Architectonic 2019-2020

Page 1

2020 . Volume 1 . £18 . €20


Innovation For Our Future Cities s


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Pa r a m e t r i c o s P u b l i c a t i o n s


7 Architectonic

Innovation for our future cities Architectonic is a hybrid event for startups and young professionals in architecture and construction that wish to address issues for our built environment.

Remote Working

Transform your digital workflow


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Studio 3DX

Great design begins with context Studio 3DX is Cloud BIM and GIS solution for professionals in the AECO industry to improve their workflows in all phases of a construction project. Read more at

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Studio 3DX is a Cloud BIM and GIS platform to improve your workflow from the design phase to construction and even facility management. Try now with our 7-days trial and get your work done faster and more efficient.





40 Innovation in construction

Monica Ioannidou Polemitis

The digital era is the most important period of history for humankind after the Industrial Revolution. This is the era, where is what everything, is happening right now. So how did we get here? From the 1970s until the early Millennium, before 2010 there had been some kind of linear progress when it comes to the internet. Read more on page 40.

City manifesto Marios messios


Innovation in construction Monica ioannidou poelimitis


What is bim and gis in studio 3dx martha matsi


Metabolism of cities Gabriela fernandez


Bim business Simos georgiou


Starting up faster with a great ecosystem Ferdinand mßhlhäuser


Finding the eureka moment Klaus kammermeier


Design innovation value chain for smart facades Nebojsa jakica





Starting up faster with a great ecosystem Ferdinand Mßhlhäuser

I'm going to tell you a little bit about a startup ecosystem, about startups, how it works and how you can support this kind of ecosystem. I'm going to start with a question to you.


Design innovation value chain for smart facades Nebojsa Jakica

The only thing that we can do is to bring this process to the digital world and through the help of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and I want to mention here that we do not refer to Building Information Modeling only as a geometry tool.



22 BIM business

Simos Georgiou WHO, WHAT and WHEN? BIM is not just a 3D model. It's actually a methodology; a way of managing the information from the built assets. It's very important to understand this concept of using different applications, different methods and to be able to connect them.










’d like to thank you all for joining us at the first Architectonic event and for taking the time to read our magazine. We are excited to see everyone taking part in the main discussion about our future cities. Architectonic is a hybrid networking event between two environments of the same world, startups and architecture. The question we pose is this: 'How can entrepreneurs, tech startups and academia work together to maximise the opportunity of a more informative and efficient built environment?' I look forward to hearing more about your opinions and debates as our audience embarks on this journey to Architectonic.

Marios Messios CEO, Founder Parametricos, Cyprus

Architectonic is a hybrid event. In 2019 our event was hosted at Parametricos offices in Cyprus.

Marios Messios - CEO, Parametricos - City Manifesto




I’m Marios Messios, one of the founders of Parametricos. I’m also an architect, specialising in parametric design and geographical data.

First and most obvious, we start to write a common vision. have to identify the problems This is why we need more open that we all care about and bring data and more collaboration them forward into the light. between experts in all fields. Second is the sharing of It is also why we need information. True innovation meaningful startups. And it is driven by constant feedback doesn’t end there. We need to and open data. When we support each other in order to become more transparent, build enduring companies for share information and our future cities. ultimately give people a reason to care, then we all have a Today we investigate some of purpose in collaborating and these aspects of innovation creating a sustainable place to with an inspiring set of speakers live. from Germany, Denmark and Cyprus. When we talk about city layers we do not mean only the infrastructure that makes a This transcript has been edited and city, but rather the underlying condensed for clarity. social, political and economic structure that has always dictated the architecture of physical buildings.

Parametricos has developed an online platform to improve the architect’s workflow by testing their 3D BIM models live on a map location. We strongly believe that architectural design should be informed with parameters From those social, political that are generated from the and economic layers, a city user’s needs, environment and manifesto must be created. community. That’s when each new I’m also proud to announce regulation and each new that we are launching our building will contribute to the Studio 3DX platform online whole ecosystem. today (September, 2019). If a city vision does not exist, Your workplace and your own then there is a decentralised network should inspire you and unorganised distribution to metamorphosize your idea of buildings, and as a result into innovation. Architectonic overpriced neighbourhoods was created to empower young returning no benefit to the professionals to go through that community. transformation by providing The bottom line is this. In most insights and networking THE PRIVATE countries, the private sector opportunities. has SECTOR always paved ISthe way to Today I’ll share with you some innovation. In order to prevent PAVING THE WAY of the values that we believe in, chaotic cities we must work TOwith INNOVATION to generate a City Manifesto closely the public sector and so should using the power of startups, to identify key the results and regulatory enterprises and government. objectives, and then we can bodies/government.


Click Pin for video presentation

THE PRIVATE SECTOR IS PAVING THE WAY TO INNOVATION and so should the regulatory bodies/government.

City Manifesto, Marios Messios, Parametricos


elcome to Architectonic, everyone. I would like to thank you for joining us tonight and I do hope you’ll enjoy a great evening that is full of insights. We’re going to keep our presentations short so you have more time to ask your questions and to network later on.

Research & Development Officer @ Parametricos

Martha Matsi







Studio 3DX - Inside the BIM and GIS Viewer. Revit example project.





he two key players, BIM and GIS, make up the digital duo of our Studio 3DX platform that enhances your projects, turning them into a realistic experience that transforms your architectural design into a virtual real life building.

all the information gathered in your BIM design to its natural surroundings, allowing you to make better decisions on the selection of the materials, orientation and final location of your project. It provides you essential map analytics that cannot be performed on paper, and helps you visualise your structure By ‘building’ we don’t necessarily digitally on a 3D level. mean the definition of the word as ‘a structure with a roof and walls’. From the early design stages, We are talking here about roads, geospatial data will provide you parking spaces, bridges, railways, with critical visual analytics so you airports and even whole cities – can better understand a project's smart cities. What makes them plot area where the construction 'smart' is the geospatial normal in will take place, and that essentially your BIM framework. So before drives your design decisions. you start uploading your files on A common example would be Studio 3DX, you will be prompted flood assessment that cannot be to give your project’s location so produced by individually using one your file has what it needs to take of the two methods, BIM or GIS, but a digital form in what will be its your decision making can be given natural surrounding environment. tremendous value once you base We are also currently working on it on integrated information from extracting that information from both sets of data. Knowing an area’s your IFC file with the parameter susceptibility to flooding means you IFCSite, so make sure you read the can adapt your design, materials upcoming article on our blog that and orientation accordingly to will give you all the details you need. make a more stable and secure construction. Imagine how many other decisions you can make by adding GIS context to your BIM process.

But why BIM and GIS?

As you probably know, following the BIM framework gives your designs, structures and buildings their birth certificate – volumes, manufacturer data, cost, material and so much more. The more information you add to your project, the more efficient and valuable your project management decisions will be. The GIS part makes your entire project smarter by geolocating

Studio 3DX empowers you with the integrated environment of these two worlds where you can identify any project deficiencies early in its life cycle and make more efficient decisions based on accurate and valuable data. This will save money and resources both pre- and postconstruction, and also in facilities management stages. But how can any software analysis provide drastic benefits if you cannot communicate your findings



Studio 3DX

BIM and GIS Viewer

1. IFC data tree 2. 3D Map (Buildings, Roads etc.) 3. IFC Model 4. IFC element information

2. 1. 3.

5. 1. The IFC data tree shows all the layers that come with the exported IFC model. It’s structure is based on the local XYZ coordinates and Elevation height.


2. The 3D map includes data from different geospatial sources such as, and not limited to, Open Street Maps, Here Maps, Mapbox etc.


Demo Project Exterior View


3. The core of the platform for collaboration, coordination and check is this viewer for the 3D model and its assets.

4. All the relevant information for each selected element is included in an organised manner in this data box. In the second tab it includes creating and reporting issues.


5. Tools for BIM and GIS interactivity and coordination. Includes: Create Issues, Selection, View Map, Satellite Image etc.


with the right people at the right time? Save as, export, email files, arrange calls, print documents, arrange meetings, discuss and then all over again until every relevant project member and stakeholder is informed... All of this legwork can be replaced by Studio 3DX’s Issues Reporting tool from inside the BIM GIS viewer. Simply select an element and create an issue with a detailed description and assign it to the colleague responsible, and indicate its priority level.

the context of the city of London immediately helps you understand.” The results of analysis using BIM and GIS technologies are especially important later to a project’s facility and operations managers, as well as to your client, since they can reuse the information for maintenance, even at the demolition stage. For example, in the HS2 case the BIM and GIS model was used to inform residents of areas the line passes through, through visualisation, that the construction would not affect their current view and reassured them about the end result at an early stage of construction.

A real life project that uses the BIM and GIS integration approach is the construction of the UK’s High Speed Rail 2 (HS2). The experts of this world-leading infrastructure project connecting London to Birmingham, Leeds, and Manchester via a new line with 18 trains an hour travelling at speeds of up to 225 mph by the 2030s, use GIS to visualise details of above and below ground networks and to analyse how different elements interact. They also integrate BIM to get model buildings and structures with details relevant to the full life cycle of the project. Members of the construction team have noted, for example, that ‘the environment really helped them to understand where they should place a crane, based on the surrounding context’.

Another major project that has used the powerful digital combination of BIM and GIS is the development and upgrade of a two-lane trunk road in Sarawak, Malaysia’s largest state. According to the project’s Head of Communications, Nor Zalida Ahmad, using BIM and GIS technology not only helped in the design, plan and construction phases but also in monitoring the delivery, operations and maintenance through dashboard reporting, as well as communication between the stakeholders.

According to the CEO of the constructing company, Ravi Koka, the project achieved almost 100% As stated by the GIS manager, James return on investment within two Gasson, “On such a large project, years and about $40m in cost savings. it’s very hard to understand all the He estimates that they achieved individual elements you’re going the integration of some 72 business to build from the aggregate of processes throughout the entire spreadsheets and documents. Seeing project, resulting in more efficient designs placed together within and effective asset management.



No matter how large or small a project is, if you are an architect, engineer or contractor the benefits of developing your workflow on a BIM and GIS platform are equally rewarding. Imagine an on-line workspace where everyone can meet to exchange views and ideas, with all having access to a plethora of information about the project, maps, dashboards and visuals. We are only at the beginning of a longterm vision to change the project and asset management approach in the AEC industry. We provide you with technology currently being used on the greatest construction projects in the world, and it can take your design, construction and management processes to the next digital level. Take the next step now and register at to enjoy a free trial of the software for seven days. References:

Studio 3DX BIM Market Segment Our users span in several BIM segments and are seeking ways to work more efficiently and costeffectively with keeping their projects on time and on budget. For example, engineers and facility managers would be able to use geolocation to navigate in the information environment in a virtual representation of the real world (i.e. the surrounding buildings, bioclimatic etc.). Architects and engineers, on the other hand, would be interested in reducing design time, fewer onpremise visits and reduced land requirement and material waste, while the owner would be able to make better strategic decisions during the overall construction lifecycle.

