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High Reliability Teacher
Strong Teachers, Strong Schools
Marzano Resources’ High Reliability Teacher (HRT) program develops and celebrates teacher eff ecti veness. Our three-level certi fi cati on process facilitates the advancement of a teacher’s pedagogical knowledge and skills in three key areas: eff ecti ve use of instructi onal strategies, student learning, and valid and rigorous feedback.
HRT empowers educators to:
• Focus on conti nuous improvement • Grow professionally in instructi on, assessment, and feedback • Improve student achievement • Develop experti se and expand career opportuniti es
Who should parti cipate in the HRT certi fi cati on process?
HRT is most benefi cial for practi cing teachers who have classroom experience. In additi on, parti cipants should be open to implementi ng Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s New Art and Science of Teaching instructi onal framework in their classrooms. “Being a part of the High Reliability
Teacher program has made me want to be a bett er teacher. Through the work I’ve done, I have pushed myself professionally to fi nd new and bett er ways to educate children. I truly feel I’m doing things in my classroom to help students take ownership in their learning while making it fun.”
—Trisha Fox, teacher, Clark-Pleasant Community Schools, Indiana
What are the benefi ts of parti cipati ng in the HRT program?
• Receive detailed feedback regarding your instructi on. • Increase your competence in instructi onal practi ce. • Become a teacher leader. • Further your understanding of assessment literacy. • Earn CEUs/PD credit. Dr. Marzano delves into what it means to be a High Reliability Teacher.
Watch the video at MarzanoResources.com/StrongTeachers