Studio 1 - Semester 1 2021 - Jacob Hill

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Temporal Landscapes Reflective Practice Portfolio LA Design Studio 1 Jacob Hill S3870682

Temporal Landscapes

I found the common thread between assemblages and territories units to be the underlying theme of dynamic landscapes through temporal change. The three colourd paths display the key learning from my work and link clusters between the chapters together.

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Temporal change of Landscapes” see the clusters with a orange outline: Page 08 - Investigating - Site Elements Page 16 - Inspiration - Temporal Boundary’s Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Contents Diagram Connected Landscape Systems

Dynamic Landscapes

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Connected Landscape Systems” see the clusters with a blue outline:

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Dynamic Landscapes” see the clusters with a green outline:

Site Elements

Site Experience

Page 8

Page 10

Page 6

Page 4

Eidetic collage plan (Memory)

Chapter 1 Investigation

Page 06 - Investigating - Landscape Systems Page 14 - Inspiration - Connected Systems Page 22 - Exploration - Interventions private garden scale Page 24 - Exploration - Interventions public park scale Page 26 -Exploration - Interventions city scale

Landscape Systems

Eidetic collage plan (re-worked)

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 01

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 01

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 02

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 02

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 03

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 03

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 04

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 04

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 05

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 05

Page 10 - Investigating - Site Experience Page 18 - Inspiration - Dynamic Landscapes Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Annotated drawing: sectional ‘moment’

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 2

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 1

Condition manipulation base section 1

Site map

Condition manipulation base section 2

Layers - Base plan

Annotated drawing: Sit spot observations of urban water systems.

Layers - Registers of water

Move away from the logical steps of the process and look closer at what you have learned from those sets of drawings. What you have taken from the body of work. Is it creating something new or is it creating something else? - Katya

Annotated drawing: sketch/diagram Investigation through walking Combined plan of phenomenon and occupation

Move away form the process and look at why? What is the relationship and reflect on how the relationship shows something? What have you have learned? Could think about what you felt at the time? Connecting to a personal aspect? - Gabrielle

Layers - Surface permeability

Temporal Boundary’s

Connected Systems

Dynamic Landscapes

Page 16

Page 18

Arrangement of artifact is a little confusing, perhaps change this to clearly show the flow from your overarching theme, to groups and then into clusters. - Gabrielle

Chapter 2 Inspiration

Page 12

Page 14

Flatness experiment 01

Flatness experiment 02

Permeability experiment 01

Permeability experiment 02

The logic of process is clear. Maybe find the relationship that connected three categories, clarify the theme, and then we can be aware of what the artifact shows - Fred (Yitao)

Process model - Flow

Working wetlands system

Annotated drawing: your definition of ‘urban nature’

Process model diagram

Conditions experiment - Fold, Twist, Crunch

Annotated drawing: 3 x sketches of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord

Slope experiment

Does this show how I work? What is this telling about how I work personally? - Jacob

Introduction Design Statement This artifact aims to portray the common themes I have learnt about landscapes through my Landscape Architecture study so far. These themes make up clusters of work inside broader categories split into three chapters. These chapters of Investigation, Inspiration and Exploration represent how I have interacted with or been influenced by Landscapes. The clusters inside the chapters are made up of work that most closely represents the key learnings I had relating to Landscapes as connected to a larger system, Temporal aspects of Landscapes that create continual change and the Dynamic nature of landscape though natural and human processes. The artifact has been produced through iteration and feedback through conversations with tutors and peers. The mid-semester version of my artifact was very process orientated and generic. Apart from showing I like to follow a linear process; it did not provide any insight to key learnings for myself personally. A key shift in thinking about how I was arranging and displaying my artifice came from having multiple conversions with peers and tutors. Ideas of how I work, what I have learned form the work and what this says about me personally? This helped me to move away from representing the design process and enabled me to show what I have learnt. Through making the artifact it became obvious I like to work with a process, as this was hard for me to step away from while generating iterations. The most refined version of the artifact shows how I like to work using inspiration from precedent projects or process models to inform my design. Rather than relying on my internal thoughts for inspiration to lead to design outcomes. The artifact also highlights the links I have made in themes of landscape architecture across multiple project types and scales.

