35 minute read
Book & Video Index
5 Dimensions of Engaged Teaching, The 108, 176 20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core 109 21st Century Skills 150 40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K–6 Students 66, 139 100-Day Leaders 14, 132 101 Tips for Teaching Online 100, 145 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators 176, 194 200+ Proven Strategies for Teaching Reading, Grades K–8 140 (Re)designing Argumentation Writing Units for Grades 5–12 139 (Re)designing Narrative Writing Units for Grades 5–12 107
Achieving Equity and Excellence Activating the Vision Adapting Unstoppable Learning Agile Learner, The Ahead of the Curve All Other Duties as Assigned AllThingsPLC Magazine Ambitious Instruction Amplify Your Impact Are We a Group or a Team? Assertive Discipline® Assessing Unstoppable Learning Assessment as a Catalyst for Learning Assessment Toolkit, The Authentic Literacy Instruction Awaken the Learner
49, 185 83, 128 108, 168 100 74 48, 121 17, 51 104 14, 128 20 162 74 70 79 139 118
Balanced Assessment 80
Balancing the Equation Ball [DVD], The Ball, The
87 130 130
Becoming Active Citizens
99, 148, 185 Becoming a Reflective Teacher 120 Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide, The 107, 164, 175, 194 Behave Yourself! 168 Behavior Solutions 16, 55, 160, 174 Behavior: The Forgotten Curriculum 65, 164 Best Practices at Tier 1 53, 100 Best Practices at Tier 2 53, 100 Best Practices at Tier 3 53, 100 Beyond Conversations About Race 126, 180, 185, 199 Beyond Reform 119 Beyond the Common Core series 24, 87 Beyond the Grade 108 Beyond the RTI Pyramid 66 Big Book of Tools for Collaborative Teams in a PLC at Work®, The 15, 198 Blended Vocabulary for K–12 Classrooms 140 Bolstering Student Resilience 116 Boys in Poverty 182 Brainwork 127 Breaking the Poverty Barrier 200 Breaking Through 155 Breaking With Tradition 14, 80, 124 Bringing Homework Into Focus 73 Building a Culture of Hope 49, 175, 182, 185 Building a Professional Learning Community at Work® 20 Building Basic Vocabulary 118 Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning 39, 99, 171 Building Bridges 164, 180, 184, 189 Building Classroom Communities 191 Building Great Mental Health Professional–Teacher Teams 163, 174 Building Great School Board–Superintendent Teams 127 Building Great School Counselor–Administrator Teams 127 Building the Resilient School 49, 175, 182, 185 Building Your Building 22, 124
Capturing the Classroom Cardboard Classroom, The
146, 196 99, 148, 187
Change Starts With Me
99, 183 Change Wars 51 Charting the Course for Collaborative Teams 33 Charting the Course for Leaders 33, 127 Claim Your Domain—And Own Your Online Presence 151 Classroom Management for Academic Success 162 Close Reading in the Secondary Classroom 120 Closing the RTI Gap 66, 182 Coaching Classroom Instruction 120 Coaching for Educator Wellness 172, 193 Coaching for Significant and Sustained Change in the Classroom 118 Coaching Teachers in Bilingual and DualLanguage Classrooms 155, 186 Coaching Your Classroom 72, 102, 190 Collaborating for Success With the Common Core 20 Collaboration for Career and Technical Education 17 Collaborative Common Assessments 39, 73 Collaborative Teacher, The 22 Collaborative Team Plan Book for PLCs at Work®, The 10 Collaborative Teams in Professional Learning Communities at Work® 17 Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools 119 Collaborative Teams That Work 39, 48 Collective Efficacy in a PLC at Work® 17, 48 Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work® series 24 Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work® series 24, 87 Common Formative Assessment 21, 72 Community Connections and Your PLC at Work® 15, 200 Complete Guide to Blended Learning, The 98, 145, 188 Concise Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Assessment and Grading 67, 99 Concise Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Professional Learning Communities at Work® 10 Connected Educator, The 151 Connecting the Dots 150 Connecting Through Leadership 124 Content, Then Process 74 Counting What Counts 80, 129 Crafting Your Message 126, 198 Creating a Culture of Feedback 80 Creating a Digital-Rich Classroom 149 Creating and Protecting the Shared Foundation of a Professional Learning Community at Work® 17, 130 Creating Purpose-Driven Learning Experiences 152 Creating Successful Inclusion Programs 168 Creating the Anywhere, Anytime Classroom 146 Critical Conversations in Co-Teaching 168 Cultivating Mindfulness in the Classroom 120 Cultural Literacy for the Common Core 186 Cultures Built to Last 20
Data-Based Decision Making Data Dynamics Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge Deep Change Leadership Deep Discourse
131 50 97 49, 132 109 Deeper Learning 150 Deliberate and Courageous Principal , The 122 Design in Five 72 Designing Effective Assessments 80 Designing Effective Classroom Management 120 Designing Teacher-Student Partnership Classrooms 152 Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives 120 Designing the Future 151, 191 De-Stress the Test 79, 172 Differentiation and the Brain 103 Different Schools for a Different World 148, 191 Dismantling a Broken System 48, 184 District Leadership That Works 50, 132 Doable Differentiation Doing What Works 98, 188 126
Educator’s Guide to Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, An 117 Educator Wellness 172, 193 Elementary 56, 130, 137 Elements of Grading 74 Embedded Formative Assessment 72, 106 Embracing a Culture of Joy 50 EMPOWER Your Students 102, 175, 189 End of School as We Know It, The 151 Energize Your Teams 14, 48 Engage in the Mathematical Practices 83 Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology 120 Enriching the Learning 17 Equitable Instruction, Empowered Students 98, 184 Essential Assessment 70, 106 Establishing a Lasting Legacy 122, 196 Ethical Test Preparation in the Classroom 116 Evaluating and Assessing Tools in the Digital Swamp 152 Everyday Instructional Coaching 102 Every School, Every Team, Every Classroom 20, 130 Every Student Can Learn Mathematics series 19, 86 Every Student, Every Day 162 Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series 101, 138, 142 Evident Equity 48, 184
