Sol digital media guide 2015

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Table of Contents About Sol........................................................................................................1 Coaching Staff................................................................................................2 Power & Premier Teams................................................................................3 12s Power...................................................................................................4-5 13s Premier.................................................................................................6-7 15s Power...................................................................................................8-9 16s Power................................................................................................10-11 Little Sunshines & Youth Teams...................................................................12 Little Sunshines.............................................................................................13 Youth Blue.....................................................................................................14 Youth Orange.................................................................................................15

About Sol:

Sol Volleyball Club is a Juniors volleyball club established in 2013 based in the SF Peninsula. We offer young athletes the opportunity to play competitive volleyball with the Northern California Volleyball Association, NCVA.


Sol Volleyball Club provides a positive, encouraging environment for young athletes to develop skills and knowledge of the sport. We provide instruction that builds character development through skills and sportsmanship for our players to reach their maximim playing potential. We are dedicated to instill a love for the sport while promoting lessons in respect, self-discipline, responsibility and persistence.


Sol Volleyball Club is committed to ensuring that athletes have a positive experience and provide the feedback and tools to help them improve as a competitor. We provide our athletes with a high caliber of volleyball training along with life lessons that will stay with them long after volleyball. We teach our athletes the game of volleyball including all aspects of skills training, tactical knowledge, and match strategies. In addition, we teach them to be disciplined, compete and train at full effort, push beyond their comfort zone, and compete with confidence and enthusiasm.

Coaching Staff and Teams:

Our coaches stay updated with the latest techniques through coaching clinics and training. We strive to create coaching continuity between all of our teams and age groups by providing a Team Trainer who oversees each team. That knowledge and experience greatly benefits our developing Sol athletes as they train with their coaches and teams. By limiting the number of Sol VBC teams it allows us to focus our organizational abilities and maintain our attention to detail, providing a high quality club volleyball experience. We are very fortunate to have an outstanding group of coaches upon whom our athletes can rely on for instruction, guidance, and support.

M o n i c a H o l c omb Club Director

Michael Lapuz Team Trainer

Gilbert Gilbe r s t a dt Head Coach - 12s | 16s

Coac hing Sta ff Trac i N owa k owski Head Coach - 15s

Jake Kelly Head Coach - 13s

Ronald Lau Assistant Coach - 15s

Nadia William s Assistant Coach - 13s

Magda Gilb e r s t a dt Assistant Coach - 12s | 16s

Tof i Ueligi t one Assistant Coach - Youth

Ada m W r ig ht Assistant Coach - Youth

Joe M us ich Assistant Coach - Youth

12 Power

15 Power

13 Premier

16 Power

12 Power

Amelia Kyle Libero

Sofia Schnabel Setter

Alyssa-Raye Taylor Outside Hitter

Audrey Luey Outside Hitter

Cailey Murad Setter

Emilia Cadenasso Middle Hitter

Madison Kammuller Middle Hitter

Olivia Pera Defensive Specialist

Heather Meade Outside Hitter

Miranda Chan Middle Hitter

Gianna Perez Libero

13 Premier

Mia-Isobel Craig Setter

Taryn Schloss Setter

Isabella Woodhouse Middle Hitter

Greta Foehr Setter

Samantha Waters Outside Hitter

Megan Cossins Outside Hitter

Annie Stephens Libero

Oriana Smith Anderson Middle Hitter

Kelly Lelapinyokul Outside Hitter

Kelly Kadlec Outside Hitter

Klaudia Skucha Middle Hitter

Caitlin Garcia Middle Hitter

15 Power

Anna Montalvo Opposite

Grace Dermenjian Middle Hitter

Cara Murad Defensive Specialist

Peyton Toomey Middle Hitter

Gabrielle Owens Setter

Kylie Crisostomo-Rickman Middle Hitter

Kelsey Kuwahara Libero

Shannon Callagy Outside Hitter

Katie Caulfield Defensive Specialist

Samantha Dahlberg Setter

Sophia Lamb Outside Hitter

16 Power

Clarissa Murad Setter

Brianna Callagy Middle Hitter

Jalen Torres Defensive Specialist

Ellie Bruhns Libero

Rachel Stucke Defensive Specialist

Erin Wise Setter / Opposite

Sasha Arredondo-De Lipski Outside Hitter

Sophie Srivastava Setter

Erica Jenkins Middle Hitter

Tai Mei Chang Outside Hitter

Emma Neuling Middle Hitter

Little Sunshines

Youth Blue

Youth Orange

Mat i ld a King

Ol i vi a Cala nd ra

Ell ie Do w d

M a i ko O no

C ar ly Fo e hr

Natal i e K anto r

Little Sunshines

A lexandra Ko walczyk

Ri ley Raff

Isa be lla Lo zano

R e b eka h Jo w

Elizabeth Ashdown

Anna Sche re r

Cienna Cattaneo

Y o u t h

Sophia Makarewycz

Alli McKenney

C a itli n M u sic h

Sevina Nan da


Anya Higashio nna

Luci Lambe rt

Em m a M o ra n

Sarah Moran

Gia Elh ih i

Mateja Ueligitone

Zeina Katz Kishawi

Y o u t h

Noelle Foehr

Katherine Errington

Mariah Lozano


Penny King

Biance Johnson

Evelyn Welton

Ronessa Dorsey Rikako Ono

Are’ Makropoulos

Lauren Richards

Gulianna Ceschin


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