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SCI/220T Human Nutrition The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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SCI 220T Wk 1 - myBook Participation Activities Complete the Wk 1 Participation Activities assignment in your myBook, Powered by zyBooks. It is autograded and worth 70 points! The University Article Links are found here!

SCI 220T Wk 2 - myBook Participation Activities Complete the Wk 2 Participation Activities assignment in your myBook, Powered by zyBooks. You must use this link to earn points.

SCI 220T Wk 2 - Summative Assessment 1: Exam Complete the Week 2 Exam. You have one attempt at the exam and will not see the correct answers. Be sure to review all previous course materials before attempting the exam.

Assignment Content 1. Question 1 Which of the following nutrients are not directly related to energy production in the human body? 1. Protein 2. Vitamins 3. Fat

4. Carbohydrates 2. Question 2 In the United States, how frequently are the dietary guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) updated? 1. Every 5 years 2. Every 1 year 3. Every 10 years 4. Every 2 years 3. Question 3 Which of the following events contributes to energy expenditure? 1. Basal metabolic rate 2. Thermic effect of food 3. Physical activity 4. All of the above 4. Question 4 The hormones involved in the hormonal signaling system of satiety are secreted by all but which of the following? 1. Brain 2. Kidneys 3. Gastrointestinal tract 4. Liver 5. Question 5 In which state are leptin levels low?

1. Obesity 2. Over-nutrition 3. Starvation 4. Abundance 6. Question 6 Which of the following enzyme is not found in pancreatic juice? 1. lipase 2. trypsinogen 3. pepsin 4. amylase 7. Question 7 Energy stored in a nutrient is measured by which of the following? 1. Kilocalorie 2. Joules 3. Kilowatt 4. Ampere 8. Question 8 Which of the following nutrients provide the body with more stored energy than carbohydrates? 1. Proteins 2. Lipids 3. Simple sugar 4.

Cholesterol 9. Question 9 Deficiency in which of the following macronutrients will result in quick death? 1. Carbohydrates 2. Water 3. Lipids 4. Protein 10. Question 10 Which micronutrients are important components of bones and teeth? 1. Calcium and phosphorous 2. Calcium and niacin 3. Phosphorous and selenium 4. Selenium and niacin 11. Question 11 The sense of hunger and thirst are controlled by which gland in the brain? 1. Thyroid 2. Pituitary 3. Pineal 4. Hypothalamus 12. Question 12 What is the clinical name of the long, winding muscular tube of the digestive tract? 1. Mucosal canal 2.

Tract of serosa 3. Alimentary canal 4. Digestive canal 13. Question 13 Food in the mouth is broken down by what means? 1. Mechanical means 2. Chemical means 3. Both mechanical and chemical means 4. Neither mechanical nor chemical means 14. Question 14 At what point in digestion does swallowing become an automatic reflex? 1. Once the bolus enters the pharynx 2. Once the salivary glands begin to excrete saliva 3. Once the different sets of teeth grind the food 4. Once the uvula rises to close the nasal passage 15. Question 15 Which of the following macronutrients in chyme are hardly digested at all by the time it reaches the small intestine? 1. Carbohydrates 2. Fats 3. Proteins 4. Water

SCI 220T Wk 3 - myBook Participation Activities Complete the Wk 3 Participation Activities assignment in your myBook, Powered by zyBooks. You must use this link to earn points.

SCI 220T Wk 3 - Summative Assessment 2: Exam Complete the Week 3 Exam. You have one attempt at the exam and will not see the correct answers. Be sure to review all previous course materials before attempting the exam.

Assignment Content 1. Question 1 Macronutrients derives from the Greek prefix makro-, which means which of the following? 1. Small 2. Large 3. Far 4. Near 2. Question 2 The primary function of a macronutrient is to do which of the following? 1. Support brain development 2. Regulate blood sugar 3. Provide energy 4. Reduce cholesterol 3. Question 3 What is the name of the biomolecule comprised of amino acids? 1. Protein 2. Carbohydrate 3.

