Higher Education 2014

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Solutions for Higher Education


Empowering tomorrow’s leaders

Powerful, research-based solutions As you prepare the next wave of educators, empower them with the skills and tools they’ll need to achieve their dreams and help their own students thrive. In these pages, you’ll find a content-rich library from education’s leading experts: Robert J. Marzano, Richard DuFour, David A. Sousa, Carol Ann Tomlinson, Timothy D. Kanold, Toby J. Karten, and others. These research-based resources are the perfect way to build your students’ knowledge and ignite their passion for education.

Request review copies today Interested in using one of our books in your class? We’re happy to provide adoption review copies for university and academic programs. Just complete the form on page 27 or visit solution-tree.com/Adoption-Review.


3 7 10 12

Instruction Assessment Common Core Classroom Management and Behavior

Literacy 21st Century Skills English Learners Response to Intervention Professional Learning Communities at Work™

14 16 19 20 22

24 Leadership 27 Order Form




Instruction On Excellence in Teaching Edited by Robert J. Marzano By Barrie Bennett, David Berliner, Jere Brophy, Lynn Erickson, Thomas Good, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Jana Marzano, Robert J. Marzano, Richard Mayer, Jay McTighe, Matthew Perini, Debra J. Pickering, Harvey Silver, Carol Ann Tomlinson, and Grant Wiggins

Learn from the world’s best education researchers, theorists, and staff developers as they present recommendations on effective instruction. The book provides a comprehensive view of instruction from a theoretical, systemic, and classroom perspective. The authors’ diverse expertise delivers a wide range of ideas and strategies.


Introduction A Focus on Teaching Section 1 Theories of Excellence 1 What’s My Job? Defining the Role of the Classroom Teacher 2 Forty Years of Research on Teaching 1968–2008: What Do We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then? 3 The Artful Science of Instructional 392 pages | Hardcover | 2009 Integration 41BCB–BKF278 $34.95 4 Applying the Science of Learning to ISBN 978-1-934009-58-1 Instruction in School Subjects Section 2 Systemic Excellence 5 The Incompatibility of High-Stakes Testing and the Development of Skills for the Twenty-First Century 6 Teaching the Thinking Skills That Higher-Order Tasks Demand 7 Conceptual Designs for Curriculum and Higher-Order Instruction

8 Instructional Cartography: How Curriculum Mapping Has Changed the Role and Perspective of the Teacher 9 Developing Expert Teachers Section 3 Classroom Excellence 10 Differentiating Instruction in Response to Academically Diverse Student Populations 11 Understanding by Design and Instruction 12 Cultivating Student Appreciation of the Value of Learning 13 The Eight Cs of Engagement: How Learning Styles and Instructional Design Increase Student Commitment to Learning 14 The Inner Game of Teaching

The Highly Engaged Classroom By Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering With Tammy Heflebower

Bestseller Gain an in-depth understanding of how to generate high levels of student attention and engagement. Using the suggestions in this book, every teacher can create a classroom environment where engagement is the norm, not the exception.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D

Research and Theory How Do I Feel? Am I Interested? Is This Important? Can I Do This? Planning for High Engagement

Answers to Exercises What Is an Effect Size? Sample Unusual Information Planning Questions

240 pages | 2010 | Published by Marzano Research Laboratory 41BCB–BKL005 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-4-5

Becoming a Reflective Teacher By Robert J. Marzano With Tina Boogren, Tammy Heflebower, Jessica Kanold-McIntyre, and Debra J. Pickering

Bestseller Learn how to combine a model of effective instruction with goal setting, focused practice, focused feedback, and observations to improve your instructional practices. Included are 280 strategies related to the 41 elements of effective teaching shown to enhance student achievement.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Research and Theory Having a Model of Effective Teaching Setting Growth Goals Engaging in Focused Practice Receiving Focused Feedback Observing and Discussing Teaching

Compendium Strategies for Reflective Practice Appendix A Answers to Comprehension Questions Appendix B Teacher Scales for Reflective Practice

256 pages | 2012 | Published by Marzano Research Laboratory 41BCB–BKL011 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-3-8

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Instruction The 5 Dimensions of Engaged Teaching A Practical Guide for Educators By Laura Weaver and Mark Wilding Foreword by Ari Gerzon-Kessler

Engaged teaching recognizes that educators need to offer more than lesson plans and assessments for students to thrive in the 21st century. Equip your students to be resilient individuals, able to communicate effectively and work with diverse people.


1 2 3 4

Engaged Teaching Cultivating an Open Heart Engaging the Self-Observer Being Present

5 Establishing Respectful Boundaries 6 Developing Emotional Capacity 7 The Learning Journey: Putting It All Together in the Classroom 8 The Journey Is the Destination

224 pages | 2013 41BCB–BKF601 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-48-8

Bringing Innovation to School Empowering Students to Thrive in a Changing World By Suzie Boss Foreword by Chris Lehmann

Are you preparing a new generation of innovators? Activate your students’ creativity and problem-solving potential with breakthrough learning projects. Across all grades and content areas, student-driven, collaborative projects will teach students how to generate innovative ideas and then put them into action. You’ll take learning to new heights and help students master core content.

Contents Part I Setting the Stage 1 Coming to Terms With Innovation 2 Seeing Educators as Innovators 3 Growing a New Global Skill Set Part II Building the New Idea Factory 4 Seeding Innovation 5 Integrating Design Thinking Throughout the Curriculum 6 Making Room for Thinkers

7 Taking Advantage of Technology 8 Gaming for Real Learning Part III Moving From Thinking to Doing 9 Spreading Good Ideas 10 Taking Action Appendix A Additional Resources Appendix B Innovation Rubric Appendix C Discussion Guide

184 pages | 2012 41BCB–BKF546 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-26-3

Mind, Brain, & Education Neuroscience Implications for the Classroom Edited by David A. Sousa By Daniel Ansari, Joanna A. Christodoulou, Donna Coch, Stanislas Dehaene, Keith Devlin, Marianna D. Eddy, Matthias Faeth, Kurt W. Fischer, John Gabrieli, Mariale M. Hardiman, Katie Heikkinen, Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Tricia O’Loughlin, Michael I. Posner, David A. Sousa, Diane L. Williams, and Judy Willis

Understanding how the brain learns helps teachers do their jobs more effectively. Primary researchers in the emerging field of educational neuroscience share the latest findings on the learning process and address their implications for educational theory and practice. 312 pages | Hardcover | 2010 41BCB–BKF358 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-63-4




Contents 1 How Science Met Pedagogy 2 Neuroimaging Tools and the Evolution of Educational Neuroscience 3 The Current Impact of Neuroscience on Teaching and Learning 4 The Role of Emotion and Skilled Intuition in Learning 5 The Speaking Brain

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The Reading Brain Constructing a Reading Brain The Mathematical Brain The Calculating Brain The Computing Brain The Creative-Artistic Brain The Future of Educational Neuroscience

Instruction Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology By Sonny Magaña and Robert J. Marzano NEW! Successfully leverage technology to enhance classroom practices with this practical resource. Included are over 100 organized classroom strategies, vignettes that show each section’s strategies in action, and a glossary of classroomrelevant technology terms. Key research is summarized and translated into classroom recommendations. 216 pages | 2013 | Published by Marzano Research Laboratory 41BCB–BKL017 $29.95

Contents 1 Research and Theory 2 Communicating Learning Goals, Tracking Student Progress, and Celebrating Success 3 Establishing Classroom Rules and Procedures 4 Interacting With New Knowledge 5 Practicing and Deepening Knowledge 6 Generating and Testing Hypotheses

7 Engaging Students 8 Recognizing Levels of Adherence to Rules and Procedures 9 Maintaining Effective Relationships With Students 10 Communicating High Expectations Appendix A Answers to Comprehension Questions Appendix B Glossary of Technology Terms

ISBN 978-0-9858902-4-7

Think Big, Start Small How to Differentiate Instruction in a Brain-Friendly Classroom By Gayle Gregory and Martha Kaufeldt You no longer have to be a neuroscientist to understand how your students absorb knowledge. This easy-to-comprehend guide pares down the vast field of neuroscience and covers the brain basics that affect your classroom the most— attention, memory, emotions, and stress. With a variety of simple brain-compatible strategies, you’ll see a measurable difference in your differentiated classrooms.

