Coral Ridge IMC Plan

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Integrated Marketing Communications Plan by MarinĂŠs Mazzarri

Executive Summary



Promotion Opportunity Analysis


2.1 Communications Market Analysis 2.1.1 Competitive Analysis 2.1.2 Opportunity Analysis 2.1.3 Target Market Analysis 2.1.4 Customer Analysis 2.2 Market Segmentation Strategy

8 9 10 12 13 15



Corporate Strategies


IMC Management


3.1 Corporate Image Strategy 3.2 Brand Development Strategy 3.3 Brand Positioning Strategy 3.4 Distribution Strategy 3.5 Business-to-Business Strategy 3.6 Public Relations Strategy 3.7 Evaluation


4.1 IMC Objectives 4.2 IMC Budget 4.3 Agency Selection 4.4 Internet Web site

27 28 29 30

IMC Objective One | Consumer


5.1 Budget 5.2 IMC Methodologies 5.2.1 Advertising Advertising Budget Creative Brief Advertising Design 5.2.2 Consumer Promotions 5.2.3 Personal Selling 5.2.4 Sponsorship Programs 5.2.5 Database Programs 5.3 Media Plan 5.3.1 Media Schedule Sample 6.0

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 46 47

Corporate ID

6.1 Logo Design 6.2 Stationery

49 50

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


Advertising Campaign


7.1 Three Ad Series (Newspaper) 7.2 Magazine Ad 7.3 Video Story Board 7.4 Radio Script 7.5 Animated Banner Ad 7.6 Website 7.7 Direct Mail Piece 7.8 Press Release 7.9 Mall Signage

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

IMC Objective Two | Distribution


8.1 Budget 8.2 IMC Methodologies 8.2.1 Advertising Advertising Budget Creative Brief Advertising Design 8.2.2 Distribution Promotions 8.2.3 Personal Selling 8.2.4 Database Programs 8.3 Media Plan

63 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 74



IMC Objective Three | Business-to-Business

9.1 Budget 9.2 IMC Methodologies 9.2.1 Advertising Advertising Budget Creative Brief Advertising Design 9.2.2 Biz-to-Biz Promotions 9.2.3 Personal Selling 9.3 Media Plan

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

10.0 Strategic Planning

10.1 Company Background 10.2 Mission Statement 10.3 Goals and Objectives 10.4 Target Audience Analysis 10.5 SWOT Analysis 10.6 Product Positioning Map 10.7 Industry Research

87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Executive Summary

1.0 Executive Summary

This Integrated Marketing Communications plan is intended to assist Coral Ridge Podiatry to develop as a brand, finding its niche in the community and becoming a more profitable practice. In order to achieve the desired results, the practice will use its signature treatment the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy as the catalyst to success. This plan includes: promotions opportunity analysis, corporate strategies, and IMC objectives. In addition, advertising, promotions, personal selling, sponsorships, and database programs are integrated to the plan. Finally, a detailed media plan and methods of evaluation complement the execution of this IMC plan. For years, Coral Ridge Podiatry has enjoyed of a steady stream of business, however its marketing communication efforts can be described as modest and ultimately inefficient. Even after the launching of the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy, the practice’s advertising was limited to newspaper ads, some internal promotions, and its web site. Today, with a new vision of its future, Coral Ridge Podiatry intends to follow its forwardthinking roots and rejuvenate its image with the implementation of a new marketing communications plan with specific objectives considering consumer, distribution and business-to-business opportunities. Coral Ridge Podiatry has significant potential for growth with its unique concept of aesthetic podiatry. Taking into consideration the consumer approach of this IMC plan, targeting South Florida’s east Tri-County affluent baby boomers will allow the practice to find an emerging niche of patients that appreciate the reliability and effectiveness of the provided services while enjoying of a relaxing and painless rejuvenating experience for their feet. At the same time, Coral Ridge Podiatry will develop the Solecare™ franchise as its distribution strategy, which will include licensing to practice the treatment, product line and equipment rights. This approach will be targeted to experienced podiatry professionals across Florida with as a profitable investment opportunity. Finally, the business-to-business strategy will focus on creating alliances with local business related to the health, well-being, and beauty industries. This IMC plan will focus on delivering a consistent and congruent message to all the publics. During 12 months, and with a budget of $125,000, aggressive communication strategies will develop a brand name and establish a strong presence in the community for Coral Ridge Podiatry for many years to come.


Promotion Opportunity Analysis


2.1 Communications Market Analysis 2.1.1 Competitive Analysis 2.1.2 Opportunity Analysis 2.1.3 Target Market Analysis 2.1.4 Customer Analysis 2.2 Market Segmentation Strategy

8 9 10 12 13 15



Corporate Strategies


3.1 Corporate Image Strategy 3.2 Brand Development Strategy 3.3 Brand Positioning Strategy 3.4 Distribution Strategy 3.5 Business-to-Business Strategy 3.6 Public Relations Strategy 3.7 Evaluation

IMC Management

4.1 IMC Objectives 4.2 IMC Budget 4.3 Agency Selection 4.4 Internet Web site

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Promotion Opportunity Analysis • Corporate Strategies • IMC Management


Thanks to its forward-thinking initiatives, Coral Ridge Podiatry has become the developer and unique provider of the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy, which combines spa-like treatments and efficient podiatry procedures. Even though Coral Ridge Podiatry has been active for a long time and its situation can be considered reasonably stable, the business hasn’t developed a niche for itself or a high level of customer awareness around the area. The practice counts on an established patient database, which provides a steady source of income. However, the lack of advertising hasn’t allowed it to reach its maximum potential.

2.0 Promotion Opportunity Analysis

Since 1982, Coral Ridge Podiatry has been serving the Fort Lauderdale area offering cutting edge treatments and assisting the medical and aesthetic podiatric needs of the community. Coral Ridge Podiatry was founded by Dr. Gary Wallach, an innovative and recognized podiatrist with more than twenty years of experience in the field. Moreover, Coral Ridge Podiatry is part of the longest continually active podiatry practice in Fort Lauderdale, as well as one of only three centers selected in the country to treat pinched nerves and heel pain in revolutionary new ways.

The true potential of this business is the professional aesthetic approach to its treatments that results much more appealing to a wider market. For this reason, Coral Ridge Podiatry’s marketing strategy is to introduce a rejuvenated selfimage featuring its Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy, providing information about this unique service and effectively reaching the desired target market. It’s crucial that the overall campaign is consistent, appealing to the affluent men and women of South Florida’s east Tri-County area whose purchasing power allows them to afford and appreciate the uniqueness of the treatments and the efficiency of its results. The main objectives along the three sections of this IMC plan (Consumer, Distribution, Business-to-Business) are to ensure: the brand development of Coral Ridge Podiatry and the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy, community awareness, and profitable sales. The success of this IMC plan involves an effective integration of public relations, marketing, and multiple media advertising strategies that can help the business get the much-needed exposure. All the different components of this campaign, such as print/online advertising, promotions and sponsorships must consistently evoke a sense of uniqueness, well-being, and beauty. At the same time, it’s important that all these components are characterized by a high-end appearance and are always placed on high-quality media.


2.0 Promotion Opportunity Analysis

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s main product is the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy. This treatment is designed to greatly reduce painful calluses on the sole and toes, fissures on both the sides and heel of the foot, and deeply cleanse the skin. Dermalinfusion will moisturize and soothe the foot while the Silk Peel® minimizes calluses and heel fissures improving your appearance and function. A fusion of spa, podiatry, and the newest technology, the unique patent-pending Solecare™ experience will result in silky, smooth, and revitalized feet. In addition to the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy, Coral Ridge Podiatry also offers conventional podiatry treatments, as well as other aesthetic procedures such as Sculptra and Botox®. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s pricing strategy can be considered as high end. By doing this, the practice positions itself as a prestigious service and appeals to a more affluent market. This also means that the quality service and efficiency of the results are exceptionally above the general expectations. The practice’s distribution strategy is to reach consumers who suffer from painful foot issues in addition to being concerned about their feet’s appearance. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s trade operations are aimed to reach experienced podiatry professionals seeking for alternatives to expand and improve their practices. Finally, the practice’s business-to-business approach is to target high-end businesses related to the beauty, health, and well-being industries, including other health professionals and facilities. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s promotions are focused on the elite customers whose appearance and comfort represent important aspects of their daily lives. These individuals are willing to experiment new alternatives to traditional medical treatments, appreciate the results, and value the services provided by experienced professionals. They will be reached by multiple media options such as the Internet, print and online ads, webcast videos, direct mail, personal selling, community sponsorships, and promotions.


In a continuously growing and competitive environment, some of the most innovative practices have incorporated commonly used advertising mediums in the health industry such as direct mail, educational materials and newspaper ads, to build a higher level of awareness and loyalty in their communities. The Internet has become a major information provider as well. However, very few practices have appealing and easy to navigate web sites that serve as major sources of information, follow up, and product purchasing for current and prospective patients. Nowadays advertising trends have opened new doors to many industries including health care, which can benefit Coral Ridge Podiatry’s business productivity at a much more affordable cost. An example could be “webcast productions” that can be included in the practice’s web site, these are much more affordable alternatives to radio and television commercials. In addition, market segmentation strategies are a great aid for media placement to get the most out of the budgeted advertising dollars.

2.1 Communications Market Analysis

Marketing Communications in the podiatry field are traditionally based on referrals and word-of-mouth strategies independently of the practice’s status. Most of the podiatry practices in the South Florida area have been established for long periods of time and have never considered advertising spending as a priority since most of them work directly with insurance companies, which are their main source of patients.

By placing effective ads in a local magazine distributed to upscale neighborhoods and businesses from north Miami-Dade, through Broward and Palm Beach counties, it would be possible to reach one of the most affluent markets in the nation, with a strong propensity for retail sales and an active, outdoororiented lifestyle. Coral Ridge Podiatry would greatly increase its presence in the community by advertising in a specialty magazine since readers are likely to pay more attention to the contents of the magazine including the advertising in it. Consequently, it becomes a more profitable strategy than simply advertising in a regular newspaper because the business is effectively reaching the desired market. Another effective way to reach the desired audience would be to publish a health column in a preferred Sunday newspaper sponsored by Coral Ridge Podiatry and written by Dr. Wallach. By doing so, Dr. Wallach and Coral Ridge Podiatry could build a personal and professional image that is relatable to prospective customers, creating a friendly and approachable rapport. Innovative and efficient communication strategies can help Coral Ridge Podiatry achieve financial prosperity and establish itself as a leader in the podiatry field. Positioning itself as a unique mix of innovation, health, and beauty, Coral Ridge Podiatry and its signature Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy could find a niche market in the South Florida area and eventually around the country.


2.1.1 Competitive Analysis

When comparing Coral Ridge Podiatry’s services to other traditional podiatry practices, it is evident that Coral Ridge is one step ahead, not only regarding medical and aesthetic treatments but also through the development of the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy and its very own product line. While the competitors approach to treatments is strictly medical, Coral Ridge Podiatry offers its innovative services in a spa-like environment always under professional care and supervision. In addition, Coral Ridge Podiatry will be the only practice that also offers full pedicure services at the same location to satisfy its clients’ medical and beauty needs. There are not specific competitors to the kind of unique specialized services that Coral Ridge Podiatry offers to its patients. The Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy, as well as the equipment, and the product line have been exclusively developed by Dr. Gary Wallach. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s competitors are other podiatry practices specialized in diseases of the foot and leg, that provide services such as diabetic care, ulcer treatment, sports injuries, arch supports, trauma, heel pain, bunion and hammertoe surgery, and knee problems. The main target audiences for these practices are insured workers, elderly people, and local patients that need solely medical treatments. Their amount of advertising is very limited and usually involves only direct mail, word-of-mouth, and a basic web site. Beauty salons and spas could also be considered as competitors regarding the aesthetic features of the practice. The closest is Stonewater Spa & Boutique Fort Lauderdale, located at only one block away from Coral Ridge Podiatry. Even though their concept is much more general and is not focused on foot treatments, their target market is the same. Stonewater Spa & Boutique offers refined aesthetic treatments such as the Rose Petal Pedicure, Peppermint Sea Salt Pedicure, and the Ultimate Rehydration Milk Pedicure. However, non-professional foot care such as pedicures and other spa treatments can be potentially dangerous and cause infections. More and more people have been affected by inexperienced pedicurists using inadequate tools and under unhygienic conditions. Their advertising strategy relies on the reputation of the other salons located throughout the country, word-of-mouth and Internet promotions through their web site. Coral Ridge Podiatry provides all the services previously mentioned with unsurpassed positive and painless results, as a pioneer in the filed for the last twenty-six years. A clear advantage of Coral Ridge Podiatry is the confidence offered by a professional practice and a strictly supervised hygienic environment. Coral Ridge advertising strategies include direct mail, word-of-mouth, newspaper ads, and a web site. In addition, Coral Ridge Podiatry’s geographical location is an advantage since is conveniently located in one of the most active areas in Fort Lauderdale so its easily accessed through all the major highways in the TriCounty area.