FAST Grading 74 Fifty Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement 190 Finding Fulfillment 14, 126, 196 Finding Your Blind Spots 176, 183 Five Disciplines of PLC Leaders, The 15, 130, 194 Five Paths of Student Engagement 49, 98, 188 Five Ways of Being 198 Flip This School 50 Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading 120 Formative Tools for Leaders in a PLC at Work® 13, 122 Freedom to Learn 151 From Burnt Out to Fired Up 196 From Leading to Succeeding 129 From Master Teacher to Master Learner 152 From Pencils to Podcasts 146 From Tired to Inspired 140, 190 Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units, The 107, 139 Future-Focused Learning 104
Game On Game Plan Gearing Up for Learning Beyond K–12 Get Set, Go Getting Started Global Education Guidebook, The Global Perspectives Global School, The Got Data? Now What? 148 22 151 73 23 150 22 149 50
Grading From the Inside Out
70 Growing Global Digital Citizens 104, 148 Growing Tomorrow’s Citizens in Today’s Classrooms 70, 106, 150
Handbook for Collaborative Common Assessments, The 39, 73 Handbook for Developing and Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom, A 118 Handbook for Embedded Formative Assessment, The 72, 106 Handbook for High Reliability Schools™, A 116 Handbook for Personalized Competency-Based Education, A 117 Handbook for Poor Students, Rich Teaching, The 105, 180, 186, 189
Handbook for SMART School Teams, The 51
Handbook for the New Art and Science of Teaching, The
79, 103, 192 Handbook for Unstoppable Learning, A 108 Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning 148 Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms 122, 196 HEART! 15, 124, 194 Help Your Team 21 Highly Engaged Classroom, The 120 Holistic Leadership, Thriving Schools 126, 176 How RTI Works in Secondary Schools 65 How Schools Thrive 14, 48 How to Coach Leadership in a PLC 40 How to Cultivate Collaboration in a PLC 40 How to Develop PLCs for Singletons and Small Schools 40 How to Interview, Hire, & Retain High-Quality New Teachers 131 How to Launch PLCs in Your District 40 How to Leverage PLCs for School Improvement 33 How to Teach Thinking Skills 102 How to Use Digital Tools to Support Teachers in a PLC 40, 149
Identity-Conscious Educator, The I’m Listening
184 139, 190 Implementing Project-Based Learning 152 Implementing RTI With English Learners 66, 156 Improving Teacher Development and Evaluation 116 Inclusion Strategies and Interventions 167 Independent Learner, The 99, 187 In Praise of American Educators 18, 128 In Praise of American Educators [Keynote Presentation] 18, 128 Inside PLCs at Work® 21 Inspiring Creativity and Innovation in K–12 152 Instructional Agility 70, 106 Instructional Methods for Differentiation and Deeper Learning 109 Instructional Planning for Effective Teaching 109 Instructional Strategies for Effective Teaching 109 It’s About Time 56, 130
Journey to Becoming a Professional Learning Community, The 23
Kid by Kid, Skill by Skill Kids Left Behind, The Kids Who Outwit Adults Kindergarten From A to Z 20, 104 48, 182 164 99, 163, 196
Last Frontier, The 74
Launching and Consolidating Unstoppable Learning
108, 191 Leader’s Companion, A 18, 132 Leader’s Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom, A 129 Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work®, A 137 Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work® , Elementary, A 13, 101, 112, 122 Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work® , Secondary, A 13, 101, 122 Leadership 129 Leadership at Every Level 122, 196 Leadership in Professional Learning Communities at Work® 15, 132 Leaders of Learning 18, 132 Lead From the Start 126, 200 Leading a Competency-Based Elementary School 116 Leading a High Reliability School™ 18, 125 Leading a Learning Organization 132 Leading by Design 23, 130 Leading Data-Informed Change in Schools 125 Leading Difficult Conversations 23, 132 Leading Modern Learning 126 Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide 10, 49, 125 Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide Plan Book 10, 49, 125 Leading Standards-Based Learning 117 Leading the Evolution 119 Leading the Launch 48, 122 Leading Unstoppable Learning 129 Leading With Intention 21, 124 Learning by Doing 10 Learning Without Classrooms 107 Letting Data Lead 73 Leveraging the Impact of Culture and Climate 47, 126, 160 Literacy Reframed 139 Literacy Strategies for English Learners in Core Content Secondary Classrooms 156 Literacy Triangle, The 100, 137, 188 Loving What They Learn 17, 189
Make It Happen