Contents 1 Using Educational Neuroscience to Differentiate Instruction 2 Creating a Brain-Compatible Environment 3 Engaging, Exciting, and Energizing the Learner

4 Exploring the Learning 5 Extending and Expanding Learning for Every Student 6 Evaluating the Learning 7 Think Big, Start Small

168 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF471 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-06-0

Differentiation and the Brain How Neuroscience Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom By David A. Sousa and Carol Ann Tomlinson Examine the basic principles of differentiation in light of what current research on educational neuroscience has revealed. This research pool offers information and insights that can help educators decide whether certain curricular, instructional, and assessment choices are likely to be more effective than others. Learn how to implement differentiation so that it achieves the desired result of shared responsibility between teacher and student.

Contents 1 The Nonnegotiables of Effective Differentiation 2 Mindset, Learning Environment, and Differentiation 3 Curriculum and Differentiation 4 Classroom Assessment and Differentiation

5 Differentiating in Response to Student Readiness 6 Differentiating in Response to Student Interest 7 Differentiating in Response to Student Learning Profile 8 Managing a Differentiated Classroom

216 pages | 2010 41BCB–BKF353 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-59-7

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Instruction Building a Culture of Hope Enriching Schools With Optimism and Opportunity By Robert D. Barr and Emily L. Gibson Discover a blueprint for turning low-performing schools into Cultures of Hope! The authors draw from their own experiences working with high-poverty, high-achieving schools to illustrate how to support students with an approach that considers social as well as emotional factors.


Part One An Apartheid of Ignorance 1 Poverty Is No Excuse 2 The Tragedy of High School Dropouts 3 A Culture of Hope Part Two The Four Seeds of Hope 4 A Sense of Optimism 5 A Sense of Belonging 41BCB–BKF503 $34.95 6 A Sense of Pride, Self-Esteem, and Self-Confidence ISBN 978-1-936764-62-4 7 A Sense of Purpose

288 pages | 2013

Part Three Implementing a Culture of Hope 8 The Power of We 9 A Culture of Hope at the High School Level 10 Hope Fulfilled Appendix A Methodologies of the Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report Studies Appendix B Surveys of Students and Staff

Inclusion Strategies & Interventions By Toby J. Karten Inclusion means more than just preparing students to pass standardized tests and increasing academic levels. In inclusive classrooms, students with special educational needs are treated as integral members of the general education environment. Gain strategies to offer the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral benefits that allow all students to achieve their highest potential. 208 pages | 2010 41BCB–BKF381 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-23-7

Contents Part 1 Promoting Learning in the Inclusive Classroom 1 Understanding the Inclusive Classroom 2 Organizing for Instruction 3 Addressing Student Needs 4 Using Assessments, Accommodations, and Data Part 2 Strategies for Effective Curriculum Practice 5 Literacy and Communication

6 Mathematics 7 Social Studies and Science 8 Art, Music, and Movement 9 An Interdisciplinary Approach 10 Transitional Plans Part 3 Maintaining the Inclusive Classroom 11 Professional Collaboration 12 Honoring Inclusion Appendix A Abbreviations Appendix B Legal Aspects of Inclusion

Teaching for Diversity A Guide to Greater Understanding By Ricardo L. García 3rd Edition Explore the demographic shifts in American life and schools throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and examine the impact of these shifts on education. This book provides a powerful theoretical framework for thinking about and fostering acceptance of diversity and difference. 216 pages | 2011 | A joint publication with Phi Delta Kappa International 41BCB–BKF400 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-01-8





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What Is an American? Diversity in a Free Society Universal Education for a Free Society Honoring Culture and Self-Identity Reducing Prejudice Understanding the Achievement Gap

7 Teacher as Learning-Enabler 8 Linking Goals and Instructional Strategies 9 Developing Curricula for Diversity 10 Building Community in Diverse Classrooms

Assessment Grading and Learning Practices That Support Student Achievement By Susan M. Brookhart Grades should reflect and motivate learning. This book is relatable, relevant, and effective in improving educators’ assessment and reporting processes and supporting students’ motivation to learn. Understand how to grade individual assignments and give report card grades that accurately reflect and clearly communicate student achievement. Clear, concrete examples help translate state standards into curriculum goals.

Contents 1 All Students Can Learn 2 Grading on Standards for Achievement 3 Grading Strategies That Support and Motivate Student Effort and Learning 4 Designing and Grading Assessments to Reflect Student Achievement 5 Designing Report Card Grading Policies to Reflect Student Achievement

6 Beginning and Implementing Learning-Focused Report Card Grading Policies 7 Communicating With Students and Parents 8 Assessing Readiness for Grading Reform Conclusion Keeping the Promise

168 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF457 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-84-1

Elements of Grading A Guide to Effective Practice By Douglas B. Reeves Learn several strategies for improving grading practices, while examining the common arguments against reform. With this practical guide, you can improve grading to meet four essential criteria— accuracy, fairness, specificity, and timeliness—and also make the process quicker and more efficient. Examples, case studies, and opportunities for reflection facilitate individual and schoolwide examination of grading practices.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Grading Is Feedback The Grading Debate How to Improve Accuracy How to Improve Fairness How to Improve Specificity How to Improve Timeliness

7 Time-Saving Strategies for Busy Teachers 8 Leading Change for Effective Grading Practices Conclusion Leading Change in Grading Systems

152 pages | 2010 41BCB–BKF410 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-12-4

Embedded Formative Assessment By Dylan Wiliam Bestseller Formative assessment plays an important role in increasing teacher quality and student learning when it’s viewed as a process rather than a tool. Emphasizing the instructional side of formative assessment, this book explores in depth the use of classroom questioning, learning intentions and success criteria, feedback, collaborative and cooperative learning, and selfregulated learning to engineer effective learning environments for students.

Contents 1 Why Educational Achievement Matters 5 Providing Feedback That Moves Learning Forward 2 The Case for Formative Assessment 6 Activating Students as Instructional 3 Clarifying, Sharing, and Understanding Resources for One Another Learning Intentions and Success 7 Activating Students as Owners of Criteria Their Own Learning 4 Eliciting Evidence of Learners’ Achievement

200 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF418 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-30-7

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Assessment Ahead of the Curve The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning Edited by Douglas B. Reeves By Larry Ainsworth, Lisa Almeida, Anne Davies, Richard DuFour, Linda Gregg, Thomas R. Guskey, Robert J. Marzano, Ken O’Connor, Douglas B. Reeves, Rick Stiggins, Stephen White, and Dylan Wiliam

Bestseller This anthology brings the ideas and recommendations of many of the world’s education leaders into one resource that illustrates the many perspectives on effective assessment design and implementation. From involving students in the assessment process to ensuring accuracy and applying assessments to English learners and students with special needs, you will find compelling insights and proven strategies.


