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Featured Services
Owning It: Empowering Teachers to Close the Achievement Gap
Learn to embrace the struggles teachers face every day, and then implement effective teaching strategies to close the achievement gap and ensure that all students succeed. This on-site engagement empowers teachers to own their careers, teach effectively, and develop strong relationships with their students and colleagues.
Creating Positive Classroom Learning Environments
As educators look to have all students achieve at high levels and transition to their next step, some key actions become critical. What will you do to establish clearer expectations, enhance instruction and assessment, and foster quality relationships with students? Begin your journey by examining the seven keys to a positive learning environment in your classroom, aligning academic and behavior interventions to create a learning environment where all students can succeed.
Building Trusting Relationships With Students at Risk
This hands-on workshop discusses the characteristics of students at risk and students who have experienced trauma, as well as the difficulties they face in building trusting relationships with adults in school settings.
Using RTI to Transform Classroom Behavior
Design and implement a comprehensive, multitiered approach to nurturing behavioral and socialemotional skills for all students within your school. Educators will learn core supports to develop the skills that all learners need to be successful in school, college, career, and life while also anticipating potential challenges and preparing to confidently respond to students in need of intensive and differentiated supports.
Embedded Coaching
Create a positive classroom environment by establishing clearer expectations, enhancing instruction and assessment, and fostering quality relationships with students. Our coaches will work with both leadership and teachers to ensure that both new and experienced educators can employ the most effective behavioral and social skills activities for their particular classes and form unique relationships with each and every learner.
Customized Services
Our staff will work with you to design and deliver a high-quality professional development experience. Guided by our diverse specialists, you’ll simultaneously target key issues with integrated approaches, products, and resources.
Featured Books
The General Education Teacher’s Guide to Autism NEW Essential Answers to Key Questions
By Barbara Boroson
Find the answers to all your autism-related questions in The General Education Teacher’s Guide to Autism: Essential Answers to Key Questions From this informative, dynamic resource, you will collect practical strategies to address the common challenges facing these neurodiverse students in an inclusive environment while also learning to celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives these students bring to the classroom.
• Learn to ease the anxieties that are present among students on the autism spectrum.
• Discover ways to address executive function challenges that can contribute to disorganization, impulsivity, and learning difficulties.
• Collect practical strategies for easing sensory stress in the classroom.
23GCTG-S8A–BKG055 $40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-954631-13-7
Watch, Listen, Ask, Learn NEW How School Leaders Can Create an Inclusive Environment for Students With Disabilities
By Belinda Dunnick Karge
This is your comprehensive resource on providing effective special education services in your school. Written for current and aspiring administrators and teacher leaders, the book offers action items, case studies, and reproducible tools to help you stay in front of special education law, know and support your learning services team, and ensure students with disabilities receive equitable, inclusive education.
• Understand legal regulations and policy surrounding special education.
232 pages
• Think ahead, be proactive, and set up supports for each student.
• Discover a variety of special education service delivery models and practices.
23GCTG-S8A–BKG080 $40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-954631-29-8