13, 104, 127 Make School Meaningful—And Fun! 151 Making Classroom Assessments Reliable and Valid 79 Making Grades Matter 17, 79 Making Homework Matter 108 Making Learning Flow 109, 191 Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Facilitator’s Guide and DVD series 96, 105 Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K–5 96, 105 Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching series 96, 105 Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching the Small Group 96, 105 Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching to Inform Instructional Quality 96, 105 Making Teamwork Meaningful 20 Making Time at Tier 2 56 Managing the Inner World of Teaching 119 Managing Unstoppable Learning 162 Mathematics Assessment and Intervention in a PLC at Work® 19, 72, 86 Mathematics at Work™ Plan Book 19, 86 Mathematics Coaching and Collaboration in a PLC at Work® 19, 86, 128 Mathematics Homework and Grading in a PLC at Work® 19, 72, 86, 107 Mathematics Instruction and Tasks in a PLC at Work® 19, 86, 107 Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work® , Grades 3–5 19, 86 Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work® , Grades 6–8 19, 86 Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work® , Grades PreK–2 19, 86 Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work® , High School 19, 86 Meeting Goals 124, 196 Messaging Matters 128 Metacognition 102 Metacognitive Student, The 98, 172 Mind, Brain, & Education 107 Mind for Mathematics, A 83 Mindful Assessment 80 Mindfulness Practices 162, 176, 186 Mindful School Communities 162, 176 Mindsets and Skill Sets for Learning 116 More Than a SMART Goal 40, 51 Motivating and Inspiring Students 118 Motivating Students 164, 190 Motivating Students Who Don’t Care 160, 179, 192 Moving 125 Moving Beyond Busy 132 Myth of the Muse, The 150
Navigating the Core Curriculum Neurodevelopmental Differentiation New Art and Science of Classroom Assessment, The
65 100
79, 103
New Art and Science of Teaching Art and Music, The 103, 192 New Art and Science of Teaching Mathematics, The 83, 103, 192 New Art and Science of Teaching Reading, The 103, 192 New Art and Science of Teaching, The 103, 192 New Art and Science of Teaching Writing, The 103, 192 New Pillars of Modern Teaching, The 151 New Way, A 20, 50, 129 No Disposable Kids 180 Not Yet . . . And That’s OK 98, 188 NOW Classrooms series 149 Now We’re Talking! 128
On Common Ground 22
On Excellence in Teaching On Solid Ground
106 16, 56 On Your Mark 73 Overcoming the Achievement Gap Trap 42, 127, 186 Owning It 104, 164, 189
Parentships in a PLC at Work® Parents on Your Side® 23, 51, 199 200
Passion and Persistence
21, 128 Pathways to Proficiency 73 Personalized Deeper Learning 100, 174, 192 Personalized Learning in a PLC at Work® 16, 55, 148 Personalizing Learning Through Voice and Choice 99, 191 Personal Learning Networks 150 Planning and Teaching in the StandardsBased Classroom 117 PLC at Work® and Your Small School 15 PLC Toolkit, The 15 Poor Students, Rich Teaching 105, 180, 186, 189 Powerful Guiding Coalitions 14, 124 Power of Professional Learning Communities at Work®, The 23 Power of SMART Goals, The 51 Power of Unstoppable Momentum, The 128, 148 Power Struggles 162 Power Tools for Adolescent Literacy 141 Practical Look at Response to Intervention, A 56 Principal as Assessment Leader, The 74, 132 Problems-First Learning 151, 191 Professional Learning Communities at Work® 22 Professional Learning Communities at Work® and High Reliability Schools™ 18, 125 Professional Learning Communities at Work® and Virtual Collaboration 21, 146 Professional Learning Communities at Work® Plan Book 22 Proficiency-Based Assessment 73 Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas 73 Proficiency-Based Instruction 73, 104, 190 Proficiency Scales for the New Science Standards 118 Pyramid of Behavior Interventions 65, 163 Pyramid Response to Intervention 16, 56
Quest for Learning, The 106, 191 Questioning Sequences in the Classroom 120
Raise Her Up 121, 184
Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap Raising the Rigor Reading and Writing Instruction for Fourth- and FifthGrade Classrooms in a PLC at Work®
23 106
Reading and Writing Instruction for PreK Through FirstGrade Classrooms in a PLC at Work® 13,
101, 138 Reading and Writing Instruction for Second- and ThirdGrade Classrooms in a PLC at Work® 13,
101, 138 Reading and Writing Strategies for the Secondary English Classroom in a PLC at Work® 13, 101, 138 Reading and Writing Strategies for the Secondary Science Classroom in a PLC at Work® 13, 101, 138 Reading and Writing Strategies for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom in a PLC at Work® 13, 101, 138 Ready for Anything Ready for the Workforce Ready to Learn Real-World Learning Framework for Elementary Schools Real-World Learning Framework for Secondary Schools Rebooting Assessment 150 146, 188 102, 190
106 67, 146 Rebuilding the Foundation 141 Reclaiming Our Prodigal Sons and Daughters 182 Reclaiming Youth at Risk 174, 180, 185 Record Book Plus 108 Redefining Fair 107 Rediscovering Hope 182 Reimagining Literacy Through Global Collaboration 148 Remaking Literacy 139 Resilience Revolution, The 180 Responding to Resistance 125 Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act With the PLC at Work® Process 22, 50 Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work® 10, 49 Riding the Wave 198 Role of PLCs in Advancing 21st Century Skills, The 23, 150 RTI at Work™ Plan Book 16, 55 RTI Toolkit, The 66
Scheduling for Personalized CompetencyBased Education
117 School Improvement for All 33, 50 School Leader’s Guide to English Learners, The 131, 156 School Leader’s Guide to Grading, The 131 School Leader’s Guide to Professional Learning Communities at Work®, The 23, 131 School Leader’s Guide to Special Education, The 168 School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading, A 117 School Wellness Wheel, The 116 Score to Soar 129 Secondary 130, 137 Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment in Your Classroom 65, 163 Shifting From Me to We 17 Shifting the Monkey 130, 198 Shifting to Digital 149, 188, 196 Simplifying Common Assessment 21, 72 Simplifying Response to Intervention 16, 55 Small Changes, Big Impact 47, 175 Softening the Edges 70, 190 Solutions for Digital Learner–Centered Classrooms series 152 Solutions for Modern Learning series 151 SOUL! 15, 124, 194 Standards-Based Learning in Action 70 Starting a Movement 40 Step In, Step Up 126, 184 Strategies for Mathematics Instruction and Intervention, 6–8 65, 87 Strategies for Mathematics Instruction and Intervention, K–5 65, 87 Strengthening the Connection Between School & Home 131, 200 Stronger Together 128 Student-Centered Classroom, The 79, 103, 189 Student Self-Assessment 70, 188 Succeeding With Difficult Students® 162 Success for Our Youngest Learners 17 Summing Up, A 18, 125 Supporting Beginning Teachers 116 Supporting Differentiated Instruction 40, 108 Supporting Underserved Students 65, 112, 160, 179, 184 Sustainable Project-Based Learning 97, 146, 188 Swimming in the Deep End 50, 126, 174