2.1.2 Opportunity Analysis

After analyzing the podiatry industry and aesthetic trends in the South Florida area, there are many opportunities that could positively impact Coral Ridge’s business activities and give a boost to its situation for years to come. Through an effective advertising campaign Coral Ridge Podiatry can reach an affluent target market that can not only afford the exclusive treatments but that also appreciates the expertise and effectiveness of receiving aesthetic treatments from a traditional medical provider. The innovative characteristics of this business are an advantage to the advertising campaign since new and unique methods can be implemented to achieve the desired marketing and advertising goals. The development and commercialization of the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy and product line can open doors to new consumer relationships, distribution opportunities, and business-to-business activities. Consumer Opportunities •

The true potential of this business is the professional aesthetic approach to podiatry treatments that are much more appealing to a wider market. Both men and women are growing more conscious about their health and physical appearance. Coral Ridge Podiatry has the opportunity to establish itself as the only effective, innovative and discreet solution for patients that have serious skin damage conditions that cannot be cured by simple pedicures or generic lotions on the market. There is an opportunity to create a client database, which provides a steady source of income, since most of the patients will be receiving treatments on a monthly basis. This aspect also gives Coral Ridge podiatry the opportunity to track the success of its advertising strategies and more efficiently perceive the return on investment value.

Coral Ridge will have the opportunity to establish itself as the only podiatry practice with on-location professional pedicure services to satisfy the patients’ needs in one place. This factor increases the opportunity to target affluent women of the Tri-County area who are likely to spend part of their monthly income on aesthetic treatments. Now they can have the confidence of effective treatments, rejuvenating products, and a relaxing beauty experience. Distribution Opportunities •

Coral Ridge Podiatry has the opportunity to establish itself as a pioneer and revolutionary podiatry practice as the unique creator and provider of the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy in South Florida as well as the entire country. 11

2.1.2 Opportunity Analysis

Coral Ridge Podiatry also has the opportunity to be a pioneer in the podiatry industry with the commercialization and distribution of its business model to other podiatrist or health specialists. After successfully branding the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy, Coral Ridge Podiatry could initiate a franchise strategy. By doing so, Coral Ridge Podiatry would be benefiting from the profits of other practices that decide to buy and implement its original business model. Coral Ridge Podiatry has the opportunity to distribute its signature products such as the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy Product Line to their consumers as the unique provider through the practice’s online store and at the actual practice. Looking at distribution opportunities, Coral Ridge Podiatry could also market the unique equipment they use to other podiatrists.

Business-to-Business Opportunities •


Coral Ridge Podiatry can develop business-to-business opportunities that include alliances with fitness centers, insurance companies, shoe stores in local malls, and also businesses whose employees have to stand for long periods of time and rely on their feet to work, such as restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc. With the implementation of these alliances Coral Ridge Podiatry can approach different sectors that can benefit from its unique services and at the same time take advantage of the commercial exposure. As any other podiatry practice, Coral Ridge Podiatry has also the opportunity to receive referrals from other doctors and medical institutions. It’s very important for the practice to promote healthy and collaborative relationships to encourage a higher influx of patient referrals. Coral Ridge Podiatry would be benefiting by the positive association that other industry professionals can give to the practice.

Approximately 20% of the US population experiences foot problems each year. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s main target market is Baby Boomers. This generation is more active and focused on fitness, which will result in a greater demand for foot care. Baby Boomers are known to be a highly educated and proactive group of consumers, who have demonstrated an unprecedented interest in self-care and natural strategies for minor complaints. In addition, this group refuses to accept the idea they should be content with aging “gracefully.” They’re getting older, but don’t want to look it or feel it. With an estimated 12,500 Americans turning 50 every single day, “baby boomers” are driving the demand for innovative products designed to offer a greater variety of choices in addressing all types of minor ailments and cosmetic concerns, including those related to foot care.

2.1.3 Target Market Analysis

Consumer Market Analysis

Distribution Market Analysis According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, podiatrists held about 12,000 jobs in 2006. About 24 percent of podiatrists were self-employed. Most podiatrists were solo practitioners, although more are entering group practices with other podiatrists or other health practitioners. Solo practitioners primarily were unincorporated self-employed workers, although some also were incorporated wage and salary workers in offices of other health practitioners. Other podiatrists were employed by hospitals, long-term care facilities, the Federal Government, and municipal health departments. Employment of podiatrists is expected to increase 9 percent from 2006 to 2016, about as fast as the average for all occupations. More people will turn to podiatrists for foot care because of the rising number of injuries sustained by a more active and increasingly older population. Coral Ridge Podiatry intends to target this increasingly growing sector in South Florida as the primary consumer for the Solecare™ Franchise. Business-to-Business Analysis Coral Ridge Podiatry is interested in targeting the fitness and well-being sector. According to 2007 projections for the U.S. fitness industry, the nation’s largest health club chains aren’t just expanding physically. Many of them are also looking to expand their demographics. Rather than targeting just the young professional market, they’re now targeting more Baby Boomers. To capture more of the Baby Boomer market, some clubs will roll out an alternative and traditional medical division. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to take advantage of these initiatives by becoming a strategic partner for businesses in the health, fitness, and wellbeing industry in the local community.


2.1.4 Customer Analysis

As a unique and innovative business, Coral Ridge Podiatry seeks to target audiences with the same qualities, customers that are caring and willing to try and appreciate new and alternative treatments. Taking into consideration the three different IMC objectives, Coral Ridge Podiatry customers could be analyzed as follows. Customers •

Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to target an aging and health conscious patient with high spending power that gives great importance to his or her physical appearance and comfort. The practice wants to focus mainly on affluent females, 45 years old and up. However, the different treatments can be also attractive to females in their late 30s and early 40s. Coral Ridge Podiatry also wants to give males the opportunity to experience a healthy look for their feet. In this case, the market campaign would focus on targeting males over thirty that suffer painful skin conditions caused by athletic activities, aging, and other aesthetic issues that can be cured with Coral Ridge Podiatry’s treatments. Another influential factor in target market segmentation is the practice’s location. Coral Ridge Podiatry is located in the Fort Lauderdale area, which is one of the largest and most influential gay communities in the country. For this reason, gay males are also a strong segment of the market. Demographics • •

• • •

Gender: current female customers account for 85% of the total active patients while males account for only 15%. Generation: current patients belong to the late boomer generation and were born in the early 1960s, followed by patients that belong to the silent generation who were born in the mid 1940s. Geographic Location: mainly residents of South Florida’s East TriCounty area. Occupation: professionals, retired, or homemakers. Race: mainly White Americans, and a small percentage of Hispanic patients.

Psychographics • •


Social Class: middle to upper socioeconomic class. Lifestyle: current older patients are likely to lead a slow paced lifestyle but with a great concern about health and wellbeing. Younger patients have a tendency to be receptive to new products.

Established podiatry practices that want to revamp their image and services by incorporating the Coral Ridge Podiatry business model to their operations. The South Florida area has a highly competitive health care industry so traditional practices need to reinvent themselves in order to survive. Small practices could greatly benefit by acquiring a license to practice the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy.

2.1.4 Customer Analysis


Business-to-Business •

An innovative business involved in the health care and wellbeing industry with an established and respected reputation, whose target market is the same as Coral Ridge Podiatry, creating beneficial relationships for both parties. A local business with a high level of influence in its target market, such as fitness centers and insurance companies.


2.2 Market Segmentation Analysis

The target market of Coral Ridge Podiatry can be divided into three segments when analyzed from different perspectives such as consumers, distribution, and business-to-business. The consumer market represents the largest segment since Coral Ridge Podiatry is a service-based business. Consumer Coral Ridge Podiatry’s consumers can be segmented taking into consideration its psychographic characteristics and the benefits they expect from Coral Ridge services. The common attribute of all consumers in this segment is the desire to achieve a healthier, younger, better-looking and comfortable feeling about their feet. In addition, Coral Ridge Podiatry consumers are successful, educated, health conscious, and forward thinking individuals with a continuous desired to better themselves. Distribution The distribution segment represents a unique opportunity for the development of the Solecare™ Franchise. Through the distribution of the Solecare™ Franchise to the desired segment, Coral Ridge Podiatry would be benefiting from an extra source of income. The Solecare™ strategy will focus on the distribution of the business model, product line, and equipment to different podiatry practices around the country. This segment will be characterized by well-established podiatry practices with professional and skilled personnel, driven by success and exceptional service. Business-to-Business Coral Ridge Podiatry can identify its business-to-business market segmentation considering the type of business, the geographical location, and customer value of its partners. This segment consists of businesses related to the health, fitness, and well-being industry.


3.0 Corporate Strategies

To achieve and maintain the desired image, it’s crucial that Coral Ridge Podiatry revamps its image by leaving the old-fashioned podiatry look behind. A rejuvenated and elegant look will help the practice to get the attention of the potential target market. In addition, the practice needs a look that conveys the forward-thinking initiatives that characterize its treatments and emphasizes the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy as the new spa and podiatry fusion.

3.0 Corporate Strategies

Coral Ridge Podiatry wants its image to be synonymous of Innovation, Health, and Beauty. By developing a perception of uniqueness, prestige, and quality the practice wants to position itself as the premium podiatry practice in the South Florida Area.

To support this corporate strategy, all the different components of this plan will be designed to create a consistent and unified image for Coral Ridge Podiatry. The advertising, promotions, establishment appearance, personal selling and corporate image will be integrated to maximize the practice’s communication efforts. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s goal is to provide an exceptional experience for every patient reinforcing the practice’s image, consequently generating interest from new patients who are looking for efficient alternatives to solve their feet’s medical and aesthetic issues.


3.1 Corporate Image Strategy

Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to be perceived as the most innovative and unique podiatry practice in the South Florida area that offers its patients revolutionary treatments for the health and beauty of their feet, at reasonable and affordable prices considering the professional expertise and the convenient follow up product line. The main objective is to get across an image of innovation, health and beauty to the general audience. The fact is that Coral Ridge Podiatry is the creator and only provider of the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy and its follow up product line. Targeted to the right audience Coral Ridge Podiatry should be perceived as the only safe, high-end, and efficient service that helps men and women to achieve the maximum level of comfort, health, and beauty through effective and painless foot treatments. In order to achieve these results it’s necessary to rethink Coral Ridge Podiatry’s priorities about the image that wants to project. Coral Ridge Podiatry would like to create a rejuvenated image based upon the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy to draw the attention of a more specific target market. Rejuvenating the current corporate image is the most feasible strategy to execute. The business would benefit from a fresh look to help highlight its uniqueness and professionalism. The renovated image would benefit from the already established reputation of medical excellence and effectiveness. The new strategy needs to incorporate all the different aspects of the business such as color schemes, logo design, product line design, establishment décor, advertising pieces, website and personnel training.


