a book of angels

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a book of angels

miranda leigh marques

according to christianity, there are nine types of angels: seraphim, fiery serpents which even other divine beings cannot gaze upon; cherubim, the keepers of celestial records; thrones, said to be covered in many eyes, they exist in a state of transition between the celestial and human worlds; dominions, those who make sure the cosmos remain in order; virtues, shaped like sparks of light, they are in charge of maintaining natural world; powers, these appear as brightly colored, hazy fumes. they are similar to humans due to their vulnerability to the act of sinning; principalities, shaped like rays of light; archangels, guardians of all things physical, they are pioneers for change; and angels, the true intermediaries between god and people

i began searching for angels of my own, and a book of angels has come forth from it

1 moths flying helplessly towards any bright light that will beckon them, their only hope to lead them back to heaven

2 the breath of air you steal from a lover's mouth as you kiss

a type of man-made angel; intense desire drives them to creation


dust that appears in the sunlight at certain angles; these are the most commonly found angels. around us at all times, they can only be seen when all elements are feeling in agreement

but what special moments when they let us gaze upon them, it is more than a trick of light - they are the trick

4 light that glistens on water. these angels must stay together to survive and will not be separated by force or disruption swim through them. your skin will glisten, too, until their trails fall away


lightning as it hits the ground, delivering the most lively type of angel. picking up energy that sits in the earth's atmosphere, they latch onto the nearest positive charge they can find to come barreling to the ground


ones that shine an off type of yellow, creating the color itself for our eyes (it would not exist if not for these angels). found mostly in flowers.

7 ones you can see when light shines through thick leaves of a plant - living in the small dark bits, most write them off as pieces of bugs left behind


atop petals that fall on running water (you know the ones that float so delicately even in the roughest of waters) these angels are catching a ride to the next place that calls them

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