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Highly Eff ecti ve Schools Accreditati on
Dedicate your ti me & energy to what matt ers most
Built on the foundati on of the Professional Learning Communiti es at Work® process and the High Reliability Schools™ model, Soluti on Tree’s Highly Eff ecti ve Schools Accreditati on process recognizes schools and districts committ ed to achieving and maintaining the highest levels of educati onal quality.
Why receive Highly Eff ecti ve Schools Accreditati on? Through this process, you will: • Validate the high-quality work being done across your school community • Align your school improvement eff orts to the PLC at Work® process and HRS model • Identi fy implementati on gaps, and develop growth area acti on plans • Receive formal assessment and evaluati on of your school’s progress from our team of PLC and HRS experts • Demonstrate your commitment to quality to community stakeholders and parents
Download our free white paper to learn more about how these practi ces complement each other and support educators in their eff orts to create a culture of conti nuous improvement.