2024 ST Fall Events Catalog

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Professional Learning EVENTS

Solution Tree’s evidence-based products and services have helped more than one million educators enact and sustain their vision of elevated, equitable learning in schools. No other professional learning company provides our unique blend of research-based, results-driven services that improve learning outcomes for students.

Regina Stephens Ownes
Luis F. Cruz
Tina H. Boogren
Anthony Muhammad
Sarah Schuhl
Brandon Jones

Solution Tree events deliver a wealth of ideas, strategies, and practices proven to work in real classroom, school, and district settings. Join us to build your professional capacity, find new solutions, and connect with a network of peers who will support you on your journey as a K–12 educator.

Our Promise

No other professional learning company provides our unique blend of researchbased, results-driven services that improve learning outcomes for students.


Impact student achievement

Your team will acquire foundational knowledge, explore bold new ideas, and gain practical implementation strategies to ensure all students learn at high levels. Go online to explore detailed learning outcomes.

Learn from leading experts

Tim Brown, Luis F. Cruz, Timothy D. Kanold, Mike Mattos, Anthony Muhammad, and Regina Stephens Owens. These are just some of the nationally renowned experts you and your team will learn from at a Solution Tree event.

Experience a fresh perspective

Our events receive rave reviews. Now is your chance to experience an inspiring, empowering event firsthand. Visit our website to find an event that provides relevant and immediate outcomes for your team.

Achieve your goals

Your learning doesn’t end when the event is over. You’ll leave with a book and journal full of valuable content to help your team keep the momentum going.

Table of contents

Examples of EXCELLENCE

Educators reveal why they find Solution Tree events so meaningful

Excited for a great week at the @SolutionTree PLC conference! The keynote was amazing and [the] message that "All means all" when it comes to student learning was spot on . . .

Hands down the best conference I have attended. If you get the chance to attend one, do it. You won’t be disappointed.

I attended an enlightening @SolutionTree PLC conference that left me feeling inspired! I gained invaluable insights into transformative practices to continue activating, empowering, & illuminating [the] academic excellence of our GEMS on our journey to success!

Learning doesn’t stop in summertime for our educators either! Four of our Skaith staff members are attending the PLC institute in St. Louis this week. We can’t wait for them to share ideas when they return!

120 dedicated educators sacrificed their personal time and attended the PLC at Work conference . . . it inspired and taught us that #doingtherightthework means finding collaborative solutions to ensure that ALL students master grade-level learning outcomes! I am proud, honored, and excited about building MUSD's collective responsibility, clarifying what all students must learn, and systematically responding when students don't learn. MUSD is doing the right work!

It has been such a great week learning about being a more effective PLC leader in my school with Solution Tree. I can’t wait to take these strategies back to the classroom in August!




Gain new knowledge and momentum to achieve your goals. Keynotes from internationally acclaimed authors offer big-picture ideas for implementing and sustaining research-based best practices. Our summits are ideal for district leaders, building administrators, teacher leaders, and teachers.


Focus on crucial challenges in education. A variety of keynotes and breakout sessions offer meaningful content and practical solutions. Your district and school teams will gain foundational knowledge and then deepen that understanding throughout the event. Panel discussions and role-alike networking groups offer unique opportunities to connect with expert practitioners.


Get hands-on training in a small group setting. Attend as a team and come ready to work collaboratively. Participants receive two days of solutions-focused learning. The intimate size of workshops ensures personalized support from experts who have achieved success with the strategies they present.

PLC at Work® LIVE Institutes

Invite your entire staff to participate in one of our key institutes—no travel required. A Solution Tree LIVE Institute is a full PLC at Work® Institute streamed to a location of your choosing. These institutes feature leading experts delivering keynotes and breakout sessions designed for maximum impact. This could be the most cost-effective investment to train your entire team this year.

Wired Events

Create a learning experience that fits your schedule and your needs. This on-demand option allows you to build a customized event by streaming recorded Solution Tree event sessions from our most soughtafter experts. You can also choose one of three Model Agendas that offer specially curated videos designed to support you wherever you are on your school improvement journey.