Process model key stages drawing

Interventions - private garden scale Page 22

Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes Page 28

Condition manipulation test 1 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - section

Collation mapping

Interventions - public park scale

Plant adaptation: Arid/dry conditions

Page 24

Collage plan of manipulated material

Collage Section 1 of manipulated material

Collage Section 2 of manipulated material

Project precedent Buitenschot park, Netherlands

Plant adaptation: Wet/shady conditions

Section - process through time

Chapter 3 Exploration

Page 20

Condition manipulation test 1 - section

A2 size eidetic construct drawing

Interventions - city scale Page 26 Plan - process model iteration

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 01

page 2

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 02

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Plan

page 3

Temporal Landscapes To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Temporal change of Landscapes” see the clusters with a orange outline: Page 08 - Investigating - Site Elements Page 16 - Inspiration - Temporal Boundary’s Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Connected Landscape Systems

Dynamic Landscapes

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Connected Landscape Systems” see the clusters with a blue outline:

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Dynamic Landscapes” see the clusters with a green outline:

Site Elements

Site Experience

Page 8

Page 10

Page 6

Page 4

Eidetic collage plan (Memory)

Chapter 1 Investigation

Page 06 - Investigating - Landscape Systems Page 14 - Inspiration - Connected Systems Page 22 - Exploration - Interventions private garden scale Page 24 - Exploration - Interventions public park scale Page 26 -Exploration - Interventions city scale

Landscape Systems

Eidetic collage plan (re-worked)

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 01

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 01

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 02

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 02

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 03

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 03

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 04

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 04

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 05

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 05

Page 10 - Investigating - Site Experience Page 18 - Inspiration - Dynamic Landscapes Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Annotated drawing: sectional ‘moment’

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 2

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 1

Condition manipulation base section 1

Site map

Condition manipulation base section 2

Layers - Base plan

Chapter 1 - Investigation

Annotated drawing: Sit spot observations of urban water systems.

Layers - Registers of water

Annotated drawing: sketch/diagram Investigation through walking Combined plan of phenomenon and occupation

Layers - Surface permeability

Temporal Boundary’s

Connected Systems

Dynamic Landscapes

Page 16

Page 18

Chapter 2 Inspiration

Page 12

Page 14

By investigating site though observation and engaging with the site physically, an understanding of experiences and tactile elements of site are formed. Documenting these observations and experiences generated by the landscape, starts to provoke thoughts of change and varied experience over time. This chapter includes work that identifies landscapes as connected systems, and leads to greater exploration in the next chapter.

Flatness experiment 01

Flatness experiment 02

Permeability experiment 01

Permeability experiment 02

Process model - Flow

Working wetlands system

Annotated drawing: your definition of ‘urban nature’

Process model diagram

Conditions experiment - Fold, Twist, Crunch

Annotated drawing: 3 x sketches of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord

Slope experiment

Process model key stages drawing

Interventions - private garden scale Page 22

Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes Page 28

Condition manipulation test 1 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - section

Collation mapping

Interventions - public park scale

Plant adaptation: Arid/dry conditions

Page 24

Collage plan of manipulated material

Collage Section 1 of manipulated material

Collage Section 2 of manipulated material

Project precedent Buitenschot park, Netherlands

Plant adaptation: Wet/shady conditions

Section - process through time

Chapter 3 Exploration

Page 20

Condition manipulation test 1 - section

A2 size eidetic construct drawing

Interventions - city scale Page 26 Plan - process model iteration

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 01

page 4

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 02

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Plan

page 5

Chapter 1 - Investigation Landscape Systems

Annotated drawing: Sectional ‘moment’

Annotated drawing: Sit spot observations Key moments of learning. Through this work, the connectivity of the urban water system started to become apparent. Lots of examples of hard surface area changing the natural flow of water were visible everywhere. The scale was an interesting factor as well, with impacts to the urban water system seen ranging from a gap in a concrete footpath, through to the scale of a neighbourhood. Through this work I started to develop the notion connected landscapes through observing water flow.

Condition manipulation base section 1

Condition manipulation base section 2 page 6

Annotated drawing: sketch/diagram Investigation through walking page 7

Chapter 1 - Investigation Site Elements

Key moments of learning. During the early stages of this work, it was easy for me to consider elements of the site to be fixed, or somewhat permanent. Concrete paths for example give the impression of something solid that will not change, although given enough time this will degrade through weathering and other natural or human processes.