World Highways: Going Digital helped the Government of Malaysia leverage digital twins to deliver trusted information for better project and asset management.


This article has been edited and condensed for clarity. It was first published at blog.


Construction Global: HS2: Breaking barriers with BIM-GIS integration

US$11 billion BY 2025


Parametricos Industry Research labs.


Industry research for the BIM and GIS market is conducted by P.I.R Labs.


Studio 3DX

User Dashboard

1. Issues Kanban Project Management 2. Specific Issue Details 3. Attached Model & Element



1. The user can use our simple kanban project management method to create and report issues.


2. This is the inside of a specific issue. The user can report and assign the issue to a specific user and select the priority status.

3. Th 3D mo the is enhan


Projects Locations


his section indicates the selected odel and it’s specific element that ssue is attached on. This feature nces the coordination when it comes











uilding Information Modeling or BIM is a hot topic around the world, and I would like to focus on BIM Levels. Parametricos, with Studio 3DX, is Level 3. I will explain later about levels, and also mention a couple of case studies. Our company (XIV) was established in 2014, and we are mainly BIM consultants who provide design performance modelling analysis. By the way, the official name in Greek for BIM, in case you’d like to know, is Ψηφιακή Απεικόνιση Κτιριακών Πληροφοριών. BIM is separated into three sections: the model, meaning the thing that is produced, the modelling, or how it's produced, and the management. But BIM is not just a 3D model. It's all those things and more. It's a methodology, a way of managing information from built assets. It is important to understand this concept of using different applications and methods and to be able to connect them.

of you, especially architects and engineers, know about the 3D part. The big question is why BIM and why now? Global adoption, goals and policies nowadays are based on the three main topics of Climate, Social and Economic. Cities are growing fast, and economic power is shifting. Some cities are getting very old and others have a very young population. Resources are changing, and that's logical.

BIM is part of this evolution, but when did BIM begin? BIM is not something new: it started in 1957. We manage the capital expenses and make it easy to handle the operational expenditure of a built asset. The process begins with the initial programme meeting with a client and extends to delivery of the whole lifecycle.

This is the meaning of using the Building Information Modeling is BIM process. From the traditional separated into dimensions. Most

“Who, what and when? BIM is not just a 3D model.”


Simos Georgiou - XIV Services - BIM Business




BIM Business, Simos Georgiou, XIV-Services. (View the complete presentation online.)

(orange line) way of conducting studies into the AEC industry we can now see the benefits of BIM (blue line) eliminating mistakes.

Why do we measure the financial aspects?

The question is, how do we measure BIM implementation, as a company, as a country and as a community? To evaluate this, most countries have agreed on four maturity levels ranging from level 0 to level 3. Level 0 is a paper-based process, and then we move up towards cloud and webbased solutions.

Because the BIM process is based on controlling and managing the information of the asset.

A Cyprus BIM Task Group was established in 2017. The first steps have been taken, we've built the main framework and launched our That's why I said that Parametricos website. (with Studio 3DX) is on Level 3. Cyprus is one of the leading countries in digital transformation for Cultural


By 2025, 'full scale digitalisation will lead to annyal global cost savings of 13% to 21% in the design, engineering and construction phases and 10% to 17% in the operations phase.'

'According to a study by McGraw-Hill Construction: A global forecast of the BIM market projected growth from $3.2 billion in 2016 to $7.6 billion by 2022'

20% Reduction in building cost 33% Cost decreasing over the life cycle of the Building 47-65 % Reduction in designing and redesigning failures during manufacturing process 44-59% Quality increasing of the Project 35-43% Reduce risk and better

34-40% Better return of an integrated infrastructure 32-38% Improvement in reviews and approval

A brief history of BIM. Source: BIM Origins,

production results



OPEX Fig. 2. BIM Adoption, CAPEX: Capital Expenses, OPEX: Operating Expenses, XIV Services

Heritage BIM. I will give an example The quality we were able to produce in the case studies below. extends to the smallest points of interest. In the detailed 3D model we There are several steps involved in produced you can see not only detail implementing BIM. Start from the in the doors but also the structural ground floor, assemble your team, analysis model with all the building prepare your equipment, use a pilot components. project and document everything. I mean everything. And use consultants and experts to achieve the best value for your project. Remember, BIM is for everything. PROCESS CULTURE BIM Now for the case studies. The first is from a listed building here in Cyprus for which we have already TECHNOLOGY implemented BIM Level 1, and the second is a Heritage BIM or HBIM BIM SUCCESS process, again here in Cyprus. The first project is still in progress. It's a small project of almost 200 square metres. We used drones to fly around and photograph the property, then used that data to prepare the 3D model. It took just one hour on site and one in the office to prepare the model. We generated a Point Cloud model that we used as a reference to create the as-built model. We didn't measure anything on site, we just took drone imagery.


STEP 1. Start at the ground floor STEP 2. Assemble your team

STEP 3. Get your equipment in order STEP 4. Launch a pilot project STEP 5. Document progress STEP 6. Use BIM Consultants

We then created a solar analysis and calculated quantities from the same BIM 3D model. We developed our own automated process: with just one click all of the elements from


Heritage Building Information Modeling and Photogrammetry of Asinou Church by XIV-Services



Heritage Building Information Modeling


Over 1,000 images were taken at Asinou DATA Church, which were post processed using TRANSFORMATION Agisoft Photoscan Professional and the Export from details of fresco were done using camera, images, 3D model, mesh and point cloud. A-I-O Model For the first time we have fine detailed without the need of building drawings for the church with 85re-editing or remodeling. 90% modeling accuracy. - Simos Georgiou

Ready Game Engines



Data/Metadata Transaction AR/VR (demo) webGL/HTML

Various 3D Model Conversions

Integrated HBIM with third party services and software


the model can be calculated.

model. In the event of disaster the monument could be reconstructed Every building element designed as it was. for the new model contains all the information, including structural, We took each element of the church so it can be measured. and we added parameters and information to enable better quality The second case study is the checks and examination. Church of Asinou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Using the All of these processes are based same process, we captured reality on just one 3D model. We took it using drone imagery. The resulting even further and made a test of photogrammetry includes interior this HBIM on an AR/VR engine and textures of the frescoes, and for HTML on the web. Overall we tested an HBIM project this information 60 commercial platforms available is vital to have. We were even able for that phase. Using Microsoft to determine the thickness and hololenses and navigating through different shapes on the surface of the church, a virtual priest even the frescoes. shared the story of the Church of Asinou as if you were there in real The BIM model of the church is life. ready to be used and reused. So for the first time, we have the accuracy of an existing asset in this BIM 3D This transcript has been edited and condensed for clarity.


Project Name: ATCU01 Location: Limassol, Cyprus Project Size: 150-2200sqm. XIV-Services

BIM Model Quantities for Case Study 01: BIM Level 1 execution process on a listed building.



Q&A Ferdinand M.: The pictures of the church were amazing. How much work has been put into creating that interior model of the church? apart from the automatic digitisation. Simos G.: We just used photogrammetry, by capturing images and the 3D laser scanning process with a Z+F, a German company, we took the data from capturing and that was it. Just capturing the reality.






i, my name is Loukas and I am the co-founder of Innovation Momentum, an organisation that operates at the intersection of startups, investors, and public bodies in the Mediterranean region, dedicated to driving innovation and empowering entrepreneurial ecosystems in the wider EMEA area. It was refreshing to be present at Architectonic and engage in the discussion surrounding the morphology of our local cities, a conversation extremely relevant considering the recent and upcoming growth in construction developments across the island of Cyprus. The event was extremely special in that it brought together local startups, investors, academics, and local authorities, allowing for a lively, indepth discussion showing a great deal of potential in the future to come. I wish the Parametricos team all the best in their continued endeavours, and thank them for their highly organised and successful event Architectonic.

An interview with Loukas Dimitriou, co-founder of

Innovation Momentum




Architectonic 2019 Presentation - Innovation, Klaus Kammermeier, InnovationLabs.Berlin



i, I'm Klaus, the founder of InnovationLabs Berlin where we design immersive innovation experiences or, in short, ‘Eureka’ moments. Since our inception almost five years ago, we have been on a rollercoaster of a ride with seemingly impossible lessons learnt, surprises both great and small and wonderful interaction with inspiring and dedicated

founders and with change makers such as Marios, Anninos and other members of the Parametricos Team. I have had the pleasure of working with Parametricos since the beginning of 2020 after meeting them through the Founder Institute. Their vision, dedication and professionalism intrigued me, and when Marios invited me to come to Cyprus to



speak at this event I was excited. three insights I have gathered Unfortunately, I was unable to during my own journey so far. make it work because of other First, make ideas fail. I have tried commitments. to innovate since I graduated We talked, and Marios suggested from college, and my first proper that I send a short video greeting business was selling medical instead, something I have not books to doctors and patients by done before. But hey, how could mail. This was before Amazon. I represent innovation and Our market research resulted in entrepreneurship in an authentic fantastic and positive responses, way if I couldn’t even move out of but the problem we had set out to my own comfort zone? And that solve did not actually exist, so we leads me to the topic of my short failed miserably. speech: The Moment of Innovation, Today, I see and hear about or 'How can thousands of hours many business ideas that sound of hard work lead to moments of fascinating. But only a small innovation?' percentage of these ideas, even I won't bore you with an academic when well thought through, go as review of what innovation really is planned. or is not. I just want to talk about 34





It's when the implementation phase starts that things tend to change, and that’s when ideas can become worth nothing at all. Let me just repeat that: ideas can be worth nothing. They have no value if they are simply on paper or in someone's head. An idea only starts to become interesting, important and valuable when insights gained through it help people to solve problems or achieve their vision.

Only through new and valuable impactful insights can you drive innovation. Embrace this approach and welcome failed ideas as insights.

Second, you have to learn to learn. All innovators start out with a glimpse of a solution, convinced that it will solve somebody's problem, as you did with Architectonic. We then start to think in detail about the 'what' while playing around with the 'how'. We declare a plan with objectives and key results, and then work more or less meticulously to make this happen. But inevitably things do not go as envisaged.





