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Selling Choice
of Lot 2A and 2B.
This is the second of the trio of sisters that we purchased from Lanny and Chris. A Pilgrim daughter from Melody that has been very productive and profitable. Naturally we always favored the kind and look of her Broker sister, but this female has left us two daughters that we have utilized in the program that have done nothing but generate cash flow.
5076C is huge and good at the surface with plenty of bone, length, and frame. She is very sound in her kind and is extra awesome for a Pilgrim female about her front third. She has been very proficient at producing stout, heavy, physically impressive bulls with the exception of her first natural calf by Executive Order.
That first natural calf is referred to as Evelyn 476E that has been featured in Sim Magic on Ice for the past 3 years with a lifetime embryo average of over $2000/ embryo. 476E is owned with Hidden Oaks Cattle of Canton, TX. This mating to “E.O.” was so ideal in terms of power in width and body that we elected to aspirate her back that way and gathered up the lone calf in the mating and tagged her as Gwendolyn 376G that sells as lot 2B.
5076C is a contributor. She is without question a generator and has plenty of miles left for the long haul. She sells safe in calf to Next Level which should yield her very best yet.
376G made herself a vital part of our operation when she entered production. She raised SWC Red Wave 376J that went on to command $85,000 to 1 Eleven Cattle Company and the Red Wave Group. We then offered two aspirations on this female and she gathered up another $30,000. Probably one of the most remarkable things about this female is her undeniable fertility. Red Wave was calved the first week of March. Her 2022 calf by Right Time was born in mid January, she calved early December last fall and sells safe in calf to Countertime for an October calf this fall. Granted all this has been done on exposure to a bull but it is impressive to note and vital to have.
Gwendolyn is not going to be the fattest cow in the pen, but I guarantee she will produce with the very best of them and return everything in value and quality through her progeny. She is from a powerful cow family that has remarkable maternal strength and comes with the influence of 8543U through the sire side of her lineage. Two of South Dakota’s very best intertwined in a very productive red head. She sells with a December 12, 2022 heifer calf by the Dew North x “Boots” son, GCC Black Dew 161H, that we selected from Griswold Cattle Company in 2021.

This may be one of the most underrated females in the business. NFF Wicked B125 was produced in the Nelson program of Minnesota and the selected by Nate Ruby and I from the “Livin the Dream” sale series. Nate and I marketed multiple daughters from this female by Battle Cry with a mating average well over $10,000. The Battle Cry selected by the Culpepper family of Texas went on to be reserve Simmental female at both San Antonio and Houston junior heifer shows.
Her next successful mating was to HCCO Classic 431C, a son of MR CCF Vision that was from a Pilgrim female. SWC Wicked Fran ended up being selected by Jim Bloomberg as Champion Female at the Fort Worth Stock Show Junior Show and commanded a $30,0000 hammer price from the Sandidge Family of Illinois. At the 2023 Cattleman’s Congress, a direct son of Wicked Fran by SO Remedy 7F was a sale feature that commanded a $25,000 gavel price.

Her 2021 natural calf by Right Time was most definitely a standout and will go to work in the Graham Farms program of Kansas and her 2022 natural is offered as lot 3B. This female’s ability to generate and produce needs no second guess or pondering, if you like big bodied, productive females that are proven then it’s a simple no brainer.

A true standout from the time she arrived last fall. 500K has had the length and size working in her favor since day one and she maintains that advantage yet today. In a show ring filled with age advantaged stock, this true September will hold her own in any September class.
She is without question the stoutest of the B125 daughters in every aspect of evaluation. More foot, more bone, more power, and more performance. Yet, she keeps it gathered in a very sound, smooth, maternal looking package that should draw the attention of the most critical cowboys. Change is Coming definitely brought change and a new look to this already proven cow family. The expected future for this female is certainly bright.
Selling Choice of Lot 3A and 3B.
In the event the winning bidder chooses 3B, Shipwreck Cattle Co will retain the right to two successful aspirations with at least 5 grade 1, freezable embryos per aspiration at the buyer’s convenience and the sellers expense within the first two years after entering production.

The Annie K 330Y cow family has been a mainstay for us, and we will continue to build from the past National Champion through her daughters and granddaughters.
Annie K 214C has wrote her page as well. Her cattle are consistent in the fundamentals. Balanced in look, body, shape, and performance.
A daughter of Counter Attack, SWC Annie Rose 091F, was a past spring sale feature that commanded a $30,000 hammer price to Munson Cattle of Shallowater, TX This past December, an ET bull calf by King of Diamonds, was selected by Justin Noseff with Circle N Ranch of Lubbock, TX in a private treaty acquisition

SWC Game Day 514G, the 2019 natural calf by KCC1 Exclusive, is owned in partnership with Walrod Cattle Co of Randolph, KS. Many of the calves by Game Day have been favorites of Garren’s bull customers and the females have a high retention rate within his program. We were fortunate to have one natural calf by Game Day that sold privately to the Cochrane Family of Mississippi late last fall.
The quality, predictability, and the fundamental soundness of the creatures from this female are invaluable. She works very well in IVF and breeds back A.I. every time. This mating to the hot Tecumseh sire should yield only greatness with a high probability of a breed changing herd sire on the way.
We elected to use Change is Coming based on the quality of his dam and the knowledge of the complimentary relationship in the Copacetic x Broker combination. It didn’t hurt that one of the best cattlemen in the nation bred the calf either. We did anticipate this one to come out with more white but you can consider that bullet dodged. This solid black female may very well be 214C’s best daughter yet. She doesn’t offer any freaky, out there pieces, but she is balanced, correct, and displays ideal build and skeletal integrity to the highest degree. She has a disposition that’s suitable for any showman and will be the generating kind.