The current logo was designed a few years ago and consequently it looks outdated because it doesn’t represent the new image that the practice wants to project. The logo communicates the medical nature of the business by using a graphic symbolizing a foot, the type choice is classic and simple but it looks very plain. Originally, in order to create a warm and sunny South Florida look, bright yellow and blue were the colors selected for the logo.

3.2 Brand Development Strategy

The name “Coral Ridge Podiatry” was selected considering the practice’s location. Coral Ridge is an upper- middle class area within the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The name was chosen to create a sense of belonging in the area, as well as creating a bond with the community. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s corporate image has gone through a few changes regarding color selection, advertising approaches, and the establishment overall look since its beginnings.

The latest intent to refresh their general image included changes in their color scheme and office furnishing. The logo design remained the same, however tones such as maroon and beige were selected to project an earthy and softer look. The current graphic image is not consistent since the establishment, the product line, and their advertising use the latest color schemes while the website is still using the bright yellow and blue. In order to determine a new strategy, it’s necessary to differentiate the image of Coral Ridge Podiatry as the main brand, followed by the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy as a signature brand. Keeping in mind a redirection in the target market strategy, the logo for Coral Ridge Podiatry has been designed to appeal to a more refined and affluent demographic. While the old logo has a very straightforward medical approach, the new one projects a more relaxed and aesthetic look towards podiatry treatments. The design went back to the sunny and inviting appeal but choosing a more refined color scheme. The new colors can be described as a professional yet relaxing ocean blue, a warm and inviting golden yellow and a energizing crisp green. The chosen typeface is very legible and accentuates the intended modern look.


3.3 Brand Positioning Strategy

Coral Ridge Podiatry is perceived as a standard old-fashioned podiatry practice. The practice’s public image is mainly associated to traditional medical and surgical treatments. Currently they are evolving into more aesthetic and less affordable treatments. Consequently, from a 4,000 patient database, only 160 are related to the practice’s aesthetic treatments. This is due in part to the fact that insurance companies refer most of the actual patients. Another factor affecting Coral Ridge Podiatry's image is the lack of exposure and information about the practice’s signature treatments. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to position itself as the premium podiatry practice in the South Florida area with state of the art technology, innovative treatments, and specialized health care professionals. Along with the development of the “Coral Ridge Podiatry Brand”, the practice would like to market its unique Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy and brand it as their signature feature. Uniqueness, innovation, and reliability are the main values that Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to be recognized for. The main goal is to enter the marketplace as a high-quality practice for both medical and aesthetic treatments. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants its consumers to consider the practice as a relaxing atmosphere where they can feel comfortable and secure about the results of the treatments they are getting. Moreover, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to be positioned not only as a medical/surgical practice but also as a beauty and wellness center for their target market’s podiatry needs. The Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy as well as the product line needs to be positioned as the perfect solution for years of pain and embarrassment regarding their target market feet appearance. Coral Ridge Podiatry needs to create a strong presence in the community and become the preferred and most reliable practice.


3.4 Distribution Strategy

Aware of the uniqueness, effectiveness and profitability of its signature treatment, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to implement a distribution strategy by developing the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy into a franchise. As a franchise, the Solecare™ concept would evolve from being a successful treatment into a complete business model. The Solecare™ brand would provide the prospective qualified buyers with exclusive practice licensing and professional training, access to equipment, and product line. In order to protect the integrity of the brand and the interests of the buyers, Coral Ridge Podiatry’s distribution strategy will be direct, exclusive, and totally controlled by the practice’s management. Considering factors such as geographic distribution, Coral Ridge Podiatry will assign a limited number of practices in each territory. By doing this, the practices adopting the franchise will be guaranteed to have exclusive advantage over traditional practices and a considerably steady influx of patients. On the other hand, in addition to earn profits from licensing fees, Coral Ridge Podiatry would continuously benefit by being the unique provider of the specialized equipment and product line. The reputation of the Solecare™ brand and the effectiveness of its results is an important asset to Coral Ridge Podiatry as the distributor. For this reason, its management will carefully screen practices interested in buying the franchise, to ensure the required level of expertise and professionalism. The goal is to establish a prestigious franchise, by targeting and winning the confidence of recognized podiatry practices across Florida and the whole country. To achieve the desired results, Coral Ridge Podiatry will sell the Solecare™ brand directly from its own location as well as its website. Coral Ridge Podiatry seeks to reach the decision makers and buyers by advertising in trade journals, promoting during specialized trade shows, and through screened direct mail. For Coral Ridge Podiatry, it’s important to be accessible and provide the most information about itself and the franchise. In order to establish a sound relationship with the adopting practices, Coral Ridge Podiatry will create a special login section on its website where those practices can access their private information about treatment updates, control their inventory through database programs, make payments, etc.


3.5 Business-to-Business Strategy

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s business-to-business strategy will focus on two markets, businesses related to the health, fitness, and well-being industry, and institutions such as hotels, educational organizations, and hospitals. The goal of this strategy is to create profitable alliances with these two markets, benefiting the practice by reaching the already established and loyal customer base or employees of these allies. Coral Ridge Podiatry will present itself and the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy as an added value service. The message for both markets will convey confidence and success based on the fusion of new podiatry technologies and how these can benefit members of their business as well as their customers. As part of the health care industry, Coral Ridge Podiatry faces competition from traditional podiatry practices. However, the uniqueness and effectiveness of its treatments are assets that position the practice ahead of the rest. For this reason, as part of this strategy, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to target traditional podiatry practices and pedicure salons by offering itself as a solution for patients who suffer severe pain issues that can be healed with the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy and other alternative treatments. Intended to target influencers and buyers, Coral Ridge Podiatry will implement a direct mail advertising campaign. Aware that this would be a new task purchasing situation, where businesses are buying the service for the first time, it’s crucial for the success of this strategy to provide extensive information about the practice, its treatments, features and benefits.


To communicate a unified and positive image, the practice will participate in special activities and will support different events in the community. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to be seen as a reliable and caring community contributor. To achieve this goal, Coral Ridge Podiatry will donate part of its income to charities and will sponsor events that promote health, art and well-being. In addition, press releases will keep the community up to date about the practice’s participation on such events. By doing this, Coral Ridge Podiatry will take advantage of the positive publicity and it will have the opportunity to promote its products and services at the same time.

3.6 Public Relations Strategy

The objective of Coral Ridge Podiatry public relations strategy is to develop and continuously reinforce a caring and innovative image. Both internal and external publics are an essential part of this strategy. Coral Ridge Podiatry has delegated its public relations efforts to STUDIO836, which is also in charge of developing the other aspects of the IMC strategy.

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s personnel play an important role in this strategy since they are active part of the practice’s image. It’s important that they feel confident and appreciated for their hard work and dedication to the practice’s success. Quarterly incentives and recognition awards are a way to keep the personnel motivated. When all the internal components of a business have an attitude of accomplishment and perform at its best, the result will be a more efficient and profitable organization.


3.7 Evaluation

The key elements that will be measured as a result of the implementation of this IMC Plan are sales, brand recognition, brand awareness and customer satisfaction. STUDIO836’s research department will continuously evaluate these key areas through the year. Surveys, ad responses, and the relationship between the practice’s personnel and its customers on a regular basis will be important tools to assist the purposes of this evaluation. Questionnaires will be handed at the practice and will also be available online for existing customers to complete. The result of this feedback will determine how satisfied customers are and how is the practice positioned on their minds. At the same time, these results will state how the image of the practice has changed from the consumer’s perspective before and after the IMC Plan was executed. To monitor new clients and how they became aware of Coral Ridge Podiatry, STUDIO836 will instruct the personnel to ask the new patients or prospective business buyers how or by which medium did they hear about the practice an its services. By collecting this information it’s possible to track the effectiveness of the different advertising strategies and it will help the practice to better allocate its advertising budget in the future. Brand awareness will be measured from the consumer perspective. STUDIO836 will conduct a study to determine how effective the advertising and PR efforts have been. This study will include questions about strategic association with community events, ads and effectiveness of the overall image and message.


4.0 Integrated Marketing Communications Management

4.0 IMC Management

During its twenty-six years of practice, Coral Ridge Podiatry has led a successfully steady situation. However, in recent years, with the introduction of its signature Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy, the practice has struggled to develop a successful brand name and community awareness. Having the advantage of being the developer and unique provider of this innovative treatment, Coral Ridge Podiatry expects to build a strong and profitable business through the implementation of this IMC plan. Taking into consideration the different components of this plan, the estimated budget for the 2009 calendar year will be $125,000 and it will be allocated as follows: •

Consumer efforts will represent the largest percentage, 60% of the budget will be used to rebuild the practice’s image and implement the different promotional strategies to achieve brand awareness and increase sales. Distribution strategies represent 32% of the total budget. These resources will be used to develop and commercialize the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy as a franchise. Business-to-Business operations account for 8% of the total budget and will be primarily used towards the creation of alliances with local businesses through promotional direct mail pieces.


4.1 IMC Objectives

In order to implement a successful IMC, Coral Ridge Podiatry has set the following objectives for each section considering a 12 month time frame. Objective One | Consumer • •

Develop brand awareness among South Florida’s east Tri-County community. The brand should be a symbol of prestige, rejuvenation, and well-being. Change the community’s beliefs and attitudes about podiatry treatments. Introduce the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy as the unique and virtually pain-free solution to achieve beauty and comfort. Increase sales and patient traffic by enhancing their experience at the practice transforming a routine visit to the doctor into a relaxing fusion of spa and podiatry. Where the value of the service is perceived and patients are satisfied with the results creating loyalty to the brand.

Objective Two | Distribution •

Develop brand awareness and distribute the Solecare™ franchise. Promote to other podiatrists and educate them about the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy with the goal of selling the business model as a franchise in South Florida and across the country. Position the brand as a reliable business investment. Enhance Solecare™ image as a brand. Redesign the product image and package design, including equipment and tools. Create a more appealing look for the overall brand creating a franchise package.

Objective Three | Business-to-Business •


Develop brand awareness through the establishment of strategic alliances with business and institutions in the community in order to reach a common target market. Increase sales by offering specials to these allies when they buy the service for their own employees.

• • •

4.2 2009 IMC Budget

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC Budget for 2009 has been designed using the objective and task method because it allows relating dollar costs to achieving the specific objectives. In order to efficiently execute the planned strategies the budget has been distributed as follows: IMC Objective One | Consumer: $75,000 IMC Objective Two | Distribution: $40,000 IMC Objective Three | Business-to-Business: $10,000

The following table illustrates the spending track to be followed during 2009 and includes the different components of this IMC. 2009 IMC Budget


2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1 | Consumer






2 | Distribution






3 | Biz-to-Biz
















Total Average


4.3 Agency Selection

Coral Ridge Podiatry has employed the services of two small advertising agencies in the past, InterMedia and Day & Nite Marketing. These agencies produced Coral Ridge Podiatry’s current corporate identity, print advertising, website, direct mail and package design. However, the results from the previous work have not been successful targeting the right market and creating brand awareness. Since Coral Ridge Podiatry is a small business with a limited media budget, the most convenient option is to work with a small yet knowledgeable agency. The practice would benefit from an up-to-date creative team that can help it achieve a rejuvenated and upscale image. In order to successfully develop the Coral Ridge Podiatry brand, Dr. Gary Wallach has selected STUDIO836 to handle the practice’s integrated marketing communications. STUDIO836 is a small, full-service advertising and graphic design agency conveniently located in Hollywood Beach, Florida. STUDIO836’s creative team consists of young and hard working professionals with innovative ideas to provide profitable results to its clients. The agency’s areas of expertise are brand development and advertising, graphic + interactive + web design, copy writing, market research, media buying, and public relations. As a small agency, most of STUDIO836’s clients are local business and entrepreneurs. This factor represents an advantage for Coral Ridge Podiatry since the agency has worked in the area and has knowledge about the marketplace. STUDIO836’s clients include small businesses such as Exodus Distribution Company, Crafted House online store, All-Star Carwash, and Art á la Mode Café. Major clients include The Westin Diplomat Resort and Spa, La Valentina Mexican Restaurant, and the Ronald McDonald Charity House.


