SOC 110 SOC110 soc 110 Best Tutorials Guide -

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SOC/110 TEAMWORK, COLLABORATION, AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

SOC 110 Entire Course Link ********************************************** SOC 110 Wk 1 - What Is a Team? Worksheet This week you have explored some of the differences between groups and teams. For this assignment, you will reflect on a team you have been a part of in the past. Review the Learning Activities from this week that discuss what makes a team. Complete the What Is a Team? worksheet. Make sure to use APA format and cite sources. Submit your assignment. Reflect on a team you have been a part of. Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following 3 prompts:

SOC 110 Wk 2 - Signature Assignment: Building a Team Proposal In the first week of this course, you learned about teamwork and effective teams. Now it is time to put it all together and design your own team. Imagine you have been asked to create a team to meet a specific need within your company.

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Write a 350- to 525-word proposal for creating a team to present to your manager in which you: Describe what type of team you will create. Describe the team’s goals and how many team members will be needed.

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List the roles and responsibilities associated with the team and its members. Explain how you will incorporate diverse team members. Summarize how the diverse perspectives and experiences of the selected team members will bring value to the team. Make sure to use APA format and cite sources. Submit your assignment.

SOC 110 Wk 3 - Signature Assignment: Leadership and Conflict Management Presentation Review the Conflict Resolution Scenario to learn more about the conflict on your team and explore options for resolving these conflicts prior to completing this assignment.

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In Week 2 you proposed how you would build your own team. Now, your newly formed team is starting to work on its first real project that needs to have strong collaboration and a quick turnaround. However, your team has encountered the following challenges: One team member doesn’t agree with the goal and keeps questioning the processes. Two team members are having a personal conflict, and this is preventing them from collaborating on the project. One team member is not engaged. Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, reflecting on your experience completing the Conflict Resolution Scenario. Remember to add speaker notes to support your main points. Speaker notes should be a minimum of 50 to 150 words per slide. Make sure to use APA format and cite sources.

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Answer the following questions in your presentation: What were your choices for managing the conflict on your team? What strategies did you employ to encourage collaboration and build consensus within a team? Are these strategies that you typically employ when confronted with a conflict? Why or why not? How can you keep all employees on your team engaged? Provide examples. What strategies from the multimedia piece best suit your current skill set? Why? Review theYou may add pictures and graphics to enhance your presentation, and you are welcome to change the design layout of the presentation.

Submit your assignment.

SOC 110 Wk 4 - Managing a Team’s Resources Your team has been humming along for a little over a week now. The conflicts that appeared last week seem to have subsided. However, your supervisor has just informed you that the deadline for completing your team’s goal has been moved up by two weeks. You now have less time to complete the same amount of work. Your supervisor has asked for a short summary on your plan for achieving the goal within your shortened timeline.

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Write a 350- to 525-word summary on how you will manage the team’s resources in the face of these new timelines. Answer the following questions in your summary: How many people are on your team? What are their roles? What are their skill sets? How can these be rearranged to meet the new requirements? Are there enough human resources to complete the project two weeks earlier? If not, how can you increase the team’s capacity? Are there aspects of the project that can be condensed or skipped? What are the implications of skipping or condensing tasks? Are there costs to be considered with these changes? Make sure to use APA format and cite sources. How can you leverage what you’ve learned about solving problems in teams to meet the new project requirements? How do you intend to communicate the new requirements to the team in order to gain their buy-in? Submit your assignment.

SOC 110 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Team Leadership Presentation Based on your stellar project management skills, the team was able to reach its goal on time (and within budget). The team’s performance was such a success that you have been asked to give a presentation to other managers on your approach to leading a team.

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Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you: Explain the importance of leadership to a team. Explain leadership practices you incorporated into your leadership style. Provide examples of how you incorporated those leadership practices within your team. Discuss leadership strategies the other managers can use to motivate their own teams.

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Summarize the challenges you encountered through the team’s process and what decisions you would have made differently. Team formation Conflict Resolution Resource Planning and allocation Leadership Review the Microsoft® PowerPoint® resources to enhance your presentation. Remember to add speaker notes to support your main points for each slide, with a minimum of 50 to 150 words per slide: You may conduct a search for PowerPoint tutorials in the Media Library for additional assistance using Microsoft® PowerPoint®. You may add pictures and graphics to enhance your presentation, and you are welcome to change the design layout of the presentation. Submit your assignment.

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