Introduction From the Bell Curve to the Mountain: A New Vision for Achievement, Assessment, and Equity Section 1 Classroom Assessment 1 Using Assessments to Improve Teaching and Learning 2 Involving Students in the Classroom Assessment Process 3 Assessment for Learning: An Essential Foundation of Productive Instruction Section 2 System-Level Assessment 280 pages | Hardcover | 2007 4 Common Formative Assessments: 41BCB–BKF232 $34.95 The Centerpiece of an Integrated ISBN 978-1-934009-06-2 Standards-Based Assessment System 5 Designing a Comprehensive Approach to Classroom Assessment 6 The Last Frontier: Tackling the Grading Dilemma

Section 3 Assessment Challenges 7 The Journey Toward Effective Assessment for English Language Learners 8 Crossing the Canyon: Helping Students With Special Needs Achieve Proficiency Section 4 Assessment Leadership 9 Content Then Process: Teacher Learning Communities in the Service of Formative Assessment 10 Data on Purpose: Due Diligence to Increase Student Achievement 11 Challenges and Choices: The Role of Educational Leaders in Effective Assessment Epilogue Once Upon a Time: A Tale of Excellence in Assessment

Common Formative Assessment A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work™ By Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

The catalyst for real student improvement begins with a decision to implement common formative assessments. In this conversational guide, the authors offer tools, templates, and protocols to incorporate common formative assessments into the practices of a PLC to monitor and enhance student learning. 144 pages | 2011

Contents 1 Getting Started as a Collaborative Team 2 Setting the Stage for Common Formative Assessments 3 Power Standards—The Essential Outcomes 4 The Unwrapping Process—Achieving Collective Clarity on Learning Targets

41BCB–BKF538 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-14-0

5 Designing Quality Common Formative Assessments 6 The Big Picture—Pacing Guides and Unit Design 7 Now What? Using Data to Make a Difference 8 Getting the Most Bang for Your Assessment Buck—Involving Students 9 Sustaining the Work Appendix Tools for Teams

Balanced Assessment From Formative to Summative By Kay Burke Learn how to integrate formative and summative assessments seamlessly into instruction. Research, rationale, strategies, and examples help teachers develop their own repertoire of assessments to monitor, grade, and gauge a student’s ability to meet standards and curriculum goals. 176 pages | 2010

1 Standards-Based Instruction and Assessment: Begin With the End in Mind 2 The Balanced Assessment Model: When Formative Meets Summative 3 Common Assessments: A Community of Assessors 4 Performance Tasks: The Key to an Engaging Curriculum 41BCB–BKF272 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-52-9





5 Checklists: Progressions of Learning 6 Rubrics: All Roads Lead to the Standards 7 Formative Assessment Tools: Real Time and Real Fast 8 Summative Assessment and Evaluation: The Last Judgment

Assessment Quality Assessment in High Schools Accounts From Teachers Edited by Anne Davies, Sandra Herbst, and Kathy Busick Discover how to increase the efficacy of your assessment practices and motivate students to take ownership of their learning. Educators from a variety of disciplines share techniques and firsthand strategies for creating systems of assessment that target student needs.


Section One Preparing for Learning, Teaching, and Assessment 1 Reading Our Students: A Foundation for Meaningful Assessment 2 Collect, Select, Reflect: Effective Use of Portfolios in the Classroom 200 pages | 2013 | A joint publication with 3 Creating the Classroom Culture Building Connections Publishing, Inc. 4 Making Assessment and Instruction Work in a Modern Language Canadian customers: Classroom Visit connect2learning.com to order. 41BCB–BKF526 $29.95 5 Mathematics: Assess to Success ISBN 978-1-935543-97-8 Section Two Activating and Engaging Learners Using Assessment 6 Assessments to Create the Foundations for Quality Work in Science Class 7 A Curmudgeon’s Guide to the Assessment Universe

8 Action Research and the Power of Peer Feedback 9 Mathematics Teachers Are Ahead of the Curve When It Comes to Assessment for Learning 10 Engaging Students in Self-Assessment Through Letter Writing Section Three Preparing to Evaluate and Report 11 Reflective Assessment in Mathematics 12 “No-Grades” Assessment 13 A Culture of Learning: Building a Community of Shared Learning Through Student Online Portfolios 14 Assessment Case Studies: IB Theory of Knowledge and Biology 15 Promoting Lifelong Learning: Creative Assessment Practices in Social Studies

Redefining Fair How to Plan, Assess, and Grade for Excellence in Mixed-Ability Classrooms By Damian Cooper Foreword by Michael Fullan

Learn how to define proficiency accurately and differentiate to help all students achieve it. Using stories, strategies, case histories, and sample documents, the author explains how to implement equitable instruction, assessment, grading, and reporting practices for diverse 21st century learners. 200 pages | 2011


Introduction Why This Book Now? 1 Why Is Differentiation Essential Today? 2 What Does “Fair” Mean in the MixedAbility Class? 3 How Should Curriculum and Assessment Connect in the MixedAbility Class? 4 How Should I Assess Students’ Needs in the Mixed-Ability Class? 41BCB–BKF412 $29.95 5 What Does Excellence Look Like in the ISBN 978-1-935542-14-8 Mixed-Ability Class?

6 How Should I Assess Learning in the Mixed-Ability Class? 7 How Should Assessment and Instruction Connect in the MixedAbility Class? 8 How Should Assessment Be Matched to Students’ Needs? 9 How Do I Grade Learning in the Mixed-Ability Class? 10 How Can I Report Effectively to Students in the Mixed-Ability Class and to Their Parents?

The Teacher as Assessment Leader Edited by Thomas R. Guskey By Cassandra Erkens, William M. Ferriter, Michelle Goodwin, Tammy Heflebower, Tom Hierck, Chris Jakicic, Sharon V. Kramer, Jeffry Overlie, Ainsley B. Rose, Nicole Vagle, and Adam Young

Discover how to improve student learning through the power of effective assessment, and realize your power to transform education from inside the classroom. Meaningful examples, expert research, and real-life experiences illustrate the capacity and responsibility every educator has to ignite positive change. Packed with practical strategies from expert practitioners for designing, analyzing, and using assessments, this book shows how to turn best practices into usable solutions.

Contents Part One Laying the Foundation of Assessment Literacy 1 Developing Our Assessment Literacy 2 Assessment That Makes Sense 3 Yes, I Can: Responsible Assessment in an Era of Accountability Part Two Collecting, Interpreting, and Reporting Data 4 Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Write Me a Test 5 Proficiency: More Than a Grade

6 Using Common Assessments in Uncommon Courses 7 Creating Equity in Classroom Assessment for English Language Learners and Students With Special Needs Part Three Involving Students in Assessment 8 Creating Confident, Capable Learners 9 Inspiring and Requiring Action 10 Engaging the Nintendo Generation 11 Differentiated Pathways to Success

280 pages | 2009 41BCB–BKF345 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-49-9

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Common Core Using Common Core Standards to Enhance Classroom Instruction & Assessment By Robert J. Marzano, David C. Yanoski, Jan K. Hoegh, and Julia A. Simms With Tammy Heflebower and Phil Warrick

Bestseller Discover how to weave an in-depth understanding of the Common Core into successful classroom practice with this two-part resource. You’ll learn how to power the standards with guided assessment and measure student progress in a way that accurately reflects learning.


Introduction The History of StandardsBased Education in the United States Part I Applying the Common Core State Standards 1 Understanding the Common Core State Standards 304 pages | 2013 | Published by Marzano 2 Teaching the Common Core State Research Laboratory Standards 41BCB–BKL015 $34.95 3 Measuring Student Performance on ISBN 978-0-9833512-9-0 the Common Core State Standards

4 Using the Common Core State Standards for Assessment and Grading Part II Scoring the Common Core State Standards Proficiency Scales for the ELA Common Core State Standards Proficiency Scales for the Mathematics Common Core State Standards

20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core Increasing Rigor in Middle & High School Classrooms By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins and Allyson J. Burnett With the advent of the Common Core State Standards and high expectations with regard to content literacy, some secondary teachers are scrambling for what to do and how to do it. This book provides an accessible plan for implementing content literacy and offers 20 research-based literacy strategies designed to help students meet those standards and become expert readers.