4.4 Internet Web site

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s Web site is a crucial component for the success of this IMC Plan. The practice has an existing website, created to provide information to current and prospective patients. The site needs major appearance and structural improvements in order to become more effective and appealing to the desired target market. The web design team from STUDIO836 will work in collaboration with Coral Ridge Podiatry’s staff to redesign the site. The new web site will serve several functions as it supports all the different aspects of this IMC Plan. The web site will be designed so all the objectives of the plan are addressed. The idea is to create a productive convergence point where current and prospective patients, business buyers and business allies can access information and be an active part of the Coral Ridge Podiatry community. First, the website will complement the advertising placed in other mediums. Its appearance will evoke health, beauty and comfort, a unique fusion of spa and podiatry. The color schemes, design elements, and images will match those from the corporate identity and other advertising pieces. In an effort to convey a professional and upscale image, the web site will include Flash video and relaxing music backgrounds. At the same time, it’s important to create a unifying look that is pleasing and user-friendly to navigate, encouraging users to learn more about the products and services as well as shopping in the online store. The second purpose of the Web site is to offer an alternative mode to buy the Solecare™ product line, gift cards, and even treatment packages. As an e-commerce site, will have a catalog and a shopping cart where users can view and purchase the chosen items. The website will focus on sales support as well, especially from the distribution standpoint, video spots and educational literature will be provided for other podiatrist that may be interested to buy the Solecare™ business model. The third purpose is to provide assistance to prospective clients. Through a customer service section the web site can answer frequently asked questions about the practice, its products and services In addition to helping prospective clients to clarify their doubts, the web site will create a database of existing clients by introducing a patient login community section where active patients can review their medical status, keep track of appointments, ask questions about their treatments, and have their own shopping account. A partner login community section will also be created for podiatrists that have bought the Solecare™ business model, allowing them to be updated with techniques, equipment, and the latest news related to the practice. As part of Coral Ridge Podiatry’s Public Relations strategy, the web site will have a page displaying information about the practice’s contributions to the community, support groups, and press releases in the local media.


4.0 Internet Web site

Site Map

About Us

Podiatry Services

Spa Fusion Appointments

Solecare™ Products

Catalogue Shopping Cart

Home Patient Register Partner

Videos News Multimedia Facebook Advertising Contact


IMC Objective One | Consumer

5.1 Budget 5.2 IMC Methodologies 5.2.1 Advertising Advertising Budget Creative Brief Advertising Design 5.2.2 Consumer Promotions 5.2.3 Personal Selling 5.2.4 Sponsorship Programs 5.2.5 Database Programs 5.3 Media Plan 5.3.1 Media Schedule Sample 6.0

34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 46 47

Corporate ID



6.1 Logo Design 6.2 Stationery

49 50

Advertising Campaign

7.1 Three Ad Series (Newspaper) 7.2 Magazine Ad 7.3 Video Story Board 7.4 Radio Script 7.5 Animated Banner Ad 7.6 Website 7.7 Direct Mail Piece 7.8 Press Release 7.9 Mall Signage

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

IMC Objective One | Consumer • Corporate ID • Advertising Campaign


To achieve this objective, the strategy consist of a mix of print and online advertising, direct mail, personal selling, promotions, and a sponsorship program. In addition, the website will be redesigned to be much more appealing, efficient, and user-friendly. As a completely new and revolutionary service provider in the podiatry field, Coral Ridge Podiatry has no significant competition and the market can be approached in a variety of innovative and pioneering ways. Coral Ridge Podiatry believes that health and beauty are complements for a balanced lifestyle. For this reason, the Objective One will be approached with a much more relaxing, rejuvenating, and intimate concept than Objectives Two and Three.

5.0 IMC Objective One | Consumer

The primary objective for the consumer segment is to develop awareness of Coral Ridge Podiatry’s unique, innovative, and efficient treatments and products. It’s important to highlight the professionalism and expertise provided at the practice. Its exclusive target market is invited to be free from pain and physical self-consciousness by enjoying the benefits of painless and reliable results. Coral Ridge Podiatry, wants to also build a steady traffic of patients and become the preferred choice to satisfy its target market podiatry needs, both medical and aesthetic. Moreover, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to enhance its public image by conveying a caring and collaborative image in the community.


5.1 2009 IMC Budget • Consumer

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s 2009 budget by consumer has been set to $75,000. As a Method and Task budget, all the different segments have been carefully planned taking into consideration the practice’s marketing objectives. Through the strategic allocation of these advertising dollars, Coral Ridge Podiatry seeks to develop brand awareness, build consumer traffic, and enhance the practice image in the community. The largest portion of the budget, estimated at $61,000 will be spent on advertising (development and media placement.) The advertising program has been designed to spend more during peak seasons to capture a higher market share. Using a “pulsating schedule,” Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to establish a strong presence by advertising throughout the year with special reinforcement during the peak season. The overall budget for Objective One can be outlined as follows:

2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter














Personal Selling












Database Programs


















5.2 Methodologies

In order to effectively reach its target market and achieve the desired results, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants its advertising strategy to “touchâ€? consumers on their daily lives. Considering demographic and psychographic factors of the target market, this IMC Plan has been designed to achieve the maximum exposure for Coral Ridge Podiatry and the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy Brand. The IMC strategy consists of a combination of print advertising (which will include newspaper and magazine ads), supported by online advertising (which includes a more efficient and user-friendly website and webcast video spots) allowing prospective patients to obtain detailed information about the practice. All these different components are aimed to create brand awareness. In addition, to complement the previous efforts, the practice seeks to establish loyal patients through promotions and direct mail specials. Personal selling and sponsorship programs will be incorporated to support the overall objective, reminding the community about the practice on a more continuous basis. At the same time, PR efforts will help the practice to consistently portray itself as a caring and profitable business in the community. The ultimate goal of this campaign is to promote a higher influx of patients and consequently increase sales.


5.2.1 Advertising

The advertising of Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC Plan for Objective One focuses on consumer strategies. The practice’s current advertising strategy has not been successful because crucial aspects have been underestimated and specific goals have not been set. The practice is aware of the fact that major changes need to take place in order to achieve the desired results. For this reason, Coral Ridge Podiatry has hired the services of an external agency to provide a professional and experienced perspective to improve the practice’s situation. Working in collaboration with Dr. Wallach and his staff, STUDIO836 has set the following advertising goals for Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC Objective One: • • • •

The most important goal is to increase sales and to build a steady flow of customers throughout the whole year. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to achieve a higher level of customer awareness in the East Tri-County area and be recognized by its innovative treatments and procedures. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to become the preferred podiatry aesthetic center in the east Tri-County area for affluent men and women from the age of 45 and older. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to increase its customer service ratings by improving its facilities and offering spa-like pedicure services in addition to the podiatry treatments.

In order to accomplish these goals, the agency has established a budget of $61,000 taking into consideration the importance of the frequency and reach of the different components of the advertising strategy. A combination of print, web, and direct mail pieces will be used to reach the consumers living in the East Tri-County. To maximize the effectiveness of this budget, the media placement has been carefully scheduled to reach the desired target market throughout the year with special emphasis during the peak seasons.


2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Video Spots






















Direct Mail












Creative Fees

















Magazine Internet

Average 2009 Advertising Budget • Consumer

The advertising budget for Objective One represents 81.33% of the entire consumer budget. With emphasis on the first two quarters of 2009, the total budget for the advertising strategy has been set to $61,000.

38 Creative Brief

Objective To develop brand awareness, build consumer traffic, and enhance the practice image. Target Audience Profile Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to target patients suffering from painful foot issues that can be cured with its revolutionary aesthetic treatments and that want to enjoy healthier, softer, and younger looking feet. These prospective patients, males and females, are educated and successful. They pay attention to their wellbeing and are constantly looking for new ways to improve their life. As residents of the East Tri-County area, they have above average spending power. Consequently, they enjoy the cosmopolitan South Florida lifestyle. They appreciate fashion, entertainment, luxury goods, travel, and a youthful and healthy appearance. Features: • Gender: females as the primary market, males as a secondary market. • Age: 35 – 70 • Primary age group: 45 – 60 • Income: $80,000 and over • Education: college graduates • Social class: upper-middle, upper • Occupation: professional, homemaker, retired. Message Theme The primary message theme will be that Coral Ridge Podiatry is the only reliable provider of innovative and painless aesthetic treatments for patients that want their feet to be healthy, feel comfortable, and look younger than ever. The Support Coral Ridge Podiatry is the exclusive developer of the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy and product line, which has proved to be the most efficient and revolutionary podiatric/ aesthetic treatment. The Constraints The Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy is a patent-pending technology. The therapy’s results are best when the follow up treatments are applied the suggested dates along with the use of the product line. If this fact is to be used in any advertising it must be disclosed with precaution to avoid potential legal actions. Unique Selling Point Coral Ridge Podiatry presents a fusion of spa and podiatry, a unique and innovative technology that will result in comfortable, healthier, better-looking and younger feet.


Coral Ridge Podiatry offers reliable, effective, and painless aesthetic treatments as well as comfortable, beautiful, and healthy feet with evident results from the first appointment. Creative Brief

Product Benefit

Personal Values Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to evoke values of self-confidence, comfort, success and wisdom. Leverage Point Coral Ridge’s advertising will portray a relaxing feeling and an appealing look. Prospective patients are invited to be free from pain and physical self-consciousness by enjoying the benefits of effective results.

40 Advertising Design

In order to achieve the desired advertising goals, Coral Ridge Podiatry will implement the unique selling proposition as the creative message strategy. The idea is to portray the practice as a fusion of spa and podiatry, a unique and innovative technology that will result in comfortable, healthier, better-looking and younger feet. At the same time, an emotional message will be used to approach the consumers. The goal is to invoke values of self-confidence, comfort, success, and wisdom. Since Coral Ridge Podiatry is introducing a new and unique service/product, promotional incentives would also be used as an important tactic to capture the prospective client’s attention. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s services deal with a very delicate subject for the majority of its target market, their appearance. For this reason, a mix of emotional, rational, and sex appeal is the most effective strategy to create an inviting feeling for the patients. Customers will be enticed to be free from pain and physical self-consciousness by enjoying the unique benefits that Coral Ridge Podiatry can provide. The executional framework will consist be a slice-of-life approach. Coral Ridge’s advertising will be a call to action for the target audience. In developing the print ads, the goal is to be relatable with the purpose of encourage them to learn more about the practice and its services. The print campaign includes two newspaper ad series in full color and black and white, a full color half page magazine, and a mall billboard. The online advertising pieces will have a similar approach to the print pieces, but they will be more dynamic using Flash animation. These will showcase inviting and creative concepts intended mainly for women using entertaining approaches, such as: • Perfect Hair √ (Check) Beautiful Smile √ (Check) Flawless Skin √ (Check) Healthy, Sexy and Comfy Feet? (With unchecked boxes) • Beautiful smiles can open many doors... Healthy feet can walk you through them. • Sexy Top vs. Ugly Bottom? Enjoy the perfect balance of sexy and comfortable feet. • Rough Times? Enjoy the freedom of healthier, sexier and younger looking feet today! On the other hand, for the video spots a mixture of slice-of-life and authoritative styles will be used. These ads need to have a more informative approach due to the limited exposure time available.