I've been asked the question many times: how often did you fail? Now you have an inkling of the answer...

It’s as if there is a law, maybe a variation on one of Murphy's laws, that by purely stating an objective means it will not happen as planned. But don't get discouraged: open your eyes to what is really important about entrepreneurship and the process of learning and gaining insight. Just think of the objectives you declare at the beginning as being fuzzy or opaque. Your job now is to find ways to make them a little bit clearer with every step you take.

not the funding that can get poured into new products, services, experiences or business models. No! The deeply felt emotional moment is the true moment of innovation. That ‘Eureka’ moment is the superfuel in the entrepreneur's energy tank. The moment of excitement and the discovery of a breakthrough requires a vision and a clear goal to strive for. It is both dedication and persistence that overcome obstacles and challenges.

It’s like the optometrist switching lenses in front of your eyes who asks whether your sight is getting better or worse. Based on your response, the optometrist will then choose different lenses and radically adapt the combination of options to create real improvement.

The moment requires inspirational ideas, a creative combination of previously unconnected elements and a combination of talent that enables high performance teams. It also needs a heart to look beyond customers and an appreciation of technology, and a willingness to take risks.

You must learn to learn and reduce or change the available options with each step.

All of this can be achieved only through thousands of hours of hard work and persistence that have been put in beforehand. I wish you many more hours of wonderful interaction and the experience of at least one, but ideally many more, of these miraculous 'Eureka' moments. Feel free to share them with me and write to me about them at klaus@

In the meantime, have fun. Go out and create Eureka moments and fill up with superfuel so you can forge The third and most exciting is the ahead with sustainable change in moment of innovation. I believe architecture and construction. that the emotional 'Eureka', 'Aha' or 'I got it' moment is what really matters This transcript has been edited and in innovation. It is not creativity by condensed for clarity. itself, it's not technical excellence or flawless execution and it's certainly 36






irst, make ideas fail. I have tried to innovate since I graduated from college, and my first proper business was selling medical books to doctors and patients by mail. This was before Amazon. Our market research resulted in fantastic and positive responses, but the problem we had set out to solve did not actually exist, so we failed miserably. Today, I see and hear about many business ideas that sound fascinating. But only a small percentage of these ideas, even when well thought through, go as planned.



econd, you have to learn to learn. All innovators start out with a glimpse of a solution, convinced that it will solve somebody's problem, as you did with Architectonic. We then start to think in detail about the 'what' while playing around with the 'how'. We declare a plan with objectives and key results, and then work more or less meticulously to make this happen. But inevitably things do not go as envisaged.


he third and most exciting is the moment of innovation. I believe that the emotional 'Eureka', 'Aha' or 'I got it' moment is what really matters in innovation. It is not creativity by itself, it's not technical excellence or flawless execution and it's certainly not the funding that can get poured into new products, services, experiences or business models. No! The deeply felt emotional moment is the true moment of innovation.

INNOVATE We believe that only together we can solve today’s challenges and create sustainable impact.

Klaus G. Kammermeier, Founder Klaus supports corporates and institutions to innovate quicker with more impact. He is helping founders and start-ups to work on the right things at the right time. To acquire the competencies master students need for successful preneurial careers, Klaus teaches innovation management, entrepreneurship and marketing. To support personal and team development, Klaus designs and trains soft skills and experiential learning classes. To assist enterprises and organisations, he stimulates teams to improve and transform. He conducts collaborative learning experiences to boost digital transformation. Besides helping the EU to allocate startup funding appropriately, Klaus speaks publicly about innovation, transformation, and personal growth.


Refil3D Store What are you creating today?

printer component and the materials used for printing is absolutely vital for excellent printing results. All the products that we sell have been tried and tested by us, in order to ensure that we promote and sell only the best. If you have some free time to assemble your own 3D printer, or you need to create an affordable prototype for a project, or even if you just like watching the printer creating something, we are here to provide you with equipRefil 3D aims to find the best prod- ment, materials and support. Visit: ucts on the market and provide them to our customers at competitive prices. Through our experience in the 3D printing industry we realise that the quality of every We are a newly created company, with a passion for 3D printing. The need for a prototype that was too expensive to make, was the impetus for taking on 3D printing as an alternative solution. The lack of available and accessible materials, was the reason I decided to create this company. Maybe just like me, you are searching for materials that cannot be easily obtained; but we are here now!

Omega Industrial Printer, Refil3D Store,







Monica Ioannidou Polemitis, CEO, MAP Innovation. Speech at Architectonic 2019


We are journeying through an ever-changing global business environment, where technology is fundamentally and rapidly changing the way we interact with customers, suppliers and employees. Whether you’re leading a mature business or a new venture, you need to identify growth opportunities, make strategic choices, craft and communicate a compelling strategy and ensure that you sustain momentum.

TRANSCRIPT We live in an age when having a fully charged mobile phone can be compared to the need for oxygen. It is an age in which we are constantly connected and where the internet has a dominating influence over every aspect of daily life. We live in the digital era, the most important period of history for humankind since the Industrial Revolution. How did we get here from the 1970s through the early millennium? Every


year and every day since then we have witnessed some kind of progress, but it is only since 2010 that we have seen exponential growth. In the 1980s computers were mostly used as word processors, and in the 1990s we started using computers to communicate. Many younger people born that decade may not remember having to chat using dial-up connections, not broadband.


The 2000s saw search engines such as Internet Explorer, Yahoo and others providing a new window on the world, but after 2010 everything exploded and mobile became the priority. Now everything caters towards consumers having data streamed to mobile phones instead of personal computers.

just a few years ago. The business landscape is changing as well. We live in an ever-changing global environment in which businesses have to adapt or die, innovate or become extinct. Traditional industries are no exception, and the construction sector is one that has been slow to adapt to this rapid change.

We know the ability of both the technology and us, the consumer, to process huge amounts of data. We now expect that from 2020 onwards the Digital Age will experience even faster and more momentous change.

Some technologies are being adopted by the construction industry, helping it move into the new digital age. But the process is slow. Only 1% of the IT spend goes on new technology in the How does this change everyday life? construction industry, despite there Terrestrial television has become being great pressure to adopt it. almost non-existent. We consume What is innovation in the construction Netflix or Hulu, and we shop online industry? When a building is instead of going to a physical store. constructed, an ecosystem of different We order food online, and if we want a players has to collaborate, producing loan we can choose not to go to a bank. and exchanging mountains of We can opt for peer-to-peer lending information. And when a project is instead. Such things were unheard of

Innovation in Construction, Monica Ioannidou Polemitis, MAP Innovation



complete a whole new set of actors of the actual building, a virtual has to move in to maintain and run building that is exactly the same as the building. the physical building will be when completed. Innovation in construction more or less relates to this ecosystem. This enables us to acquire real-time Security is one key element that can information about the physical be improved by adopting innovative building in a virtual environment, measures, for example. And the during and after construction and in Internet of Things enables us to the maintenance phase. It allows us gather information from real life and to monitor construction, and watch feed it into software to provide real it happen. time information. By processing this When we have this big data feeding information it gives us results that our software through the Digital help understand what is going on. Twin, the machine can learn and Take as an example having sensors take corrective actions, to the extent in helmets that tell where a that we allow it, of course. construction worker is, or what the This is why artificial intelligence weather conditions are. Is too much and machine learning are closely dust preventing them from working? connected to the concept of digital Is the temperature too high? Do we twins. Take temperature, for need to take preventive action? example. During the maintenance Predictive Analytics is another phase we can collect valuable element. When we gather big data data if we have a store in which from a construction project, this different numbers of people gather helps us to analyse, learn valuable at different times of the day: we can lessons and address current and ask the software handling the digital replica to adjust the temperature future situations. based on information it extracts Advances in Augmented Reality and from the real-life asset or building. Virtual Reality (AR & VR) have also seen the rise of many applications The message is simple: as new for training purposes. In industries, professionals you must be ready to including shipping and construction, deal with innovative developments virtual worlds can provide a safe that affect the industry and the training environment on how to economy in general. handle different scenarios with no risk of injury or accident. Finally we come to Digital Twins technology, which goes hand-inhand with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Digital Twins is the concept of creating, say, a replica


This transcript has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Urban metabolism is the idea that you can compare a city to a living organism, and just like a living organism a city needs energy, water and nutrients in order to survive and grow. The Metabolism of Cities (MOC) is a non-profit organization based in Brussels, Belgium. Our community is composed of a group of international students, volunteers, researchers and academics from across the world. At MOC we provide tools, data and publications for citizens, local governments, researchers and citizens who are interested in urban metabolism-related studies. Our goal is to collaborate and systematically improve the sustainability of cities by creating and sharing urban metabolism knowledge and accelerating its implementation in policy and practice. Multiplicity Multiplicity is our newest project under Metabolism of Cities. This is an online stocks and flows data gathering and visualization open source urban metabolism platform tool to examine patterns and trends in urban resource use, waste generation and pollution across the globe. A key component of the Multiplicity tool is its crowdsourcing nature. The visualization interactive tool was developed so that information can be uploaded by academics, students, city officials and residents alike. This distributes the workload - in traditional

research settings each researcher would engage in data collection with little outside assistance - and it also creates a greater sense of involvement and collaboration for all stakeholders involved. This will allow a community to collect and use data in a way that’s best for them, based on their evolving news, in a process that emphasizes collaboration and advocates for the change they want to see. How do we aim to do this? The MOC is composed of four pillars: creating knowledge, sharing knowledge, applying knowledge and fostering a community. The strategies for sustainable resource management are shown in the pyramid graphics (See Figure. 2: Strategies for sustainable resource management). However, for Multiplicity, we aim to focus on the data aspect, by gathering more data, formatting data and sharing data. What are the challenges around urban metabolism data? We have encountered a number of data challenges when working on Multiplicity. Data collection challenges include: the time consuming aspect, data availability, data format, data accessibility, data accuracy, difficulty to access scattered data with inconsistent formats and the lack of quality assurance of data.


Metabolism of Cities: Urban Metabolism Policy Toolkit for CLimate Adaptation and Civic Engagement at the City Level

Hello, and thank you for having me. My name is Dr. Gabriela Fernandez. I am an Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Geography at San Diego State University in San Diego, California, USA. I have a Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy from the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at the Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy. I am Co-Founder and Researcher at the Metabolism of Cities.


The idea is to develop a replicable and scalable platform that can be easily accessible to citizens, researchers, and local governments in order to localize and help local governments, local nice sustainable development goals across the world.