Part I Overview of Key Ideas and Details Strategy 1 Read-Decide-Explain Strategy 2 Show You Know Strategy 3 Prove It Strategy 4 Read Like a Detective Strategy 5 Question Like an Investigative Reporter Strategy 6 Think Like a Private Investigator Strategy 7 Snapshot Summary Strategy 8 Identify-Analyze-Summarize 328 pages | Grades 6–12 | 2012 Strategy 9 What-How-Why (Individuals) 41BCB–BKF588 $34.95 Strategy 10 What-How-Why (Events) ISBN 978-1-936764-28-0 Strategy 11 What-How-Why (Ideas)

Part II Overview of Craft and Structure Strategy 12 Quick-REACH Vocabulary Toolkit Strategy 13 Weigh the Words Strategy 14 Identify-Analyze-Relate (Problem-Solution) Strategy 15 Identify-Analyze-Relate (Cause-Effect) Strategy 16 Purpose-Content-Style Part III Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Strategy 17 Navigate-Integrate-Evaluate Strategy 18 Delineate-Evaluate-Explain Strategy 19 Analyze-Compare-Write Part IV Range of Reading and Text Complexity Strategy 20 Literacy Rehearsal

How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core 7 Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, and Brian M. Pete Bestseller Packed with examples and tools, this practical guide prepares teachers across all grade levels and content areas to teach the most critical cognitive skills from the Common Core State Standards. Discover a doable threephase model of explicit teaching, guided practice in content-based lessons, and authentic application in standards-based performance tasks that will strengthen students’ ability to learn across the curriculum. 240 pages | 2012 41BCB–BKF576 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-07-5




Contents Critical Thinking 1 Analyze 2 Evaluate 3 Problem Solve Creative Thinking 4 Generate 5 Associate 6 Hypothesize Complex Thinking 7 Clarify 8 Interpret 9 Determine Comprehensive Thinking 10 Understand

11 Infer 12 Compare and Contrast Collaborative Thinking 13 Explain 14 Develop 15 Decide Communicative Thinking 16 Reason 17 Connect 18 Represent Cognitive Transfer 19 Synthesize 20 Generalize 21 Apply

Common Core Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work™ series Edited by Timothy D. Kanold By Thomasenia Lott Adams, Harold Asturias, Diane J. Briars, John A. Carter, Juli K. Dixon, Francis (Skip) Fennell, David Foster, Mardi A. Gale, Timothy D. Kanold, Beth McCord Kobett, Matthew R. Larson, Mona Toncheff, Jonathan A. Wray, and Gwendolyn Zimmermann

These teacher guides illustrate how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Discover what students should learn and how they should learn it at each grade level. Comprehensive and research-affirmed analysis tools and strategies will help you and your collaborative team develop and assess student demonstrations of deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. You’ll also learn how fundamental shifts in collaboration, instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention can increase college and career readiness in every one of your students. 2012 | Joint publications with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Leader’s Guide 41BCB–BKF559 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-47-8

Grades K–2 41BCB–BKF566 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-97-3

Grades 3–5 Bestseller

41BCB–BKF568 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-00-6

Grades 6–8

High School

41BCB–BKF574 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-10-5

41BCB–BKF561 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-50-8

Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work™ series By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Cynthia L. Uline These teacher guides illustrate how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts in K–12 instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention practices within the powerful Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process. Teachers will discover the fundamental learning targets necessary for college and career readiness and how students can master them for each grade level. Each book includes comprehensive and research-affirmed analysis tools and strategies to help collaborative teams develop and assess student understanding. 2012 | 2013 | Joint publications with the International Reading Association

Leader’s Guide 41BCB–BKF578 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-13-6

Grades K–2

Grades 3–5

Grades 6–8

Grades 9–12

41BCB–BKF580 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-16-7

41BCB–BKF582 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-19-8

41BCB–BKF584 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-22-8

41BCB–BKF586 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-25-9

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Classroom Management and Behavior Motivating Students 25 Strategies to Light the Fire of Engagement By Carolyn Chapman and Nicole Vagle Learn why students disengage and how to motivate them to achieve success with a five-step framework. Research-based strategies and fun activities show how to instill a lasting love of learning in students of any age. Classroom tips and troubleshooting advice for common motivation problems prepare readers for the real-world ups and downs of motivating students.

Contents 1 Understanding Motivation 2 Building a Classroom Learning Community 3 Describing Planning and Learning

4 5 6 7

Finding Adventure Promoting Choice and Control Ensuring Learning Keeping the Flame Burning!

240 pages | 2010 41BCB–BKF371 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-78-8

Power Struggles Successful Techniques for Educators By Allen N. Mendler and Brian D. Mendler 2nd Edition Regain the focus of challenging students with this practical resource on classroom management, discipline, and motivation. The dedicated authors re-examine the root causes of student misbehavior and offer a range of easy-to-implement instructions and activities to prevent and defuse future disruptive moments.

Contents When Kids Push Our Buttons Prevention Strategies Intervention Strategies

Defusing Strategies Challenge Strategies Power Struggle Scenarios

96 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF480 $17.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-20-6

You’ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them Hard Facts About the Soft Skills of Student Engagement By Mary Kim Schreck Navigate the hot topic of student engagement with a true expert. Become empowered to demand an authentic joy for learning in your classroom. Real-life notes from the field, detailed discussions, practical strategies, and space for reflection complete this essential guide to student engagement. 232 pages | 2010 41BCB–BKF404 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-05-6




Contents Introduction Engagement 1 Relationships 2 Emotion 3 Environment 4 Motivation 5 Fun 6 Confidence

7 Attitudes 8 Cultural Awareness 9 Expectations 10 The Engagement Toolbox 11 Creativity 12 Soft Skills

Classroom Management and Behavior Assertive Discipline® Positive Behavior Management for Today’s Classroom By Lee Canter 4th Edition This book contains the best concepts and teacher-tested strategies by the author. New content includes a special emphasis on the needs of new and struggling teachers. The author also introduces a real-time coaching model and explains how to establish a schoolwide Assertive Discipline ® program. 176 pages | 2009


Section 1 Becoming an Effective Classroom Manager 1 You Can Be an Effective Classroom Manager 2 Develop Your Teacher Voice 3 Hold High Expectations Section 2 Developing Your Classroom Discipline Plan 4 Establish Rules 41BCB–BKF246 $24.95 5 Determine Positive Support Strategies ISBN 978-1-934009-15-4 6 Determine Corrective Actions Section 3 Teaching Responsible Behavior 7 Teach Policies and Procedures at the Beginning of the School Year 8 Develop a Responsible Behavior Curriculum

Section 4 Utilizing the Behavior Management Cycle 9 Effectively Communicate Explicit Directions 10 Utilize Behavioral Narration 11 Take Corrective Actions 12 Teach Students to Manage Their Own Behavior Section 5 Reducing Disruptive Behavior 13 Instructional Strategies That Reduce Disruptive Behavior Section 6 Working With Difficult Students 14 Build Positive Relationships With Students 15 Develop Individualized Behavior Plans 16 You Can’t Do It on Your Own

Classroom Management for Academic Success By Lee Canter This groundbreaking resource details effective management strategies you can implement from day one so that all students achieve in the classroom. Teacher-tested, research-based strategies create a classroom in which children learn free from the distraction of disruptive behavior. 304 pages | 2005


Part 1 Overview of Classroom Management for Academic Success Part 2 Empowering Beliefs and Expectations Part 3 Teaching Responsible Behavior for Academic Success at the Beginning of the School Year Part 4 The Behavior Management Cycle 41BCB–BKF624 $34.95 Part 5 Building Trusting Relationships

Part 6 The 2-Week Turnaround Program Part 7 Managing Instructional Activities to Promote Academic Success Part 8 Managing Procedures for Academic Success Part 9 Establishing Classroom Policies for Academic Success Appendix Overhead Transparencies

ISBN 978-1-936763-42-9

When Actions Speak Louder Than Words Understanding the Challenging Behaviors of Young Children and Students With Disabilities By Kim Davis and Susan D. Dixon Build your understanding of behavior as communication, and learn to interpret the messages behind the actions. This book provides information and tools to support all children whose primary way to communicate is through challenging behaviors. Enlightening, sometimes humorous stories provide examples of how children use behavior to communicate. Engaging exercises and end-of-chapter questions can be used to improve current practice.

