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Sustaining Your Skills
from 2023 ST PD Catalog
Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide
Engage in a powerful professional learning project designed specifically for district leadership teams and their unique challenges. Partner with our experts to put systems and processes in place to ensure equity and high levels of learning for all students.
You and your team will learn to:
Supporting Your PLC Literacy Teams: From Unit Planning and Execution to Data Analysis
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• Implement a guaranteed and viable curriculum
• Create a timely and balanced assessment system districtwide
• Remove barriers by implementing additional time, support, and extensions for all students
• Address equity issues through standards-based reporting and grading practices districtwide
• Build an inclusive and healthy district and school culture
• Operationalize the concepts and practices of a professional learning community—from the boardroom to the classroom—as a vehicle to improve leadership and the professional practice of all adults in an effort for all students to learn at higher levels
The work will be highly customized for each district based on size and need. Solution Tree experts, who have implemented these practices both as practitioners and partners with districts just like yours, will lead this work to increase learning for all students. At each stage of the process, you will have access to notable examples of successful projects.
Gain specific strategies and processes your literacy teams can put into practice immediately to significantly increase achievement levels for all learners.
• Know the key components of sound curriculum design geared to literacy instruction and assessment.
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• Develop a learning progression and learn to align common assessments and rubrics.
• Devise effective lessons using engaging instructional strategies to target literacy essential standards.
• Generate a team calendar to pinpoint dates for instruction, assessment, and intervention.
Embedded Coaching
Rely on our embedded coaching services to help you ingrain key PLC practices in the culture of your school or district. With help from our experts, both school leaders and staff will learn how to operate as a high-performing PLC and build their collective capacity for continuous improvement. Your coach will empower educators to act as highfunctioning teams.
Virtual Coaching for Principals and District Administrators
This high-touch professional learning service is available exclusively for principals and district administrators looking to address critical issues. Our carefully selected coaches have proven success in leading a PLC and can help you capitalize on the skills of your staff and identify the right next steps for your school or district.