5.2.2 Consumer Promotions

The budget for consumer promotions is only $5,000 for the entire year. To achieve the main objectives of this strategy sampling, premiums, and contest promotions will be implemented. The fact that Coral Ridge Podiatry offers a new and revolutionary service presents a challenge to the practice since it has to gain the confidence and recognition of its target market. Consumer promotions are an important part of Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC strategy because these will help to create brand awareness and to position the practice as a caring and reliable business. Aiming to convey a high-end and unique image, Coral Ridge Podiatry will focus its promotional strategies on incentives and rewards to its current and prospective patients. In order to get the attention from prospective patients towards the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy, the practice will deliver direct mail pieces and e-mail every quarter that include information about the treatment and a complimentary evaluation. By doing this, the practice is positioning itself as a confident and caring brand, giving the consumer the opportunity to get to know Coral Ridge Podiatry without compromise. Patients will receive a “Healthy Steps Kit,” a small sample pouch of the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy Product line on their complimentary consultation. Consumers will be encouraged to get more information and consequently make an appointment. The practice also wants to reward its existing patients by offering premium gifts in appreciation for their loyalty. Taking into consideration Coral Ridge Podiatry target market, the strategy includes complimentary pedicures with the first Solecare treatment, a complimentary foot massage when referring a friend, and $15 gift cards to Starbucks or Whole Foods Market. By doing this, the Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to encourage customers to repeat treatments and to recommend the practice’s services to friends and family benefiting from the word-of-mouth communications. During the month of January, Coral Ridge Podiatry will introduce a contest for loyal patients only. The prize will be a fun and relaxing weekend getaway to The Westin Diplomat Resort and Spa in Hollywood Beach, one of South Florida’s most exclusive resorts. To be eligible to win, the patients are required to have attended to at least three Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy treatments and have bought the product line. The customers’ names will be included in a raffle and the prize will be announced at the beginning of July.


5.2.3 Personal Selling

The total budget for Coral Ridge Podiatry’s personal selling strategy is set to $4,000. As a service business, Coral Ridge Podiatry gives great importance to the quality and efficiency of its staff. Currently, there are only two assistants working at the practice along with Dr. Wallach. Both assistants have health care backgrounds and besides helping to apply the treatments they also perform administrative functions. As part of the practice’s business expansion strategy, pedicure and other aesthetic podiatric treatments will be implemented. Consequently, two pedicure specialists will be hired. For Coral Ridge Podiatry, is important to establish a healthy relationship with its patients. For this reason, the practice wants to encourage its staff to provide instinctive and personal service to satisfy the unique needs of each customer. The idea is for the staff to convey a knowledgeable, friendly, and caring image. The first step towards the re-branding of the practice’s image will be the redesign of uniforms for the assistants. The new outfits will reflect Coral Ridge Podiatry’s cleaner and brighter looking concept, so the personnel as well as the patients can feel as part of an upscale and appealing environment. In addition, as an incentive, Coral Ridge Podiatry will reward its staff with quarterly bonuses based on performance and on the achievement of the practice’s marketing goals. The personal selling strategy will be supported by brochures and educational literature about the practice and its services.


2009 Broward County Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk: As a corporate sponsor, Coral Ridge Podiatry will be featured on the event’s website, advertising, and additional promotional pieces during the day of the walk. In addition, the practice will encourage the creation of a Coral Ridge Podiatry Team, where staff members and patients can participate together on the event.

The Broward Center of the Performing Arts (2009 – 2010 Season): As a venue sponsor, Coral Ridge Podiatry will benefit from the exposure on every event. The practice will be featured at the organization’s website, show programs, and at the theater location. As a sponsor, Coral Ridge Podiatry receives preferred tickets to some events, which can be used as rewards to loyal patients.

FTLMODA 2009 Fort Lauderdale Resort Fashion Week: FTL MODA is a not-forprofit organization whose purpose is the promotion of fashion and culture in the South Florida area. In response to the industry's search for an international event devoted to luxury cruise and vacation fashion, FTL MODA 2009 will feature highranking star designers as well as emerging ones, who will present their resort wear collections on the catwalks of Fort Lauderdale. This event is an excellent opportunity for Coral Ridge Podiatry to reach the most affluent and fashion forward market in the East Tri-County area. As an innovative aesthetic service provider, the practice will benefit from the exposure on the event’s website, advertising, and additional promotional pieces. In addition, the event can help promote future business-tobusiness partnerships.

5.2.4 Sponsorship Programs

The sponsorship program has been designed taking into consideration the psychographic characteristics of Coral Ridge Podiatry primary target market. The total budget for this strategy is $2,500. In an effort to reach its primary target market, (affluent women between 45 and 60 years of age, with an upscale lifestyle and awareness about their looks and well-being) Coral Ridge Podiatry has decided to become a proud sponsor of the following events and organizations:

As a business, Coral Ridge Podiatry is committed to health, beauty, and well-being. For this reason, the practice wants to take advantage of the positive association with these events to create brand awareness and a strong bond with South Florida’s East Tri-County community.


5.2.5 Database Programs

Coral Ridge Podiatry has an already established database program of 4,000 patients. This database provides helpful information about the practice’s patients regarding demographics, medical history, treatment evolution and results, as well as expenditure patterns. Due to the importance and convenience of this information to achieve the practice’s consumer objectives, Coral Ridge Podiatry has set a budget of $2,500 to expand and improve its database program. The objective is to reach patients in a more effective way through the implementation of a much more intelligent database. Collect Data The database will provide personal information about the patients that will help the practice to execute much more effective marketing strategies. Data such as age, gender, address, lifestyle preferences, birth dates, anniversaries, cultural background, hobbies, taste in fashion, spending trends, and well-being habits are helpful to determine marketing objectives. All the data collected will be stored in an organized way that will allow the staff to access it by entering the patient’s name, phone number, or history I.D. number. The data collected is strictly confidential to secure the patient’s privacy. Dr. Wallach and his staff will be the only ones authorized to manage the information. Data Warehouse Through the development of a detailed database program, Coral Ridge Podiatry can target customers in a more proactive way. The collected information is an essential component of the practice’s direct marketing strategy. It will not only help to allocate advertising dollars into more effective mediums, but also to convey a more personalized message depending on the target market. In addition, the study and tabulation of this data provides accurate reference for future IMC strategies. The database will serve the staff as a helpful resource to provide personal and instinctive service, tailored to the unique needs of each patient. Accessibility to this data will improve problem solving, waiting times and appointment scheduling. Direct Marketing The information obtained through the database will be used to create direct mail and e-mail advertising. The main objective is to reach new prospective customers and also to keep Coral Ridge Podiatry’s patients informed and up to date about the practice’s services and special promotions. At the same time, the information will be helpful to send rewards to loyal patients on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays. Both direct mail and e-mail pieces will include contact information (phone number, e-mail, and website address) to encourage the customer to get more information and to make them feel included in the Coral Ridge Podiatry community.


As a service provider, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to keep its patients informed about their treatments and special features in a regular basis. To achieve this objective, the practice will execute a permission marketing strategy. Just as with trade magazines, consumers that give their permission to businesses to receive advertising are interested in the information and consequently are more likely to make a purchase. Coral Ridge Podiatry will ask for permission to advertise to its current patients and to inquiring prospective consumers.

5.2.5 Database Programs

Permission Marketing

Frequent Shopper Program Coral Ridge Podiatry has introduced a Passport Program, which offers value added promotions to loyal clients. The Passport Program is a way to assure and track the progress and results of the patients by booking appointments in advanced. Passport holders are considered part of the elite Coral Ridge Podiatry community, consequently are the first ones to be considered for rewards.


5.3 Media Plan

The primary goal for the consumer media plan is to create awareness and increase consumer traffic. The media placement needs to take into consideration that Coral Ridge Podiatry offers a service of a discretionary nature. For this reason, is important to design an effective reach and frequency strategy. In order to be successful, the ads need to reach the desired target market and motivate them to learn more about Coral Ridge Podiatry's services and products. Print After analyzing the market and the media options, Coral Ridge Podiatry has selected the Sun Sentinel Co. to place its print advertising. Considering Coral Ridge Podiatry's limited advertising budget, the practice would benefit by taking advantage of the special offers available at the Sun Sentinel Co. When ads are placed at their different publications. To reach Coral Ridge Podiatry general target market, a 2 col x 5.5" Full Color Box Ad will be scheduled at the Sunday Sun Sentinel Community News section. This ad will run on an alternating week basis throughout the year. In order to reach a more niche audience, Coral Ridge Podiatry will place ads with value added promotions at the City & Shore Magazine, which is released on a bimonthly basis. For this reason, the ads will run on the 2009 February/March issue which features a special section about Spas, and the 2010 December/January New Year’s special edition. In addition, to complement this strategy it could be convenient to consider the possibility of placing ads in Casa & Vida Magazine, another publication from the Sun-Sentinel Co. specifically targeted to upscale Hispanic audiences. Internet Coral Ridge Podiatry will have web banners and hyper links to its own website in health and well-being sections of community interest web sites. Such as the Sun Sentinel website, the Local 10 Channel website, and the RealAge Magazine website. In addition to web banners, Coral Ridge Podiatry will produce web video spots as a more affordable alternative to TV commercials. This medium will allow the advertisement to be more informational and convincing. To take advantage of the continuously evolving power of the internet as a marketing tool, Coral Ridge Podiatry will start a social networking community by creating a Facebook account, not only using ad space, but also creating a group where patients can keep in touch and have updates about the practice. Direct Mail Coral Ridge Podiatry has a current database of 4,000 patients, from which only 160 are receiving the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy. A Direct Mail strategy will be implemented to inform current and prospective patients in the East Tri-County area. However, this strategy will have special emphasis in the 33308, 33334, and 33306 zip code areas, due to the proximity to the practice. The promotional pieces would be mailed


5.3 Media Plan

every two months. Coral Ridge Podiatry would also like to develop a quarterly newsletter for regular and subscribed patients. The newsletter will provide information about the practice’s treatments, and special promotions. Mall Advertising As an outdoor initiative, Coral Ridge Podiatry will place Mall Billboards at The Galleria Mall. Considering the mall’s location in one of Fort Lauderdale’s most affluent areas, the advertising will be able to reach the desired audience in a very engaging and familiar atmosphere for them. Taking advantage of the mall’s upscale stores and its popularity among affluent locals, tourist, and snow-birds one billboard will be placed throughout the year nearby the Macy’s entrance. From November to March, a second billboard will be added nearby the Neiman Marcus store to benefit from the higher mall traffic.

5.3.1 Media Schedule Sample • City&Shore Magazine

Buy (Issue)

Ad Specs


2009 February/March

Full Color 1/2 Page


2010 December/January

Full Color 1/2 Page


Sub Total


15% Premium Positioning Fee





6.0 Corporate ID

6.1 Logo Design

C 82 | M 42 | Y 18 | K 54

C 1 | M 15 | Y 100 | K 0

C 82 | M 42 | Y 18 | K 1

C 41 | M 0 | Y 87 | K 0

K 30%


6.2 Stationery Design

2737 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Fort. Lauderdale, Florida 33306 Telephone: 954.561.3338 |

Dr. Gary Wallach, D.P.M Member of the International Asthetic Foot Society Board Certified: American Board of Podiatric Surgery Exclusive provider of the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy

2737 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Fort. Lauderdale, Florida 33306 Telephone: 954.561.3338 |

2737 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Fort. Lauderdale, Florida 33306


7.0 Advertising Campaign

7.1 Three Ad Series (Newspaper)



7.2 Magazine Ad

SFX: Background music becomes more upbeat and inviting. Video: Camera focus on Dr. Wallach treating a patient and then addressing the audience by talking to the camera. Doctor Gary Wallach (with calm and reassuring voice) • With over 25 years of experience we have developed the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy to provide you with a more sophisticated approach to podiatry and pedicure treatments. • Our painless and revolutionary techniques are guaranteed to reveal your feet’s true potential.

7.3 Video Story Board (60 sec)

SFX: Soft background music. Video: Opening shot of the back of a barefoot woman walking on extremely dry ground. Camera makes a close-up to her feet. Female Announcer (with confident and sensual voice) • Walk away from painful and uncomfortable feet... • Experience the unique Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy exclusively provided by Coral Ridge Podiatry.