Contents Part I Foundational Knowledge and Philosophy 1 Introduction 2 Forms of Communication 3 Functions of Communication 4 The Big Picture of Challenging Behaviors: Six Critical Questions 5 Hidden Issues

6 Disability Issues Part II Practical Strategies for Supporting Behavior 7 Supportive Learning Environments 8 Proactive Behavioral Strategies 9 Proactive Instructional Strategies 10 Reactive Strategies 11 A Child-Centered Approach

216 pages | Grades K–6 | 2009 41BCB–BKF274 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-60-4

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Literacy Rebuilding the Foundation Effective Reading Instruction for 21st Century Literacy Edited by Timothy V. Rasinski By Peter Afflerbach, Richard L. Allington, Rita M. Bean, Donald R. Bear, Camille L. Z. Blachowicz, Ruth Culham, Patricia M. Cunningham, Peter J. Fisher, Linda B. Gambrell, James V. Hoffman, Lesley Mandel Morrow, Maureen McLaughlin, Maryann Mraz, P. David Pearson, Timothy V. Rasinski, Timothy Shanahan, William H. Teale, Shane Templeton, Richard T. Vacca, Susan Watts-Taffe, and Junko Yokota

Teaching reading is a complex task without a simple formula for developing quality instruction. Rather than build on or alter existing models, this book considers how educators and policymakers might think about rebuilding and reconceptualizing reading education, perhaps from the ground up. 352 pages | Hardcover | 2011

Contents 1 Principles of Effective Reading 2 3 4

41BCB–BKF399 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-00-1 5

Instruction Motivation in the School Reading Curriculum Materials in the School Reading Curriculum Developing Effective Reading Curricula for Beginning Readers and the Primary Grades Developing Effective Reading Curricula Beyond the Primary Grades

6 Developing Effective Reading Curricula for Struggling Readers 7 Teaching Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition, and Spelling 8 Teaching Reading Fluency 9 Teaching Vocabulary 10 Teaching Comprehension 11 Reading With a Writer’s Eye 12 Content-Area Reading Instruction 13 Assessing Reading 14 The Reading Coach: Professional Development and Literacy Leadership in the School

Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives Comprehending, Analyzing, and Discussing Text By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Diane Lapp Bestseller Prompt students to become the sophisticated readers, writers, and thinkers they need to be to achieve higher learning. Explore the important relationship between text, learner, and learning, and gain an array of methods to establish critical literacy in a discussionbased and reflective classroom.

Contents Introduction Comprehension Occurs Through Text-Based Analysis and Discussion 1 Readers and Texts: Why Both Are Necessary for Understanding 2 Argumentation: Gateway to Text-Based Analysis and Discussion

3 Analyzing and Discussing Narrative Texts 4 Analyzing and Discussing Expository Texts 5 Analyzing and Discussing New-Media Texts

176 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF499 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-52-7

Literacy 2.0 Reading and Writing in 21st Century Classrooms By Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Alex Gonzalez Students in the 21st century must incorporate traditional literacy skills into a mastery of technology for communicating and collaborating in new ways. This book offers specific teaching strategies for developing students’ skills related to acquiring, producing, and sharing information. 152 pages | Grades 6–12 | 2010 41BCB–BKF373 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-80-1




Contents Introduction 2.0 Learning in a 1.0 Classroom 1 Releasing Responsibility: A Framework for Teaching and Learning 2 Finding Information: The Eternal Search

3 Using Information: Making Responsible Choices 4 Creating Information: Production in Literacy 2.0 5 Sharing Information: The World Is Your Audience 6 Present Tense and Future Tensions

Literacy 40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K–6 Students Research-Based Support for RTI By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins This well-rounded collection of researchbased reading intervention strategies will support and inform your RTI efforts. The book also includes teacher-friendly sample lesson plans and miniroutines that are easy to understand and adapt. Many of the strategies motivate average and above-average students as well as scaffold struggling readers. Maximize the power of these interventions by using them across grade-level teams or schoolwide.

Contents Part 1 Interventions for Improving Instruction Part 2 Interventions for Building Phonemic Awareness Part 3 Interventions for Building Word Identification Skills Part 4 Interventions for Building Fluency

Part 5 Interventions for Building Vocabulary Part 6 Interventions for Facilitating Comprehension Part 7 Interventions for Teaching Students to Read a Lot

352 pages | Grades K–6 | 2009 41BCB–BKF270 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-50-5

Literacy Look-Fors An Observation Protocol to Guide K–6 Classroom Walkthroughs By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins Understand the indicators of effective literacy instruction, and learn how to identify the look-fors. Literacy leaders will gain the power to bring all students to grade level, or well above, when it comes to literacy attainment. 184 pages | 2011


1 Understand the Literacy Look-Fors 2 Understand the Classroom Walkthroughs 3 Assess Your Instructional Leadership Capacity 4 Orient Your Faculty to the Look-Fors 41BCB–BKF422 $29.95 and Walkthroughs

5 Collect and Analyze Look-For Frequency Data 6 Develop, Implement, and Assess Embedded Professional Development 7 Use Team Walkthroughs to Build School Capacity

ISBN 978-1-935542-18-6

Collaborative Teacher Literacy Teams, K–6 Connecting Professional Growth to Student Achievement By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins With all the different components of literacy, planning and delivering effective literacy instruction can be overwhelming. Explore the work of collaborative literacy teams from their formation to the employment of successful studentfocused strategies. Find professional growth units in each chapter that provide educators with the opportunity to discuss key concepts, self-reflect, and remain focused on student achievement.


1 2 3 4 5

Instructional Moves Teacher-Managed Instruction Teacher With-It-Ness Student-Managed Learning Classroom Artifacts

Appendix A The Exemplars and Nonexemplars of Effective K–6 Literacy Instruction Appendix B Table of Contents for the Twenty Units

232 pages | Grades K–6 | 2012 41BCB–BKF491 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-28-5

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21st Century Skills Leading the New Literacies Digital, Media, Global Edited by Heidi Hayes Jacobs By Nitasha Chaudhuri, Michael L. Fisher, Madeleine Maceda Heide, Ann Ward Johnson, Shabbi Luthra, Jane McGee, Fiona Reynolds, Bill Sheskey, Jeanne Tribuzzi, and Brandon L. Wiley

Integrate teaching practices that incorporate digital, media, and globalbased learning with traditional learning to prepare students to succeed in a highly competitive world. Identify new literacy terms, find points of curriculum intersection, learn how to acquaint faculty with new technologies, and explore case studies featuring teachers and students operating in 21st century classrooms.

Contents 1 Curricular Intersections of the New Literacies 2 Bridging Traditional and Modern Literacy 3 Entry Points for Leading and Implementing the New Literacies

4 Getting to Superstruct: Continual Transformation of the American School of Bombay 5 Leading for Global Competence: A Schoolwide Approach

184 pages | 2013 41BCB–BKF441 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-60-0

Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy series Edited by Heidi Hayes Jacobs The authors explain three “new literacies”—digital, media, and global—and provide practical tips for incorporating these literacies into the traditional curriculum.

Explore our new Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy series for practical implementation guidance and literacy tools. 41BCB–KTF130 $88.95

Buy the series and save 15%! solution-tree.com/Resources-CPL

Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age By Alan November Discover how technology allows students to take ownership of their learning, create and share learning tools, and participate in meaningful work. 104 pages | 2012 41BCB–BKF437 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-57-5


1 2 3 4

Welcome to the Digital Learning Farm The Student as Tutorial Designer The Student as Scribe The Student as Researcher

5 The Student as Global Communicator and Collaborator 6 Joining Forces in Purposeful Work: The Legacy of Student Contribution

The Global School Connecting Classrooms and Students Around the World By William Kist Prepare students for an increasingly flat world where diverse people from divergent cultures learn and work together rather than in isolation. Learn specific steps to globalize your classroom and encourage higher-order thinking, all wrapped in a 21st century skills framework. 128 pages | 2012 41BCB–BKF570 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-69-5




Contents 1 What Is Global Education? 2 The World Within Your Classroom 3 The World Across Classrooms

4 The Classroom in the World 5 Getting Started

21st Century Skills Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills By Robert J. Marzano and Tammy Heflebower In this clear, practical guide, the authors present a model of instruction and assessment based on a combination of cognitive skills (skills students will need to succeed academically) and conative skills (skills students will need to succeed interpersonally) necessary for the 21st century. 264 pages | 2011 | Published by Marzano Research Laboratory 41BCB–BKL009 $34.95

Contents 1 The Status of the 21st Century 2 Research and Theory Part I Cognitive Skills 3 Analyzing and Utilizing Information 4 Addressing Complex Problems and Issues 5 Creating Patterns and Mental Models

Part II Conative Skills 6 Understanding and Controlling Oneself 7 Understanding and Interacting With Others 8 Assessment Appendix A Answers to Comprehension Questions Appendix B Scales for 21st Century Skills

ISBN 978-0-9833512-0-7

Classroom Habitudes Teaching Habits and Attitudes for 21st Century Learning By Angela Maiers Revised Edition Learn how to use the content you already teach to challenge students to think critically, collaborate with others, solve new problems, and adapt to change across new learning contexts. Help students build the seven habitudes they need to succeed.


