT 443 Wk 4 Team - Social Media and SEO Analysis Refer to the Week 1 Individual Assignment: Social Media Presence Presentation. Discuss the companies chosen by each individual, and select two to use for this assignment. Identify 1-3 relevant words or terms consumers would be likely to use to search for the organization. Search for each term on at least one search engine and one social media site. Write a 350- to 525-word paper that analyzes your findings for each term and answers the following questions:   

What is the top search result in each case? What competitors appear in the result, and how does their rank compare? How do the search results differ on a traditional search engine versus a social media site?

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How many search results point to social media sites? What similarities and differences did you notice among your organizations' results? Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

MKT 443 Wk 5 Social Media Marketing Plan Complete the Social Media Marketing Plan Template based upon the company or organization you selected in week one. Using the Social Media Marketing Plan Template blow: Social Media Marketing Plan Template.doc Complete the template attached above. which provides a strategy and objective for your plan and includes the following: 

Who is your target audience? (demographics, generational cohort, etc.) How did you reach that conclusion?

Define the key messages to reach your target audience What makes these messages effective? Determine five key influencers - Who are they and what reasoning led you to decide these were the best options for the company/organization's goals?

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Explain why and how these influencers will appeal to your target. Share examples.

Describe tactics that will appeal to your key influencers and why they would want to feature your company/organization.

Include a proposed timeline for 1, 3, and 5 years with measurable and tangible metrics for measuring success, and include plans for any adjustments that may need to occur. Please provide the reasoning for why you selected those specific metrics and how they will best benefit the company/organization.

Use at least two research sources. Format in APA with citations and references. Submit as a Word file and not a PDF

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