SFX: Background music continues. Video: Transition into a relaxing spa-like podiatry office ambiance where a nail care professional is treating a patient. Doctor Gary Wallach (with calm and reassuring voice) • At Coral Ridge Podiatry we want you to enjoy a life changing experience. Relaxing and efficient professional foot care that will make your feet look and feel healthier, younger and sexier than ever!

SFX: Transition to soft background music. Video: Shot of an affluent woman trying different designer shoes with a confident and happy smile. Female Announcer • Enjoy a rejuvenating experience like never before! • Enjoy the perfect balance of sexy and comfortable feet today!

Contact us at 954.561.3338 2737 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Fort. Lauderdale, Florida 33306

SFX: Background music starts to fade out. Video: Slide with Coral Ridge Podiatry contact information, showing phone number, web site and location. Female Announcer (with inviting voice) • Visit or call us at 954.561.3338 for more information about the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy now! Take the first step for a healthier you.


7.4 Radio Script (30 sec)

Characters: Female Announcer: confident and inviting voice. Dr. Gary Wallach: calm and reassuring voice. Script SFX:

Soft sound of waves washing the shore.

Female Announcer: Wash away years of painful and uncomfortable foot issues... Rediscover your the true potential of your feet with Coral Ridge Podiatry!



Soft and relaxing background music.

Dr. Wallach:

Hello! I’m Dr. Gary Wallach, founding member of the International Aesthetic Foot Society and the creator of the unique Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy. I invite you to visit our website and learn about this sophisticated approach to foot treatments in a spa-like environment specially designed to create a relaxing experience with exceptional results.


Soft and relaxing background music starts to fade out.

Female Announcer:

Coral Ridge’s podiatric and pedicure treatments allow you to feel the freedom of healthier, younger, and sexier feet today! Visit or call 954.561.3338 to learn how you can take the first step to a healthier you.

7.5 Animated Banner Ad



7.6 Website

7.7 Direct Mail


7.8 Press Release

Contact: Marinés Mazzarri 954.736.7809 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Join Coral Ridge Podiatry in a Tribute to Health, Rejuvenation and Beauty. Introducing the Unique SolecareTM Advanced Foot Therapy Fort Lauderdale, FL – January 15, 2009 – To introduce its unique SolecareTM Advanced Foot Therapy, Coral Ridge Podiatry invites the South Florida community to the memorable Solecare Gala. The celebration will take place Friday, March 20 at the Westin Fort Lauderdale Oceanfront Resort starting at 7 p.m. until midnight. Dr. Gary Wallach, owner of Coral Ridge Podiatry, will be hosting an evening full of entertainment and unforgettable experiences. The event will feature exquisite cuisine, cocktails, live music, and two Solecare Fusion Cabanas located oceanfront, offering foot massages, aromatherapy and oxygen bars to provide Coral Ridge Podiatry’s trend-setting guests with the ultimate rejuvenating experience. In addition, Dr. Wallach will introduce to the community the unique SolecareTM Advanced Foot Therapy, offering four treatment packages at a silent auction. The proceeds will be donated to the Striders Against Breast Cancer foundation for breast cancer research. Organized by the city of Coral Ridge and Coral Ridge Podiatry, this fund-raising event is dedicated to honor all the participants of the Striders Against Breast Cancer Marathon. “As a health institution we know how important it is to support what means a lot to our community, this event is the perfect occasion to celebrate these strong women and how much we care about their well-being” says Dr. Wallach. The tickets or “Solecare Pass” will be available for $50 per guest and it can be purchased online at, by phone calling 954-561-3338 or directly at the Coral Ridge Podiatry office located at 2737 E. Oakland Park Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. For more information, please contact P.R. representative Marinés Mazzarri at Located in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Ridge Podiatry has been servicing the South Florida area for 26 years. As a prestigious member of the International Aesthetic Podiatry Association, Dr. Gary Wallach is the creator and only provider of the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy. This ground-breaking treatment provides effective and painless results from the first visit. A relaxing fusion of spa and podiatry technology offers patients the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of healthy and beautiful feet. For more information please visit

### 60

7.9 Mall Signage


IMC Objective Two | Distribution


IMC Objective Two | Distribution


8.1 Budget 8.2 IMC Methodologies 8.2.1 Advertising Advertising Budget Creative Brief Advertising Design 8.2.2 Distribution Promotions 8.2.3 Personal Selling 8.2.4 Database Programs 8.3 Media Plan

63 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 74

The target markets for this objective are podiatry and health care specialists in the South Florida area, eventually expanding across the country. Consequently, in order to create brand awareness and jump-start sales, the practice’s strategy consists of a combination of advertising, trade promotions, and direct mail. By advertising in trade journal publications (print and online) Coral Ridge Podiatry will be reaching the desired buyers through a reliable and familiar medium for them. With the trade promotion initiative, prospective buyers will learn the benefits of buying the franchise and will have an insight of the innovative procedures. Lastly, direct mail will be used as a both and invitation and a follow-up tool to local podiatrist in the area.

IMCIMC 8.0 Objective Objective TwoTwo | Distribution | Distribution

The ultimate objective for the distribution segment is to commercialize the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy Brand. Presented as a franchise, Coral Ridge Podiatry is offering its signature business model, which includes treatment licensing, tools and equipment, and the follow-up product line. Using a direct distribution channel and as the exclusive distributor, Coral Ridge Podiatry will sell its franchise from its own location and through its website. The goal is for the practice to establish itself as a pioneering service provider in the area.


8.1 2009 Budget • Distribution

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s 2009 budget for Objective Two has been set to $40,000. As well as the budget for Objective One, a Method and Task strategy was used to create this budget. The effective implementation of this budget will help the practice to achieve the commercialization and distribution of the Solecare™ business model. Coral Ridge Podiatry seeks to develop awareness and to build a strong brand among the podiatry community in Florida, with plans of eventually going on a national scale. The largest portion of the budget is estimated to $29,000 and it will be spent on different advertising strategies. At the same time, a $6,000 budget has been scheduled for trade promotions. The heaviest periods of expenditures for the Objective Two will be during the first two quarters of 2009, focusing primarily on the production of promotional videos and the participation on the SAM 2009 Trade Show. During the last two quarters of 2009, Coral Ridge Podiatry will concentrate its budget on reinforcing its advertising strategy but with a much more moderate approach. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s overall budget for Objective Two can be outlined as follows: 2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter














Personal Selling






Database Programs


















8.2 Methodologies

Since Coral Ridge Podiatry’s distribution strategy consists on commercializing not only a product line but also an entire business model, it’s important to capture the attention of reliable buyers. In order to reach the adequate target market for Objective Two, the strategy will focus on trade promotions and personal selling. The goal is to use these tools to educate and efficiently reach prospective buyers. Coral Ridge Podiatry, along with its advertising team have designed a promotional video package to serve as informational material, which will be given to other podiatrist and health care specialists during the trade show and upon request during the rest of the year. To supplement the trade promotions and selling efforts, Coral Ridge Podiatry will implement trade journal and online advertising, as well as direct mail to develop brand awareness and recognition among the podiatrist community.


8.2.1 Advertising

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC Plan for Objective Two focuses on distribution strategies. During its twenty-six years of business, the practice has never implemented any kind of advertising addressing its distribution opportunities. The advertising in this IMC Plan intends to position Coral Ridge Podiatry as a pioneer in podiatry science and aesthetics. The agency STUDIO836 is in charge of implementing the strategy and monitoring the results. The following advertising goals have been set for Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC Objective Two: • • •

Coral Ridge Podiatry seeks to create awareness among the health specialists in the South Florida area. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to improve its reputation by portraying a professional and innovative image among the podiatry specialists in the community. The ultimate goal is to commercialize the Solecare™ business model to create an additional and steady stream of income for the practice.

Based on a budget of $29,000 to achieve the desired results, Coral Ridge Podiatry will advertise in trade journals and online magazines, such as E-podiatry and Podiatry Today as well as in other related web sites throughout the year. In order to demonstrate the efficiency and profitability of the Solecare™ business model, Coral Ridge Podiatry will produce promotional videos that will serve as educational material for prospective buyers that contact the practice requesting more information. A shorter version of these videos will be published in the practice’s website as a cost efficient alternative to T. V. spots. In addition, Coral Ridge Podiatry will participate on the 2009 Science & Management Symposium (SAM) conducted by The Florida Podiatric Medical Association as part of its distribution promotion strategy. Direct Mail will also be part of the advertising strategy for Objective Two. The purpose of these pieces is to provide attractive information about the Solecare™ business model to other podiatrists in the East Tri-County area. The pieces will be mailed quarterly.


2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Internet






Direct Mail






Trade Journals






Creative Fees
















Total Average 2009 Advertising Budget • Distribution

The advertising budget for Objective Two has been set to $29,000, and it represents 72.5% of the entire distribution budget.

67 Creative Brief

Objective To commercialize and distribute the Solecare™ business model. Target Audience Profile Established podiatry practices that want to revamp their image and services, as well as developing another income stream, by incorporating the Solecare™ business model to their operations. The main idea behind this strategy is the development of a franchise. The strategy will be targeted to podiatry practices nationwide, with excellent reputation, and professional personnel. Message Theme The primary message theme will be that practices around the country can benefit from the efficiency and expertise of Coral Ridge Podiatry. The knowledge of the Solecare™ business model can help such practices to establish themselves as successful franchises. The Support Coral Ridge Podiatry was founded by Dr. Gary Wallach, a board certified podiatric surgeon and founding member of the International Aesthetic Foot Society. With more than twenty-six years of experience Coral Ridge Podiatry presents itself as a sound business partner. The Constraints Coral Ridge Podiatry wants only the most experienced, efficient and professional podiatrists to adopt this business model to ensure the quality and reputation of the Coral Ridge Podiatry and the Solecare™ Brand. Unique Selling Point The Solecare™ business model presents a fusion of spa and podiatry, a unique and innovative technology that helps traditional podiatry practices to be much more marketable and profitable. Benefit The innovative Solecare™ business model will help the franchise practices to achieve an upscale image since it attracts a more specific and affluent target market, which is willing to pay above average prices to achieve comfort, health and beauty. At the same time, the Solecare™ business model presents highly competitive advantages compared to traditional medical/surgical practices.


Through the development of the Solecare™ Franchise, Coral Ridge Podiatry and the adopter podiatrists would benefit from an established reputation and from the new aesthetic technologies that provide added value to their practices. Creative Brief

Distribution Channel Value

Leverage Point The advertisement for the Solecare™ business model will convey confidence and success based on the new spa and podiatry fusion technologies and how these can help other practices’ growth and profitability.

69 Advertising Design

Since Coral Ridge Podiatry’s distribution advertising strategy is aimed to other podiatrists and health specialists, it needs to have a professional and straightforward approach. To achieve this goal, the advertising message will be a unique selling proposition. Due to the nature of the target market, and the obvious similarities between these and Coral Ridge Podiatry, a resonance message will be used to create a connection. By generating an empowering idea of success and progress, Coral Ridge Podiatry seeks to appeal to the other physicians’ feelings. The ad’s primary message theme will be to showcase how their practices can benefit from the efficiency and expertise of Coral Ridge Podiatry. A Rational appeal is the most effective strategy to reach this market. Sound facts provided by a recognized specialist who can testify about the reliability of the information and the profitability of the proposed business model. For this advertising strategy, a combination of authoritative, demonstration, and informational executional frameworks will be used. The ads will feature Dr. Gary Wallach in a friendly, yet professional manner, providing information about all the benefits of acquiring the Solecare™ Franchise. The ads will be consistent with the practice’s look and will convey an image of confidence and success based on the new spa and podiatry fusion technologies and how these can help other practices’ growth and profitability.