Introduction Redefining Success in the 21st Century 1 Nurturing Genius: A Framework for Teaching and Learning the Habitudes 2 Imagination 3 Curiosity 160 pages | Grades K–8 | 2012 4 Self-Awareness 41BCB–BKF542 $24.95 5 Perseverance

6 Courage 7 Passion 8 Adaptability 9 Closing Thoughts Appendix A The Habitudes Notebook Appendix B Habitudes Pre- and Postassessment

ISBN 978-1-935542-62-9

The Connected Educator Learning and Leading in a Digital Age By Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall Create a connected learning community through social media and rediscover the power of being a learner first. The authors show you how to take advantage of technology to collaborate with other educators and deepen the learning of your students. 208 pages | 2011


1 Defining the Connected Educator 2 Developing a Connected Learning Model 3 Learning to Learn 4 Building a Collaborative Culture 5 Using Tools to Support Connected Learning 41BCB–BKF478 $29.95 6 Building Your Connected Learning ISBN 978-1-935543-17-6 Community 7 Sustaining the Momentum

8 Transforming Leadership for a Connected World 9 What the Future Holds Appendix A Research Base for the Connected Learning Community Model Appendix B Scale in Action Appendix C Common Diigo and Twitter Hashtags

Creating a Digital-Rich Classroom Teaching & Learning in a Web 2.0 World By Meg Ormiston Design and deliver standards-based lessons in which technology plays an integral role. This book provides a research base and practical strategies for using web 2.0 tools to create engaging lessons that transform and enrich content. 160 pages | 2010


Introduction It’s a Web 2.0 World 1 Today’s Classrooms 2 Active Learning in the Classroom 3 Technology to Support Teaching and Learning 4 Developing a Digital-Rich Curriculum 5 Must-Have Technology for the Ideal 41BCB–BKF385 $19.95 Classroom ISBN 978-1-935249-87-0

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6 Web 2.0 Classroom: A Virtual Field Trip 7 Changing Professional Development Epilogue Looking Forward Appendix A Compendium of Web 2.0 Tools and Related Resources



21st Century Skills Personal Learning Networks Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education By Will Richardson and Rob Mancabelli


The Internet connects us in unprecedented ways. To prepare students to flourish in this new learning world, schools will need to transform themselves in important ways. This book is a road map for any educator thinking about using the web for learning. Build your own learning network, and use learning networks in the classroom and schoolwide to improve student outcomes.

Contents 4 Becoming a Networked School Introduction The Power of Networked Learning 5 Ensuring Success of Learning Network Adoption 1 Understanding the Power of PLNs Epilogue The Future of Schooling 2 Becoming a Networked Learner 3 Implementing a Networked Classroom

168 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF484 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-27-5

21st Century Skills Rethinking How Students Learn Edited by James A. Bellanca and Ron Brandt By John Barell, Linda Darling-Hammond, Chris Dede, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Douglas Fisher, Robin J. Fogarty, Nancy Frey, Howard Gardner, Andy Hargreaves, David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, Ken Kay, Cheryl Lemke, Jay McTighe, Alan November, Bob Pearlman, Brian M. Pete, Douglas B. Reeves, Will Richardson, and Elliott Seif Foreword by Ken Kay

This anthology introduces the Framework for 21st Century Learning from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills as a way to re-envision learning and prepare students for a rapidly evolving global and technological world. Highly respected education leaders and innovators focus on why these skills are necessary, which are most important, and how to best help schools include them in curriculum and instruction.


408 pages | Hardcover | 2010


41BCB–BKF389 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-90-0


1 2 3 4

6 7

21st Century Skills: Why They Matter, What They Are, and How We Get There Five Minds for the Future New Policies for 21st Century Demands Comparing Frameworks for 21st Century Skills The Role of Professional Learning Communities in Advancing 21st Century Skills The Singapore Vision: Teach Less, Learn More Designing New Learning Environments to Support 21st Century Skills An Implementation Framework to Support 21st Century Skills

8 Problem-Based Learning: The Foundation for 21st Century Skills 9 Cooperative Learning and Conflict Resolution: Essential 21st Century Skills 10 Preparing Students for Mastery of 21st Century Skills 11 Innovation Through Technology 12 Technology Rich, Information Poor 13 Navigating Social Networks as Learning Tools 14 A Framework for Assessing 21st Century Skills Afterword Leadership, Change, and Beyond the 21st Century Skills Agenda

Teaching the iGeneration 5 Easy Ways to Introduce Essential Skills With Web 2.0 Tools By William M. Ferriter and Adam Garry Find the natural overlap between the work you already believe in and the digital tools that define tomorrow’s learning. Each chapter introduces an enduring life skill and a digital solution to enhance traditional skill-based instructional practices. A collection of handouts and supporting materials ends each chapter. 256 pages | 2010 41BCB–BKF393 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-93-1




Contents Introduction The iGeneration 1 Managing Information in the 21st Century 2 Writing Open Letters to World Leaders

3 Telling Powerful Visual Stories 4 Studying Challenging Topics Together 5 Collaborating to Solve Problems Appendix Technology Permission Slip

English Learners Breaking Through Effective Instruction & Assessment for Reaching English Learners Edited by Margarita Calderón By Barbara D. Acosta, Laura Alvarez, Kristina Anstrom, Margarita Calderón, Sarah Capitelli, Jim Cummins, Claude Goldenberg, Joel Gómez, Margo Gottlieb, Elena Izquierdo, Okhee Lee, Liliana Minaya-Rowe, Alba A. Ortiz, Charlene Rivera, Robert E. Slavin, Maria N. Trejo, and Guadalupe Valdés

Utilizing new research and field studies, this book provides a whole-school approach to helping English learners achieve academically while they learn English. Discover why ELs learn better when language, literacy, and subject matter are integrated, and learn how to prepare all teachers in a school to meet the needs of this growing student population.


1 Why We Need a New Way of Schooling Language-Minority Children 2 Effective Whole-School Teaching for English Learners 3 Research on English Learner Instruction 4 Whole-School Approaches to Academic Language Proficiency Among English Learners 288 pages | Hardcover | 2012 5 Educating English Learners: An Integrated Perspective 41BCB–BKF552 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-36-2 6 Effective Teaching for ELs and All Students: Vocabulary, Reading, and Writing Within All Subjects 7 Teaching Science With English Language and Literacy

8 Linking Literacy to Content in Preschool Math, Science, and Social Science 9 Common Instructional Assessment for English Learners: A Whole-School Effort 10 Response to Intervention for English Learners 11 Leadership Matters for Learning English and Learning in English 12 Building Communities of Practice in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse School Districts 13 Implementing the Change

Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5 By Margarita Calderón Address the language, literacy, and content instructional needs of English learners. This book will help raise achievement for ELs through new instructional strategies and assessment processes. 176 pages | Grades K–5 | 2011 41BCB–BKF402 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-03-2

Contents 1 The Diversity of Students and Programs 2 RTI and Quality Instruction 3 The Educational Needs of Young ELs 4 The Most Critical Year: First Grade 5 Selecting Words to Teach

6 7 8 9

Teaching Vocabulary Teaching Reading Teaching Writing Ensuring and Reinforcing Comprehension 10 Cooperative Learning

Common Language Assessment for English Learners By Margo Gottlieb With this step-by-step guide, you’ll find organizing principles, lead questions, and action steps on how to evaluate common language assessments for your English learners. 192 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF352 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-57-3

Contents Introduction Breaking Ground on Common 4 Phase III—Refinement Language Assessment 5 Phase IV—Inspection 1 Common Language Assessment 6 Phase V—Maintenance 2 Phase I—Planning 3 Phase II—Design

Implementing RTI With English Learners By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Carol Rothenberg

160 pages | 2010


1 Success With English Learners: It All Comes Down to Language 2 Tier 1: An Opportunity to Learn 3 Using Data to Rally Resources 4 Tier 2: Supplemental Interventions 41BCB–BKF397 $24.95 That Build Language and Content ISBN 978-1-935249-97-9 Knowledge

5 Tier 3: Intensive Interventions and Decisions About Learning Language Versus Learning Disability 6 Commitment to RTI: A Framework for Success 11WINNER 20

aep IN


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Learn why RTI is the ideal framework for supporting English learners. Follow the application and effectiveness of RTI through the stories of four representative students.



