Go For Work-Life Balance And Make Your Life Smooth! Work-life balance is a term that we often use these days when we talk of professionals’ personal lives and career. The amount of time that one devotes to one’s personal life and life at work place for which one is paid is a debatable issue these days. One has to maintain a proper balance between the amount of life one spends at the work place and the time that one’s personal life at home demands. The balance that one makes between these two lives is termed as work-life balance. There is another term which is also used these days by all those who want to lead a meaningful life. The term that is used is known as life skills. The philosophy of the term is based on the assumption that life is meant to be lived fully and meaningfully and for this one needs lots of skills to handle life. Life skills philosophers say that life is an art and one needs skills to lead life the way one wants. One needs life skills both at the work place and at home because the balancing act is not only an art but a skilled affair also.
It has been well established that maintaining and improving balance between life that one leads at the work place and the life devoted to self and the family at home is beneficial to the employers as well as employees. There are many advantages of work-life balance. Some of the important ones are as follows: •
Reduces stress
Leaves no room for frustration, annoyance and depression
Improves productivity and efficiency
Improves punctuality, regularity and sincerity
Improves involvement
Improves staff morale and job satisfaction
Creates conducive environment for sharing and discharging of responsibilities
Fewer management problems
Improved client satisfaction
The Trivedi Effect® Enables You to Strike Work-life Balance Through Life Skills You need life skills in order to strike a balance between your work life and personal life. While striking the balance you need to keep in mind that the dividing line between the two is not only thin but also slippery. You have to very careful while balancing both because a tilt on either side will cost you very dear. You need to know how to strike the proper balance for the benefit of everyone. There are many ways available which you can use for striking the balance but you need to be extra cautious while implementing them. A wrong implementation of what you have learned will boomerang. There is one option available which has been used by many in the world for striking the balance between life at the work place and home and option available to you is named as The Trivedi Effect®. People have said that The Trivedi Effect® helped them cultivate the life skills that they required for work-life balance. The person endowed with a gift from the Universal Intelligence has been helping mankind throughout the world for the last many years. It was almost 20 years ago that the person, who was endowed with the gift, was guided by the Universal Intelligence to use his gift for needy people. The name of the person is Mr. Mahendra Trivedi, who has been helping people since then through his Energy Transmission. The people who have benefited through Mr. Mahendra Trivedi’s Energy Transmission include business professionals, parents, children, students, home makers, celebrities. His students from different walks of life have stated that The Trivedi Effect® improved their potential and abilities as a result of which they succeeded in achieving the desired results. They have reported that all their problems with regard to their financial, personal relationships, self-confidence, productivity, etc. melted away after Energy Transmission.
The energy received by individuals worked on their inner guidance system on account of which it increased considerably to the extent of transforming their lives. The energy is harnessed and transmitted through the thoughts of The Trivedi Masters™- Mahendra Trivedi, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, and Alice Branton to individuals which connect them to their inner guidance system. Visit http://www.trivedieffect.com/ to know more.
References: http://www.greatworksolutions.com/work-life-benefits.html http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/bestpractice/worklife/