8.2.2 Distribution Promotions

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s budget for distribution promotions is set to $6,000 for the entire year. The objective is to introduce the Solecare™ business model to different podiatry professionals across the state of Florida. The practice’s innovative image and professional exposure were influential factors considered to develop the distribution promotions strategy. To achieve this objective, the practice’s strategy is to participate on the Science & Management Symposium (SAM) conducted by The Florida Podiatric Medical Association. The budget will be used in this podiatry industry trade show as the best channel to reach influential purchasers and key decision makers in the desired target market. The trade show presents a great opportunity to demonstrate Coral Ridge Podiatry’s commitment to advancement of podiatric medicine and the delivery of high-quality, non-surgical and virtually pain-free care. The 2009 SAM will be held in Orlando, Florida form January 15 – 17. With over 150 exhibitors, this event will bring together recognized professionals from the entire state of Florida. Coral Ridge Podiatry will be featured as a Bronze Sponsor of the event. Dr. Gary Wallach will take advantage of this opportunity to introduce the unique and exclusive Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy as well as its business model. The main objective is to commercialize it among the top podiatrists in Florida. In addition to demonstrating the effectiveness of his methods, Dr. Wallach will provide educational literature and DVDs as a giveaway for the attendees. Since Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to establish a cutting-edge reputation as a vendor in the medical marketplace, the practice would not encourage trade allowances. However, in order to meet competitive offers the practice is aware of the possibilities that this could occur.


8.2.3 Personal Selling

The personal selling budget for the distribution objective has been set to $3,000 for the entire year. Coral Ridge Podiatry will outsource the services of a sales person who would work based on commissions from every sale. This sales agent will work along with Dr. Wallach, and his or her primary function will be to screen prospective practices contacted through Internet advertising, trade journals, direct mail, or the 2009 SAM Trade Show. After selecting the qualifying practices, the sales agent will approach them with a proposition to adopt the Solecare™ business model and close the deal. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s strategy differs from regular distribution strategies, instead of only distributing a product; Coral Ridge Podiatry is commercializing a business model. Consequently, once the franchise rights are sold, the relationship with the new partners is based solely on the distribution of the Solecare™ product and equipment line. As the unique provider of this line, Coral Ridge Podiatry will establish an Electronic Data Interchange relationship. For the practice is important to encourage trustworthy and profitable business relationships. This strategy will be supported by a personalized Internet access to the Coral Ridge Podiatry website. Partners will have a login that allows them to access information about the status of their order, treatment updates, and other relevant information to the franchise.


8.2.4 Database Programs

To achieve its Distribution objectives, Coral Ridge Podiatry needs to establish a database program to storage the information of actual and prospective buyers. Focused on the commercialization of the Solecare franchise, Coral Ridge Podiatry has a budget of $2,000 to implement an organized and effective database that provides detailed information about the current clients, Solecare memberships status, product line inventory, and equipment sales. The objective is to reach and monitor the franchise buyers in a continuous basis to promote a healthy and consistent business relationship. Collect Data The database will provide detailed information about the podiatry practices that bought the Solecare franchise and also of those who might be interested in buying it. Data such as location, years in practice, quantity of patients, service ratings, patients’ demographics, financial status and budgeting patterns are helpful to determine marketing objectives. All the data collected will be stored in an organized way that will allow the staff to access it by entering the practice’s name, phone number, or franchise I.D. number. The data collected is strictly confidential to secure the buyer’s privacy. Dr. Wallach and his staff will be the only ones authorized to manage the information. Data Warehouse Through the development of a detailed database program, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to establish a system that allows the staff to have easy access to important information about the franchise holders. In addition, this database will serve to track sales, memberships, and inventory orders. The collected information is an essential component of the practice’s direct marketing strategy, because it will help Coral Ridge Podiatry to develop a strong and reliable relationship with the franchise holders. It’s important to create a bond between both parties that promote profitable business transactions in a continuous basis. It will not only help to allocate advertising dollars into more effective mediums, but also to convey a more personalized message. In addition, the study and tabulation of this data provides accurate reference for future IMC strategies. The database will serve the staff as a helpful resource to provide personal and instinctive service, tailored to the unique needs of each franchise. Accessibility to this data will improve problem solving, inventory sales, and customer service. Direct Marketing The information obtained through the database will be used to create direct mail and e-mail advertising. The main objective is to reach new prospective buyers and also to keep Solecare franchise holders informed and up to date about new treatments and special promotions. In addition, the information will be useful to send rewards to the top performers and incentives to the other franchises.


8.2.4 Database Programs

Permission Marketing As the franchise provider, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to keep its buyers informed about treatments, special features, products and equipment updates in a regular basis. To achieve this objective, the practice will execute a permission marketing strategy. Coral Ridge Podiatry will ask for permission to advertise to its current franchise holders and to inquiring prospective buyers. Frequent Shopper Program With the purchase of the Solecare franchise, Coral Ridge Podiatry has a frequent buyer system guaranteed. However, it’s important to offer value added promotions as incentives to the franchise holders to achieve a better performance.


8.3 Media Plan

The primary goal for the distribution media plan is to commercialize the Solecare™ business model. To reach the desired target market, Coral Ridge Podiatry needs continuous advertising that creates awareness among other podiatrists and health specialists. For this reason, the best advertising mediums are trade journals, the Internet, and direct mail. Coral Ridge Podiatry will have web banners and hyper links in web sites dedicated to the podiatry industry, such as The International Aesthetic Foot Society, The Florida Podiatric Medical Association, Podiatry Today, and Podiatry Online. The banners and video spots will run throughout the year. On the other hand, Direct Mail will be used as well to target local practices in the East Tri-County area. The purpose of these pieces is to provide attractive information about the Solecare™ Franchise to other podiatrists. The pieces will be mailed quarterly.


IMC Objective Three | Business-to-Business


IMC Objective Three | Business-to-Business

9.1 Budget 9.2 IMC Methodologies 9.2.1 Advertising Advertising Budget Creative Brief Advertising Design 9.2.2 Biz-to-Biz Promotions 9.2.3 Personal Selling 9.3 Media Plan

76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

9.0 IMC Objective Three | Business-to-Business

Objective three is to create networking alliances and develop cross-promotional opportunities targeting business in the area that share a common target market with Coral Ridge Podiatry, and that at the same time are related to the health, fitness, well-being, and beauty industry. A second approach to this strategy would be the association with institutional buyers such as hospitals, educational organizations, restaurants, unions, and other institutions whose employees would benefit from the services of Coral Ridge Podiatry. A mixed communication strategy that includes direct mail, promotions, and personal selling will be implemented to create awareness, provide information, and create profitable businessto-business alliances.


9.1 2009 Budget • Business-to-Business

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s 2009 budget for Objective Three has been set to $10,000. With this budget, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to implement a strategy which goal is to create brand awareness, provide information and stimulate business-to-business alliances. The budget for Objective Three is considerably smaller than those for the other two objectives. However, is equally important since the successful outcome of this strategy can greatly benefit the image and profitability of the practice by creating cross-promotional opportunities with businesses in the area. The largest portion of the budget is estimated to $4,500 and it will be spent on advertising. Using a “pulsating schedule,” Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to establish a strong presence by advertising throughout the year with special reinforcement during the peak season. Coral Ridge Podiatry’s overall budget for Objective Three can be outlined as follows: 2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Direct Mail












Personal Selling
















Total Average


9.2 Methodologies

To effectively achieve Coral Ridge Podiatry’s Objective three, a communication strategy has been designed keeping in mind the nature of its target market. Personal selling plays a crucial role to reach the desired business partners. Business-to-business promotions and direct mail pieces will be used as an advertising tool to supplement the previous component. The Internet will also serve as a source of information and a communication tool between the practice, its business partners, and eventually their customers.


9.2.1 Advertising

Coral Ridge Podiatry’s IMC Plan for Objective Three focuses on business-to-business strategies. The advertising for Objective Three takes advantage of the fact that Coral Ridge Podiatry offers a unique service, which can be attractive to different sectors that share a common target market. The practice is primarily interested in reaching health, fitness, and beauty sectors. Coral Ridge Podiatry and STUDIO836 have set the following advertising goals for the IMC Objective Three: • •

Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to provide information, create awareness, and build networking alliances. The practice seeks to increase the possibilities for cross-promotional exposure with its prospective business customers and their clients.

In order to achieve these goals, the practice has allocated a budget of $4,500. The strategy will consist of a combination of direct mail advertising, special promotions, and personal selling throughout the year with emphasis during the pre-holiday season. Coral Ridge Podiatry considers its reputation, as one of its most important assets, for this reason the best strategy is to send personalized direct mail to the businesses that the practice considers valuable additions to its image.


2009 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter $4,000






















Direct Mail Creative Fees 200 Advertising Budget • Business-to-Business

The advertising budget for Objective Three has been set to $4,500 and it represents 45.5% of the entire business-to-business budget.

81 Creative Brief

Objective To provide information and increase brand awareness. Target Audience Profile An innovative business involved in the health care and wellbeing industry with an established and respected reputation, whose target market is the same as Coral Ridge Podiatry’s creating beneficial relationships for both parties. The primary audience is local businesses with a high level of influence in its target market. Such as fitness centers, boutiques, shoe stores and insurance companies. Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to target other doctors and medical institutions. It’s very important for the practice to promote healthy and collaborative relationships to encourage a higher influx of patient referrals. Another interesting audience would be businesses whose employees have to stand for long periods of time and rely on their feet to work, such as restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc. Message Theme The primary message theme will be that the implementation of an alliance with Coral Ridge Podiatry can help both businesses to take advantage of the commercial exposure and the positive association. The Support With more than twenty-six years of experience Coral Ridge Podiatry presents itself as an intelligent networking solution within the common target audience. The Constraints Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to only be associated with positive businesses and institutions related to the wellbeing, beauty and health industry. Unique Selling Point Coral Ridge Podiatry presents a fusion of spa and podiatry, a unique and innovative technology that captures the attention of the common target market. Cross promotion advertising is highly effective when associated with reliable and positive business partners. Benefit Coral Ridge Podiatry offers its business customers a reliable, profitable, and innovative concept that can be beneficial for both parties. The networking and positive association are highly competitive advantages. Business Value Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to evoke values of self-confidence, comfort, business/personal success and wisdom. Leverage Point The advertisement will convey confidence and success based on the new spa and podiatry fusion technologies, and how these can establish effective networking alliances to target the common audience in a more profitable way.


A conative strategy is a great way to motivate prospective business customers and invite them to learn more about Coral Ridge Podiatry’s services. For this advertising strategy, a combination of rationality and emotional appeal is the best way to reach the desired market. Since this advertising will be directed to businesses in the health, beauty, fitness, and well-being industry, is important to have a professional approach with a relaxing and upscale look. Advertising Design

The ads for the business-to-business market will use a unique selling proposition message with an emotional approach. The advertisement will convey confidence and success based on the new spa and podiatry fusion technologies, and how these can help both parties to establish effective networking alliances to target the common audience in a more profitable way. In addition, promotional conative advertising will be used to provide added value to the ads.

Through the implementation of slice-of-life, informative, and rational executional framework styles, the ads will highlight the effectiveness of networking alliances and how positive association is a highly competitive advantage.


9.2.2 Business-to-Business Promotions 84

Coral Ridge Podiatry has set a $3,000 budget to implement a cross promotional strategy with its business customers, encouraging them to refer consumers to the practice. To achieve the desired goal, Coral Ridge Podiatry will offer special incentives such as price-off and premium programs. There are two parts to this strategy. The first is to offer value added treatment packages to the practice’s business partners, whom can use them as prizes, gifts or to reward their loyal clients. The second part is to offer Coral Ridge Podiatry’s business partners and their employees a 50% price off discount on treatments every time they sell the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy to five of their customers. In addition, Coral Ridge Podiatry will feature their business on its quarterly newsletter.