Fernandez G, Maione C. 2019. Localizing the SDGs through tailored based training solutions targeting students and academics. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. SBE19 Milan Resilient Built Environment for Sustainable Mediterranean Countries, Volume 296, Conference 1, Milan, Italy. Fig. 2: Strategies for sustainable resource management, Gabriela Fernandez, Metabolism of Cities



What are the core features of Minority Pulse campaign was Multiplicity? launched in 2017 at the Politecnico di Milano alongside my colleague As shown here in our presentation Ms. Carol Maione from the we can see a visualization example Department of Management, for the city of Cape Town in South Economics and Industrial Africa. Here we can find a number Engineering there. The campaign of data-related sources to visualize developed a set of tailored based interactively energy consumption, methodologies to educate under water consumption, industries, representative groups about pollution, local government the United Nations Sustainable policies/reports and much Development Goals, urban more. The Multiplicity tool is metabolism studies, material now available on our website flows and climate change among at the Metabolism of Cities, others, towards strengthening minority education as a part of the The Multiplicity tool is a user- ‘Leave no one behind’ UN motto. It friendly platform. It is open focuses on vulnerable population source and open access, academic groups such as children, the rigour and community driven. elderly, those with disabilities, Our mission was to develop a students and academics, women, replicable and scalable platform the LGBTI+ community, the that can be easily accessible to homeless and refugees. citizens, researchers and local The UMMP campaign was governments in order to help developed in collaboration with cities localize the United Nations the United Nations Environmental Sustainable Development Goals Programme (UNEP), the UN Global across sectors. Initiative for Resource Efficient Urban Metabolism and Minorities Cities (GI-REC) Operationalizing Urban Metabolism at the City At the Metabolism of Cities we Level, Politecnico di Milano believe that creating city measuring and the Metabolism of Cities. tools that strengthen inclusion, The campaign was presented equity, and diversity are important at the Local Governments for for reporting, analyzing and Sustainability World Congress monitoring data. However, social (ICLEI) in Montreal, Canada. campaigns are needed to influence Our vision was to introduce the the consumption behaviours of Urban Metabolism Policy Toolkit citizens and local governments for Climate Adaptation and Civic through practical applications Engagement at the City Level. More which are in fact another aspect of specifically, it was to provide a the Metabolism of Cities. I will now snapshot of the step-by-step guide provide a snapshot of the Urban to data collection, sustainability Metabolism and Minority Pulse indicators and minority education. (UMMP) education and awareness Urban Metabolism and Minorities campaign targeting minorities. The



and For more information, or if you 51

would like to collaborate please contact us at the Metabolism of Cities, info@metabolismofcities. org or follow us on Twitter @ citymetabolism and Instagram @ metabolismofcities Authros Dr. Gabriela Fernandez, San Diego State University, Department of Geography, Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA), San Diego, CA, Carol Maione, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Milan, Italy, This transcript has been edited and condensed for clarity.

VisualARQ is a Flexible BIM solution powered by McNeel's Rhinoceros 3D. VisualARQ adds architectural features to Rhino to work with powerful associative architectural objects, dynamic documentation tools and collaborate with other tools through the IFC import/ export capabilities. VisualARQ integrates intuitively in the Rhino & Grasshopper design workflow with the shortest learning curve, thus generating any kind of free-form architecture. Visit:









et's start with this. I love architecture, I really do. I also love startups and that's why it's so great to stand here on the Architectonic stage with Parametricos who actually joined our last batch at the Founder Institute in Berlin and went through it as one of the most structured and diligent teams that we've ever had.

there is. There's a lot of possibility involved, so it can grow big. It doesn't have to, but it can grow big. On the flip side, where there's a lot of possibility there's also a lot of risk. So when you're building most traditional businesses you still have to find the right spot to put your brick and mortar store or the area where you build your business. With regular companies you can copy quite a lot of what has been done before. With startups, more often than not, this is not the case. There are some examples of people copying startups as well, but most of the time you're developing a new process, or you're working on an innovation in the tech industry, so in different areas, and you do quite a lot of new things. You take quite a lot of risks, but you also have the chance of making it really big; so that's when it is a startup.

So congratulations for that, and thanks for the invite to be here! I'm going to tell you a little bit about a startup ecosystem, about startups, how it works and how you can support this kind of ecosystem. I'm going to start by asking you a question.

How many of you have ever thought about starting a What do you think makes it so hard to startup? start a startup? or any kind of company.

OK, so like a third or so. Which Audience: of you think you’d like to start a A: Uncharted territory. startup? Do you have an idea of what the difference is between a Yes. traditional company and a startup? B: Culture. So, usually there's a lot of tech Most of us are brought up in a involved in building a startup. culture that doesn't really like it that There doesn't have to be, but usually people take risks.


Ferdinand Mühlhäuser - Starting up faster with a great ecosystem.




C: Fear of failure. Very important one, at the beginning when you really think about starting, it's fear of failure. Any others? D: Information. Yeah. Information, and focus where to start. I'm going to give you some more. Basically, there are a lot of ideas in the world. Probably all of you had ideas sometime in your life which you thought, ah, maybe 'We should have done something about it', or 'We should build a company out of that and solve this problem for the world'. But as you see, most people have not started doing something about it, and all those things that we discussed just now hinder people from actually starting a company for it. Lack of focus, fear or maybe lack of support and information. Then later on it's financing. As soon as you're ready to really build it and to make it big, if it's a startup the chances are quite high that you will need external funding. You may not have enough people in your network to give you feedback because friends and family are not always the best feedback givers when you go for something like that.

'Uh, don't take that risk: it's safer if you stay at the company where you are now'. The risk is high that you will not be able to find that real support or neutral feedback directly within your own network. If you decide to continue, you need to find co-founders and a larger network as well. You need to look for Angel Investors and VCs (Venture Capital Investors) who can be unapproachable or not easy to find. There are many things that make it difficult to start a startup.

"But on the plus side, what makes it easier to start a startup is a great ecosystem." It can be a system where many of those aspects are already covered. Network, transparency, legal support, access to capital and funding, government support etc. In many countries in Europe, there's lots of money available from the EU and also from local sources.

There are many possibilities, but you They might be very positive and say have to know how to access them. 'Ah, yeah, sure, this is a great idea. I There have to be paths available to really want to have that product'. That find them and to get to them. doesn't really give you constructive I work with the Founder Institute in criticism. Germany, and my next question is Or they might be very negative and this: want to try to protect you and say 58


be more in an ecosystem for sure.

How can you improve an ecosystem?

You have to reach out, you have to build a core situation where entrepreneurs can find information and find the heart of this ecosystem. For somebody who does that, who actually starts such a chapter of Founder Institute, you automatically get a little piece of every startup that's been founded. So if there are mentors and directors who helped, they each get a piece of the pie, a piece of the companies created, which is great.

One option is to build a chapter of the Founder Institute in a city or in the country. The size of Cyprus is probably the size of a typical, larger city in Europe like, for example, Frankfurt which has 800,000 people. With this number of inhabitants, it can be an easy solution to build a chapter of the Founder Institute.

What does that mean in the end? You help build the startup community, in the city or in this case, in a country. You help foster leadership and you make it possible for actions to be taken. You help entrepreneurs who are ready to grow. I’ve already seen a few today who raised their hands in an audience this size, so there will It was founded around 10 years ago

What is it Founder Institute?

What does Founder Institute (FI) Do? FI’s flagship pre-seed accelerator* program validates startups for further growth




Pre-Seed Accelerator

Weeks 1-5

Early Growth Seed Accelerator

Expansion Venture Capital

Weeks 6-14

*An ‘accelerator’ is a ~3 month intensive program to push a company forward. ‘Incubators’ provide space, and no fixed curriculum. @founding




by a guy called Adeo Ressi, a good friend of Elon Musk, with the idea of bringing a scalable startup accelerator to the world. Anybody can build this chapter in a city anywhere in the world by reusing the structure and the processes that the Founder Institute has created, and now 10 years later, it's in more than 60 countries and more than 200 cities around the world.

actually setting up the company and making sure you know what you're aiming for, and to define everything related to your startup.

What are the characteristics of an FI director?

Five to 10 years of entrepreneurial experience in a startup world. But it's also helpful if you have relevant experience in consulting jobs or existing businesses. You should have a good network as a start, because you're going In the startup world there are to need to bring in mentors. different actors which help Somewhere between 20 to 40 startups. If, for example, you got mentors should be fine to start your ideas in the shower, you with. want to play around with the idea Directors have to set up the whole and think about it for a weekend thing and find the mentors, which or so, you can do an event series will help spread the information called Startup Weekend. You then to the founders. They also have to start pitching it to someone a find sponsors and actual startups. couple of times, but then usually it stops. In Berlin there's a huge ecosystem, which is crazy. There's Then there are accelerators, everything, 20 or 30 accelerators. later-stage accelerators. In order Tons of Business Angels, VCs, to join them you have to have hundreds of coworking spaces. your team, company and idea While many elements are already or product set-up. In some cases available to support startups they ask for the product to be in such a mature system, the already on the market. competition for building a new Later on you might go into accelerator is strong. So the venture capital, people who benefit of starting it in a young invest money in your startup. We ecosystem, which is typically not basically fill this gap, from the as complete, is that you can be formation of ideas or concepts to a relevant part of building it. So

What does it do and where does it fit?


a Founder Institute chapter can really be at the core, it can really help answer all those questions which we discussed before. You can really make a big difference for a young startup ecosystem.

What do directors get? They get support from the Founder Institute HQ. The whole structure, how the startups work, what they have to do and where, they share it all in a shared database and platform. It's all reusable by the Founder Institute founder teams, the people who actually take part.

What kind of founders are out there? They don't have to be from a business university. It's not a requirement. We have founders of all ages, people who are 20 or 22 and people who are 55, 60. The average age, though, is between 30 and 35. They can be from all demographics and all nationalities. We had Cypriots obviously last time, the Parametricos guys, and we also had people from Lithuania, the UK, from Hungary... they all came to Berlin to take part. Often they have extensive experience in their current businesses. By


joining the equity pool everyone who joins a started. Thank you! batch to support or build a company in it also becomes part of the local Founder Institute family and makes the ecosystem stronger This transcript has been edited and condensed for clarity. and more resilient. I’ve heard a lot of great things are happening in the Cyprus startup ecosystem, but there is still room to tie them together for an even better and faster ecosystem. Reach out if you need a hand to get your local FI chapter






would like to add another perspective to Building Information Modeling, focusing on smart facades. This is what I specialise in and what I teach at the University of Southern Denmark, and it’s also part of my experience at the Politecnico di Milano. Why a ‘smart’ facade? Is this only a fancy word or is there something meaningful behind it? The construction industry is valued at 1 trillion dollars but is the only sector that has not shown a productivity increase in decades and it is

currently failing. Given its potential, that's really sad. BIM can enhance this potential: it is a framework we can all build upon and work with in a collective learning experience through software and services like those that Marios and his team at Parametricos provide. So back to smart facades. As you may know, buildings consume around 40% of the energy used worldwide. And facades account for somewhere between 40% to 60% of that, depending on their complexity. We all spend approximately 90% of



our time inside a house, building or space.

on various climate requirements ranging from Italy to Yakutsk in Siberia, officially one of the coldest places on earth.