Tactical Teacher, The Take Time for You
99, 159, 180, 189 107, 176, 194 Taking Action 16, 55 Targeting Behavior and Academic Interventions 55, 160 Teacher as Assessment Leader, The 74 Teachers as Architects of Learning 190 Teacher’s Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom, A 102 Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning, A 117 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #1 163 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #2 163 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #3 163 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #4 163, 200 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #5 163 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #6 163 Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #7 141 Teaching Argumentation 119 Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills 120 Teaching Basic, Advanced, and Academic Vocabulary 118 Teaching for Diversity 200 Teaching for Lifelong Learning 146 Teaching for Transfer 103, 192 Teaching in a Competency-Based Elementary School 115 Teaching in a Competency-Based Secondary School 115 Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5 156 Teaching Reasoning 119 Teaching Self-Regulation 98, 172, 188 Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives 108 Teaching the iGeneration 146 Teaching With Purpose 99, 196 Teaching With the Instructional Cha-Chas 104, 112 Texts, Tasks, and Talk 104 There’s More to the Story 100, 171, 184 Thinking About Thinking in IB Schools 102 Thinking Protocols for Learning 148, 191 Thriving as a New Teacher 107, 164, 198 Through New Eyes 23 Tiers Without Tears 16, 56 Timebomb 16, 50, 55 Time for Change 14, 42, 127 Transformative Collaboration 39, 48 Transformative Teaching 109, 174 Transforming School Culture 14, 42, 127 Transforming School Culture Mini-Course 41 Transforming School Culture PD Playlist 41 Trauma-Sensitive Instruction 98, 160, 172 Trauma-Sensitive Leadership 122, 159, 172 Turning the Page on Complex Texts 140 Two-for-One Teaching 102, 175, 189
Uniting Academic and Behavior Interventions 56, 160 Unlocked 70 Unpacking the Competency-Based Classroom 9, 80, 100 Unstoppable Learning 108 Using Digital Games as Assessment and Instruction Tools 152 Using Technology to Enhance Reading 151
Virtual PLCs at Work® Vision and Action
10, 122, 146 117 Vocabulary for the Common Core 119 Vocabulary for the New Science Standards 118 Vocabulary Games for the Classroom Vocabulary in a SNAP 119 140
What About Us?
18 What Effective Schools Do 51 Whatever Happened to the Classroom Turtle? 191 What I Wish I Knew Before Cancer 172 What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Mathematics 87, 131 What’s Next? 9, 98 When Actions Speak Louder Than Words 164, 168 When They Already Know It 21 Who Owns the Learning? 102 Why Culture Counts 182 Will to Lead, the Skill to Teach, The 42, 104, 127 Women Who Lead 121, 184 Working With Difficult & Resistant Staff 129, 198 Wraparound Guide, The 176, 180, 185, 189, 200
Yes We Can!
39, 167 You Can Learn! 11, 98, 188 You’ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them 190
Author/Presenter Index A
Abbott, Seth D. Abrams, Jennifer 115 50, 52, 126, 135, 174
Adams, Jeremy S.
112, 195, 198 Adamson, Michael T. 127 Adams, Thomasenia Lott 24, 87, 91, 96, 105 Ahner, Casey R. 29, 34 Alcock, Marie 106, 112, 142, 191, 192 Alexander, Bryan 151 Allen, Gayle 151 Anderson, Heather 142 Anderson, James 100 Andreasen, Janet B. 91, 96, 105 Andrews, Jason A. 60 Angelou, Aspasia 34 Aquino, Katie N. 149 Argentar, Daniel M. 13, 101, 122, 137, 138, 142 Aschoff, Alexander S. 115 Asturias, Harold 24, 87 Avila, Ashley 115
Baeder, Justin 128, 135 Bailey, Kim 10, 13, 20, 21, 29, 60, 72, 81, 104, 122, 127 Baker-Busby, Anisa 34, 75 Balch, Bradley V. 127, 163, 174 Balch, Tonya C. 127, 163, 174 Baldermann, Jack 29, 60 Barmoha, Guy 91, 96, 105 Barnes, Bill 19, 72, 83, 86, 107, 128 Barr, Brady 112, 191 Barrett, Mandy 75, 169 Barr, Robert D. 48, 49, 175, 182, 185 Bayewitz, Michael D. 21 Beggs, Linda 176, 180, 182, 185, 189, 200 Bellanca, James A. 100, 102, 149, 150, 153, 174, 188, 192, 196 Bellanca, Kate 149, 188, 196 Bell, Kendra 34 Bender, William N. 66 Binis, Jennifer Borgioli 99, 148, 187 Blake, Lissa 149 Bollman, Kerry 65 Boogren, Tina H. 107, 112, 116, 118, 164, 172, 175, 176, 177, 193, 194, 195 Bordonaro, Kristin 169 Borrero, Kristyn Klei 162, 165 Boss, Suzie 152, 153 Boston, Melissa D. 91, 96, 105
Brandt, Ron 150 Brendtro, Larry K. 164, 174, 177, 180, 182, 185, 186 Briars, Diane J. 24, 87, 131 Brittingham, MaryAnn 109, 174, 177 Brokenleg, Martin 174, 180, 185 Brooks, Lisa A. 91, 96, 105 Brooks, Rebecca 108, 168, 169 Brown, Tim 11, 17, 29, 41, 98, 130, 188 Bruebach, Robin 149 Buckhalter, Brian 88 Buffum, Austin 16, 53, 55, 56, 60, 100, 130, 148, 160, 174 Burke, Kay 80 Burnett, Allyson J. 109 Butler, Brian K. 18
Calderón, Margarita Espino Canady, Carol E. Canady, Robert Lynn Cancellieri, Paul J. Candela, Amber G. Cano, Kimberly Rodriguez Canter, Lee Canter, Marlene Carleton, Lindsay Carli, Melissa R. Carter, John A. Cartledge, Gwendolyn Cavanagh, Whitney Cawn, Brad Chapman, Carolyn Chapman, Carrie Child, Libby Childs, Kristopher J. Chuang, Suyi Churches, Andrew Cianfrance, Jason Cirigliano, Barbara W. Clark, Amy Clarke, Megan Cohan, Daniel Cohen, Alan J.