9.2.3 Personal Selling

The personal selling budget for the business-to-business objective has been set to $2,500 for the entire year. Since Coral Ridge Podiatry’s objective is to establish cross-promotional strategies with local businesses in the health care, beauty, fitness, and wellbeing industry, the internal staff will handle the sales. Dr. Wallach and the practice’s staff will be in charge of studying the area to determine which businesses can result as the most profitable alliances. The strategy will consist on visits and phone calls to the different prospective associates, in addition to direct mail advertising to introduce the offer. To ensure an effective cross-promotional partnership, Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to establish trustworthy relationships based on a professional and reliable image. Follow-up is an essential part of this strategy. The satisfaction of its associates is crucial to Coral Ridge Podiatry. For this reason, the practice wants to encourage its staff to provide excellent service and always be attentive to its associates’ unique needs. The idea is for the staff to convey a knowledgeable, friendly, and caring image. As an incentive, Coral Ridge Podiatry will reward its staff with quarterly bonuses based on performance and on the achievement of the practice’s marketing goals.


9.3 Media Plan

The goal for the business-to-business media plan is to provide information, create awareness and build networking alliances. To achieve this goal, the media placement needs to take into consideration that Coral Ridge Podiatry offers a unique service that can be attractive to different sectors that share a common target market. To better reach this market, the best strategy is to send personalized direct mail to the businesses that Coral Ridge Podiatry considers valuable additions to the practice’s image. This strategy will be implemented throughout the year, with special emphasis during the pre-holiday season. By emphasizing the business-to-business advertising during the pre-holiday season the practice is increasing the possibilities for cross-promotional exposure with its prospective business customers and their clients. Even though the economy presents a challenging environment for new alliances, the pre-holiday season has proven to be the highest spending period of the year.


Strategic Planning

10.0 Strategic Planning

10.1 Company Background 10.2 Mission Statement 10.3 Goals and Objectives 10.4 Target Audience Analysis 10.5 SWOT Analysis 10.6 Product Positioning Map 10.7 Industry Research

87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Coral Ridge Podiatry provides treatment for most adult foot issues, including evaluation and prescriptions for foot orthotics designed to stabilize and return to good function even the most painful foot. Children’s concerns such as warts, ingrown toenails, and heel pain are treated as well. He works with the help of two experienced assistants who take care of treatment follow-ups, booking appointments, and attending to other customer’s needs.

10.1 Company Background

Since 1982, Coral Ridge Podiatry has been serving the Fort Lauderdale area offering cutting edge treatments and assisting the medical and aesthetic podiatric needs of the community. Coral Ridge Podiatry was founded by Dr. Gary Wallach, a recognized podiatrist with more than twenty years of experience in the field. Moreover, Coral Ridge Podiatry is part of the longest continually active podiatry practice in Fort Lauderdale, as well as one of only three centers selected in the country to treat pinched nerves and heel pain in revolutionary new ways.


10.2 Mission Statement

The mission of Coral Ridge Podiatry is to provide innovative and effective solutions to our customer’s podiatric needs. We proudly offer the most advanced treatments and the most relaxing atmosphere so our patients can enjoy a truly renovating experience. For twenty-six years we have worked to meet our customers expectations and we will continue to improve our practice for benefit of our community. Philosophy We believe that health, beauty, and comfort should go side by side. For this reason, we treat common foot issues with the highest level of professionalism and provide spa-like treatments under strict care and medical supervision. Customer Service Our commitment is to provide our customers an enhancing experience restoring their confidence and improving their health. The mission of Coral Ridge Podiatry’s services is to offer innovative and virtually painfree alternatives to surgery. Technology Coral Ridge Podiatry’s approach to health and aesthetic is a clear indication of our intention as a business to grow and expand our services and product line within the podiatry field. Cutting-edge techniques and innovation are main characteristics in our business, where we provide our customers with revolutionary treatments that help them enhance the comfort and appearance of their feet coupled with traditional podiatry practices.


Objective: Increase sales by 30% in the next 18 months. • Strategy: Dedicate the Fall 2008 quarter to redesign the current marketing and advertising campaign to increase the customer awareness in the area within the next 12 months. Consider advertisement in radio, web, print, direct mail, and other alternative media. • Strategy: Establish a business-to-business alliance with local Fitness Clubs, Spas and other wellness centers in the area, within the last two quarters of 2008. • Strategy: Expand and redesign the physical space of the practice to accommodate a larger influx of customers and create a more relaxing and appealing environment. Construction work should be done during January 2009.

10.3 Goals and Objectives

Goal: Coral Ridge Podiatry wants to become the preferred podiatric aesthetic center in the east Tri-County area for affluent men and women from the age of 45 and older.

Goal: Consumer contact through a newly designed website.

Objective: Improve website appearance, functionality, and productivity by Spring 2009. • Strategy: Design a much more efficient and user friendly website that encourages users to learn more about the products and services as well as shopping in the online store. • Strategy: Create a user login community where active customers can review their medical status, keep track of appointments, ask questions about their treatments, and have their own shopping account.

Goal: Develop and Distribute the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy Product line. Objective: Redesign product image and package design. Creative and production process should be finished by Spring 2009. • Strategy: Create a more appealing look, taking into consideration logo redesign, changing color schemes and refresh the product line image. • Strategy: Incorporate the product line into the advertising campaign.

Goal: Expand the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy around the country and potentially in other countries. Objective: Promote and sell the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy ™ business model to other podiatrists in a one-year period. • Strategy: Organize seminars in the South Florida area to promote and educate other podiatrists about the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy with the goal of selling the business model as a franchise. • Strategy: Along with the commercialization of the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy business model, the goal is to promote the patent-pending equipment and the product line used for this treatment. These unique pieces can also be offered to other podiatrists. This generates the opportunity to establish a Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy Brand and consequently creating another source of income.


10.4 Target Audience Analysis

Current Demographics • • • • • •

Current female customers account for 85% of the total active patients while males account for only 15%. Current patients belong to the late boomer generation and were born in the early 1960s, followed by patients that belong to the silent generation who were born in the mid 1940s. Mainly residents of the East Fort Lauderdale area. Middle to upper socioeconomic class. Retired or homemakers. Mainly white Americans, and a small percentage of Hispanic patients.

Current Psychographics • • • • •

Current older patients are likely to lead a slow paced lifestyle but with a great concern about health and wellbeing. Younger patients have a tendency to be receptive to new products. Patients undertake treatments mainly due to medical issues instead of aesthetic issues. Elderly patients are less likely to spend money in aesthetic than in medical treatments and products. Male patients are less likely to receive and repeat and aesthetic treatment due to society’s stereotype about beauty and health. Women between the ages of 45 and 55 are the main customers for the aesthetic treatments such as the Solecare™ Advanced Foot Therapy.

Ideal Customer Profile • • •


Mainly female Boomers, 45 years old and up. However, the different treatments can be also attractive to early Gen X females in their late 30’s and early 40’s. Male Boomers with medical issues caused by athletic activities, aging, or aesthetic conditions that can be cured with Coral Ridge Podiatry’s treatments. Customers with high spending power and suffering from painful foot issues that can be cured with Coral Ridge Podiatry’s revolutionary aesthetic treatments and that want to enjoy healthier, softer, and younger looking feet. Upper class males and females, residents of the East Tri-County area who can afford treatment packages, follow-up treatments, and the Solecare™ product line in order to achieve the best results.

• • • • •

Coral Ridge Podiatry innovative treatments are unique. There are no competitors for the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy. If successfully branded, Coral Ridge would own 100% of market share in this field. Coral Ridge Podiatry provides professional aesthetic treatments that are reliable when compared to average pedicurists. Coral Ridge Podiatry is one of the most recognized practices in the area that provides medical and surgical treatments, and it’s one of the only three practices in the country authorized to treat pinched nerves. Coral Ridge Podiatry has developed the patent pending Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy along with a follow-up product line that provides exceptional results to its patients. There are no other podiatry practices in the country that offer the same products or services as Coral Ridge Podiatry. Consequently, the Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy is unique and has effectively shown results with multiple patients.

10.5 SWOT Analysis


Weaknesses •

• •

The look of Coral Ridge Podiatry’s facilities does not match the intentions of becoming a more aesthetic oriented practice. The logo, product line and the establishment itself have an outdated look that doesn’t create a relaxing or spa-like atmosphere. The practice has practically no presence in the community; insurance companies refer the majority of its patients. Throughout the years, Coral Ridge Podiatry has not established a corporate image or an effective branding/ advertising strategy.

Opportunities • •

As the unique developer of Solecare Advanced Foot Therapy, Coral Ridge Podiatry can sell its business model to other podiatry practices, promoting the equipment, and the product line as well. Establish a successful website that can serve as a follow-up and information medium for current and prospective patients. Include an online shopping store on the website to facilitate buyers to acquire the products.

Threats • • • •

General perception of expensive treatments. Skepticism from the general public about the efficiency of the results. As we are going through rough economic times our target market can choose not to spend money in aesthetic treatments unless they have a condition that directly affects their health. Rising costs of raw materials to produce the Solecare product line.


10.6 Product Positioning Map

Affordable Rates

East Broward Podiatry Association



Bayview Foot Specialists Coral Ridge Podiatry Center for Ankle and Foot Surgery

Expensive Rates


Approximately 20% of the US population experiences foot problems each year.

Boomers are more active and focused on fitness, which will result in a greater demand for foot care.

Boomers are known to be a highly educated and proactive group of consumers, who have demonstrated an unprecedented interest in self-care and natural strategies for minor complaints. In addition, this group refuses to accept the idea they should be content with aging "gracefully." They're getting older, but don't want to look it or feel it.

With an estimated 12,500 Americans turning 50 every single day, "boomers" are driving the demand for innovative products designed to offer a greater variety of choices in addressing all types of minor ailments and cosmetic concerns, including those related to foot care.

According to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), three-quarters of Americans have foot problems. Minor complaints and concerns about the cosmetic appearance of feet tend to increase with age. "Boomers, especially men, have become more conscious of their health, and they want more natural products."

In addition, according to figures from the American Podiatric Medical Association, many women’s penchant for fashion-first/comfort-last footwear has made them four times more susceptible to foot-related problems than men. But with the absence of any breakthrough innovations in the recent past, vendors are competing for the same consumers with a lot of “me too” products and services.

Non-professional foot care such as pedicures and other spa treatments can be potentially dangerous and cause infections. More and more people have been affected by inexperienced pedicurists using inadequate tools and under unhygienic conditions.

Indulgent foot care is fast becoming an important niche category. While mass brands, including Dr. Scholl’s Pedicure Essentials line and Freeman Bare Foot have turned in impressive sales in the FDM channels, it is the specialty retailers that are providing the true push for the U.S. indulgent foot care products market.

There are numerous foot care products in the market targeted to aging patients with skin and deep tissue problems, however no treatment is completely effective unless in accompanied by professional podiatric treatment.

As Podiatric expenses are often not reimbursed under Health Maintenance Organization plans, patients try to treat problems by themselves at first. Along with the graying American consumer, who is adding to the popularity of the category, younger consumers are also showing an interest in comfort products. Young consumers are increasingly wiling to buy comfort solutions in sporting goods stores — trend that is having an impact on other channels as well. The combined effect of this trend towards self-medication, and the growing popularity among the aging population and comfort-focused consumers are some of the other key factors that are driving the segment.

10.7 Industry Research


10.7 Industry Research

The overarching philosophy of the current foot care market is that feet always should be treated well. New marketing strategies position foot care products as affordable luxuries, with emphasis on an upscale, pampering, natural, and rejuvenating image. Since the 90s, average product prices have risen from $1.75 to almost $5.00. As a consequence, foot care margins now are among the highest in the health and beauty care industry, ranging from 20%-50%.

In a similar vein, natural, “green,” anti-cruelty, and botanical ingredients abound in foot care items; even established products now feature natural ingredients. The equation of natural ingredients with health enhancement harkens back to the industry’s therapeutic roots, and consumers are responding to this appeal.

References 1. Podiatry Workforce Predictions. Harold B. Glickman, DPM. Past President, American Podiatric Medical Association. 2. Baby Boomers Turn to Local Pharmacies and Podiatrists for New, Natural Solutions to Foot Problems. June 12 2005. 3. Pedicure Tips. Pedicure Risks. 4. Market Trends: Foot Care Products. Netscribes. January 2005. Market Research Academics


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