The study cited was probably done in a Nordic country, so I’m guessing that here in Cyprus the percentage is We have different loads based on way lower. different climates. You also have to take into account cultural, political However, it's vital to understand and corporate aspects, and as how we can build smarter facades an architect you must be able to not only for the performance of the understand the environmental buildings, but for the occupants. and climatic context in order to There is a whole new revival of the design and work, not just on the human-centric approach, and you requirements of the client. can call it a renaissance in that sense. We are now concentrating more and Since we design buildings, which are more on humans and their well- part of a larger ecosystem, we not being, productivity, happiness and only design for our clients but for the experience. whole community and for the people who live in these cities and use this So far we have exploited the valuable space. The value of a building is way assets of this physical world, such as more than the monetary value of the oil and gas, but nowadays the shift property. is almost completely to the virtual world. Now our most valuable resources are not physical but virtual, and they have no limitations. They can only grow and this growth is not linear. It's actually exponential. My background in facades and experience in facade design and engineering is on worldwide projects when I was working for Vittorio Grassi Architetto in Milan and as part of the environmental design team at HENN Architects in Berlin.

How do we design and also keep track of all these values?

And how do we ensure that at the end of the process we will deliver these values and processes?

The only thing we can do is to bring this process into the digital world through the help of BIM, and not only as a geometry tool. Information I won't go into detail about these is more important than geometry, projects, except to mention that and this is the foundation we want I learned a lot about the context, to build on. We want to extend this about different aspects that drive world from physical dimensions to facade design and engineering based the virtual, and these concentric



With virtualisation we will be able to improve much of the design process, and it may be compatible with upcoming technologies, big data It turns out that with BIM, you are and artificial intelligence. As long as able to track, integrate and connect we can build the rule sets to create all these values and aspects of the better design and performance design chain. So how do we go from workflows we will then be able to input to delivering output? There are deliver better output. many possible paths and degrees of There are of course early examples freedom that we can choose. of such solutions where you If you analyse aspects such as upload an architectural design performance, for example, you and it automatically extracts the optimise aspects one by one and building information and proposes by the end hope to have a complete structural solutions. Within a matter picture of what you have optimised. of seconds it delivers an optimised But maybe you haven’t done multiple solution to a certain degree. This optimisations for each aspect, or saves a lot of time for both architect the optimisation is computationally and structural engineer. expensive, or it may last longer than you have time for. And on top of that I hope this kind of approach will you have so many parameters you extend to other performances, like need to include in your optimization aesthetics, thermal, cost etc. and such as materials, systems, in the end everything should be integrated. aesthetics and cost. circles show the complexity and increase in complexity as it rises from 2D to Computational Design.

So is it possible to optimise fully? With just these few parameters mentioned above, you can only imagine the complexity of work required. If someone tells you that the design is now optimised, well right now that’s just virtually impossible. Maybe in the following decades we will be able to livetrack and measure every aspect and possibly understand more about the context we are designing in, so we can make better assumptions, but at the moment we have only great case studies, not perfect solutions.

Why is it so important to bring these to the virtual world? Because we can store all the data. What I have learned, in practice, is that every office works on design simulations on a project. But we cannot extract, even within our own firm, this information to use for a subsequent project. Maybe the potential of collective learning, upload and connection through online/cloud digital services can 66




Fig. 1: Optimisation Inputs and Outputs - Source: Presentation by Nebojsa Jakica at Architectonic 2019

create better systems for everyone.

integration and implementation. These are aspects of the education and our research at the University of Southern Denmark that we are promoting. We are not just architects, facade designers or facade engineers. We are actually integrators, and we make better looking and better performing skins.

Whenever we want to propose a new facade system we need to go through all of these steps. This takes a long time and is really expensive, since we need to do several tests along the way and we can never project the outcome because of different performances and the need to optimise by going back and forth. The original idea is the design of a facade system that has integrated The facade and design systems photovoltaics so it can generate (TIFAIN) that I worked on during energy, but it can also work as a my PhD takes into account not only daylight redirection system and an the design or engineering aspects of optimised indoor daylighting level facades, but more importantly their system that improves comfort levels



with a fluid aesthetic to the building loads from the environment and skin. from the sun. It is important to understand these requirements and Current building skins are usually provide the right comfort for the flat and do not use all of the optical building's occupants throughout the potential of facades, like glass has. I day. proposed a system flexible enough on performance that it determines Some of the performances/ the specific module within that parameters considered were system that will be placed at a certain views, energy generation, energy location on the building facade. redirection and lighting behaviour to the facade skins. This infographic In these terms design is not static. (Fig. 3) explains the difference It's flexible, can adapt to climate between vertically oriented loads and based on the simulation, photovoltaics and presents energy the number of the facade modules production in different orientations, can change for each building skin. such as west-east or other cardinal Of course, everything is done directions. parametrically, in order to track performance and optimisation in This study was done for Milan, and geometry. it has greater energy production on the south facade, but this is what This design has a certain flexibility happens when we just rotate it for 50 which is what matters in facade degrees (Fig. 4). We gain at least 40% design, because we face dynamic in energy generation and improved

Fig. 2: Goals and Means - Source: Presentation by Nebojsa Jakica at Architectonic 2019



Fig. 3: Facade Performance 0o Rotation - Source: Presentation by Nebojsa Jakica at Architectonic 2019

Fig. 4: Facade Performance 50o Rotation - Source: Presentation by Nebojsa Jakica at Architectonic 2019





Fig. 5: Investment Cost - Source: Presentation by Nebojsa Jakica at Architectonic 2019

indoor daylight.

the design of a smart facade.

This is just one of the aspects we can consider when designing. Others might reflect through the complete process of design, construction and operation (eg. energy efficiency).

When we include photovoltaics in the building skin, the cost actually goes into reverse (Fig. 5) meaning that we start earning from the building. This adds a completely new perspective to the building design, since in this What we consider as architects is case a facade becomes a business usually construction or investment model. cost, but some architects or offices design for the total cost that It's not only about static building includes building operation and systems, it's about the potential over the performance of a project. If you the lifetime of a project. include running operation costs in the initial investment it will cost less This transcript has been edited and in the long run if you invest more in condensed for clarity.



Fig. 6: TIFAIN Photovoltaic Design- Source: Presentation by Nebojsa Jakica at Architectonic 2019



Architect, CEO @ Parametricos

Marios Messios






When we examine architecture, nature and the world around us, we derive an aesthetic pleasure from just observing it. But there is also a rhythm and a pattern between the phenomena of the built environment and of nature which isn’t immediately apparent to the common eye, but only to analysis.

my focus is on public governmental data. Let’s start from the beginning.

I’m skipping a few centuries of hard work here from important scholars, and thousands of maps, but I’ve chosen a few great moments in time, from Eratosthenis’ first conception of the Coordinate System more I want to talk about the general than two thousand years ago, to the characteristics of Geospatial Data, famous Mercator’s earth projection where they come from, where to and to the father of Geographic find them and how to use them in Information Science, Dr Roger your BIM workflow. Tomlinson, the first to collect data This is to make a reality out of and create a GIS system for Canada. something which would otherwise What is important here is that be too abstract, and my intention the coordinate system, maps, here is to spark ideas and discussion computers and satellites are on how we can improve our constantly improving to the extent methodologies. that we now use them on our phones Geographic data and information to guide us to our destinations. are defined in the ISO as data and Everything became accessible information having an implicit or and available to a wider audience explicit association with a location after the data was mapped using relative to Earth, and approximately the coordinate system to provide 90% of government sourced data has accurate and traceable locations. a location component. That is why



200 BC Eratosthenis 1569 Gerardus Mercator 1963 Dr. Roger Tomlinson

Marios Messios, IfcSite for geo-coordinating BIM 3D assets.





Coordinate System

Earth Projection

It all began with the development by the US Department of Defense from 1973 and the launch in 1978 of the Global Positioning System, GPS.

Where does all this data come from? Well, there’s the traditional and the modern approach, depending on whether the data already exists in other formats or whether it must come from a new survey. Some options such as Heads up Digitising require the physical tracing of maps on a digitising table with a puck, to transform table coordinates into world coordinates using an algorithm, or scanning the document and doing the same with a mouse.

I think there are three main parameters that a GIS layer must have in order to be meaningful. First, it’s the projection classification that the globe is conceptually projected onto. Secondly, the coordinates, longitude and latitude, that indicate the exact location on earth. And the third parameter is the inclusion of any information In other cases like Coordinate that enriches the GIS layer and Geometry, survey coordinates adds value for the user. are entered into the database, So what types of GIS Data are there? using GPS for example. That’s the GIS data can be separated into two most accurate way. Geocoding categories: spatially referenced uses addresses to extract the data represented by vector and coordinates: those are usually raster forms, and attribute tables centerline data such as street represented in tabular format. centrelines or water. Using Within the first data group, you Image processing from satellites find two different types: vector or other types of surveys, the and raster. Most GIS software modeller selects a pixel that he applications focus mainly on the knows the type and land use, for usage and manipulation of vector example, and according to the geodatabases, and that’s what I’ll classification the algorithm maps show today. the data into categories. Vector types can be compared to the ones we use when we design using our CAD software, with the difference being that the GIS vector data are referenced in a global reference system, meaning earth coordinates, whereas in CAD software the data are referenced in a local reference system, x,y,z coordinates.