155, 156, 157 108 108 80 91, 96, 105 34 108, 141, 162, 163, 200 162, 200 119 91, 96, 105 24, 87 100, 171, 184 149 81, 104, 142 164, 190 168, 169 116 96, 105 19, 86, 88 80, 104, 148 88 17 34 169 60 99, 163, 196 Cohen, Richard K. 98, 172 Colburn, Leigh 176, 180, 182, 185, 189, 200 Coleman, Charlie 65, 163 Collado, Washington 126, 180, 185, 199 Conboy, Janice 149 Conzemius, Anne E. 40, 51 Cooper, Damian 67, 81, 107, 146 Crane, Darlene 87 Crockett, Lee 80, 81, 104, 148, 153 Cruz, Luis F. 14, 29, 41, 42, 45, 60, 127, 157, 186 Cuddemi, Joe 29, 34, 45, 60 Cullen, Kimberly 121, 184 Cunningham, James W. 142 Cunningham, Patricia M. 142 Cunningham, Scott A. 21, 22, 60, 124 Curtis, Greg 126, 132, 135 Curwin, Richard L. 182 Custable, Wendy 17, 73
Daniels, Breez Longwell Danvers, Jane Daresh, Bridget N. Daresh, John C. Darling, Sandra K. Darrah, Edward P. Davis, Bonnie M. Davis, Kim De Blasio, Heather DeCarlo, Sheri Deinhart, Jennifer Depka, Eileen Devan, Matt 15 198 131 131 182 98, 172 186 164, 168 198 149 19, 29, 34, 86, 88 73, 106 34 Dickson, Melissa
100, 104, 112, 137, 188 Dillard, Michelle 34 Dimich, Nicole M. 60, 67, 70, 72, 75, 99, 106, 150, 164, 190 Dixon, Bruce 151 Dixon, Juli K. 24, 87, 91, 96, 105 Dixon, Susan D. 164, 168 Dodson, Christopher W. 116 Dome, Nancy 116 Donlan, Ryan 48, 121 Donnelly, Katelyn 152 Dougherty, Craig 21 Driscoll, Tom 99, 148, 185 DuFour, Rebecca 10, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 49, 50, 130, 131, 132 DuFour, Richard 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 41, 49, 50, 125, 128, 130, 131, 132, 146, 150 Duncan, Alicia 109, 174 Duncan-Davis, Brenda 112, 146, 188 Dupree, Lakesia L. 91
Eaker, Robert 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 49, 50, 104, 125, 129, 130, 132 Eastman, Billy 139, 142 Edwards, Mark A. 128, 148 Eller, John F. 50, 98, 107, 122, 129, 135, 159, 160, 164, 172, 177, 195, 198 Eller, Sheila A. 50, 107, 129, 135, 164, 195, 198 Erickson, Amy S. Gaumer 98, 172, 188 Erkens, Cassandra 22, 23, 29, 39, 67, 70, 73, 75, 99, 106, 108, 130, 150 Evers-Gerdes, Becky 122, 196
Farmer, Paul C. 10, 17, 29, 60, 122, 146
Feltner, Emily Fenelus, Geoffrey Fennell, Francis (Skip) 142 45 24, 87, 131
Ferdig, Richard E.