Portable Event Packages

Bring the powerful tools and strategies of a PLC at Work® or RTI at Work™ Institute directly to your personal device. Attendees receive unlimited 60-day access to keynotes and breakout sessions of your choosing— as well as a virtual team time guided by a certified expert. The Portable Event Package is also a convenient way for individuals to earn CEUs.

Solution Tree Master Class

Advance your teaching with Solution Tree Masterclass, featuring expert-led, short-session courses from world-renowned educators and content experts. Access high-quality, practical content anytime, anywhere, with each session designed to fit into your busy schedule. Transform your classroom with affordable, flexible professional development.

Event Comparison Grid

When your goal is to build, deepen, and sustain an environment where all students learn at high levels, join us for a three-day Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work® Institute. Learn, ask the experts, reflect with teams, and seek advice from those who have successfully implemented the process.

Where learning THRIVES

is event will help you lead the PLC at Work® process e ectively.


Tampa, Florida September 16−18

San Antonio, Texas November 6−8

Pasadena, California November 13−15

Denver, Colorado December 9−11

Included resources with your registration

The right way to intervene

Response to Intervention (RTI) at Work™ is not a series of implementation steps to cross off a list but a way of thinking about how educators can ensure each child receives the time and support needed to achieve success.


Des Moines, Iowa

October 2−4

Bethesda, Maryland

October 7−9

Lexington, Kentucky

October 22−24

Salt Lake City, Utah

November 18−20

Pasadena, California

December 2−4

Rogers, Arkansas

December 11−13

Learn from leading experts:*

Keynote speakers

*Presenters vary for each event

Luis F. Cruz Nicole Dimich
William M. Ferriter John Hannigan
Mandy Barrett Mike Mattos
Katie White

Educator AI

Office Hour 1

Level up your AI skills with office hours.

Included with your purchase, get exclusive access to three 90-minute sessions as well as live office hours with each presenter.

with Paul Cancellieri

September 10, 4:00–5:00 p.m. CDT

Office Hour 2

with Adam Garry

Join our AI experts for interactive sessions designed to help you unlock the full potential of your new product. Each session will follow this format:

• Opening Insights (15 minutes): Our presenter will kick things off by introducing fresh topics in the world of AI, or showcasing exciting new tools related to your product.

October 8, 4:00–5:00 p.m. CDT

Office Hour 3

• Q&A Deep Dive (45 minutes): This is your chance to shine! Submit your burning questions and get expert guidance directly from the presenter. Here's what you'll gain from attending:

• Stay ahead of the curve with the latest AI advancements.

• Get personalized answers to your specific questions and challenges.

• Network and learn from other users in a collaborative environment.

with William M. Ferriter

November 12, 4:00–5:00 p.m. CST

By embracing researchbased, science-informed instructional strategies, teachers ensure students acquire the transformative skill of reading. Included with your purchase, get exclusive access to the Master Class: Science of Reading office hour.

By participating in the Solution Tree Master Class: Science of Reading, school and district leaders and teachers will gain the knowledge and support necessary to align instructional practices with the science of reading. With access to expert presenters who have successfully implemented evidence-based reading strategies across diverse school and district settings, educators will be equipped with actionable strategies and practices to transform the literacy landscape of their classroom, school, or district.

This on-demand, virtual event delivers the same high-quality professional development experience expected from our in-person trainings—but with unbeatable flexibility. Build your science of reading knowledge and refine your skills at your own pace. Plus, receive exclusive access to a Q&A office hour with presenters, gaining insights specific to your school or district—without sacrificing valuable time. This virtual event is an ideal solution for busy educators!

Science of Reading

Office Hour with Molly Ness, Paula Maeker and LeAnn Nickelsen Coming early 2025


Come with a vision. Leave with a plan.