I want to highlight that. It takes a major effort to gather, digitise and map accurate information from different sources, and I believe it's worth informing our architectural designs that end up being real life projects, however large or small. The most common question I’m asked is: where can I find this



Marios Messios, Studio 3DX, Geospatial Open-Source websites.

data? And is it available and open for to everyone. The aggregation and use me to download and use? of such data ensure that everything is tracked, synchronised and safe, With a simple search you can find and doesn’t conflict with each other. data for any country or city. In my experience, the most reliable I admit I can get a bit excited about data, although sometimes slowly how other industries use this data, updated, comes from governmental but I’d like you to imagine three sources. There are a number of things in the following examples. open source data initiatives that do a What are the parameters for each great job sourcing data from public use, what will happen if we remove submissions and contributions. GIS data from the equation, and how This is ideal for concept design we can use these in our industries? and understanding the spatial Air Traffic - This one is pretty complexity of your project. obvious. Not only are planes guided The slide below shows an example of towards their destinations by GPS government data websites available and GIS data, they are also aware around the world that we are where all other planes are at any constantly updating at Parametricos given moment. Imagine what would in order to help our Studio 3DX happen if that functionality was users source the data easily. I’ll give removed. a few examples of data platforms in Healthcare - A health crisis such as Cyprus and Greece later. Covid1-19 is of course devastating, Geographical systems and geospatial but we have to find ways to deal data form a large part of our lives, with it. This map calculates the even though this may not be visible risk of the virus spreading in other



countries and cities by looking at the travelling frequency from the core of the virus’s first symptoms.

plans. The more we know the more prepared we are to design better and more optimised solutions.

Population - Targeting issues such as the homeless, by combining data from their location in relation to where housing and services are located. Without using and overlapping such data, our chances of coming up with an effective solution are limited.

Lands & Survey Department - Now we are edging closer to our own industry and will look at examples that use GIS data effectively to provide information to anyone who needs it. I’m also happy at the end to demo any of these solutions.

Lands & Surveys Cyprus (eservices. - The image on the next page shows the Lands and Surveys Platform in Cyprus, which has more than 150 environmental and property layers. What’s important here is to look at the property and real estate information available to the public, from Plot Real Boundary to Property Values. These data are attached to the specific plot in those boundary coordinates. When there is an update to the plot, if it’s divided Earthquakes Earthquake for example, then the new data is simulations help predict routes uploaded again and it updates the to follow and create evacuation

Marios Messios,, Covid-19 situation in February 2020

Waste Management - A city in the state of Tennessee has an online platform that shows the sewerage system and pipe network in case of a storm or flooding. This allows the authorities to keep track of the piping system’s condition and schedule maintenance. It also allows homeowners to report any incident using this map and their location via their phones.


Marios Messios, Lands & Surveys Portal for GIS Data, Cyprus.


platform in real time. All this is available for download, including the GIS layer that can be imported for use in your own architectural design. ONEclickLIS - I came across a similar initiative from TEE, the Technical Chamber of Greece. Its One Click Land Information System aims to digitise more than 70% of the governmental building process in Greece, exactly the kind of digitisation that brings everyone together on the same page. Professionals will be able to track the Building Construction Permit process and Business Operations Licence. This proposed workflow frees up the designer, the investor and the operator from going to each department independently to find and use this kind of data.

use or other means to do your job well; rather I’m here to illustrate a few possible workflows that I have developed, and that I have seen others use as well. What is important is that technology should be applied using the right policies. So now we come to the bigger question. How can we use this data and solutions in our industry, to help in every phase of a project? First I would start by visualising and understanding the attributes of this Geospatial Data. Practically, this can be done by downloading a layer from any of the data websites and then dragging and dropping it into GIS software.

A powerful one I use is QGIS, open source software that allows users to analyse and edit spatial information and compose maps. Before I show a few design One of the great things about QGIS examples, I want to say that I is its wide range of import and never suggest which software to export options that give you the



In our case, for the web, we export in GeoJSON so our users can upload it with their BIM Building. Moving towards a complete implementation of Geospatial Data in our design and execution processes ensures that projects are no longer isolated from their surrounding environment, and they can be closely observed in a virtual environment on how they fit and interact with the rest of the ecosystem. There are numerous approaches you can take depending on the software selection you use to stream data into your BIM workflow. We tested locating BIM IFC projects on our platform with the use of IFC Site parameter; that gives you the chance to map the Point of Origin,

Survey Point, Rotation and Elevation of the project. Once that is done, a file can be exchanged with different software, and the risk of losing information and wrong locations being referenced is minimised. There are of course different schools of thought on which formats to convert to; some want to create their own formats, and many even dream that one day we will all work on a single common format. My way of thinking is that whatever you do, just make sure you follow guidelines and policies and don’t invent a new schema nobody else is using. This is a case study from one of our users (BIM Model: NRB-01 by XIV services) locating their project on the correct place on 3D Maps and bringing as many geospatial layers as needed to simulate a better design, and then operate the building after

Marios Messios, IFC, IfcSite parameter for geo-locating buildings.

ability to use the same geospatial file in other applications.


Marios Messios, NRB 01 by XIV-Services



as well.

I specialise in Rhino 3D and Grasshopper with a lot of plugins such as VisualARQ for BIM, Heron for bringing geospatial layers and others for simulations.

Marios Messios, Reverse desertification design in Lumion.

In this example, in Cyprus, my aim was to fight desertification on an island that lacks water throughout the year, by gathering this precious resource from roof structures in winter, storing it and then making it The goal is to optimise and shape available to all inhabitants inside a your 3D BIM design based on the GIS large housing masterplan. data. I will show just one example in the design case and mention others The use of Geospatial data was



integrated from Day 1 in the design process, and it was automated to find the most optimised location of such a masterplan based on parameters such as ‘High Rainwater Gathering’, ‘Desertification Levels’, ‘Housing Needs’, ‘Bioclimatic Zones’ and others. All of this data is available from the Lands and Surveys Department in Cyprus.

house via the roof throughout the day. This is all the geospatial layers that guide this design.

Marios Messios, Parametric design with grasshopper, VisualARQ, Heron, Human-UI in Rhino 3D

Everything was done in Grasshopper, and throughout the design of this masterplan, all the elements were designed as BIM elements using VisualARQ. Some of you use Revit for BIM, and now there’s the option to run Rhino and Grasshopper inside When the location was found, the Revit, so all of this is now possible structure including the roof was and can be aligned with your current adapted to the geomorphology and workflow. environmental habits of the specific When it comes to bringing a lot location. The last thing was to create of different information from a feedback loop and bring more data different sources into one solution, back into the design. CAD Software can have a hard time (Slide 33) I used the environmental holding a huge amount of geometry layers to run simulations of a in one file, especially when a project Structurally Stable Roof based on is city-scale. minimum housing units, square There are solutions such as ArcGIS metres for each inhabitant, the from Esri that can import IFC amount of greenery on the roof formats and visualise them within and how much sun penetrated each


Marios Messios, 3D CityGML by Helsinki Climate and Energy Atlas.


a GIS environment. Others include game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine that can hold such geometry and not only render amazing materials but also create your own interactive solutions.

to anyone. There are a couple of important takeaways here. First, having a 3D City model accessible to all professionals sparks creativity, and this generates meaningful solutions that in the end benefit all stakeholders.

But before we use them we have to ask ourselves this: are these solutions complementing our workflow, or do they make it more complicated? And does it reduce the ability to exchange information correctly?

Secondly, errors and mistakes are limited, since all professionals base their designs on the same 3D City Layer and not on an interpretation of how they believe the city is constructed.

Plehat - In this case, Plehat, a Finnish landscape architecture studio, has developed an interactive model of Helsinki. In this kind of experience, residents of the capital can walk through their city in a visual way and choose different planning options.

This is just one example of a solution that empowers collaboration between industry professionals, municipalities and residents. Construction Management can track delivered materials and prefabricated elements on-site.

I asked them how they created this solution so quickly and efficiently. Using the same logic, GIS implementation in the BIM Well, Helsinki municipality had framework emphasises the already surveyed and developed coordination logic that we could a complete 3D CityGml model of have for our future cities. Imagine the city that is open and accessible



Nagpur, India. The Nagpur Metro is one of the first projects in Asia to implement BIM and GIS asset and information management from the design phase onwards.

Their goal is to eliminate the loss of information that can There are so many things you happen between project cycles can do when you import data to and subcontracting. This is made one centralised system and start possible by bringing together all of overlaying. This centralised system the information, from financial to does not need to be a specific product, scheduling and all design assets, into rather interoperability between one Common Data Environment data sources is what empowers using different software. professionals to communicate and make better and faster decisions. The Nagpur metro project follows British PAS 1192 guidelines, and Powerful data management and uses a naming convention to link all analysis brings value to your work. of their 500,000 digital assets and 3D Using BIM and GIS technology models, making it possible to track you can populate information to a information at any given moment, facilities management database, from design to construction and including specific elements from a facility management. BIM file, or connect any device such as CCTV systems and Crowd Moving The benefits of a 3D BIM+GIS sensors to find where each element, approach have been projected item of equipment and people are at based on a 25-year lifetime for the any moment. project. It saved them US$400,000 during plan, design and build, a The same goes for investments. GIS reduction in operating manpower data such as population information requirements by 20%, and increased on a specific area, pedestrian flows, availability and reliability. transportation and market values can really narrow down and predict The really big payoff is an estimated which investment is viable. savings of US$225 million over the lifetime of the project. Now we are beginning to see data from real world projects that Another critical project with benefits offer evidence of the benefits of through BIM and GIS integration an integrated BIM+GIS lifecycle is the Crossrail in London with the approach for construction projects. Elizabeth Line. Let’s look at two case studies, starting with a metro system in One branch will run from Reading to Heathrow in the west through 42


Marios Messios, Geospatial data for simulations and analysis of underground and overground infrastructure.

for a minute the ability of the construction manager on-site and off-site to be able to see not only what’s above the ground but also what is below; to be able to track construction material as it arrives, and the safety of those working on the project.






kilometres of new tunnels, and it will be fully integrated with the existing London transport network. Crossrail has created a centralised system in which employees can click on a station or a space and get all of the information they need. If they weren’t able to do that, they would have to go through a lot of architectural drawings and archived manuals in order to find the information they want. Now they can find it in seconds. Overall they created and approved more than one million CAD files, integrated within a centralised information model. What are the benefits of such a centralised system?

Marios Messios, Geospatial data and BIM for facilities management.

First comes safety in construction with the ability to review in a virtual environment; then, as with the Nagpur Metro, information loss is reduced in all phases and contracts, and that means you get an improved maintenance system, delivery system and operations. The metro project is not a luxury, it’s based on issues such as social equity and the need for public transportation. Applying data in such a project, you can come up with smarter decisions that make public wellbeing a priority. By gathering data from different sources, governmental and open source, we can simulate real-life situations of designs and BIM models before they progress to the construction phase. At any given moment, we must document and gather more and more useful data to be used in the whole



lifecycle of a project. Only then can we create a meaningful feedback loop. True innovation is always driven by constant feedback and open data. When we become more transparent, share information and ultimately give people a reason to care, then we all have a purpose to collaborate and create a sustainable place to live. All this data is accessible to us and we must use it as much as we can. I strongly believe that everything we have been discussing today leads to Smarter Cities, our aim being to design in more sustainable ways that contribute back to the community and to the environment. This transcript has been edited and condensed for clarity.