Eidetic collage plan (Memory)

Eidetic collage plan (re-worked)

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 1

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 2

Site map

Layers - Base plan

page 8

Layers - Registers of water

Layers - Surface permeability page 9

Chapter 1 - Investigation Site Experience

Key moments of learning. While observing and documenting experience and occupation on site, the subtle changes in variation of the experience felt were noticeable. It is though this continual change of site the dynamic nature of Landscapes started to form for me.

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 01

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 01

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 02

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 02

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 03

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 03

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 04

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 04

page 10

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 05

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 05

Combined plan: Phenomenon and Occupation page 11

Landscape Systems

Site Elements

Site Experience

Page 8

Page 10

Page 6

Chapter 1 Investigation

Page 4

Eidetic collage plan (Memory)

Eidetic collage plan (re-worked)

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 01

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 01

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 02

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 02

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 03

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 03

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 04

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 04

Annotated drawing: sectional ‘moment’

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 2

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 1

Condition manipulation base section 1

Site map

Condition manipulation base section 2

Temporal Landscapes

Layers - Base plan

Annotated drawing: Sit spot observations of urban water systems. Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 05

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 05

Layers - Registers of water

Annotated drawing: sketch/diagram Investigation through walking Combined plan of phenomenon and occupation

Layers - Surface permeability

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Temporal change of Landscapes” see the clusters with a orange outline: Page 08 - Investigating - Site Elements Page 16 - Inspiration - Temporal Boundary’s Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Connected Landscape Systems

Dynamic Landscapes

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Connected Landscape Systems” see the clusters with a blue outline:

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Dynamic Landscapes” see the clusters with a green outline:

Dynamic Landscapes

Page 16

Page 18

Page 12

Page 14

Chapter 2 Inspiration

Page 06 - Investigating - Landscape Systems Page 14 - Inspiration - Connected Systems Page 22 - Exploration - Interventions private garden scale Page 24 - Exploration - Interventions public park scale Page 26 -Exploration - Interventions city scale

Temporal Boundary’s

Connected Systems

Flatness experiment 01

Flatness experiment 02

Permeability experiment 01

Permeability experiment 02

Chapter 2 - Inspiration This chapter contains key moments of inspiration that guided my thinking though the design process. I found these to be fundamental and influential in understanding the dynamic and temporal aspects of Landscapes. The ideas generated from this work informed my design outcomes for Studio.

Page 10 - Investigating - Site Experience Page 18 - Inspiration - Dynamic Landscapes Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes Process model - Flow

Working wetlands system

Annotated drawing: your definition of ‘urban nature’

Process model diagram

Conditions experiment - Fold, Twist, Crunch

Annotated drawing: 3 x sketches of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord

Slope experiment

Process model key stages drawing

Interventions - private garden scale Page 22

Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes Page 28

Condition manipulation test 1 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - section

Collation mapping

Interventions - public park scale

Plant adaptation: Arid/dry conditions

Page 24

Collage plan of manipulated material

Collage Section 1 of manipulated material

Collage Section 2 of manipulated material

Project precedent Buitenschot park, Netherlands

Plant adaptation: Wet/shady conditions

Section - process through time

Chapter 3 Exploration

Page 20

Condition manipulation test 1 - section

A2 size eidetic construct drawing

Interventions - city scale Page 26 Plan - process model iteration

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 01

page 12

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 02

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Plan

page 13

Chapter 2 - Inspiration Connected Systems

Annotated drawing: Sketch of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord - Reservoirs

Working Wetlands System Drainage and run-off water from hard surfaces is filtered before it is stored in reservoirs. Plants

Key moments of learning. Questions of natural and human environments started to rise from the reading “urban nature” as well as precedent projects like Duisburg Nord. These highlight the blurred line of what is natural and what is not? Similarly a constructed wetlands system at the botanic gardens looks “natural” although it is highly constructed to mimic a natural wetland. Through this work I developed a greater understanding of sites as part of a greater connect system. This was most pronounced through the urban nature reading.


Annotated drawing: Sketch of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord - Planted Solids Filter

Annotated drawing: Sketch of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord - Windmill page 14

Annotated drawing: Your definition of ‘urban nature’ page 15

Chapter 2 - Inspiration Temporal Boundary’s

Flatness experiment 01

Flatness experiment 02

Key moments of learning. This work displays a set of water experiment drawings. Through reflecting on this work, it became clear how territories and landscapes change over time. Thinking of how quickly these experiments of water change from evaporation, led to the understanding of more gradual change of Landscapes through water erosion. Its from this I realised all Landscapes experience temporal change if the time frame is large enough.