X Grading From the Inside Out

September 23–24 | Madison, Wisconsin

September 30–October 1 | Sacramento, California

X Standards-Based Learning in Action

September 25–26 | Madison, Wisconsin

November 12–13 | Glendale, Arizona

X Designing Engaging Assessment

October 7–8 | Seattle, Washington

X Collaborative Common Assessment

December 5–6 | Cedar Falls, Iowa


X Trauma-Sensitive Instruction

October 9–10 | Seattle, Washington

November 12–13 | Houston, Texas

November 18–19 | San Francisco, California


X Time for Change

November 4–5 | Salt Lake City, Utah

December 3–4 | Naperville, Illinois


X Multiplication Fluency

October 10 & 17 | VIRTUAL


X Mathematics at Work™

November 20–21 | Omaha, Nebraska


X Starting a Movement

September 16–17 | Kansas City, Missouri

November 6–7 | Little Rock, Arkansas

X 15-Day Challenge

September 23–24 | Atlanta, Georgia

September 30–October 1 | Kennewick, Washington

October 2–3 | Sacramento, California

December 3–4 | Cedar Falls, Iowa

X Teams

September 30–October 1 | Jonesboro, Arkansas

October 14–15 | San Antonio, Texas

X You Can Learn

October 9–10 | Syracuse, New York

December 3–4 | Austin, Texas

X Singletons in a PLC

October 14–15 | Charleston, South Carolina

October 17–18 | Spokane, Washington

October 21–22 | Grand Rapids, Michigan

October 23–24 | Irving, Texas

X Amplify Your Impact

October 16–17 | Charleston, South Carolina

October 16–17 | San Antonio, Texas

November 4–5 | Little Rock, Arkansas

X Literacy in a PLC at Work®

October 21–22 | Irving, Texas

November 14–15 | Houston, Texas

X Yes We Can!

October 23–24 | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

November 14–15 | Franklin, Tennessee

November 14–15 | Glendale, Arizona

X The Way Forward

October 23–24 | Grand Rapids, Michigan

December 5–6 | Naperville, Illinois

X Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide

November 18–19 | Omaha, Nebraska

December 5–6 | Austin, Texas


X Behavior Solutions

September 10–11 | Spring eld, Missouri SOLD OUT

September 23 & 30 | VIRTUAL

September 25–26 | Little Rock, Arkansas

October 15–16 | Spokane, Washington

November 6–7 | Salt Lake City, Utah

November 12–13 | Franklin, Tennessee

X RTI at Work™

September 25–26 | Atlanta, Georgia

October 2–3 | Jonesboro, Arkansas

October 21–22 | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

October 16 & 23 | VIRTUAL

November 20–21 | San Fransico, California


X Accelerate to Educate

September 18–19 | Kansas City, Missouri

X Cultivating Educator Wellness for Elevated Student Achievement and Teacher Retention

October 3–4 | Centennial, Colorado

X School Improvement for All

October 7–8 | Syracuse, New York

Attend this unique, interactive summit with your team to:


Discover how to inspire relevant and meaningful mathematics teaching and learning that actively promotes student mastery.

• Experience demonstrations on how to help students persevere in, understand, and apply mathematics every day

• Identify high-quality assessment criteria and Tier 2 intervention strategies to target students who struggle to learn mathematics

• Examine teacher teams’ actions that lead to significant increases in mathematics achievement

• Learn how to apply the four critical questions of a PLC to improve daily planning and teaching through formative processes for lessons, homework, and assessment tasks

• Connect with leading mathematics experts throughout the event

Your presenters

Bill BarnesBrian BuckhalterJennifer DeinhartTimothy D. Kanold Georgina RiveraSarah Schuhl Mona Toncheff
Keynote speakers


Emily Gray Junior High School



› 430 Students

› 3% Special education

› 21% Eligible for free or reduced lunch


› 69% White

› 24% Hispanic

› 3% Multiracial

› 1% Asian

› 1% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

› 1% African American


Throughout her five-year term as the principal of Emily Gray Junior High School, Elizabeth Egan advocated for Solution Tree and the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work® process.