151 Ferriby Thomas, Tesha 29, 34 Ferriter, William M. 11, 15, 20, 29, 40, 80, 98, 112, 146, 149, 152, 153, 188, 195, 198 Finn III, Douglas 117 Finn, Michelle 117 Fischer, Becky 149 Fisher, Cathy 149 Fisher, Douglas 24, 66, 108, 131, 156 Fisher, Michael 106, 191, 192 Fisk, Justin 73 Fisk, Selena 125 Fitzharris, Gretchen 149 Flaherty, Megan K. 149 Flanagan, Tonia 39, 48 Flygare, Jeff 117, 120 Fodchuk, Amos 99, 112, 191 Fogarty, Robin J. 40, 102, 108, 112, 139, 142 Foster, David 24, 87 Francis, Erik M. 97 Freese, Angela 74, 75, 169 Freije, Whitney K. 142 Frey, Nancy 24, 66, 108, 131, 156 Friziellie, Heather 29, 39, 75, 167, 169 Fullan, Michael 20, 51, 128, 129, 148, 152, 153 Fuller, Andrew 100 Fuller, Lucy 100
Gale, Mardi A. García, Héctor García, Ricardo L. Garlick, Michelle Garrett, Jordan Garry, Adam Gazith, Karen Gibson, Emily L. 24, 87 22 200 13, 101, 122, 137 149 99, 146, 191 99, 112, 195, 196 49, 175, 182, 185, 186 Gillies, Katherine A. N. 13, 101, 122, 137, 138, 142 Glass, Kathy Tuchman 13, 101, 103, 107, 112, 122, 137, 138, 139, 142, 192 Gobble, Troy 60, 73, 104, 190 Gonzalez, Justin 149 Gord, Sarah 13, 101, 138 Graber, Julie 112, 148 Grafwallner, Peg 98, 102, 188, 190, 192 Graham, Parry 20 Grant, Leslie W. 80 Grant, Maria C. 112, 140, 142 Gregory, Gayle 53, 100 Grice, Jonathan 73, 103, 192 Griesbach, Steven M. 149 Grift, Gavin 39, 48, 119, 190, 198 Gruenert, Steve 47, 126, 160 Guilamo, Alexandra 112, 155, 157, 186 Guiler, Crystal 146 Guskey, Thomas R. 73, 74, 81, 132
Haciomeroglu, Erhan Selcuk Hagadone, Mike Hall, Bill
91, 96, 105 10, 49, 125 14, 124 Hall, Lani Ritter 151 Hannigan, Jessica Djabrayan 16, 55, 160, 165, 174, 177, 182 Hannigan, John 16, 55, 60, 160, 165, 174, 177, 182 Hansen, Aaron 29, 40, 60 Hargreaves, Andy 49, 51, 98, 125, 188 Harlacher, Jason E. 116, 117, 120 Hatlen, Beth 149 Hayes, Peter 142 Hecker, Laurel 119 Heckmann, Sascha 16, 55, 148 Heflebower, Tammy 117, 119, 120, 126, 198 Heller, Jacqueline 18, 142 Henley, Martin 168 Hierck, Tom 40, 52, 56, 65, 74, 87, 98, 122, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 172, 177 Hillman, Garnet 70, 72, 75, 102, 190 Hobbs, Lauren 99, 191 Hoegh, Jan K. 117, 118, 119 Holcomb, Edie L. 50, 131 Hollie, Sharroky 42, 65, 104, 112, 126, 127, 142, 160, 179, 180, 184, 185, 186, 199 Hopkins, Kristy 149 Howse, Tashana D. 91, 96, 105 Hulen, Tracey A. 18, 39, 99, 171, 177 Hyatt, Cate Hart 168, 169
Ianora, Joseph A. Iberlin, Jeanie M. Isiah, Rosa 21 120 45, 126, 180, 185, 199
Jackson, Yvette 126, 162, 176, 177, 180, 185, 186, 199 Jain, Darshan M. 19, 73, 86, 88 Jakicic, Chris 10, 13, 20, 21, 22, 72, 81, 104, 122, 127 Janecek, Amy 75 Jensen, Eric 105, 180, 186, 189 Jessie, Lillie G. 22 Johnson, Carlos 45 Johnson, Kelly 140, 142 Johnson, Marc 40 Johnson, Sara 65 Jones, Brandon 21, 29, 60, 169 Jones, David 34
Kaiser, Ann 112, 151, 153, 191 Kajitani, Alex 100, 104, 112, 145, 164, 165, 182, 189 Kanold-McIntyre, Jessica 19, 24, 72, 86, 87, 107, 128 Kanold, Timothy D. 15, 19, 24, 72, 86, 87, 107, 124, 128, 130, 131, 172, 193, 194, 195 Karhanek, Gayle 23
Karnopp, Jennifer R.
117 Karten, Toby J. 65, 112, 167, 169 Kaufeldt, Martha 53, 79, 81, 100, 112, 172, 177 Keating, Janel 10, 20, 23, 29, 49, 60, 104, 121, 125, 130, 135, 184 Kelly, Frank 107 Kelly, Katie Stover 142, 146 Kerns, Gene M. 139 Kerr, Diane 18, 34, 157 King, Dennis 10, 22, 29, 60, 122, 146 Kirtman, Lyle 129 Kise, Jane A. G. 52, 98, 112, 126, 135, 176, 177, 184, 186, 188 Kist, William 149, 153 Klein, Jennifer D. 112, 150, 153 Kobett, Beth McCord 24, 87 Kosena, Brian J. 116 Kowalski, Grace 149 Kramer, Sharon V. 22, 29, 33, 50, 53, 100, 127 Kryza, Kathleen 109, 112, 174 Kullar, Jasmine K. 22, 60, 121, 124, 184 Kushnir, Greg 29, 34, 60
Lane, Debra E.
