The Legal Navigator 2020: Issue 5.1

Page 14


From the Ground Up: Building a Law Firm When you have a vision of a better way to do business, with the right support, you can make that vision a reality.

J O NATH A N BLO O M Chairman and CEO, Avonhurst

J AME S H ACKI NG Chief Operational Officer, Avonhurst; Partner, Kindleworth

S UZ Y O ’ KE E FE Managing Director, Major, Lindsey & Africa


Major, Lindsey & Africa

That’s exactly what Jonathan Bloom, an experienced City finance lawyer whose illustrious career includes opening the London office of Ropes & Gray, did last year when he launched a new advisory firm called Avonhurst. Providing political, legal and capital services, Avonhurst is the new kid on the block shaking up the BigLaw firms with its unique model and approach. Thanks in part to its refreshing way of working, from its no-billable hours to its flat structure and collegiate culture, it has an appeal that transcends the impressive array of sophisticated clients for whom it acts, and it has certainly had no problem attracting some of the best lawyers in the market since its launch. Jonathan took the first step to realize his vision when, through the recommendation of a former recruiter at Major, Lindsey & Africa, he met with James Hacking, a partner at Kindleworth, to discuss his ideas for a new firm. Kindleworth is the go-to partner behind the market’s best new boutique law firms, offering strategy, finance, HR, technology and compliance support. With James providing ongoing operational and strategic support in his role as COO of Avonhurst, and with the recruitment assistance of a couple of trusted consultants on the partner and associate sides, Avonhurst’s charismatic founder has found the recipe for success. We spoke to Jonathan, James and one of Avonhurst’s recruitment consultants, Suzy O’Keefe at Major, Lindsey & Africa, about their experiences working together and what it looks like to build a new law firm from the ground up.

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