Response to Intervention Pyramid Response to Intervention RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber Foreword by Richard DuFour

Bestseller Accessible language and compelling stories illustrate how RTI is most effective when built on the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process. Written by awardwinning educators, this book details three tiers of interventions—from basic to intensive—and includes implementation ideas. 248 pages | 2008

Contents 1 What Is Pyramid Response to Intervention? 2 The Facts About RTI 3 RTI Models 4 Laying the Foundation: A Professional Learning Community 5 Learning CPR 6 Tier 1: The Core Program

7 Tier 2: The Supplemental Level 8 Tier 3: The Intensive Level 9 The Role of Behavioral Interventions 10 Meeting Legal Requirements 11 Putting It All Together Epilogue A Moral Responsibility

41BCB–BKF251 $27.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-33-8

Simplifying Response to Intervention Four Essential Guiding Principles By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber Bestseller The sequel to Pyramid Response to Intervention advocates that a successful RTI model begins by asking the right questions to create a fundamentally effective learning environment for every student. RTI is not a series of implementation steps, but rather a way of thinking. Understand why bureaucratic, paperwork-heavy, compliance-oriented, test-score-driven approaches fail. Then, learn how to create a focused RTI model that works.

Contents Preface A Sense of Urgency 1 A New Way of Thinking 2 Collective Responsibility: Why Are We Here? 3 Building Structures for Collaboration 4 Concentrated Instruction: Where Do We Need to Go?

5 Convergent Assessment: Where Are We Now? 6 Creating a System of Interventions 7 Certain Access: How Do We Get Every Child There? Epilogue A New Vision of Special Education

232 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF506 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-65-7

RTI in Math Practical Guidelines for Elementary Teachers By William N. Bender and Darlene Crane This map of the RTI process offers an overview of research, detailed guidance through each stage of implementation, tools for teacher reflection and growth, and discussion of support strategies beyond the classroom. The authors analyze a variety of common student difficulties in elementary math and apply a three-tier RTI model to the general education classroom. 216 pages | Grades K–5 | 2010 41BCB–BKF279 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-54-3




Contents 1 The RTI Process in Elementary Mathematics 2 Tier 1 Mathematics Instruction: A Critical Component of RTI 3 RTI Procedures for Number Sense and Early Mathematics Skills

4 RTI Procedures in Elementary Mathematics 5 RTI and Problem Solving 6 PLC Support Strategies for Schooland Districtwide RTI Procedures in Mathematics

Response to Intervention Beyond the RTI Pyramid Solutions for the First Years of Implementation By William N. Bender This book helps schools deepen the RTI experience by extending the processes beyond initial implementation. Examples from real schools show how to apply RTI in reading, math, and behavior at elementary and secondary schools. 232 pages | 2009

Contents 1 Beyond the RTI Pyramid 2 RTI Planning and Implementation for the Early Years 3 Teacher Time and Resources for RTI 4 The RTI Process in Mathematics

5 The RTI Process and Behavior Problems 6 RTI in Middle and High Schools 7 Speech Language Pathologists, Psychologists, and Special Educators: Changing Roles in RTI

41BCB–BKF280 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-12-3

Pyramid of Behavior Interventions Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment By Tom Hierck, Charlie Coleman, and Chris Weber Students thrive when educators commit to proactively meeting their behavioral as well as academic needs. This book will help teachers and school leaders transform the research on behavior, response to intervention, and professional learning communities into practical strategies they can use to create a school culture and classroom climates in which learning is primed to occur.

Contents Introduction This We Believe 1 Creating a Positive Learning Environment 2 Common Expectations 3 Targeted Instruction and Positive Reinforcement

4 Support Strategies and Interventions 5 Collaborative Teams and Data-Driven Dialogue 6 A Schoolwide Systems Approach

132 pages | 2011 41BCB–BKF532 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-06-5

RTI in Middle and High Schools By William N. Bender Perhaps more than any other single initiative, response to intervention is likely to restructure how middle and high school teachers teach in a very profound way. This timely and targeted resource discusses the innovations of RTI, differentiated instruction, and instructional technologies. Based on numerous real-world case studies, this book explores solutions for the complex challenges the RTI implementation process brings.

Contents 1 Response to Intervention: A Catalyst for Change 2 Existing RTI Structures in Middle and High Schools 3 Differentiating Instruction in Middle and High School Classes 4 Developing Tier 1 Differentiated Instructional Lessons for Middle and High School Classes

5 Supporting RTI and Differentiated Instruction With Modern Instructional Technologies 6 RTI and Differentiation in Reading 7 RTI and Differentiation in Writing 8 RTI and Differentiation in Mathematics Epilogue Moving Into RTI and Differentiated Instruction

248 pages | Grades 6–12 | 2011 41BCB–BKF271 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-51-2

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Professional Learning Communities at Work™ Cultures Built to Last Systemic PLCs at Work™ By Richard DuFour and Michael Fullan Bestseller Take your professional learning community to the next level! Discover a systemwide approach for re-envisioning your PLC while sustaining growth and continuing momentum on your journey. You’ll move beyond pockets of excellence while allowing every person to be an instrument of lasting cultural change.

Contents Introduction Systemic PLCs 1 Clarity Precedes Competence 2 Creating Coherence and Clarity 3 The Loose-Tight Dilemma

4 The Loose-Tight System in Action 5 Sustaining the Improvement Process Afterword Thinking (and Doing) Bigger

104 pages | 2013 41BCB–BKF579 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-74-7

Building a Professional Learning Community at Work™ A Guide to the First Year By Parry Graham and William M. Ferriter Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

This play-by-play guide to implementing PLC concepts uses a story to focus each chapter. The authors analyze the story, highlighting good decisions and mistakes. They offer research behind best practice and wrap up each chapter with practical recommendations and tools.


Prologue A New Beginning Part I Summer: Committing to a Common Purpose 1 Starting With a Vision 2 Empowering the Core Team Part II Fall: Building a Team 3 Creating Trust 41BCB–BKF273 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-59-8 4 Supporting Team Development Part III Winter: Weathering the Challenges

240 pages | 2009

5 Negotiating Personalities and Conflict 6 Experiencing Frustration Part IV Spring: Looking Forward 7 Connecting Data Analysis and Instructional Improvement 8 Building a Collective Intelligence Epilogue Equal Parts Looking Back and Looking Forward

Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap Whatever It Takes By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Gayle Karhanek Bestseller This expansion of Whatever It 4 Sustaining Excellence: A Return to Adlai Stevenson High School Takes uses case studies to sharpen the focus on the pyramid of interventions 5 Hand in Hand We All Learn: A Return to Boones Mill Elementary School strategy, present new insights, and explain how PLC intervention processes 6 Embracing Systematic Intervention: Prairie Star Middle School align with RTI legislation. 7 Success and Triumph in a Worthy Endeavor: Lakeridge Junior High School 8 From State Sanctions to National Contents Recognition: Highland Elementary 1 The Shifting Mission of Public Schooling: School Establishing the Historical Context 9 Building Toward the F.U.T.U.R.E.: 2 Laying the Groundwork for Effective Cinco Ranch High School Intervention 10 From Good to Great: Implementation 3 Confronting the Brutal Facts: The of PLC Concepts in Kildeer Traditional Response to Students Who Countryside Community Consolidated Do Not Learn School District 96 256 pages | 2009