Who led the digital transformation of your company?

Martha Matsi

Research & Development Parametricos


Parametricos, Who led the digital transformation of your company?

How the construction industry is reacting to COVID-19 and how to improve your workflow.


Who led the digital transformation of your company? How the construction industry is reacting to COVID-19 and how to improve your workflow.

of a construction site almost impossible. Sites that do not adhere to measures such as avoiding close contact, hygiene procedures and reducing public transport use, will probably be forced to close.

administrative staff working remotely. But how do you cope with keeping everyone informed about the day-today progress, development of content and ideas or the current stage of a project?

What is happening on the management side? As a first step, AEC businesses have been using common methods of remote communication between teams, by phone or online calls. But you quickly begin to notice the limitations that a call has in exchanging essential information and documentation compared with what can be achieved in-person at the office. Other common resources are emails and group chats, but these lack speed and Most governments have limit the amount and size of announced strict measures documents you can exchange regarding self-isolation, limits with colleagues. on travelling to work, the closure of non-essential shops So a new need arises for and community spaces and on working remotely at an online the avoidance of gatherings. hub where meetings and As a result, the main impacts the exchange of documents on the construction industry and information can be include labour and supply done quickly, efficiently and chain shortages, in addition to with no restrictions, in the the financial difficulties that same way as you would do many businesses now face. in the comfort of an office. In Italy, for example, because Narrowing communication of COVID-19 the industry is channels to a handful of online expected to contract by 0.7% platforms will essentially in 2020, down from a previous enhance productivity and growth forecast of 1.5%. minimize the confusion and miscommunication that can Despite construction on-site lead to costly design errors. not being prohibited by some governments, common sense If you are a large construction and social distancing measures company, by now you are still advised. This makes the will probably have your necessary team collaboration staff management and

What you need is one or more one-stop shop resources to give your staff the tools to work online without worrying about print-outs, drawings and workstations. They will be able to collaborate at any stage of the project. This digital transformation should be permanent, not merely a temporary fix prompted by the pandemic.


he COVID-19 outbreak imposed rapidly changing circumstances on the world, not least on the construction industry that is under pressure and now faces uncertainty. Construction businesses have seen projects put on hold or cancelled altogether, architects and designers have been working from home and the need to work and collaborate remotely by digital means is now more important than ever.


But not all small companies can develop internal centralised software and introduce new tools to support their business continuity online, and some of the available online platforms are not affordable for small and medium-sized businesses. Ideally, governments should implement programmes to encourage digitisation of businesses and move one step closer to creating smart cities free of pollution caused by too much commuting. These are challenging days for architects and designers, even if working from home is not new territory. Exchanging designs, ideas and experiences digitally means you can continue to collaborate with your peers and clients. If your projects move to a cloud service, where sketchbooks and sketch rolls no longer


define a physical workspace, working from home can save both time and money once you define your needs and figure out the technology that can be used to gather all your information in one centralised system.

with up to 1TB storage you could opt for WeTransfer Pro.

One example of how technology has helped humanity during this difficult time has been the construction of temporary hospitals to accommodate The simplest solution is to those affected. In Wuhan, ask the office IT professional China, a hospital was built to set up a VPN connection to in just 10 days, the scale and your company servers from speed of construction being your home desktop or laptop. achieved with prefabricated If that isn’t possible, you can units. migrate to cloud solutions Tang Zhouping, neurology that offer both speed and professor at Tongji Hospital reliability. For architects in Wuhan, was assigned to and engineers who produce take charge of the temporary a lot of drawings and 3D hospital to treat coronavirus models and need to visualise, patients. comment and collaborate on them live, solutions are “He transformed the available that cost between Guanggu Fangcang Hospital, €49 and €120 per person an exhibition space in Wuhan per month. (You can mail that was converted into a us at info@parametricos. makeshift medical centre, com for more details on our in just seven days, into a Studio 3DX cloud solution ‘smart’ facility by adopting and its benefits, or you can technologies already being give it a go for seven days at used at Tongji Hospital, a top facility in the city. The cloud technology-based smart Other solutions for sharing system at Tongji Hospital was ideas and drawings include extended to the makeshift Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, hospital in 10 hours.”1 Slides), Dropbox and Box. All are secure content We must all examine our management applications options if we are to come that require little to no through this crisis. knowledge, and you can References: easily collaborate with High-tech hospital safeguards patients, medics anyone anywhere. For 1 "High-tech hospital safeguards sharing files up to 20GB and patients, medics". By Wang Xiaodong | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2020-03-12


By Wang Xiaodong | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2020-03-12 Fitch Solutions: Italian Construction Industry To Contract Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak CNN: How to design a hospital that's built in days, by someone who's done it before

This article has been edited and condensed for clarity. It was first published at blog.parametricos. com

On Largo La Foppa, Milan the #GucciArtWall features a phrase by Coco Capitan. Her handwritings appear on Gucci ready-to-wear & accessories. Image by: Glossi Mag Source:




BIM EXPERTS EXAMINING HOW THINGS ARE DONE WITH YOUR TEAMS AND CLIENTS There is only one way to really know what’s going on inside a BIM expert's mind and that is to ask him or her directly. This is why Parametricos is now focusing on interviewing and gathering valuable information on BIM workflows and what goes right and wrong. Another way we do this is by posing 10 quick questions in an effort to highlight any issues that BIM experts may have in their workflows. Is everything working well, for example? We always appreciate those who help in our research, and we are giving away a free trial for one month on Studio 3DX. We will publish the results at the end of our study.






Economist, COO @ Parametricos

Anninos Loizou






gile methodologies have become the leading, and one of the most influential, approaches for managing projects nowadays, especially those that require collaboration between multiple stakeholders and the customer/end user. Agile has been implemented in various industries, and can typically be found in IT and software development, as well as in finance, marketing and advertising. It is also gradually starting to be more common in almost every project-related sector. But what about construction? Can a construction project be managed using Agile methodologies? Can a project that has a massive cost, such as a skyscraper, bridge or tunnel, that requires multiple stakeholders and in some cases governmental bodies, and that has particular requirements including the need to last for a lifetime, count simply on Agile project management?

EVOLUTION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Let's take a step back and look at the inception of modern project management methodologies. The first form of modern project management came in the early 1900s with the development of Gantt charts; the 1950s saw the critical path method (CPM); and later came the program evaluation and review technique (PERT). In the 1960s, project management was largely based around Waterfall techniques, the predecessor of Agile methodologies.

into linear sequential phases. Each and every requirement is gathered from the beginning of the project, with each subsequent phase depending on the deliverables of the previous one and corresponding to a specialization of tasks. This methodology originated in the manufacturing and construction industry, and until Agile made its appearance, the Waterfall was the most widely known and used method to manage projects in almost every industry, especially the software sector.


the management of construction projects or at least prove more efficient in certain construction phases. Since construction is a huge market that contributes about 13% of global GDP and generates around $10 trillion each year, the potential benefits of improving project management are enormous, both financially and in terms of productivity.

KEY FEATURES OF AGILE Here are a few key features of Agile Project Management, how they can apply and how they can affect construction project management:


An Agile project is always broken As software projects grew larger and down into chunks that are more complex and some requirements measurables, usable and add value. became more ambiguous, the A chunk that is developed can be industry began to have doubts about handed over to the client, which does the Waterfall approach. It came to not happen with the traditional work be viewed as being among the less breakdown structure. iterative and flexible approaches, as it is difficult to move back to PRODUCT APPROVAL make changes in previous phases. The testing process starts once the The client/product owner is much development of the project is over, more involved when Agile is and if the requirements are not clear implemented and aligned throughout from the beginning, this can lead to all phases, from design to construction huge setbacks on the deliverables, and facility management. Approval delays, cost overruns and even project of plants, oversight of construction failure. Also, it left little room for and final acceptance is easier under continuous improvement or effective this strategy. change management.

Taking into consideration the evolution of project management methodologies in the IT and software development industry, and the fact that the Waterfall method approach is a sequential method similar to that The Waterfall method is a breakdown used in the construction industry, it of project requirements and activities could be argued that Agile can benefit 104


Since the client is involved with Agile, the clarity of the end product is ensured. This involvement adds more value to the product, reduces the workload and should meet client requirements and specifications.


done one after the other or in a linear manner, and making any Agile is very adaptive in a way change will cause rollback to the that all stakeholders work closely tasks already addressed and to the with continuous feedback which development process in general. leads to constant improvement, an This can mean disaster in terms increase in the overall productivity of cost, time, etc. and even project of the team and minimizing failure. mistakes. As mentioned earlier, Agile has been Team building approach: most successfully implemented Continuous feedback and in software development projects, client approval or suggestions where changes or rollbacks at any for improvement within a stage of a project are through coding time schedule promote team and adjustments. The construction development and eliminate industry is more complicated, and unnecessary stress and workload. implementing Agile may not be as easy or straightforward as some may think. However, Agile can still FAST PROJECT be tailored to several phases of the construction process:



With consistent reviews, planning and feedback, Agile allows productivity to increase and minimizes the number of revisions. This should mean a shorter development timescale, fewer errors or revisions and greater client satisfaction.

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF AGILE IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS In a construction project, a small change of design can cause a postponement of the development schedule and a massive increase in cost in its later stages. Each task in a construction project is

faster development timetable, fewer mistakes or revisions and better client satisfaction.

EXECUTION PHASE This phase is more difficult when it comes to applying pure Agile, but some basic Agile concepts can still help for continual improvement, making things easy to complete faster and efficiently, and decreasing costly mistakes.

