Q12® IMPACT WORKSHOP LEAR N HOW TO M E ET TH E PE R FOR MANCE CHALLE NG E OF TH E 21ST CE NTU RY: B U I LDI NG A CU LTU R E OF COLLABORATION AN D E NGAG E M E NT. Just 13% of employees are engaged in their jobs, and actively disengaged workers outnumber engaged workers nearly two to one. In the United States, 70% of American workers are not engaged or actively disengaged and are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and less likely to be productive. These statistics suggest that despite the attention given to creating engaged workplaces and teams, workplace engagement remains stagnant. Leaders, managers and organizations have failed to generate cultural shift that creates engaging workplaces and teams. Over the years, Gallup has studied tens of thousands of work teams to learn more about the issues and challenges they face. Gallup has also examined the techniques managers, teams, and organizations use to create highly engaged teams, and most importantly, the things that high-performing teams do that distinguish them from others. The Creating an Engaging Workplace course incorporates findings from Gallup’s extensive ongoing research into how managers, teams, and organizations build engaged, high-performing teams. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT
This course provides insights into how to increase productivity and success by working with a focus on employee engagement. You will gain an understanding of the characteristics of a great work environment and learn tactics that you can use to build an engaged, productive workplace.
Half Day Engagement Is the Key to Unlocking Your Team’s Potential The Cost of Disengagement The Competitive Advantage of Engagement Understanding Engagement The Emotional Economy at Work The 12 Elements of Engagement Diagnosing the State of Your Team Accelerating Engagement The Role of the Manager Conducting a State of the Team Conversation Engagement Every Day
During this course, you will learn how to accelerate your engagement and your team’s engagement by:
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understanding the factors that influence engagement gaining insights into 12 actionable workplace elements that have proven links to engagement analyzing and interpreting your team’s current state of engagement and the barriers to full engagement identifying specific actions you and your team members can take to enhance the team’s engagement leading individual and team conversations about engagement throughout the year
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