121, 184 Langley, Kristi S. 34 Lang-Raad, Nathan D. 19, 83, 86, 88, 102, 103, 112, 192 Lapp, Diane 108, 140, 142 LaRose, David 29, 60 Larson, Matthew R. 19, 24, 72, 86, 87, 107, 128 Larson, Scott J. 180, 182 Lavert, Gwendolyn Battle 149, 188, 196 Lawrence, Ellen K. 149 Leak, Donna Simpson 88 Leane, Brig 29, 34 LeBlanc-Esparza, Kym 131, 200 LeBlanc-Esparza, Ricardo 131, 200 Lehmann, Erin 88 Lehotsky, Jennifer 149 Levine, David A. 191 Lezotte, Lawrence W. 51 Liebenberg, Pamela 34 Lillydahl, Doug 73, 142 Linnihan, Ellen I. 146, 153, 196 Lipscombe, Kylie 39, 48 Lipsett, Ann-Bailey 39, 99, 171, 177 Lipton, Laura 50 Lovely, Suzette 150, 153 Lubbers, Tom 149 Luke, Stephanie 91
Maeker, Paula Maffoni, Michael J. 34, 60, 75, 142, 169 14, 29, 48, 128
Magaña, Sonny Major, Clare Malone, Janet
120 190 16, 55 Mancabelli, Rob 150 Many, Thomas W. 10, 14, 15, 17, 22, 40, 48, 128, 132 Martin, Erica 13, 101, 138 Martin, Terri L. 128 Marzano, Jana S. 119 Marzano, Robert J. 18, 50, 79, 83, 103, 106, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 125, 132, 192 Mascareñaz, Lauryn 48, 184 Maslyk, Jacie 112, 139, 142 Mason, Christine 162, 176, 177, 186 Mattingly, Ken 75 Mattos, Mike 10, 16, 17, 20, 29, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 60, 64, 100, 130, 148, 160, 174 Maxwell, Marge 106 May, Lisa 13, 101, 138 McBride, Christi 112, 146, 188 McCain, Ted 107, 112, 151, 191 McCann, Blane 21 McCluskey, Katherine 22, 157 McCray, Carissa R. McCusker, Shawn W. McDowell, Michael McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K. 98, 184 99, 148, 185 103, 112, 192 66, 109, 139
McGinnis, Kirstin 149
McLaughlin, Janelle Clevenger McLaughlin, Margaret J.
122, 196 168 McLeod, Scott 148, 153, 191 McNeece, Alexander 17, 45, 108, 112, 165, 189, 191, 192 McTighe, Jay 112, 126 Meek, Anne 108 Mendler, Allen N. 160, 162, 179, 192 Mendler, Brian D. 162 Michael, Morgane 196 Miller, Jadi 67, 75, 99 Miller, Jeanetta Jones 79, 103, 189 Mitchell, Martin 180 Mohan, Nicky 148 Montenegro, Hector 156, 157, 186 Morem, Kathryn 34 Morganti-Fisher, Terry 40, 51 Moss, Barbara 140, 142 Mozingo, Brittany 19, 86, 88 Muhammad, Anthony 10, 14, 29, 41, 42, 49, 104, 126, 127, 180, 185, 186, 199 Muhammad, Malik 45 Murphy, Michele M. Rivers 162, 176, 177, 186
Navo, Matt Neff, Samantha R. Ness, Arlin Newcomb, Ming Lee Nichols, Hedreich
17, 48 96, 105 180 118, 119 176, 183 Nichols, Kim 34 Nickelsen, LeAnn 81, 100, 104, 112, 137, 142, 182, 188 Nielsen, Maria 21, 29 Noble, Robin 14, 126, 196 Nolan, Edward C. 24, 87, 91, 96, 105 Noonan, Patricia M. 98, 172, 188 Norford, Jennifer S. 79, 103, 117 Norris, Kit 83 Novak, Sandi 109, 142 November, Alan 102 Nussbaum-Beach, Sheryl 151
O’Bara, Susannah O’Connor, Ken O’Leary, Cheryl Olinger, Leanne Oliver, Brandie M.
75 74, 81, 131 34 142 163, 174 O’Neill, Jan 51 Onuscheck, Mark 13, 73, 81, 101, 103, 104, 138, 142, 190, 192 Opatosky, Deanne Kildare 98, 172 Ormiston, Meg 149, 152, 153 Orzel, Courtney 149 Ostheimer, Gib 75 Owens, Regina Stephens 29, 34, 60
Palmer, Kyle Pandolpho, Beth Panico, Ambrose
23, 51, 199 112, 139, 142, 190, 192 168, 169 Parker, Danieli 60 Parker, Don 164, 165, 180, 182, 184, 186, 189 Parker, Scott D. 149 Parker, William D. 128, 135 Parrett, William H. 48, 182 Parrish, Nina 99, 187 Parscale, Geri 29, 34, 60 Parscale, Nicholas Steven 172 Parsons, Cristi 34 Payne, Ruby K. 182 Pearce, Steve 9, 98
Peery, Angela B.
112, 140, 142 Perez, Kathy 112, 140, 142, 169 Pete, Brian M. 40, 102, 108, 112, 139, 142, 153 Petersen-Incorvaia, Gerry 34 Peterson, Garrick 60 Phelps, Chavez 163, 174 Phillips, Barbara 142 Pickering, Debra J. 120 Porosoff, Lauren 102, 153, 165, 175, 177, 189 Power, Karen 13, 21, 29, 34, 45, 101, 122, 124, 135, 137 Provencio, Nathaniel 15, 200 Pytash, Kristine E. 142, 151
Rains, Cameron L. 18, 116, 125, 128
Ramos, Eric Ranells, Mary Ann Rasinski, Timothy V. Rasmussen, Amy Raymond, Sonya Reason, Casey Reason, Lisa 73 22 141, 142, 151 139, 142 149 21, 132, 146 146
Reddicks, Tommy
