Love and Energy or Why a Lovely Girl Cannot Find a Date

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Love and Energy or Why a Lovely Girl Cannot Find a Date , by Marina Lando, MS, Reiki Master and Teacher ( How many times did we console one of our friends after a bad break-up? Surprisingly, it happens so often to some people that they are perceived by those around them as magnets for nasty people. The situation is irritating and surprising at the same time. Why is it that educated, smart and kind person cannot find someone equally kind? What is wrong? The answer and the remedy can be found in the Chakra profile. Let’s see how the Chakra Profile can help or prevent someone from finding the love of their life.

We all have different Chakra profiles and instinctively are looking for people who compensate for lack or excess of energy (Chi) in us. From the energy (Chi) point of view, the algorithm of love is simple. It is an elegant hidden dance between the Chakras of two people. A woman always plays an active part in initiating the Chi exchange by checking the compatibility between man’s Heart Chakras and her own. When she finds his Chakra attractive and unattached, she “holds” the two chakras together. The man feels this and checks the compatibility between his and the woman’s Sacral Chakras. When two Heart Chakras and Two Sacral Chakras are a match they connect like magnets. The energetic circle is complete and the energy of love, like an electric surge, excites two people and pushes them together. The longer a couple lives together the more Chakras connect and grow into each other. You might have noticed that in couples who have been married for a long time, the husband and wife look alike. The impression is created by the combined energy field (combined auras) of two people whose Chakras are bound together for life. Let’s see how different Chakras affect our romantic luck. Chakra 1 – Base Chakra, is the foundation of our emotional and physical wellbeing. According to ancient texts this Chakra is responsible for our sense of confidence and grounding. The imbalance manifests itself in a feeling of insecurity, weakness, and unworthiness. The person with a closed Base Chakra is shy and feels lonely and

unsupported by the community, parents and friends. He or she is the perfect target for a bully or a sexual predator. In short: a person with a closed, undeveloped or blocked Base Chakra is a potential victim, a person with an overdeveloped Chakra– is an assailant. The person with a balanced Base Chakra manifests confidence, strength and self-reliance. Even the physical appearance says: I can offer help to those in need, but don’t mess with me – I am strong enough to protect myself and those around me. Chakra 2 – Sacral Chakra, the cradle of our sexual powers. This Chakra is used by men to “check-out” women, to see if they are is unattached and open for sex. When the Sacral Chakra is closed in women, this Chakra makes the person “invisible” to the opposite sex. They see you, they talk to you, but they do not pay any attention to you, no matter how beautiful you are. In men it can lead to impotence, lack of interest in sex, or in total confusion when approached by ladies. Victims of sexual assault often have the Second Chakra closed. Those with balanced Sacral Chakras are very desirable partners and fun to be around as this Chakra also nourishes our creativity. Chakra 3 – The Power Chakra, helps us to do things, it is the energy of our will. When closed, it manifests itself in lack of initiative and weak will. The person with a closed Power Chakra is a toy in the hands of others and lets the partner continue abuse without asking for help. Obedient victims only find excuses for a partner’s unforgivable behaviors (no matter physical abuse or infidelity). People with an overactive Power Chakra are aggressive, angry bullies, unable to control the overflow of energy coming out from the Power Chakra. Partners with balanced Power Chakras are well organized, have strong will and are respectful to wishes of others. Chakra 4 – Heart Chakra, the Chakra of unconditional love. People with a closed Heart Chakra have an extremely difficult time finding a suitable person to date. A woman with a closed Heart Chakra has a hard time manifesting her intentions to find a mate. A man with this Chakra closed does not see the opportunity when he is approached by a woman.

Separation, divorce, death in the family or betrayal is just a few causes of a closed Heart Chakra. That’s why so many people find it difficult to get a new partner immediately after previous relationship collapses. People with this Chakra opened are generous and well loved by others. Chakra 5 – Throat Chakra, the gift of self-expression. This is where people present themselves to the world. When closed, it creates difficulties with communication which can lead to misunderstanding and broken relationships. Chakra 6 – The Third Eye Chakra is the Chakra of intuition. This is where we scan another person’s body language, appearance and have an educated guess: he loves me, he loves me not. People with this Chakra closed always tend to make wrong farfetched assumptions: “He did not look at me when he entered the office. He hates me. I am worthless”. “He looked at me when I said that I lost my pen – he definitely loves me. We are going to get married soon.” The cause and effect logic is lost to people with a closed Third Eye Chakra. People with an opened Third Eye Chakra see only facts and never make fanciful assumptions, saving moans and torments for more worthy occasions. Chakra 7 – The Crown Chakra is our connection to spirituality. It brings us peace and tranquility and helps us to make moral decisions. It is our guide to what is right and wrong. It is our guard against falling for somebody who is not right for us. If you feel that one or more of these imbalanced Chakra descriptions tells the story of your life, it is time to take some action and have your Chakra profile evaluated and balanced by a Reiki practitioner. There is still some time left until the Valentine’s Day.

Read more about the Chakra system in the article “Chakra System, Basic Introduction”:

Copyright 2012 by Marina Lando, 919-469-1505

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