The entire Tanque Verde School District had already been working through the PLC process—and as a result, the school had gone from a C to an A—when Principal Egan realized the math team at Emily Gray needed more support to improve student achievement and move the needle on their proficiency levels. They also needed an additional math teacher on their team.

When Egan attended the annual Mathematics in a PLC at Work Summit, she discovered the perfect expert resource for her team. Inspired by the experience of Mathematics at Work™ expert Mona Toncheff and her genuine connection with people at the summit, Egan made it her mission to bring her expertise to Emily Gray Junior High School.


25% of students increased their CFA scores

75% of students improved after initial testing on modules

To her surprise, Egan’s math teachers were immediately receptive to Mona’s ideas and embraced the professional development sessions. With guidance, Emily Gray began implementing practices to improve their assessments, interventions, and essential standards. Collaborative teams worked to plan the school year and create proficiency maps to guide their learning targets. They further developed Professional Learning Team (PLT) documentation that allowed teachers to review Emily Gray’s mission and vision, school goals, team norms, and the four critical questions of a PLC.

Seeking to create meaningful tests that aligned with essential learning standards, the teachers implemented several strategies. They incorporated learning targets into each question, clearly labeling point values and the corresponding target for each. This transparency provided students with a grounding point, allowing them to understand the purpose and value of each question.


Principal Egan feels she’s become a better leader since using the Mathematics at Work framework and receiving guidance from Mona. According to her, Mona’s clear vision had everyone on board, and teachers continue to express their appreciation for the collaboration methods and ideas she shared. As a result of teacher teams creating strategies for students to understand assessments and grading, students felt more confident tackling challenging problems, knowing their greater worth in the assessment. 25% of students increased their CFA scores, and 75% of students improved after initial testing on modules. The graph below offers a snapshot of the progress that is being realized throughout the school.


Take part in the #1 PLC at Work® conference for educators

Achieve equity. Elevate learning.

Phoenix, Arizona | February 18–20, 2025

Build and sustain a strong, collaborative PLC. This unique event brings together some of the brightest, most respected minds in education. You’ll hear dynamic keynotes and attend powerful breakouts designed to help infuse the PLC at Work® process into every aspect of your school or district.

This is the one learning experience you won’t want to miss.

Presenters include:

Who should attend?

X Teachers (elementary, secondary, and special education)

X Instructional coaches

X Superintendents and assistant superintendents

X Curriculum directors

X Principals and assistant principals

X Professional learning directors

Why attend?

X Develop a positive, successful culture for students and staff.

X Explore essential actions to target preventions, interventions, extension, and remediation.

X Strategically plan to assess and address nonacademic student traits.

X Learn to coach competency, not just compliance.

X Minimize bias and conflict, even in the face of hot-button topics.

Tim Brown Luis F. Cruz
Timothy D. Kanold Mike Mattos Anthony Muhammad Molly Ness James A. Nottingham
Regina Stephens Owens
Tom Schimmer Julie A. Schmidt Marcia L. Tate Nicole S. Turner Jorge Valenzuela

February 10–12, 2025 |

Presenters include:


Gather your district and building administrators along with new and veteran teachers and support staff to understand how everyone plays a role in student success. Learn directly from experts and practitioners who have firsthand experience implementing the RTI at Work™ process.

Engaging breakouts and keynotes will address how to:

• Create and target time in your master schedule for interventions, intensive remediation, and extension

• Gain proven intervention strategies for math and literacy

• Acquire practical solutions to current roadblocks and challenges

Anisa Baker-Busby Tina H. Boogren Luis F. Cruz
William M. Ferriter Heather Friziellie Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan
Aaron Hansen Sharroky Hollie
Paula Maeker
Mike Mattos Sarah Schuhl

Where learning THRIVES


Tulsa, Oklahoma | May 28−30, 2025

Tucson, Arizona | May 28–30, 2025

Fort Worth, Texas | June 2−4, 2025

Mobile, Alabama | June 4−6, 2025

Minneapolis, Minnesota | June 16−18, 2025

St. Louis, Missouri | June 23−25, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada | June 24−26, 2025