126, 200 Reeves, Brooks 150 Reeves, Douglas 14, 22, 49, 50, 52, 74, 81, 126, 129, 132, 135, 150, 152, 180, 185, 186, 199 Reibel, Anthony R. 47, 52, 73, 81, 104, 175, 190 Reigeluth, Charles M. 117 Reilly, Jamie 149 Remmert, Will 21, 29, 60 Rendon, Sharon 88 Renner, Dana 34 Rhoades, Meagan 10, 49, 125 Richardson, Will 150, 151, 152 Ring, Nicole 149 Ripley, Dale 99, 159, 180, 189 Ripp, Pernille 148 Rivera, Georgina 88 Roberts, Michael 17, 29, 34 Robertson, Doug 99, 148, 187 Rodriguez, Billie Jo 117 Rodriguez, Rich 60 Rogers, Katie 118, 119 Rogers, Paula 53, 60, 100 Rogin, Madeleine 99, 183 Roos, Rhonda J. 122 Rose, Ainsley B. 22 Rothenberg, Carol 66, 156 Roulston, William S. 200 Roy, George J. 91, 96, 105 Roy, Tom 118 Rozzelle, Jan 141 Rubenstein, Maureen M. 13, 101, 122, 137, 138, 142 Ruedel, Kristin 168 Russell, Jr., Daniel 65, 160, 179, 184 Ruyle, Mike 79, 103, 116, 119 Ryan, Bo 34
Safi, Farshid Salomonson, Kimberly Sammons, Laurie Robinson Sanders, Tamie 91, 96, 105 169 108 34
Savage, James E. Savage, Jared J. Scearce, Carol Schaaf, Ryan L. Schimmer, Tom Schmidt, Julie A. 98, 172 17, 48 141 148, 152 67, 70, 75, 99, 106, 150 39, 60, 167, 169
Schreck, Mary Kim
140, 190 Schrock, Connie 88 Schuhl, Sarah 19, 29, 33, 34, 50, 60, 72, 83, 86, 107, 128 Scott, Darrell 118 Seif, Elliott 112, 146 Seita, John R. 164
Sells, Debra Sever, Brad Seymour, Tina Merriweather Shareski, Dean
20, 50, 129 97, 146, 188 126, 200 50, 148, 191
Sheridan, Kathryn E. Shirley, Dennis
13, 101, 138 49, 98, 188 Siegle, Ryan 122, 196 Simms, Julia A. 103, 116, 118, 119, 120, 192 Slakk, Shawn 157 Slanker, Lauren 149 Slattery, Cara 109 Slocumb, Paul D. 182 Sloper, Colin 39, 48 Smith, Bradley 73 Smith, Jennifer L. 88 Smith, Mignon 19, 86, 88 Smith, Nanci N. 19, 83, 86, 88, 108 Smith, Rea 75 Smith, W. Richard 29, 40, 53, 100 Snyder, Kathleen McKee 51 Soelen, Thomas M. Van 124, 195, 196 Sommers, William A. 125 Sonju, Bob 21, 53, 100 Sousa, David A. 103, 107, 127 Sparks, Susan K. 14, 22, 40, 48, 128 Spencer, John 109, 112, 191 Spiller, Jeanne 13, 20, 21, 29, 39, 101, 124, 135, 138, 142, 167, 169 Stack, Brian M. 9, 14, 80, 81, 100, 124 Stalets, Mandy 70, 72, 75, 102, 190 Stavish, Kate 142 Stevens, Susan Olsen 98, 172 Stinson, Rebecca L. 52, 129 Stobaugh, Rebecca 81, 106, 112, 153, 190, 192 Stronge, James H. 80, 109 Stuart, Timothy S. 16, 22, 55, 148 Sutherland, Makini 91
Talusan, Liza A. Tassell, Janet Lynne Tate, Marcia L. Taylor, Shelley Telesman, Alana Oif Thede, Matt Thomas, Tesha Ferriby Tileston, Donna Walker Tobias, Jennifer M.
184 106 122, 196 22 100, 171, 184 47, 52, 175 14, 48, 128 66, 182 91, 96, 105 Tomlinson, Carol Ann 103, 112 Toncheff, Mona 19, 24, 29, 34, 72, 83, 86, 87, 107, 128 Townsley, Matt 17, 79, 81 Treadway, Matt 169 Trejo, Maria N. 156, 157 Tucker, Catlin R. 98, 145, 188 Twadell, Eric 22, 23, 29, 60, 73, 81, 104, 130, 135, 190 Tyson, Kimberly A. 140
Uline, Cynthia L. 24
Van Bockern, Steve 174, 180, 185, 186 Vander Els, Jonathan G. 9, 14, 29, 80, 81, 100, 124 Velez, Eddie 34 Virga, Jamie 29
Wallace, Kim Warrick, Philip B. Waters, Timothy Watters, Audrey Watterston, Barbara K. Wear, Nathan L.
48, 122 18, 116, 117, 119, 125 50, 132 151 126, 184, 186 17, 79, 81 Weaver, Laura 108, 176, 186 Weber, Chris 16, 55, 56, 65, 87, 126, 135, 160, 163, 164, 165 Weichel, Mark 9, 21, 98 Weinstein, Jonathan 102, 153, 165, 175, 177, 189 Wellman, Bruce 50 Wenzel, Taylar B. 91, 96, 105 Whitaker, Todd 47, 126, 130, 160, 198 Whitcomb, Sara A. 116 White, Katie 67, 70, 75, 99, 188, 190, 192 Wight, Matt 20 Wilding, Mark 108, 176, 186 Wiliam, Dylan 72, 74, 106 Williams, Gerald R. 60 Williams, Kenneth C. 29, 40, 126, 135, 180, 185, 199 Williams, Tami 21 Wills, Janelle 39, 48, 148, 191 Windram, Holly 65 Wink, John R. 102, 129, 135 Wipf, Jacob P. 116 Wise, Brian R. 13, 101, 122, 137, 138, 142 Wolfe, Jennifer A. 91 Wood, Steven M. 73 Wray, Jonathan A. 24, 87 Wright, Zachary 48, 184
Xu, Xianxuan 80, 109
Yanoski, David C. Yearta, Lindsay Yost, Jon Yurick, Amanda L.
Zapata, Yazmin Pineda Zhao, Yong Zima, Bill Zimmermann, Gwendolyn Zmuda, Allison 118 142, 146 29, 34, 60 100, 171, 184
108, 168, 169 52, 80, 129, 135 116 24, 87, 88 106, 112, 191, 192
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