SOC 315 Course Guide (2022)

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SOC/315 CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


SOC 315 Entire Course Link ********************************************** SOC 315 Wk 1 – Diversity Proposal: Reinvigorate Inclusion Efforts in Response to Employee Complaint For this assignment, imagine you have been hired as the new Diversity & Inclusion Specialist in the Human Resources (HR) department of your current company or another company of your choosing. One of the first tasks you are given is to create a Diversity Proposal for your manager in response to an anonymous complaint (below) that was recently submitted to the HR suggestion box: Complaint: I have been working here for 4 years. I am tired of watching the same “Diversity in the Workplace” 20-minute training video each January in order to satisfy the company’s annual diversity training requirement. Nothing around here shows that this company values diversity. As one of a few people of color at this company, I feel like I’m just here to increase diversity numbers so that the company “looks good” on paper. When are we going to actually do something to recognize all types of diversity? There are more aspects to diversity, besides race, that make individuals unique. Create a 500- to 800-word Diversity Proposal that addresses the following questions:

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What is the business case or proposition for recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion? How can we create a company mission and company goals to outwardly express and reinforce our commitment to diversity and inclusion? What might our mission statement say to express our commitment? What are at least two short-term actions (less than 6 months) that the company can take to immediately address some of the concerns expressed in the anonymous complaint? What are at least two long-term actions (6 months to 2 years) that the company can take to address some of the concerns expressed in the anonymous complaint? How can the company enhance its current annual employee diversity training? Why is this training important? What initiatives can the company implement to celebrate diversity beyond race? How can these initiatives bring employees together to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion? What other suggestions do you have to improve workplace culture and messaging around diversity and inclusion? Include a minimum of two scholarly articles/academic references. Format your paper/proposal according to appropriate courselevel APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

SOC 315 Wk 2 – SOAR Diversity Analysis Presentation A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is a common framework used by organizational and business leaders to strategically evaluate and improve the impact, performance, and success of an organization from both an internal and external perspective. In contrast, a SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results) analysis engages all components of an organization (including the individual level) to positively enhance and improve internal performance and productivity.

For this assignment, you will do a SOAR analysis to assess and highlight aspects of your individual identity, focusing on your personal diversity values, beliefs, knowledge, and worldviews. Citations Needed: Please ensure you cite academic evidence in this work! Think about when you state there are generalizations such as...., what is your source? Results, what proof is there that this might work, cite this? Etc. Create a 6- to 8-slide SOAR Personal Diversity Analysis presentation incorporating aspects of your personal diversity values, beliefs, knowledge and worldviews. Use the following prompts to guide your presentation:

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Strengths What makes you unique? What diverse aspects of your identity do you value? How do you view diversity as a strength? How do you view inclusion as a strength? Opportunities What are 3 ways in which you can further engage or explore aspects of your personal diversity? What are aspects of your family background or heritage that you can learn more about? What is a diversity challenge about yourself that you can change into an opportunity? Aspirations Are there aspects of your cultural identity that you would like to improve or expand? Are there stereotypes, prejudices, or generalizations that others hold about aspects of your cultural diversity that you wish they better understood? Results Are there individual factors about yourself that could improve as a result of an increased understanding of diversity and inclusion? Are there aspects of your workplace environment that can improve as a result of an increased understanding or appreciation for diversity and inclusion? What resources are needed to improve any of the above results?

Include pictures and/or graphics to visually enhance your presentation and illustrate the four components of the SOAR Diversity Analysis. Use the notes section to enhance and explain information included on the slides, as well as provide supplemental and reflective information. Format your presentation according to appropriate courselevel APA guidelines. Academic Support: A minimum of two academic references are required. Submit your assignment.

SOC 315 Wk 3 – Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet Complete the Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet. Submit your assignment. Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet Part 1: Matrix Using Ch. 10 of Sociology in Modules and your own Internet research, select and identify six different ethnic groups. Complete the matrix for the groups you identified.

Part 2: Analysis Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Include specific examples related to at least three of the ethnic groups you identified in Part 1. Use the following questions to guide your writing:  How has U.S. society influenced these ethnic groups’ mindset and identity?  How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes?  How do the social concepts of prejudice, discrimination, and privilege affect multicultural groups?

How do the behavior and thinking patterns in U.S. society (biases, stereotypes, discriminatory practices) affect multicultural groups, especially regarding class systems and employment?

<Write your analysis here.> Part 3: References Include references formatted according to APA guidelines. <List your references here.>

SOC 315 Wk 4 – EEOC Case Summary and Paper Explore the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website to learn more about this federal agency. Click the About EEOC tab and select Newsroom from the menu. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last six months. Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred.

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Write a 800- to 1,000-word paper that accomplishes the following: - Ensure you are finding academic support for this content Describe the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit. Include in your description the protected class or classes that were affected, and discuss ramifications for the organization. Summarize the functions of the EEOC in one paragraph. Explain the EEOC's role in this lawsuit. Consider whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change. Provide examples to justify your reasoning. Compare the EEOC press release to the news item. Are there any differences in the information that is included? Research the company’s website to ascertain if there is a mission or value statement on diversity and inclusion. If so, comment on how the incident prompting the lawsuit aligns with the company’s stance on diversity and inclusion.

Describe strategies you would implement if you were a senior manager of this company to ensure future compliance and inclusion in the multicultural workplace. Cite: Ensure a minimum of 2 academic sources are present. Remember when you state content from the readings you must cite. Also, if you offer strategies, where did you obtain these ideas? Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

SOC 315 Wk 5 – Signature Assignment: Globalization of Diversity and Inclusion Presentation Select a current social issue that has global diversity and inclusion implications. Reflect on how the materials you encountered in this week’s reading and videos relate to the social issue you selected.

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Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that accomplishes the following: Identify the social issue you have selected. Name the historically marginalized and/or multicultural groups, if any, who are at the center of this social issue. List any organizations connected to this social issue. Determine if there are any social justice implications related to this social issue. What are the key messages those in support of this social issue are promoting? Provide examples. Name the key areas of opposition regarding this social issue. Decide what, if any, legal implications are associated with this social issue. Discuss what challenges this social issue presents in society and/or the workplace. Explain how awareness of this social issue benefits society and/or the workplace. Research what global impact this social issue has. Does this social issue exist in countries outside of the United States? If so, what are similarities and differences to how this issue is addressed abroad?

Determine if there are any social media implications related to this social issue. How is this social issue portrayed on social media and in the media? Consider what your personal views are on this social issue. What are possible solutions to improve, resolve, or eradicate this social issue? Use speaker notes for additional information and to provide supplemental and reflective information. Include a minimum of two scholarly articles/academic references. Format your presentation according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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