A series of storytelling digital paintings illustriate a co-living environment between human and new discovered species of funguses. The ability of storytelling via image can be very powerful, especially it is something that can not happen in real life. The drawing style is amazing, not to mention the message that the artists are trying to deliver, the relationship between us and nature is out of balance, as well as our society. Therefore to imagine a world that is taken over by fungus feels so abserd but also real at the same time.
"Our fairytale is a naive attempt to address the issue of different kinds of crises we are experiencing - not only ecological, but social and existential as well. In the routine of everyday life, based on capitalism, we tend to lose ourselves to our jobs, our forests to fields and commerce. We forget our capabilities, such as senses, of our natural organisms, and many other things." - Aleksandr Čebotariov and Laura Kuršvietytė Symbiosis #1 Aleksandr Cebotariov and Laura Kuršvietyte Digital Painting
Symbiosis #2 Aleksandr Cebotariov and Laura Kuršvietyte Digital Painting
Symbiosis #3 Aleksandr Cebotariov and Laura Kuršvietyte Digital Painting
“The new species of fungi has been found. It has proved to be giving shelter to homeless people in the suburbs of Amazon-5. Mycologists claim that the risen temperatures are the major factor due to which this new species e m e rg e d . C l i ma t e c r i s i s ha s appeared to be not critical at all to the new fungi, on the contrary – it, the fungi – the so called Mycelius Salvator has been f lourishing i n wa r m a n d hu m i d c l i ma t i c conditions."