Permeability experiment 01

Conditions experiment - Fold, Twist, Crunch page 16

Slope experiment - Absorption

Permeability experiment 02

Slope experiment - Water depth page 17

Chapter 2 - Inspiration Dynamic Landscapes








2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

Initial form = mound

Flow 2 x water pours 3 sec

soil displaced randomly

Flow Flow

Flow Flow

Flow Flow

Flow Flow

Flow Flow

Flow Flow

2 x water 2 x water pours 3pours sec 3 sec

2x2 water x water pours 3 sec pours 3 sec

2 x2water x water pours 3 sec pours 3 sec

2 x water 2 x water pours 3pours sec 3 sec

2 x water 2 x water pours 3pours sec 3 sec

2 x water 2 x water pours 3pours sec 3 sec

Initiala form mound larger=valley is shaped

Flow 2 x water pours 3 sec

new paths are forming







2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

a larger valley is shaped

potential micro-climate nook

new paths are forming

potential micro-climate nook

2 p

soil displaced randomly amphitheater and funnel

amphitheater and funnel

Process - Flow Process model model - flow

Process model diagram

rocess model - flow

Key moments of learning. This work displays how I gain inspiration from precedent projects and process models to inform my design, rather than my internal thoughts leading to design outcomes. This is where ideas of speculated future change through natural and human intervention were developed.

Flow 2 x water pours 3 sec






2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

2 x water pours 3 sec

a larger valley is shaped

potential micro-climate nook

2 p


Process model key stages drawing page 18

page 19

Landscape Systems

Site Elements

Site Experience

Page 8

Page 10

Page 6

Chapter 1 Investigation

Page 4

Eidetic collage plan (Memory)

Eidetic collage plan (re-worked)

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 01

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 01

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 02

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 02

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 03

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 03

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 04

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 04

Notational Drawing Phenomena of sound 05

Notational Drawing Occupation of people 05

Annotated drawing: sectional ‘moment’

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 2

Eidetic collage of view (Memory) 1

Condition manipulation base section 1

Site map

Condition manipulation base section 2

Chapter 3 - Exploring

Layers - Base plan

Annotated drawing: Sit spot observations of urban water systems.

Layers - Registers of water

Exploring dynamic landscape and temporal change possibilities, though drawing and iteration. The work in this chapter generated ideas of co-created change from the combination of natural process and human intervention. Through speculating on how these natural and human forces might influence and shape a dynamic landscape, I was able to explore and imagine possible outcomes.

Annotated drawing: sketch/diagram Investigation through walking Combined plan of phenomenon and occupation

Layers - Surface permeability

Temporal Boundary’s

Connected Systems

Dynamic Landscapes

Page 16

Page 18

Chapter 2 Inspiration

Page 12

Page 14

Flatness experiment 01

Flatness experiment 02

Permeability experiment 01

Permeability experiment 02

Temporal Landscapes

Process model - Flow

Working wetlands system

Annotated drawing: your definition of ‘urban nature’

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Temporal change of Landscapes” see the clusters with a orange outline:

Process model diagram

Conditions experiment - Fold, Twist, Crunch

Page 08 - Investigating - Site Elements Page 16 - Inspiration - Temporal Boundary’s Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Annotated drawing: 3 x sketches of urban water conditions at Duisburg Nord

Slope experiment

Connected Landscape Systems

Process model key stages drawing

Interventions - private garden scale

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Connected Landscape Systems” see the clusters with a blue outline:

Page 22

Dynamic Landscapes Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes Page 28

To follow the path that shows my development of understanding of “Dynamic Landscapes” see the clusters with a green outline:

Condition manipulation test 1 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - section

Collation mapping

Interventions - public park scale

Plant adaptation: Arid/dry conditions

Page 24

Collage plan of manipulated material

Collage Section 1 of manipulated material

Collage Section 2 of manipulated material

Project precedent Buitenschot park, Netherlands

Plant adaptation: Wet/shady conditions

Page 10 - Investigating - Site Experience Page 18 - Inspiration - Dynamic Landscapes Page 28 - Exploration - Temporal & Dynamic Landscapes