Atlanta, Georgia | June 30−July 2, 2025

Denver, Colorado | June 30−July 2, 2025

San Antonio, Texas | July 7−9, 2025

Sacramento, California | July 9−11, 2025

Little Rock, Arkansas | July 14−16, 2025

Orlando, Florida | July 16−18, 2025

Lincolnshire, Illinois | July 28−30, 2025

Charlotte, North Carolina | July 29−31, 2025

Madison, Wisconsin | August 4−6, 2025

Detroit, Michigan | August 6−8, 2025

Spokane, Washington | August 13−15, 2025

Rochester, New York | August 18−20, 2025

Seattle, Washington | August 20−22, 2025

Salt Lake City, Utah | September 30−October 2, 2025

San Antonio, Texas | October 6−8, 2025

Pasadena, California | November 12−14, 2025

Kansas City, Missouri | December 1−3, 2025

When your goal is to build, deepen, and sustain an environment where all students learn at high levels, join us for a three-day PLC at Work® Institute. Learn, ask the experts, reflect with teams, and seek advice from those who have successfully implemented the process.

Learn from leading experts*:

The right way to intervene

RTI at Work™ is not a series of implementation steps to cross off a list but a way of thinking about how educators can ensure each child receives the time and support needed to achieve success.


Albany, New York | March 12–14, 2025

Phoenix, Arizona | March 24–26, 2025

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma | April 1–3, 2025

Knoxville, Tennessee | April 8–10, 2025

Keynote speakers

Bethesda, Maryland | October 13–15, 2025

Sacramento, California | November 5–7, 2025

Green Bay, Wisconsin | December 9–11, 2025

*Presenters vary for each event

Included resource with your registration

Paula Maeker Nicole Dimich
William M. Ferriter Bob Sonju
Luis F. Cruz Joe Cuddemi
Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan

Harness the power of high-performing teams

Learn from PLC experts with decades of combined experience in classroom and leadership roles. Teachers will discover research-backed strategies and tools they can use to perform as a high-impact team member. Leaders will learn how to provide the clarity, feedback, and support necessary for teams to grow in their professional practice and within a successful PLC.

This event will help you:

• Clarify the work of collaborative teams

• Develop collective commitments for each team

• Establish steps for a guaranteed and viable curriculum

• Determine short- and long-term SMART goals

• Acquire a toolkit of templates, organizers, and planning tools to take back to your school or district

in a PLC at Work® High-Impact

Boise, Idaho | June 2−4

Austin, Texas | June 16−18

Indianapolis, Indiana | July 23–25

Des Moines, Iowa | August 11–13

Learn from leading experts:*

Keynote speakers

*Presenters vary for each event

William M. Ferriter Michael L. McWilliams
Bob Sonju Tesha Ferriby Thomas
Jasmine K. Kullar Paula Maeker
Michelle Marrillia Maria Nielsen
Erika Chapa

June 25–27, 2025

Madison, Wisconsin

Learn from leading experts:

Where assessment meets hope

Join an all-star lineup of assessment and grading experts and master practitioners, and get ready to turbocharge learning. Teachers and leaders alike will come away from the event with skills and strategies they can use in the classroom and systemwide to collaboratively support and implement effective assessment design, analysis, and response.

This event will help you:

• Design backward to win forward

• Discover how to map an assessment plan, write learning targets, and use data

Keynote speakers

• Understand how and why to develop and scale proficiency-based learning targets

• Build effective teacher professional development plans around standardsbased grading

Included resource with your registration

Cassandra Erkens Tom Schimmer
Nicole Dimich

Closing the gap: acceleration for all

Learn how you can get all students on track for grade level and beyond by focusing collaborative team actions in a PLC at Work® and teacher instructional practices. Don't miss this opportunity to network with renowned authors, thought leaders, and practitioners with proven track records of accelerating learning.