Much research exists on how changes, mistakes and/or bad communication during construction can exponentially increase the cost of a project. For instance, research has shown that quality failure can mean a cost in construction of up to 20% of a original contract’s value INITIATION AND PLANNING project's (OCV). Another paper has shown that the lack of communication and PHASE technology costs the construction Client/product owner involvement industry $177 billion annually in in this phase will mean clear and the United States alone. This is well-defined requirements and almost 14% of the market size in specifications, and consequently the US. clarity of the end product. With some basic Agile approaches With each stakeholder taking to the management of a part in this phase and via their construction project, the team continuous feedback you ensure can plan, implement, adjust and transparency among stakeholders, monitor decisions faster and more an improvement in productivity efficiently. Of course, it is not easy to implement pure Agile at this and fewer mistakes. phase, but some basic concepts This process promotes team can lead to reduced costs in building, improves collaboration terms of materials, resources and and removes unnecessary stress overtime, better collaboration with and workload from the team. minimum confusion, fewer project The combination of the above delays, and happier clients who are points will ultimately lead to a well-informed and involved in the process. 105


pieces that add value to the project and consequently to the customer/product owner. In the case of a construction project, an incremental piece cannot be handed over to the customer. - Suggested solution: Deliverables must be welldefined and explained in a way Implementing an Agile that customers can understand framework in all phases of a their value without them being construction project is not as handed over. Representation in easy as in software development, a visual way and an overview but it can still produce major dashboard can be helpful for benefits where it is applicable. better understanding. Some major issues/pitfalls need for construction to be addressed in order for Agile Agile management requires incredible methodology to be implemented in every phase of a construction organizing, administering and the correct implementation project: of the methodology, as From the execution phase construction projects are and onward, many changes far more complicated than cannot be implemented, or other industries that use the if implemented will cause a methodology. Such complexity considerable increase in project can cause delays which cost. - Suggested solution: increase the cost of the project Mindful and accurate work exponentially. Suggested during the planning phase is solution: Agile must be necessary in order not to cause implemented well, or not at all. changes in the execution phase. It has become clear that Meetings cannot be minimized implementing pure Agile in all as in software development phases of a construction project projects. Integrated meetings is not possible because of the with multiple stakeholders limitations mentioned above. and on different phases of the However, an Agile approach project are required. - Suggested in the initiation and planning solution: More organised and phase can be implemented and centralized systems for all can make this process more stakeholders are needed for efficient. To some extent it can collaboration and data exchange, also be helpful in the subsequent in order to better communicate phases of a project. and decrease the time spent in References meetings.


By definition, Agile deliverables for software development are not piece by piece, but incremental

Love, Peter ED, Pauline Teo, and John Morrison. "Revisiting quality failure costs in construction." Journal of construction engineering and management 144, no. 2 (2018): 05017020.


"Lack of communication and technology costs construction industry $177 billion annually" (2018) Strausser, Glenn. "Agile project management concepts applied to construction and other non-IT fields." Project Management Institute, (2015). "Enhancing Agility in the Construction Industry", Kanbanize, Fred Wilson, "Agile Construction Project Management – how to be an Agile construction team?", nTask Manager, (2018).




O1 Definition of Project Objecties and Scope STAGE


Conceptual Plan or Preliminary Design



Construction Plans & Specifications

Completion of Construction

O5 Acceptance of Facility



O6 Fulfillment of Useful Life





Project stages from conception to design and construction to perations. Agile methodologies in construction by Anninos Loizou, designed by Parametricos


PARAMETRICOS Ltd. Parametricos is a software company developing solutions specifically for the AECO industry to improve the professional's workflow. Check out our complete suite at



What is digitalisation & BIM? Digitalisation is the development and deployment of digital technologies and processes that enable new functionalities along the entire value chain, from the early design phase to the end of the asset’s life cycle at the demolition phase. Building Information Modeling, BIM, is considered to be the heart of digitalisation for the construction industry and introduces new technologies, processes, and interactions into the practice of architecture, engineering, construction and facility management. BIM virtually incorporates the necessary information for facility design, construction and operation from the conception stage of a project throughout life cycle stages of a constructed facility.

Building Information Modeling, BIM is now widely used in the largest construction markets with many documented projects. BIM Implementation relates to extensive use of technology and is often seen as one such solution; but there are more dimensions to BIM.

NICOLETA PANAGIOTIDOU BIM Specialist, Founder at BIM design Hub

(See Fig. 1: Digitalisation & BIM)

characteristics of a facility;

• A reliable basis for taking In the construction market decisions, from earliest the definition of BIM may conception to demolition. change between different All BIM definitions highlight organisations and institutes. the three basic aspects of BIM: What is important to the process, the people and understand is that all technology. (See Fig. 2: BIM definitions highlight different Definitions) aspects of BIM, in terms of process, technology or the life According to the EU BIM cycle aspect of BIM, but they Task Group, the components also share some similarities. of the BIM process relate to four main sectors: BIM is: process, people, technology • A process; and policy. The process sector relates to standards, • A shared digital methods and procedures, representation of any built integrated project delivery object; and information management through international and • A rich information model national standards (such that can be shared across as BIM Level 2 standards all stakeholders from and the ISO 19650 series). inception to recycling; The people sector relates to • A representation of the leadership, collaboration, physical and functional owner involvement, and the



Fig. 1: Digitalisation & BIM, Source:

Fig. 2: BIM Definitions, Source: BIM


Design Hub

Building Information Modeling, BIM is considered the heart of the digitalisation for the construction industry and introduces new technologies, processes, and interactions into the practice of architecture, engineering, construction, and facility management. BIM virtually incorporates required information for facility design, construction, and operation from the conception stage of a project throughout life cycle stages of a constructed facility.

BIM Design Hub


development of appropriate skills. The technology sector refers to BIM modeling, simulation and interoperability between various software solutions. Finally, the policy area concerns the integration and development of local directives and standards, conventions, and the legal aspect of the BIM process. (See Fig. 3: BIM components in 4 main sectors, Source: BIM Design Hub)

BIM Standards From UK BIM Level 2 to ISO BIM. Building Information Modeling has been implemented since 2011 in the United Kingdom, following the development of a series of national standards and specifications. In 2013, PAS 1192-2: 2013 and several additional standards were published to support the implementation of BIM Level 2 in the UK. Then, in 2016, BIM Level 2 became mandatory in the UK as a requirement for all public works. This legislation refers in detail to all BIM stages and contains a large number of documents which clearly

set out procedure, roles, opportunity for the sector deliverables, levels and so to apply a consistent and on. effective method of data exchange that provides great Other countries such as benefits for construction Finland, Norway and projects and the owners. Singapore also have national BIM standards, and most countries plan to follow suit. In countries where BIM has not been institutionalized, several private and public bodies The BIM process gives are developing initiatives owners significant with their own standards for advantages in understanding, the use of BIM. At the same communicating and time, international property monitoring the progress owners have recognized the of a project. In the early benefits of BIM Level 2 and stages, owners can compare begun to demand adoption scenarios, to define of the procedures set out in requirements and make English BIM Level 2 for their more accurate cost and time projects. Globalization has estimations. also affected the construction industry and there has been At the construction stage, benefit from a significant increase in owners international projects and automation, reduced errors because of updated plans collaboration. at all stages of the project, In response to global demand, and better collaboration BIM Level 2 standards with the project teams, were incorporated into through the digital models. the international standard BIM technology ensures ISO 19650 -1 & 2 to create a office-construction site common BIM language in the communication is a twointernational arena. (2018). way relationship in which ISO 19650 is based on the changes can be monitored. proven English standard BS (See Fig. 4: The MacLeamy 1192 and promises to bridge curve, Redrawn by BIM the gap between different Design Hub, BIM benefits for standards. The creation and owners) adoption of ISO and BIM international standards is an During operation, owners

BIM owner’s engagement




Fig. 5: Owners role in CAD and BIM, Source: BIM Design

BIM benefits for owners

Fig. 4: The Mac Leamy curve, Redrawn by BIM Design Hub,

Fig. 3: BIM components in 4 main sectors, Source: BIM Design Hub


Fig. 7: Top BIM benefits for owners, Source: BIM Design Hub


Design Hub

Fig. 6: BIM Dimensions, Source: BIM



have access to the updated as built project record (which includes digital models and documents). They can make predictions about the operation of systems and estimate operating costs. They also have access to the updated project database, to evaluate and plan any future changes. BIM changes the role of the owner through standardization processes and the development of control tools. The focus shifts from the owner to the project objectives, and as a result the owner participates in the overall process. In BIM, owners are informed about a project’s progress at all stages, they are in a position to request and receive information and make decisions. BIM standards help owners evaluate project teams and track processes such as delivery dates, estimated costs and monitoring changes. (See Fig. 5: Owners’ role in CAD and BIM)

chain enhances industry productivity there by up to 9%, while return on Investment (ROI) for BIM implementation has been reported as high as 500%. On a US General Services Administration federal building renovation, the integrated project delivery team estimated that the use of BIM for coordination helped generate an approximately 300% ROI. Finally, according According to international to a McGraw Hill study, top surveys, mismanagement of BIM benefits perceived by project data and ineffective owners include: teams costs about US$15.8 • Reduced errors and million annually, two thirds omissions of which is paid for by owners. In addition, more than 60% • Reduced rework of the capital invested in • Reduced construction construction does not meet costs planned repayment dates, 30% of the construction • Reduced project duration relates to resuming work and • Fewer claims/litigation 55% of maintenance remains (See Fig. 7: Top BIM Benefits reactive. for owners) BIM adoption is increasing worldwide through mandates and smart building This article edited and condensed initiatives. Recent surveys in for clarity. It was first published on the UK report that 65% of private sector owners and 70% of public sector owners require the use of BIM in new projects. In 2014, the percentage of owners using BIM on more than 60% of their projects was at 44%.

updated information for the entire life cycle of their asset and more power to control the time, budget and the performance of their project. (See Fig. 6: BIM Dimensions)

BIM owner’s adoption & benefits

From an owner’s perspective, the BIM process provides tools that relate to construction control and better access to project information. BIM dimensions extend from 3D to 7D and include the variables of time (4D), cost (5D), life Australia-wide adoption cycle (6D) and energy (7D). of BIM across the supply As a result, owners have


Architectonic 2019, Audience

Architectonic 2019, Registration Desk

Architectonic 2019, Exhibition Space

Architectonic 2019. From left to right: Simos Georgiou, Nebojsa Jakica, Anninos Loizou, Marios Messios, Ferdinand Mühlhäuser, Monica Ioannidou Polemitis.



Thank you for taking the time to read the Architectonic 2019 - 2020 Magazine. Architectonic Event & Magazine is powered, organised and designed by Parametricos Ltd. All photographs and video footage were professionally taken from our local partners at Emotional Photography. fb: @emotionalphotographycyprus We would also like to thank our exhibitors, our audience and speakers for joining us through this journey.


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2020 . Volume 1 . £18 . €20

ARCHITECTONIC Innovation For Our Future Cities

Architectonic is a hybrid networking event with a focus on our future cities through the eyes of entrepreneurs. Architectonic: Innovation for our future cities 2019 Copyrights Parametricos Ltd 2018-2020

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