Section - process through time

Chapter 3 Exploration

Page 06 - Investigating - Landscape Systems Page 14 - Inspiration - Connected Systems Page 22 - Exploration - Interventions private garden scale Page 24 - Exploration - Interventions public park scale Page 26 -Exploration - Interventions city scale

Page 20

Condition manipulation test 1 - section

A2 size eidetic construct drawing

Interventions - city scale Page 26 Plan - process model iteration

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 01

page 20

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section 02

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Plan

page 21

Chapter 3 - Exploring Interventions - private garden scale

Condition manipulation test 1 - section Key moments of learning. Through exploring interventions on small scale landscapes I developed a greater understanding of influences that shape landscapes, natural and human.

Condition manipulation test 2 - section

Condition manipulation test 1 - plan

Condition manipulation test 2 - plan page 22

Collation Mapping page 23

Chapter 3 - Exploring Interventions - public park scale

The precedent project of Buiteschot Park, Netherlands helped to guide this human intervention on site that would allow natural processes of growth and erosion.

Project precedent: Buitenschot Park, Netherlands

Collage Section 1 of manipulated material

Collage Section 2 of manipulated material page 24

Collage plan of manipulated material page 25

Chapter 3 - Exploring Interventions - city scale

This work is exploring a large scale intervention on the Melbourne CBD, with Central Park, New York as a precedent project. Through this I have explored ideas of using the natural topography as a water catchment area.

Elizabeth Street The Lake

Indicative stormwater drain location

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section C

Yarra River C Note: Elizabeth Street water catchment area outline in blue.

Existing edge condition



Figure 15 - Proposed Melbourne Plan 1:5000 Drawing by author

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Section D page 26

Inserted project to Melbourne CBD - Plan page 27

Chapter 3 - Exploring Temporal and Dynamic Landscapes “While plants grow, people also grow at the Ecocathedral, in a dynamic relationship with the environment, their actions affecting each other...” - Raxworthy, J (p107) This work generated ideas of co-created change from the combination of natural process and human intervention. Through speculating on how these natural and human forces might influence and shape a dynamic landscape, I was able to explore and imagine a possible outcome in the A2 Eidetic construct drawing. Similarly, the plant adaption drawings display how natural process evolve to suite the conditions.

A2 Eidetic construct drawing

Plant adaptation: Arid/dry conditions

Plant adaptation: Wet/shady conditions page 28

page 29



System a collection of elements that form a larger element or process. The stormwater system is made of drains, waterways, pipes and other infrastructure.

My work is very process driven taking advantage of precedent projects and process models. It is fairly liner and I thrive with practical solutions. Conversely, I struggle with abstract or highly theoretical ideas. From this my work tends to be pragmatic, although not very expressive or personal.

Temporal The idea of continual change of landscapes through time. Dynamic Through change generated by human and natural processes over time, Landscapes are growing and changing.

Similar and opposite approaches to the work can be seen in the student group. Some have the opposite strength to me of exploring and displaying abstract ideas and symbolic relationships in Landscape Architecture. This range of strengths and differing approach to the work, creates opportunities to learn new ways of thinking from peers. I found reflection upon how I work and how that differs with other students to be an interesting process, to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Regarding moving forward and following on from a discussion in our final session that bought up topics of: “How do you work? Is it hands on? Or more digital? Do you want to challenge yourself or play to strengths?”. After feeling very challenged by the abstract ideas in Assemblage this semester, I will initially look to do a studio that I can apply my strengths of working digitally. Hopefully, this will help me find my feet and allow me to take on more challenging Studios in the future.

Bibliography Eliasson, O., Ellingsen, E., Werner, C., From the Past with Love, 135-137, in Pais, A. P., Strauss, C. F., Benkler, Y., & Blaisse, M. (Eds.). (2016). Slow reader: A resource for design thinking and practice. Valiz. Raxworthy, J., Building a Wilderness with Louis Le Roy, 98-109, in Pais, A. P., Strauss, C. F., Benkler, Y., & Blaisse, M. (Eds.). (2016). Slow reader: A resource for design thinking and practice. Valiz. Pohjoisen kulttuuri-instituutti – Institute for Northern Culture. (2012, January 11). Ingold—Thinking Through Making.

page 30

page 31

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