Lipid 4. Vitamin 4. Question 4 Complex carbohydrates are comprised of which of the following? 1. Disaccharides 2. Oligosaccharides 3. Polysaccharides 4. All of the above 5. Question 5 For the average adult, the United States Department of Agriculture recommends how many grams of protein intake per day? 1. 20 grams 2. 60 grams 3. 100 grams 4. 75 grams 6. Question 6 Proteins provide an important dietary source of which mineral element? 1. Phosphorous 2. Nitrogen 3. Potassium 4. Calcium 7. Question 7 Which of the following fats are the most dangerous to the human body when present in excess? 1. Saturated fats

2. Polyunsaturated fats 3. Trans fats 4. Monounsaturated fats 8. Question 8 The mixture of food and digestive juices is referred to as which of the following? 1. Chyme 2. Digesta 3. Both a and b 4. Neither a nor b 9. Question 9 Digestion of macronutrients begins in which organ of the gastrointestinal tract? 1. Mouth 2. Esophagus 3. Stomach 4. Small intestine 10. Question 10 Microvilli of the small intestine play an important role in digestion by doing which of the following? 1. Increasing absorptive surface area 2. Improving blood circulation 3. Filtering our impurities from the food 4. Adding microbes to the chyme matter 11. Question 11

The majority of water and electrolytes are absorbed in which segment in the gastrointestinal tract? 1. Mouth 2. Stomach 3. Large intestine 4. Esophagus 12. Question 12 What is the process that makes the peptide bonds of proteins available to digestive enzymes? 1. Digestion 2. Denaturation 3. Peptidase 4. Hydrolyzing 13. Question 13 Non-digestible carbohydrates are most commonly referred to as which of the following? 1. Glycogen 2. Amylase 3. Maltose 4. Dietary fiber 14. Question 14 Because bile salts are important lipolytic enzymes, fat digestion relies on which of the following accessory organs? 1. Small intestine

2. Pancreas 3. Liver 4. Salivary glands 15. Question 15 The regulation of the gastrointestinal response is done via which of the following? 1. Hormonal interactions 2. Neural interactions 3. Hormonal and neural interactions 4. Neural and electrical interactions

SCI 220T Wk 4 - myBook Participation Activities Complete the Wk 4 Participation Activities assignment in your myBook, Powered by zyBooks. You must use this link to earn points.

SCI 220T Wk 5 - myBook Participation Activities Complete the Wk 5 Participation Activities assignment in your myBook, Powered by zyBooks. You must use this link to earn points.

SCI 220T Wk 5 - Summative Assessment 3: Exam Complete the Week 5 Exam. You have one attempt at the exam and will not see the correct answers. Be sure to review all previous course materials before attempting the exam.

Assignment Content 1. Question 1 Which of the following vitamins can be synthesized by the human body? 1. Vitamin E 2. Vitamin C

3. Vitamin K 4. Vitamin B12 2. Question 2 Which of the following is NOT one of the four fat soluble vitamins? 1. Vitamin C 2. Vitamin D 3. Vitamin K 4. Vitamin A 3. Question 3 Which of the B vitamins are intricately involved in the breakdown and processing of proteins? 1. Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2 2. Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B5 3. Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B3 4. Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6 4. Question 4 Which of the fat-soluble vitamins is needed for vision, tissue repair, and fetal development? 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin D 3. Vitamin E 4. Vitamin K 5. Question 5

Which of the fat-soluble vitamins is needed for building bone, muscle contraction, and nerve impulse transmission? 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin D 3. Vitamin E 4. Vitamin K 6. Question 6 Hypervitaminosis is largely attributed to which of the following? 1. Restrictive diets 2. Gastric bypass surgery 3. Alcoholism 4. Supplementation 7. Question 7 What is the best definition for mineral nutrients? 1. Inorganic substances required for life 2. Organic substances required for life 3. Micronutrient substances required for life 4. Macronutrient substances required for life 8. Question 8 Abnormal nerve action and cardiac arrythmias are often attributed to which of the following nutrient imbalances? 1. Water 2. Sodium

3. Potassium 4. All of the above 9. Question 9 Deficiency in which mineral nutrient is responsible for Menkes disease? 1. Phosphorous 2. Molybdenum 3. Copper 4. Iron 10. Question 10 Iodine toxicity significantly impacts which of the following glands in the body? 1. Adrenal 2. Thyroid 3. Pineal 4. Thymus 11. Question 11 What does the acronym RDA stand for? 1. Robust Dietary Allowance 2. Recommended Digestive Allowance 3. Robust Dietary Acquisition 4. Recommended Dietary Allowance 12. Question 12 Which of the following groups are at higher risk for low total body water?

1. Elderly and infant 2. Infant and obese 3. Obese and elderly 4. Infant and adolescent 13. Question 13 Fluid balance is largely maintained in the human body by which of the following? 1. Kidneys 2. Pineal gland 3. Pancreas 4. Bladder 14. Question 14 Dehydration instigates which of the following processes? 1. Thirst mechanism 2. Decreased sweating 3. Increased urine output 4. Both a and b 15. Question 15 What process causes electrolytes in the blood to become diluted? 1. Overhydration 2. Overnutrition 3. Dehydration 4. Undernutrition

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