41BCB–BKF378 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-84-9




11 Whatever It Takes—Staying the Course: Whittier Union High School District 12 Under No Circumstances Blame the Kids: Sanger Unified School District 13 “Yah, but . . .”: Considering Challenges to Systematic Intervention 14 Finding Common Ground: The Shared Practices of Highly Effective Schools and Districts 15 Whatever It Takes: How Effective Schools and Districts Overcome Barriers to Systematic Intervention and Enrichment 16 Changing the Culture of Schooling to Embrace Effort-Based Enrichment 17 Moving Forward: Planning for Effective Intervention

Professional Learning Communities at Work™ Learning by Doing A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work™ By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas W. Many Bestseller 2nd Edition This book is an action guide for closing the knowingdoing gap and transforming schools into PLCs. It includes seven major additions that equip educators with essential tools for confronting challenges. 296 pages | 2010


1 A Guide to Action for Professional Learning Communities at Work™ 2 A Clear and Compelling Purpose 3 Creating a Focus on Learning 4 How Will We Respond When Some Students Don’t Learn? 41BCB–BKF416 $34.95 5 Building the Collaborative Culture of a ISBN 978-1-935542-09-4 Professional Learning Community 6 Creating a Results Orientation in a Professional Learning Community

7 Using Relevant Information to Improve Results 8 Implementing the PLC Process Districtwide 9 Consensus and Conflict in a Professional Learning Community 10 The Complex Challenge of Creating Professional Learning Communities

Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work™ New Insights for Improving Schools By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, and Robert Eaker Bestseller This 10th-anniversary sequel to the authors’ best-selling book Professional Learning Communities at Work™: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement merges research, practice, and passion. The most extensive, practical, and authoritative PLC resource to date, it goes further than ever before into best practices for deep implementation, explores the commitment/consensus issue, and celebrates successes of educators who are making the journey. 544 pages | 2008 41BCB–BKF252 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-32-1

Contents 1 New Insights Into Professional Learning Communities at Work™ 2 The Rise and Fall of School Reform 3 Making the Case for Professional Learning Communities 4 The Challenge of Cultural Change 5 Clear Mission and Shared Vision 6 Shared Values (Collective Commitments) and Common Goals 7 Teaching in a Professional Learning Community 8 Assessment in a Professional Learning Community

9 A Tale of Excellence in Assessment 10 Intervention and Enrichment in a Professional Learning Community 11 The Classroom as a Learning Community 12 The Role of the Principal in a Professional Learning Community 13 The Role of the Central Office in a Professional Learning Community 14 The Role of Parents and the Community in a Professional Learning Community 15 Sustaining the Professional Learning Community Journey

On Common Ground The Power of Professional Learning Communities Edited by Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Rebecca DuFour By Roland Barth, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, Barbara Eason-Watkins, Michael Fullan, Lawrence W. Lezotte, Douglas B. Reeves, Jonathon Saphier, Mike Schmoker, Dennis Sparks, and Rick Stiggins

Bestseller This anthology presents the recommendations of education leaders, and each chapter contributes to a sound conceptual framework and offers specific strategies for developing PLCs. These leaders have found common ground in expressing their belief in the power of PLCs although clear differences emerge regarding their perspectives on the most effective strategy for making PLCs the norm in North America.

Contents Section 1 Overview of PLCs 1 Recurring Themes of Professional Learning Communities and the Assumptions They Challenge 2 What Is a Professional Learning Community? Section 2 Critical Questions of PLCs

3 Putting It All Together: Standards, Assessment, and Accountability in Successful Professional Learning Communities 272 pages | Hardcover | 2005 41BCB–BKF180 $34.95 4 Assessment FOR Learning: Building a ISBN 978-1-932127-42-3 Culture of Confident Learners 5 Masters of Motivation 6 Turning Book Burners Into Lifelong Learners

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Section 3 Creating PLCs 7 No Turning Back: The Ironclad Case for Professional Learning Communities 8 Leading for Transformation in Teaching, Learning, and Relationships Section 4 Placing PLCs in a Broader Context 9 More Effective Schools: Professional Learning Communities in Action 10 Implementing PLCs in the Chicago Public Schools 11 Professional Learning Communities Writ Large Section 5 A Call to Action 12 Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap



Leadership Leaders of Learning How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement By Richard DuFour and Robert J. Marzano Bestseller Together, the authors focus on district leadership, principal leadership, and team leadership and address how individual teachers can be most effective in leading students—by learning with colleagues how to implement the most promising pedagogy in their classrooms. NA 12 FI LIST 20





1 School Improvement Means People Improvement 2 The District’s Role in Supporting the PLC Process 3 The Principal’s Role in Leading a Professional Learning Community 4 Creating the Collaborative Culture of a Professional Learning Community

5 Developing a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum 6 Ongoing Monitoring of Student Learning 7 Ensuring Effective Instruction 8 Responding When Kids Don’t Learn 9 Leadership Is an Affair of the Heart

41BCB–BKF455 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-66-7




248 pages | 2011





District Leadership That Works Striking the Right Balance By Robert J. Marzano and Timothy Waters Bridge the divide between administrative duties and daily classroom impact with a leadership mechanism called defined autonomy. Learn strategies for creating district-defined goals while giving building-level staff the stylistic freedom to respond quickly and effectively to student failure.

Contents 1 Does District Leadership Matter? 5 Collaborative Goal Setting, Board Alignment, and Allocation of 2 Putting Our Findings in Perspective Resources 3 Setting and Monitoring Nonnegotiable 6 Defined Autonomy in a High-Reliability Goals for Achievement District 4 Setting and Monitoring Nonnegotiable 7 The Perils and Promises of SecondGoals for Instruction Order Change

176 pages | 2009 | A joint publication with McREL 41BCB–BKF314 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-19-1

Change Wars Edited by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan By Michael Barber, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Elmore, Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves, Jonathan Jansen, Ben Levin, Pedro Noguera, Douglas B. Reeves, Andreas Schleicher, Dennis Shirley, James Spillane, and Marc Tucker

What can organizations do to create profound, enduring changes? International experts prove successful change can be a realistic goal and then explore constructive alternatives to traditional change strategies. Examine their theories-in-action on how to achieve deep change.


Introduction Change Wars: A Hopeful Struggle 1 The Fourth Way of Change: Towards an Age of Inspiration and Sustainability 2 Teaching and the Change Wars: The Professionalism Hypothesis 3 From System Effectiveness to System 304 pages | Hardcover | 2008 Improvement: Reform Paradigms and 41BCB–BKF254 $34.95 Relationships ISBN 978-1-934009-31-4 4 International Benchmarking as a Lever for Policy Reform 5 Industrial Benchmarking: A Research Method for Education 6 The Music of Democracy: Emerging Strategies for a New Era of Post-Standardization




7 Preparing for the New Majority: How Schools Can Respond to Immigration and Demographic Change 8 When Politics and Emotion Meet: Educational Change in Racially Divided Communities 9 Engaging Practice: School Leadership and Management From a Distributed Perspective 10 Institutions, Improvement, and Practice 11 Level-Five Networks: Making Significant Change in Complex Organizations 12 Reform Without (Much) Rancor 13 Have Theory, Will Travel: A Theory of Action for System Change

Leadership School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core Achieving Results Through Rigor and Relevance By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, Brian M. Pete, and Rebecca L. Stinson Implement the Common Core State Standards with downloadable reproducibles, lists of resources to support the topics affected, discussion questions, and relevant information to share with your colleagues. Explore the background of the standards and the changes necessary to meet them.

Contents 1 The Shift to Common Core: Transitioning or Transforming Your School 2 The Shift in Implementation: Sustaining Professional Learning

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Coaching Classroom Instruction By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms With Tom Roy, Tammy Heflebower, and Phil Warrick

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Transforming School Culture How to Overcome Staff Division By Anthony Muhammad Foreword by Richard DuFour

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Leadership Working With Difficult & Resistant Staff By John F. Eller and Sheila A. Eller To move forward in the school improvement process, school leaders must address the behaviors of difficult and resistant staff members while sending the message that a few people cannot halt change. This book will help school leaders understand how to prevent and address negative behaviors to ensure positive school change.

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