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SCI 201 Survey Of Alternative Medicine The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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SCI 201 Wk 1 - CAM Therapeutic Modalities Paper There is more to CAM than many think, and it actually works in conjunction with conventional medicine more than is widely acknowledged. There are CAM therapies available for ailments that many believe only conventional medicine can heal.

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Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes an overview of CAM and its categories of treatments. Ensure you: Compare and contrast current conventional medicine regulations and oversights with regulation and oversight of alternative medicine in the United States. Define the terms alternative, complementary, and integrative in relation to medicine and discuss how these terms differ from one another. Describe how conventional medicine plays a role in alternative, complementary, and integrative medicine. Discuss the philosophy of CAM and how it is similar to or different from the approach of conventional Western medicine. Select one CAM therapy from among the alternative medicine approaches and describe how it can be used to treat a medical condition you choose. Include discussion of how your chosen therapy can be used as an alternative, a complementary, or an integrative therapy for that specific medical condition. Include the results of at least one scientific study that show a clinical benefit from the therapy you selected. Use at least one reference in addition to NCCIH. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. For assistance with APA and other subjects, please refer to the University of Phoenix Writing and Style Guide.

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SCI 201 Wk 2 - Common Herb Chart Due to the high number of dietary supplements available to the general population, it can be hard to know where to start or what works best for certain health issues. A good place to begin is to familiarize yourself with some more popular supplements available. Access the Information for Consumers on Using Dietary Supplements page on the FDA website.

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Read the following under Additional Information Other Agencies: "Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets" "Herbs at a Glance" Use the information to complete the Common Herb Chart using this information and other internet resources. Submit your assignment.

SCI 201 Wk 2 - Assessing Reliability and Credibility of CAM Resources Presentation As you do your research about CAM, it is vital to establish what information is credible and reliable. By the time you complete this assignment you should have made some decisions about the credibility and reliability of information related to CAM.

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation (Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi, etc.) that provides guidance for assessing credibility and reliability of an online source about CAM information. Ensure you: Describe how a consumer's attitudes and beliefs about CAM could affect the assessment of reliability and credibility of source information about CAM. Create five objective criteria to evaluate the credibility and reliability of a source of information on CAM. Discuss how you arrived at each criterion and how it can help assess reliability of source information. Select a CAM therapy or modality different from the one you selected in Week 1, and do research for information about this therapy or modality.

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Using the five objective criteria you created above, provide a review on one of the websites you found in your search and evaluate the reliability and credibility of the information it presents on CAM. Ensure you: Explain how the website met or did not meet each of the criterion you created. Describe steps the website could take to increase its credibility, if necessary. Include detailed speaker notes and reference citations formatted according to APA guidelines. Present the Assessing Reliability and Credibility of CAM Resources Presentation according to your campus enrollment listed below: For Local Campus students: an oral presentation accompanied by a visual presentation (at the discretion of faculty) For Online and Directed Study students: a visual presentation with a speaker notes document Submit your assignment.

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