This event will help you:

• Understand the rationale for shifting from remediation to an acceleration model for ALL students

• Examine ways to build a learningcentered culture of collaboration

• Build a strengths-based response to teaching and learning

• Examine teacher teams’ actions that lead to significant increases in achievement

• Leave with newfound hope and a sense of collective efficacy that shouts, “We can do this!“

July 28–30, 2025

Pasadena, California

Learn from leading experts:*

Keynote speakers

Anisa Baker-Busby Joe Cuddemi
Sharon V. Kramer
Sarah Schuhl
Jeanne Spiller Clara Sale-Davis

Irving, Texas

October 28–30, 2024

Plano, Texas

October 22−24, 2025

Tacoma, Washington

October 27−29, 2025

Learn from leading experts:*

Create and lead a safe school learning culture

Research has validated what practitioners have known for decades: powerful principal leadership is key to increased student achievement. Principals are responsible for both building and keeping a positive and productive school culture.

This event will help you:

• Organize staff into high-performing learning teams

• Focus on the right work with intentionality

• Create and lead a safe school learning culture with effective systems, procedures, and high expectations

*Presenters vary for each event

• Share leadership with a guiding coalition, collaborative teams, and community partners

• Observe, support, lead, and monitor effective instructional practices

• Build strong relationships with students, staff, parents, and the community

• Make data transparent for true evidencebased decision making

Brandon Jones Rebecca Nicolas
Regina Stephens Owens Cristi Parsons
Jeanne Spiller Keynote speakers

Our high-energy, highly informative events are now available on any device, on your time

Gather your staff and experience a Wired Event, Portable Event Package, or Immediate Impact Institute when your budget limits travel or your schedule demands a different timeframe than our live events offer.

Choose a Wired Event to:

• Work with our team to build a personalized agenda using recorded keynotes from our most soughtafter experts

• Receive on-site support from a certified PLC at Work® or RTI at Work™ associate who will lead your event and facilitate group discussions

• Cultivate a positive team spirit and use collaborative team time to help achieve your desired learning outcomes

• Select a resource from a list of our bestselling titles to give to each attendee

Tim Brown Luis F. Cruz
Nicole Dimich Heather Friziellie
Mike Mattos Anthony Muhammad
Julie A. Schmidt Regina Stephens Owens

PORTABLE Package EVENT Dynamic learning experiences delivered virtually

Bring powerful tools and strategies directly to your personal device. Our Portable Event Packages offer unlimited 60-day access to keynotes and breakout sessions of your choosing, as well as virtual team time guided by an expert who will help clarify any questions and guide you on possible next steps. Choose from a wide array of topics to build staff knowledge in the area that will best support you in your goals for this school year and beyond.

Choose the Portable Event Package that meets your needs.

• PLC at Work®

• Providing Soluciones

• RTI at Work™

• Teaching and Leading Educator Wellness

• RTI at Work™ Summit

• PLC at Work® Summit

• Time for Change

• Behavior Solutions


Your director of educational partnerships is ready to assist you

Our directors of educational partnerships are available to listen to your needs and help you nd a clear path for moving forward with clarity and purpose in your schools.

Mike Bauer KS, NE, OK

Natour TN, LA, MS, AL

Andrea Thorne NY, NJ, CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT

Stez Southern CA



Ivy East TX

Burnstine IL, WI

Philip Ciano ID, ND, SD, MT, HI, AK



State Of ce Executive Directors

Arizona: Alesha Henderson Arizona@SolutionTree.com

Arkansas: Susan McNully Arkansas@SolutionTree.com

California: Jessicca Rodgers California@SolutionTree.com

Iowa: Bryce Amos Iowa@SolutionTree.com

Texas: Darren Grissom Texas@SolutionTree.com

Washington: Lacy Waltermeyer Washington@SolutionTree.com

Brian Duggan WA,
Jake Thelen CO, UT, WY
Eric Henry Northern CA
Joe Warden PA, MD, DC, DE
Michele Cook AZ,
Jessica Tuttle IA, MN, MO
Ev Kent Central and Eastern AR
Heather White NC, SC, VA, WV
Madeline Gill West
Catherine McClemens
Courtney Calfee FL, GA
Susan Rabel West TX
Catie Christenson Canada

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